Pathways 4. ESL 82. 22 PDF

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10 1 unr | B | Siudy the diagram of the MOSE flood barrier project in Venice, Work with a partner to complete the conversation about the diagram. Complate the sentences with the active or passive voice of the verb in parentheses. Use the correct tense, Howe Work: 1 Holow steel gatas fas with water en aroasbatnothe Venice goon floor, 2.Whan a feodisprecicid, a's pumped int the gates. This makes the gates fost and alows them to ise within a hal out 8. Fuly oleate, the gots segarate te sa rom the egoon, When the food ‘op, wer fone back nfo the gates o cover them, ant : i? Se + ae 4. Az Where will the barriers be constructed {construct}? B: They (Construct) in the three places where water enters the Venice lagoon from the Adriatic Sea. 2 A: What_________the barriers (consist) of? B: They_____________ (consist) ot 78 giant gates, 92 feet (28 meters) wide and 65 feet (20 meters} across. 3. A: What_________the gates_attacr) to? B: They____ {attach to giant concrete bases lying on the sea floor. 4, A: When______- the gates rainy? B: Whenever a high tide —____ (predict) and there is @ danger of flooding in the city. BA How ieee ee Air pup) into hollow panels in the gate. This force) the gate to rise and form a barrier against the waves. 6 A: When ___ the project (complete)? B: |f everything goes as planned, it ______ (complete) in 2012. 2% C | Understanding Visuals. Work with your partner and practice the conversation from exercise B. Then discuss the MOSE diagram with your partner. Based on the diagram, do you think the MOSE barrier will stop floods? Explain your opinions.

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