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Substitute Plans

Hey Friend,
Thanks for coving my classes today. Today should be pretty easy
Here is the plan for the day:
1. The students will come into class and grab a worksheet.
2. They cannot use calculators. Let them know if they have any questions they can refer
to their notes (and you if you feel comfortable). Also, let them know that you have the
answers, so they may check to see if they are solving the problems correctly (I have the
Key for you, too).
3. Make sure the students know that this is not partner work. If a student is struggling,
the may ask someone sitting to their left or right about help on a problem. If any student
is being disruptive and not on task, please send the student(s) to the ISS room with Mr.
Cole and write their names down for me to handle the situation when I return.
4. Once they finish, they are to sit quietly, work on work they owe me or another teacher,
or AR read. Remind them that I will collect this on Friday at the beginning of class.
Special notes:
3rd hour is my plan hour.
5th hour should by back from lunch at noon.
7th hour this is my Co-teaching class. Phoebe will just take over the class
Bison Time I will have about 5 kiddos working on my door to decorate it.

Thanks Bill. I appreciate it!

Have a Merry Christmas, Love ya Friend.

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