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Structural Funds

Bulletin No. 1
May 2011

Investing in your future!

Romania Republic of Serbia IPA Crossborder Cooperation Programme is financed by the European
Union under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) and co-financed by the partner states in
the programme.

Project title: Cultural Heritage in Everyday Life in the Border Areas

Material editor: Goran Nikoli
Publishing date: 5/5/2011
The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the
European Union. In case of any complaints, contact:

Cultural Heritage in Everyday Life

in the Border Areas

Romania-Republic of Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme

Our project will promote contacts and cooperation between people in South Banat
region in Serbia and Timi region in Romania. In this educational and cultural exchange various
groups of people will get in contact and will work together in the activities of the project.
First, teachers of history and Romanian and Serbian languages from two schools will get in
contact and will collaborate in mentoring students, organizing actions and participating
in them, and preparing
the reports and
publications in the
program. At the same
time they will exchange
their experience and
methods in teaching.
Young people, students
from Serbia and
Romania will together
visit villages and
collaborate in all other
project activities. In
that way young people
from two regions will
get in close contact
by working together
on the activities.
Moreover, elder people
from the villages will
be involved in the
activities. Namely, the young people and their teachers will talk with elder people in
villages. The more balanced and sustainable socioeconomic development of the RomanianSerbian border area in this project will be achieved by involving the people on the both
sides of the border in joint activities that will be similar in both regions, South Banat
and Timi. The activities will be performed in order to protect language and customs of
the minorities, Serbs in Timi region in Romania and Romanians in South Banat region in
Serbia, as a cultural heritage.

The led partner is Grammar
School Borislav Petrov Braca from
South Banat region in Serbia. Our main
implementing partners are two high
schools from Rumania: College Constantin
Diaconovic Loga and Grammar School
Dositej Obradovic from Timisoara. The
first one have educational process in
Romanian and the second one on Serbian


The final results of the project will be several publications: bulletins, anthology
of interesting stories, bilingual lexicon, and short films. These documents will have
long lasting impact for the preservation and promotion of the cultural heritage in the
border regions. The participation in the organized workshops leads to an insight of the
trends in the language and culture and also enables better knowledge about the history.
Students will gain better knowledge, while the teachers will be involved in professional
development leading to higher quality of their work. Consequently, the implementation
of the knowledge and the skills gained during the workshops, and other activities will
have effects for a long run. There will be also influence on the families of the high school
students, and the audience of the performances. The similar actions of joint cultural
activities can be undertaken in the future, covering number of participants on the both
sides of the border, since the former similar activities were financially supported by state
institutions on different levels. At the institution level, there is already collaboration of the
secondary schools from the three border regions: South Banat, Timis and Caras Severin.
The same institutional collaboration is realised with the West University from Timisoara.
The former activities, financial support and institution collaboration are a good guarantee
that cooperation in the filed of education of the border regions will not be limited by the
duration of the project.

Romania-Republic of Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme

Activities within the project are
constantly registered and the information
gathered make a good basis for website
presentation. On our site one is able to find
everything concerned the project both in
Serbian and Romanian language.

The carrier of the project, school
in Vrac, is the principle coordinator

responsible for the creation of website

which is constantly updated taking into
consideration suggestions of partner schools.
On the other hand, partner schools will
be always welcomed with their registered
activities, new data, and possible changes
relevant to the creation of a good site.

Ovim projektom elimo da sauvamo obiaje manjina sa obe strane granice, u
Timiu, Kara-Severinu i Junom Banatu. Istraivake grupe e sakupljati i analizirati jezik,
pesme i obiaje, kao kulturno naslee manjina u pograninim regionima, i promovisae
ga kroz publikacije i javne manifestacije.


Project Team

Manager of the
project - Milan Zari
Assistant of the
project manager dr Sneana Zari
Technical secretary
- Svetlana Nikoli
Mentor for jargon
research - mr Todor
Mentor for history
research - Neven
Mentor for Serbian
language research Danijela Mare ilas

Tim projekta

Menader projekta - Milan

Asistent menadera
projekta - dr Sneana Zari
Tehniki sekretar - Svetlana
Mentor za istraivanje
argona - mr Todor Groza
Mentor za istraivanje
istorije - Neven Danii Mentor for preparing
Mentor za istraivanje
and editing materials
srpskog jezika - Danijela - Goran Nikoli
Mare ilas
Financial staff Mentor za pripremu i
Jovanka Petrov
montau mater. - Goran Expert for music Nikoli
Executive Coordinator

Raunovoa Jovanka Petrov

Muziki ekspert Izvrni
koordinator dr Alexandru
Mentor za
- dr Alexandru
rumunski jezik Radovan
Mentor for Romanian Alexandra Ivanica
Mentor za
language research istraivanje
Alexandra Ivanica
Mentor for folk songs narodnih pesama Tihomir Milin
research - Tihomir
Project Coordinator - projekta - Steva
Steva Perinat

In every school students research groups are formed:

Grammar School Borislav Petrov Braca from Vrac:
Group for everyday Serbian language of Serbs in Romania
Group for everyday life of Serbs in Romania nowdays and in the past
Group for folk songs of Serbs in Romania
Group for helping students from Loga in research in Serbia and to study jargon in
C. D. Loga in Romania (students of Romanian nationality)
Group for recording, preparing and editing films, and preparing material for printing
Gimnazija u Vrcu:
grupu za svakodnevnui srpski govorni jezik Srba u Rumuniji
grupu za svakodnevni ivoti Srba u Rumuniji u prolosti i sadanjosti
grupu za narodne pesame Srba u Rumuniji
za ispomo uenicima Loge u istraivanjima u Srbiji i istraivanje argona u Koledu
C. D. Loga u Rumuniji (uenici rumunske nacionalnosti) i
za snimanje, obradu, montau i pripremu za tampu (svih istraivakih grupa)

Romania-Republic of Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme


College Constantin Diaconovic Loga from Timisoara:

Koled C. D. Loga u Temivaru:

Group for everyday Romanian language of Romanians

in Serbia
Group for everyday life of Romanians in Serbia
nowdays and in the past
Group for folk songs of Romanians in Serbia
Group for recording, preparing and mounting films,
and preparing material for printing
Grammar School Dositej Obradovic from

Group for helping students from Vrac

in research in Romania
Group to study jargon in Borislav Petrov
Braca in Serbia

In preparing the research every research

group with coordination of the teacher

(mentor) defined the methodology of the

research taking account the activities
and the aims of the project. The groups
maked the list of the questions and maked
the instructions for study of archives. The
detailed plan were made for every group
that will include: tasks for every member
of the group, places where research will be
done, time of the research, methodology of
the research, and details about collaboration
with the partner.

grupu za svakodnevni rumunski govorni

jeziki Rumuna u Srbiji
grupu za svakodnevni ivot Rumuna u
Srbiji u prolosti i sadanjosti
grupu za narodne pesame Rumuna u
Srbiji, kao i grupu
za snimanje, obradu i montau
(istraivakih grupa iz Loge)

Srpska teoretska gimnazija Dositej

Obradovi u Temivaru:

grupu za ispomo uenicima Vrake

gimnazije u istraivanjima u Rumuniji
(uenici srpske nacionalnosti)
grupu za istarivanje argona u Vrakoj
gimnaziji u Srbiji (uenici na srpskom
nastavnom jeziku)

Svaka istraivaka grupa je uz
koordinaciju profesora mentora utvrdila
metodologiju istraivanja s obzirom na
projektne zadatke. Sastavljene su ankete,
pitanja za intervjue, izraena su uputstva
za prouavanje arhivske grae. Svaka grupa
je izradila precizan plan istraivanja koji
obuhvata: konkretna zaduenja svakog
lana istraivake grupe, vremensku
artikulaciju, mesta istarivanja, nain rada
I nain saradnje sa partnerom.

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