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Road Map of the American Revolution

Your task is to create a timeline using the format of a road map. Your road map
will highlight important events of the American Revolution.
Creating the Road Map
Step 1: Below is a list of important events, laws, and actions that will need to be
on your road map in sequential order.
1. Battle of Lexington, 1775 (p.140)
2. Fort Ticonderoga
3. Bunker Hill
4. The Olive Branch Petition, 1775 (p.150)
5. Thomas Paine & Common Sense, 1776 (p.150)
6. The Declaration of Independence, 1776 (p.152)
7. Staten Island Peace Conference
8. France declares war on Britain, 1778 (p.155)
9. Battle of Saratoga
10. Articles of Confederation
11. Battle of Yorktown, 1781 (p.156)
12. Treaty of Paris, 1783 (p.156)
13. Shays Rebellion
Step 2:

Now design a road that has a beginning and an end. It can be a

winding country road, a busy main street, a superhighway, or a
design of your choice. Use pencil when designing your road in case
you need to make changes.

Step 3:

Design a stop along the road for each item on the list. The
stops can be traffic lights, stop signs, yield signs, bridges, exit
ramps, detours, toll booths, road hazards, buildings, and so on.
Make sure that you label each stop with the name and date of the
event. The events should be added to the road map in sequential
order, starting at the beginning of the road and ending with the title

Step 4:

Write a brief description for each stop on a separate sheet of paper.

Step 5:

After you have designed your road map and their stops, fill-up
empty space by illustrating details related to each event, such as
the problem or issue, the place, and the people involved.

Ch. 2-4:War of Independence

5. a formal request
8. firmly established
9. introduction
1. to engage or to fight
2. faithful to Great Britain
3. a strategy or method
4. supported independence
6. not taking sides
7. to take over and control

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