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While Viewing & A | Lookat the problems you listed in exercise A in the Before Viewing section. Watch the video. Cheok the problem(s) the video talks about. 5 B | Viewing for Main Ideas. Watch the video again. What do the farmers do to keep elephants out of their gardens? Check (W) Yes for the things you see and No for the things you don't see. Solutions to the Elephant Problem 1. They dig deep holes for the elephants to fall into. 2. They build fences around the gardens to keep the elephents out. 3, They shine lights at the elephants and make a lot of noise. 4, They use guns fo shoot atthe elephants. 5, They put the elephants in trucks and take them far away. 6. They grow food for the elephants outside of the gardens. After Viewing Lake Goss Mai has ne rain for many mons ofthe yar Yes No A | Complete each sentence using the passive voice of the verb in parentheses, The water: 2. Water. The elephants a little food available during the dry season. 4, Last night was a nightmare for the farmers. Many crops and trees 5. The same struggle every year since Omar was a child. (destroy) 4228 B | Critical Thinking. Form a group with two or three other students. Look at your answers to exercise B in the While Viewing section. There are six ideas in the lst, but the farmers don't try all of them. Disouss the other ideas. Why do you think the farmers don't try these ideas? (repeat) {share} between the people and the elephants. {carry} from the lake to the gardens in goatskins. {attract to the gardens because there is Elophants need huge amounts of water and ieod. URBAN CHALLENGES | 13

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