Jackson Webber VSim

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List in order of priority your initial nursing actions identified for Jackson Weber
based on physical findings and family interaction.
Possible answers related to seizure activity should include: 1) Ensure safety
measures are in place for Jackson; 2) maintain patent airway; 3) administer
oxygen via appropriate device (nonrebreather); 4) notify primary care
provider; 5) administer medications.


What complications might Jackson Weber face if his symptoms are not
recognized and treated in a timely manner?
Possible answers include but are not limited to: Physical harm, respiratory
distress, and neurological damage.

What seizure precautions should be taken by the nurse in anticipation
of and at the onset of Jackson Webers seizure? How might such precautions
vary from hospital to hospital?
Possible answers include but are not limited to: In anticipation of a seizure,
pad the side rails and other hard objects near the child, keep the side rails
raised at all times when the child is in the bed, keep oxygen and suction
equipment at the bedside, supervise the child at all times (but especially
during bathing, ambulating, or when engaging in other potentially hazardous
activities), have the child wear a protective helmet, and apply a medical alert
bracelet. During the seizure, time the onset and end of the seizure, move the
child to the floor if standing or sitting, loosen tight clothing and jewelry, place
the child on his side and open the airway, remove hazards, document the
length and characteristics of the seizure, and remain with the child until he is
fully conscious. Some hospitals no longer recommend padding the side rails
due to the risk of suffocation.

List additional support and health care team members to include to improve
the quality of care and to prevent reoccurrence of seizure activity and future
hospitalizations for Jackson Weber.
Possible answers include but are not limited to: Social worker to address
financial needs, pharmacist, home health nurse, school nurse, child life
specialist, and service dog.

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