Task 2 Continous Improvement

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Performance Improvement Strategy

-Allocating a position dedicated to maintaining the quality of the finished

products of each production line and another position whereby the
standards and procedures are maintained This process will be under
constant review, with set time frames in place to deliver high quality
products into the market. It puts pressure on these supervisors as they
need to be able to deliver the products on time, creating motivation as well
as fear into their hearts to complete their task A checklist will be devised
and completed on each production line to make sure everything is going
according to plan. Description of Proposed Process or Amendment to
Current Process Continued ... -Division of the marketing team, split into two
departments; one half staying as the marketing department and the other
half forming the sales department.
-Devise a customer survey, monitoring and acknowledging all feedbacks
-An employee reward system will be in place, allowing room for the growth
and development of each individual employee.
-Review the company process every 6 months, sending out surveys and
questionnaires to all existing employees, getting their feedback as to how
the business process can be further developed and modified to help in the
motivation of staff.
-Manufacturing of new product lines should be introduced, targeting the
older and mature market.
-Online promotion of the toys through social media such as Facebook and
other online sources, for example on kids games websites. Brief
Explanation of How Proposal Will Improve Performance and
Competitiveness -The employees that are already skilled and trained will
each be given a team/group of staff to train and provide them with the
knowledge required for that particular toy production line. Area short of staff
Equal division of skilled employees across the different toy production lines
Set out a task for each group, to carry out. Groups that are capable of

carrying out the job/task will be reinforced into the organisation while those
that are capable will undergo further training. Ask employees whether they
want to leave the organisation voluntary redundancy.
- Reducing advertisements by more than 50%, halving Television
advertisements and directing that money towards increasing the number of
employees in the manufacturing process. Newer ways of promoting the
company could be through the use of social networks (such as Facebook,
Twitter, Tumblr etc.), allowing for the use of free advertisement. Television
advertisements will be aired at times when children will be watching TV the
most, like after school and on the weekends. Magazine advertisements will
also be taken in as select magazines will be chosen to bring out the section
about the company and the products and services we provide.
-An engineer should be hired or trained into the organisation, which will be
responsible for checking and evaluating the quality of the materials that
come into the organisation while another engineer has the task of reviewing
and evaluating the quality of the finished product.
Brief Explanation of How Proposal Will Improve Performance and
Competitiveness Continued ... -The marketing team is to be divided into
half. One half of their marketing team will be moved over to create the
sales team while the other half will remain as the marketing frontline. The
sales team will be responsible for going out to retail shops and selling the
product range to them. The sales manager will set out sale territories and
quotas for the sales teams, creating and building a sales plan, training if
these sales members will be conducted by an external trainer, mentoring
them as to what I required of them. This would be to our advantage as the
marketing plan can be closely linked to the sales plan, combining it and
making use of all the resources available. A sales person will be sent out to
each retailer to educate them on the new products and develop each
individual who is to sell the product to customers on how to sell the product.
-Surveys need to be created and conducted amongst the younger
generation asking them what they want to see in a toy company and the
variety of toys they would want available. All feedback will be read and
acknowledged, however a cost benefit analysis will be created to see which
option is more feasible than another.

-A reward system will be in place to help motivate employees to work

harder and compete with one another to gain the title of Employee of the
Month. Ceremonies and events will be held for employees where they will
be awarded with a certificate for their contribution to the organisation. A
monthly review process will also be conducted to see whether the
employees are happy with their working conditions and all managers are to
push forward the idea of positive reinforcement. Giving positive feedback
and recognition to the team once they finish a task to motivate them to
perform better on the next task.
Review the company process every 6 months, to ensure the business is
operate well meeting businesss goal and objective within a set time frame.
Review process is done by looking through the business report, to see
whether or not any error is made and what to be done. Once the business
report is reviewed it is to be compare to the businesss plan, goal and
objective, by doing this the organisation will get a bigger view of where the
business is and what strategies need to be take into action to meet the
businesss plan, goal and objective.
During the review process, team leader, manager of each department and
other necessary parties is to be meet face to face to discuss the businesss
current position and together consult for a strategies to improve the
business that meet the organisation objective and goals. Employees are
people who understand and daily operate the business, it is important to
get their feedback, as they are part of businesss stakeholder. With their
understanding of how business operate day to day would enable the
business to understand even more and have a clear detail view of the
businesss current state. Brief Explanation of How Proposal Will Improve
Performance and Competitiveness Brief Explanation of How Proposal Will
Improve Performance and Competitiveness Continued ... -During event
such as Christmas, birthday and many other event toys are usually popular
as it is what kids want to receive. Introduce new toy range that target
mature audience would be a great strategy as they are the people whom
actually shop and buy the toys for the kids. Innovative and catchy toys will
attract the parents to purchase the toys for their kids, therefore new line
toys should be target not only at kids but also the parents and mature

audience. Moving from traditional toys for younger target market to a

mature target market will attract more people to visit the store. New range
toy such as skateboard, game and innovative technologies will create a
bulk toy store where any toys could be find and purchase where people
would also shop rather than one small one where they know theres a small
range of toys to chose. Brief Explanation of How Proposal Will Improve
Performance and Competitiveness Continued ... -Social media became a
big part of everyones life these day, the biggest social media would be
Facebook where everyone have one that can be connect and seen
anywhere in the world. By advertising and promote toys on facebook will
allow new information of toys and picture of toys to be share around the
world for free. People can also like and join the companys profile where
they can always connect to the companys update. Facebook are now not
only for young people but also for most of everyone even older generation,
therefore its a big advantage to promote on social media. Review of
companys toys and new toys range can also be promote and advertise on
youtube where it can be seen, share all over the world and best of all it is
free. Background Alfred Carlton Gilbert was an inventor and toy
manufacturer who invented the Erector engineering set. AC Gilbert gained
its reputation for producing quality toys. Mr Gilbert has left standards by
which should be maintained as it is due to these standards and procedures
that has made this company once profitable.

Manage innovation and continuous

Sustainability through innovation in and continuous improvement
of key organizational areas, systems and processes is critical for
organizations competing in todays dynamic and global
environment. An organizations success is a result of its ability to
manage and integrate customer service, marketing,
production, delivery and information to deliver products
and services to customers. e key to creating and sustaining this
success is based on continuous improvement models and
practices Continuous improvement has become one of the most
important processes of management. It now operates in
conjunction with the long-standing processes of planning,
organizing, operating and controlling. Continuous improvement
is a philosophy used to create opportunities for ongoing positive
change and sustainability of key systems and
organizational approaches and methods to achieve sustainability,
with a focus on excellence frameworks and continuous
improvement models and approaches. These approaches and
methods, and strategies to implement them, are identied in your
organizations plans, such as the strategic, business and
operational plans relating to key areas such as production,
marketing and logistics.

Continuous improvement
e concept of continuous improvement is derived from a Japanese
approach called kaizen, which literally means change for the
better. Kaizen-type improvement typically involves small,
incremental changes with a limited cost, and involves e or by
everyone in the organization, rather than one major change.
Continuous improvement has evolved beyond the incremental
kaizen approach to incorporate innovation, sustainability and
change-management processes enables an organization to
respond to the rapid changes of todays business environment.
In business, innovation refers to the process of implementing a
creative idea to improve a product, service, system or process; to
create value for the organization or customer; and, ultimately, to
achieve organizational sustainability. Innovation may involve
developing or redeveloping organizational systems, making
improvements to organizational processes, or introducing or
improving products and services.
The 2012 TEDx presentation e new rules of innovation in
which Carl Bass, president and chief executive of Autodesk,
Inc., a leader in 3D design, engineering and entertainment so
ware, discusses the meaning of innovation, its importance and
how it
works in organizations. is video is available at: www.youtube.com

search for TEDx Carl Bass.

The learning organization
e term learning organization was developed by Peter Senge (a

systems scientist) in 1990 to describe an organization that has the

ability to continuously adapt to changes in the environment
through the development and sharing of new knowledge.

To ensure that the innovations or improvements are successfully

embedded in the organisation, a transition plan is required.
Whether the innovation or improvement idea is run as a project or
as a change management initiative, a transition plan is essential
to achieving competitive advantage and therefore organisational
Process for developing a transition plan are several approaches
to developing a transition plan; the appropriate approach is
determined by an organizations policies,
procedures and practices, and the size and nature of the
innovation or improvement project.
Here is one process for developing a transition plan.
Transition planning
Identify likely effects of change
What will the consequences of change be? we should:
identify gaps between the current and desired situation, including
the skills and knowledge staff need to implement the change and
to work in the desired situation.
identifying barriers to change,
conduct a risk analysis and develop treatments, including

contingency plans (recall that change the consequences

treatment involves
developing contingency plans).
Determine change readiness
Determine how ready organization members are for change, and
identify potential barriers to successful implementation by using
surveys and interviews to garner feedback. Analysis of ndings will
identify potential member ownership of the change; group, team
or individual resistance;
and organisation system and process barriers to the

Cost-Benefit Analysis:
Compares a programs outputs or outcomes with the costs (resources
expended) to produce them. When applied to existing programs, they are
also considered a form of program evaluation. Cost-effectiveness analysis
assesses the cost of meeting a single goal or objective and can be used to
identify the least costly alternative for meeting that goal. Cost-benefit
analysis aims to identify all relevant costs and benefits, usually expressed
in dollar terms.

Difference From previous Years
$11.5 million
$1.1 million
$10.9 million
$10.7 million
$5.7 million
$11.4 million
$2.6 million
$14.9 million
$3.5 million
$2.9 million
$12.9 million
$2 million
A. C. Gilbert closed 1909-1967

Consultation Session
Continuous improvement practices vary depending on the goals and
culture of the organisation, and the model it is following. Make sure you are
familiar with your organisations continuous improvement policy and the
approaches used to identify areas for improvement, which may include
improvement models and their processes such as process mapping, quality
planning, problem-solving, and auditing and evaluations.
Specialist consultation
If A.C. Gilbert was continued to work and tried its level best to achieve the
goals and objectives of the company as was prior to 1950s, they have take
serious strategic steps towards the growth and expansion and especially
stability in the market.
The Mission Should be: The mission of A.C Gilbert should to be a low-cost,
profitable, provider of toy systems for children of all ages. They must had
supported the conversion of natural resources into competitive and
innovative quality products for customers while protecting the environment
and creating a positive long-term social, cultural, and economic benefit for
the region and its people, employees, customers, suppliers and

Measure and report on your progress and performance: Internal and

external communications can be used by a company to report on its
progress in achieving social, financial and environmental goals. By
developing benchmarks against which to measure progress, and reporting
on successes and failures, companies can reinforce their commitment to
stated objectives, and alert employees and other stakeholders to areas
where more effort is needed.
Lines of communication: Regular staffs meetings, e-mail bulletins,
accessible managers and in-house newsletters can help maintain lines of
communication. Centrally located bulletin boards or suggestion boxes can
stimulate discussion and ideas. Human resources staff who treat
employees as individuals and help them juggle the competing demands of
work and family promote loyalty. When employees are given the rationale
for major decisions, they are less likely to listen to rumors and speculation.
If A.C. Gilbert was continued to work and tried its level best to achieve the
goals and objectives of the company as was prior to 1950s, they have take
serious strategic steps towards the growth and expansion and especially
stability in the market. Customer loyalty, public credibility, and investor
confidence are gained by companies that are perceived to be doing things
right. Perfection is not possible, but definable progress and effective
communications are essential.
Annual sustainable development report: When read by corporate
stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, employees, investors,
regulators, members of the local community and environmental groups,
such reports can go a long way toward demonstrating a companys
commitment to environmental protection and social responsibility.
A commitment to honest and accessible public relations: Successfully
conveying information about a company to customers, the press, the local
community, plus anybody else who has an interest in what you do, requires
an up-front approach and clear, understandable language. People are
naturally sceptical of what they do not understand. With knowledge comes
familiarity, security, and support.

Work with innovative business associations.

Tap the expertise of non-profit organizations
Contract with the best
Have fun, stay healthy, and enjoy your work in an increasingly stressful

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