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Which of the following physical quantities. does NOT have a unit? (A) _ Refractive index (B) emf. © Density (D) Frequency ‘The base unit of temperature of the S.L system is the (A) degree Celsius (B) degree Fahrenheit (© Kelvin (D) degree centigrade ‘The mass of a piece of metal is 43.7 g and its volume is 5.6 em’. A student uses a calculator to find'the density of the metal and obtains the figure 7.803571. He should write the density. as (A) 7.803571 gem? (B) 7.80 gem? (C) 18g¢m? (D) 80g > es A simple pendulum oscillates about centre between positions XandY. Which ofthe following could represent one complete oscillation? (The arrows indicate the di- rection of movement.) L X+05Y305Xx I O+X0-7.¥O Mm ¥30+X (A) Lonly (8) Hlonly (C)_— Tand Tonty (D) I, Mandir ‘The unit of electrical resistance may be expressed as (A) 19=1VA" @) 10=1AV () IN+1Av () 19=1 Wat 0024017 2002 PHYSICS 2002 PAPER 1 Item 6 refers to the diagram below. 1 i a ® When x= 0, the value of y is A) Q ® s © P ©) PR A B " 1 t I i 1 1 t I t ' t t ‘Two light, styrofoam spheres, A and B, are suspended by insulating threads. If they are at rest in the positions shown in the diagram, the force keeping them apart is (A) gravitational force (B) — clestrostatio force (C) magnetic force (D) centripetal force GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, Se 8.- _ Inrelation to the diagrams below, which of the following. statements is/are correct? L Body A is in neutral equilibrium. I. Body Bis in unstable equilibrium, HI. Body Cis in stable equilibrium. (A) Tonly (B) Land only (©) Mand Mi only ©) Manat 9. Six forces act on a ball as shown in the diagram below. In which direetion would you expect the ball to accelerate? 2N N 1N wt AN, 2N IN 3N (A) North @B) South (©) East ©) West 0024017 2002 time The diagram shows a velocity/time graph for a moving object, Which of the follow- ing statements about the object would be true? 1. ftreturns to its starting point. Ut has zero acceletation between times ¢, and 1, UL. Its velocity at ¢, is the same as its initial velocity (A) Tonly (B) Land Il only (C) Mand 111 only (D) 1, Mand ttt GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 2 If the resultant fores"on an object is zero, the object can move with (A) decreasing, velocity (B) constant velocity (©) constant acceteration (DB) increasing velocity The constant unbalanced force acting on a body isatrightanglestoits velocity. Which of the following statements about this mo- ion is correct? (A) The body has no acceleration (B) The kinetic energy of the body is increasing, (©) The body is slowing down, (D) The body is moving in a circular path, Which of the following is a unit of work? (A) hems? (By Nm ) Nm (Dy Wee Two bodies, of masses mand 2m, have the some kinetic energy. If the velocity of the smaller body is v, what is the velocity of the other body”? “ By ODL 2002 16. 7 18, A heavy piycel is tied with string. It is less painful for’ person to pick up the parcel if areloth is wrapped around the string, This is because the cloth (A) exerts less force on the fingers (B) reduces the tension in the string (C) makes the parcel lighter (D) reduces the pressure on the fingers A balloon filled sith hydrogen gas and released accelerates upwards The balloon must therefore hase displaced a seieht of (A) fess than ts oavn wera (B) equal to tts own worsht (C) greater than ity awn weve (D) equal ty the swereht © the basher aund Talis only A flask contains ne under pre Some of the air is fel ut hosts ons Fol 10s. When the fhisk elses! (A) pressure af the air a the thask wal have increased (8) Solume ot att an the Mask will have decreased (C) temperature mn the flask will have increased (D) number of molecules urshins wall per second will the The specific heat vapaeny ot a material ys the energy required ts (Ay omelt [ky of the maternal sole av change of tempersture (8) change the temperate ot the uma terial Dy LK (6) Ghuange Tso the Ig teal oe miner ea temperature (D) change the emperamure ot | kaso the materia by | GOON TO THE NENT PAGL 19. 20, Anuninsulated closed container with water is heated from room temperature (30°C) until all the water has evaporated. Which of the following graphs most accurately represents the variation of water temperature @) with time (0)? orc® “ Ua 30. Le us arc (B) x0 i.» ws oct ae © 30 (Dy 30] Ly 7 Which of the following would be responsi- ble for the heating of the Earth by the Sun? 1 Radiation I. Convection UL Conduction (A) Toaly (B)— Ulonly (©) Land tt only (D) Mand Ut only 0024017 2002 — 21. 22. Some molten naphthalene at 100°C is, allowed to cool down at room temperature. [naphthalene hasa melting point of 80°C, which of the following BEST represents the cooling curve” ec + too (A) mn atc too ®) 2 © ‘mia otc too ©) 0 dinin An experiment is set up with a smoke cell for demonstrating Brossman motion The moving specks observed are (A) smoke particles seen by teflected Hight (B) smoke particles i constant vibe tion (C) molecules of vibratiny se (PD) moleewles ot carl an random GOON 10 THE NEXT PAGE 23. 24. 25, lee wrapped in copper gauze The figure above shows a piece of ice wrapped in copper gauze and submerged in a glass test tube of water. The water when heated at the top boils long before the Phe MAIN reason for this is, ice is melted that (A) the test ibe 4 poor conductor of heat (B) copper is goo! conductor of heat (C) wets less dense than water (D) Sater iar poor vonductor of heat Radiation 1s BES absorbed by surfaces which are (A) black and shiny (B) white and shiny (©) black and dull (D) white and dull According tothe kin in a closed container is heated the pressure we theory, when s gas rises because (A) there are more molecules hitting the walls of the container (B) the molecules move faster and hit ‘each other harder and more often (C) the molecules move faster and hit the walls of the container with greater force and with greater fre qu (D) the molecules expand and push harder on the walls of the eon: 024014 2002 26. 27. 28. 29. Water waves which are produced in a rip- ple tank travel more slowly as they move from deep to shallow water. Which of the following can this fact be used to demon- strate? 1. Reflection I. Reffaction Mi. Diffraction (A) Lonly (B) — Honly (C) Land Ill only (D) Mand Itt ‘The note from a drum is louder when itis struck harder because the sound waves produced have a greater (A) amplitude (B) frequency (©) wavelength (D) velocity Which of the following would have the shortest wavelength? (A) Infra-red rays (B) Light rays (©) Sound waves, (D) Water waves Which of the following statements istare true? 1. Thermal radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation HI, Blue light has a longer wavelength than infra-red radiation Il. The velocity of X-rays ina vacuum is 300 000 000m s (A) Land Hl only (8) Land II only (C) Mand Ht only (b) 1, fland ttt GOON 10 TIE NEXT PAGE 30. The figure above shows the profile of a water wave. Using the same scale, which diagram below represents a wave rhwice the frequency and half the amplitude in the same tank of water? “w Ne SE ) “VU 31. The sharp edges of shadows suggest that 32. Which of the follow light in the production of fringes ina Yeuog's double-slit experiment? woul be involved (A) has a wave nature (B) isa form of energy 1. Diffraction (C) travels in straight lines MH. Refraction (D) travels very quickly Il, Interference fA) Lonly (B) Hl only (©) Land tH only (Dy band tt GOON 10 THE NEXT PAGE 0024017 2002 33. 34 38. ManX Wall Man Y Man X can hear man Y shouting but he cannot see him mainly because sound (A) isa longitudinal wave, and thei fore does not travel in straight lines (B) has greater amplitude, and there- fore passes around obstacles whereas light does not a (C) has slower speed, and therefore - hhas more time to pass around ob- stacles than light does (D) _hasalonger wavelength, and there- fore diffracts around obstacles more than light does Which of the following diagrams below could represent diffraction of water waves 37. in a ripple tank? ie ® (A) only (8) Monly (©) Land Hl only (D) Mand Ill onty 002401/8 2002 For which of the following does the phe- nomenon of refraction offer an explana: tion? |. The apparent bending of a stick in water T. Swimmingpools looking shallower than they really are JI, The landscape ‘shimmering’ on a hot day (A) Land I only (B) Land Ill only (©) Hand Ml only (D) hitand Ul A ray of light in air strikes a glass block at an angle of incidence of 0°. The light will be (A) undeviated (B) totally reflected (©) refracted at 90° to normal (D) refracted at an unknown angle A virtual image (A) has no light rays actually passing through it (B) is always magnified (©) can be projected onto a screen (D) is always laterally inverted Aconverging lens producesan image which is the same size as the object, It is true to say that the (A) object is at the principal focus (B) object is at infinity (C) image is virtual (D) image is inverted GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 39. 40. at. Which of the followimy diagrams repre- 42. sents the electric field existing beoween two oppositely charged point,charges? (A) = 43. B) © + e- )-2ASs +e ee > (i An electric current in a metal consists ofa flow of (A) neutrons: 44. (B) protons (©) electrons (D) ions Which of the following appliances would require the fuse with the largest rating? (A) Akettle marked | 800 W 120 V (B) A freezer marked 360 W 120 V (C) Anion marked 1200 W 240 V (D) A stove marked 12 000 W 240 V 0024014" 2002 Which of the following formulae (in which the symbols have their usual meaning) is a mathematical expression of Ohm’s Law? (A) V=IR (B) P= VT © oom (BD) E=PT ‘The diagram below shows the construction of a zinc-carbon cell Which of the following is correct? (A) Qis carbon, R is zine. (B) _P is copper oxide, Q is carbon, (C) — Risiron and S is ammonium chlo- ride. (D) Sis sulphuric acid and P is manga. nese dioxide. Which of the following concerning amme- ters is correct? Circuit Us resistance Connection w“ Low in series (B) Low in parallel © High in parallel «py High in series GO ON 10 TIE NEXT PAGE 4s, 46. 024i A student requires a circuit to measure the resistance of a resistor. Which of the circuits below is correctly connected? J w w © 9 o Feo 4 o -——4H4 Which of the following relationships gives a correct value for the combined resistance of resistors R,, R,, and R, connected in parallel? (A) Ry eR, + Rp +Ry (BR, «© (DR RRR 2002 47, 48, Which of the following pairs of statements is true for both iron and steel? Iron is St does not retain magnetism (A) easily magnetised retains its magnetism well (B) not easily magnetised retains its magnetism welll (C) easily magnetised does not retain its magnetism (D) not easily, magnetised —+— Liye A experiment was conducted using the circuit diaurams shown above. The same components were used and the bulb was lit riormal brightness in each ease Which of the following statements would be correct” 1 The bulb is defective I The battery is defective IIL the diode is defective 1A) Fonly (8) HLonty (©) Land Honly (Dy and UL only GOON FO THE NEXT PAGE 49. ete Anorth poleanda south pole of twoequally strong magneis are brought near to cach other. If the earth's magnetic field is ig- nored, the magnetic field lines between the poles would look like a () - J Ve ~ JK VF 002401/F 2002 50, si. Anclectromagnet consists of insulated wire wrapped around an iron core. ic works becanse (A) iron is good electrical conductor (B) — amaynetic field is produced inside the coil (C) an electric field is produced inside the coil (D) iron is always magnetised eet 11, N s The figure above shows two permanent magnets sad three wires carrying current in the dire ted. On whieh wire(s) willl a force be everted? ns indi (Ay Lonly (By Honky (C) Land Wnty (Dy tand OF Which of the tollowing make use of the magnetic field generated by an electric current”? de. motor IL Moving coil/loutspeaker HL Electric won (A) Land tronty (By Land tH only (Cy Hane THonly (D) tad Ut GOON TO THE NENT PAGE 57. Which of the following electromagnetic radiations is produced only by a change in a nucleus’ 53. A conductor, rotating in a uniform mag- netic field, induces maximum instantane- ous current when the condyctor cuts thie magnetic field Lines at (A) Ultra-violet radiation (A) 30° (B) Infra-red radiation (B) 45° (©) Gamma radiation Gy tp (D) Radio waves (D) 180° 58. The element cobalt is represented by the 54, Anelectricity company supplies ac. rather expression “Co. than dc. to the consumer. This is because This means that its neutron number is, (A) its generators cannot produce d.c. (B) most electrical appliances cannot (A) 27 run on de. (BR) 33 (C) ac. can be generated at a higher © 60 voltage than d.c. (D) 87 (D) ac. can be stepped up to a higher voltage whereas dc. cannot 8. Activity Ss he Rutherford model of the atom suggests 400- ‘at an atom consists of @ 300 LA) solid mass of protons and electrons oo (13) nucleus of protons only with orbit ing electrons 100. (C)—mucteus of equal numbers of neu ; = =" trons and electrons with orbiting Ty Ts a Time Mays (D) nucleus of protons and neutrons The activity ofa radioactive substance was with orbiting electrons measured at suitable intervals dyer period of days and its radioactive decay curve plotted. ‘The halflife is Item 56 refers to the following table bday (B) 2 days (C) 3 days (D) 4 days 60. Which othe following scientists discov- ered that te nucleus also contained neu ‘56. Which pair of nuclei are isotopes? a (Ay Niels Bone (Ay Pand@ (James Chadwick (By Qand R (C) Marie Cui CC) Pad (D) Joseph Thompson (BD) Qand S IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST

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