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Name_____________________________________ Date________________ Class___________

Study Questions Seeds of Democracy

1. Which document was the first written constitution in America?

2. What made the document from #1 different from other forms of government?

3. Who was an important person who helped create this document?

4. What role did colonial charters play in the rights of colonists?

5. What was the first representative legislature in America?

6. In what colony was this legislature established? In what year?

7. What were three ideas that emerged during the Age of Enlightenment?

8. Which Enlightenment philosopher promoted the idea of keeping government

powers divided?

9. What are unalienable rights?

10.Who formulated the idea of unalienable rights?

11.How were New England town meetings an example of democracy?

12.How were these meetings nondemocratic?

13.Why were the Pilgrims forced to create the Mayflower Compact?

14.What made the Mayflower Compact a social contract?

15.How is the Frame of Government similar to the U.S. Bill of Rights?

16.Who created the Frame of Government? For what colony?

17.Why was the English Bill of Rights particularly relevant to the British colonists?

18.The Magna Carta led to legislatures in England (Parliament). What is a legislature?

19.Why did salutary neglect develop between England and its colonies?

20.The First Great Awakening was a revival of religion in the 1730s and 40s. How did
the First Great Awakening encourage thoughts of independence?

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