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Graduates should refer to the booklet "General Requirements for the Training of Engineering
Graduates. A comprehensive training report of 2000 words is required. The applicant must include
the following:
1.1.1 Work experience from the first working day to time of application.
1.1.2 Description of projects/works that you have been involve with during your working life.
1.1.3 If a project is not required expand on at least one recent project in technical detail. Describe
the background for the project, assumptions made, design principles (if applicable), technical
details (include sketches or photographs, as necessary, for better understanding), problems
encountered and their solutions. This description should be in addition to the report on
Training and Experience of 1500 to 2000 words mentioned above.
1.1.4 If a project is required refer to section 1.2 as well as this section.
1.1.5 State clearly the extent of your involvement, your responsibilities (technical and managerial),
who was your supervising engineer/tutor, mistakes made and what you learned from them,
problems encountered and their solution.
1.1.6 Your work experience should be listed, together with the projects/work undertaken, in
chronological order with the most recent experience first.
1.1.7 In this report you should also include any details of courses attended and how these helped
you in your working experience.
1.1.8 If you have registered with the Institution as a Graduate under training, your training diary
summaries signed by your supervising engineer/tutor) should be submitted with your
application and you should bring your diary along with you to the interview.
1.1.9 If you are in the teaching profession, information about the level of responsibility in the
department, the level of the course and perhaps a summary syllabus would be helpful.
1.1.10Published papers, reports and patents should be listed.
Candidates invited for an interview may be required to submit a project in addition to the Report on
Training and Experience prior to attending the interview.
Guidelines for the project are as follows:
J The project can be of your own choice but should be indicative and illustrative of your current
engineering work.
J There must be a full description of the project/work explaining the nature of project, outlining
design criteria/project brief, giving the final solution or conclusion.
J It must be of a technical nature, demonstrating your engineering capabilities, professional
responsibility and engineering judgement.
J The project can be a self contained part of a larger project but it must be your own work entirely.
J There is no upper or lower limit to the size of the project but it must be of an engineering
standard sufficient to enable the interviewing panel to judge your engineering capability and
J If the project type allows, technical drawings should be enclosed. The drawings should be your
own work or if drawn by a Technician your sketches should be included. The aim is to demonstrate
your ability to communicate technical language. One or two drawings should be sufficient.
J It is preferable to submit a project which you have seen through from initial brief to
implementation if possible.
J The project must demonstrate your capabilities and be approximately 2000 words in length.
J You will be expected to give a verbal presentation of your project at the interview.




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