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Khmel’nyts’kyi National University

May, 12 - 15, 2010


1. Andreshkova Tatyana, Teaching Writing 2

2. Andreshkova Tatyana, Communication and Interaction 3
3. Bura Tonya, Motivating students to learn foreign languages 4
4. Chumachenko Olga, Motivation and Motivating in the Foreign Language Classroom 5
5. Dunets Andrey, My impressions about Snow Blog Project 2010 6
6. Evsyukova Lyuba, English Language 6
7. Frankovska Ivanna, Advantages and disadvantage of testing 7
8. Gavrylyuk Marina, The Didactic Bases of Teaching Foreign Language Reading to Junior Schoolmates 7
9. Gedesh Yuliya, Interactive Discourse In Small And Large Groups 8
10. Gernego Julija, Warum lernen wir Fremdsprachen? 9
11. Gora Marina, Rome 9
12. Ievdokimova Olga, Ukrainian Holidays 10
13. Januszewska Ludmiła, Zarys kontaktu językowego na przykładzie gwar polskich w okolicy miasta 12
14. Kinaszewski Rusłan, Języki obce а przyszłość zаwodowа 14
15. Kinaszewski Rusłan, Nauka języka obcego na studiach 15
16. Kinaszewski Rusłan, Nauczanie języków obcych w Unii Europejskie 16
17. Knysh Liuliya, Interactive classroom activities 17
18. Kovalenko Alina, Watching movies in English 18
19. Kovalyova Zoryana, Learning foreign languages as the means to be employed successfully 19
20. Kravchuk Tetyana, Developing a program interface 20
21. Kravchuk Vika, Modern trends in CALL 20
22. Litvikova Iryna, Why Proper English Grammar is Important for Businesses? 21
23. Mariin S.V, Ukrainian Food Traditions and Festivals 22
24. Oliynyk Oxana, Cross Cultural Business Etiquette 23
25. Parasyuk Yulia, Formats for testing 24
26. Pasichnyk Svitlana, About Paris 25
27. Pavlyuk Oxana, Seven Wonders of Ukraine 26
28. Podoba Lyubov, California 26
29. Shulyak Julia, Wichtigste ist Wille das Ziel zu erreichen 27
30. Skydan Alexander, Is The Oral Test Reliable and Valid? 28
31. Smirnova Ludmilla, Web 2.0 and Classrooms Without Walls: Navigating Towards Global Understanding 29
and Liberating Pedagogies
32. Springman Gal, The essence of Snowblog CT net city project 30
33. Striletska Yulia, Custom control as factor of increase of national safety 30
34. Sydorenko Olena, Motivating students to read professional texts 32
35. Yarmush Olena, Interactive Strategies in Teaching Grammar with Fun 33
36. Zacharova Lyudmila, Encourage for Deaf Students in EFL Classes 34
37. Zakharchuk Katarina, Suggestopädie in der Ukraine 35
38. Zubenko Tatyana, Motivationg Students to Small Group Communication 36
39. Кустовская Ирина, Формирование профессионализма будущих специалистов 38
40. Кустовский Сергій, Шляхи активізації самостійної роботи майбутніх економістів 39

Teaching Writing

Tatyana Andreshkova
Mykolayiv state University
named after Sukhomlynskyi

Writing is an essential skill that all students must acquire while in school. That which starts out as learning to
write ABCs and 123s soon turns into the ability to write structured sentences that make sense and further leads to
the ability to write essays and reports in a clear and concise manner. It's no wonder that knowing how to
teach writing is so important for teachers. This guide is aimed to help you learn some effective ways which
will hopefully assist you in your work.

The first thing you need to do in order to properly teach writing to your students is to set a goal or purpose for
what you want them to write. If a student does not understand what it is you want him to write, he will either become
frustrated or/and refuse to complete the assignment. This certainly is not your goal, so explain everything to your
students clearly.
Example: You want your students to write a paragraph about animals. If you simply say "I want you to write
something about animals," you are not giving any directions and students will have a ton of questions to you.
On the other hand, if you say "Write an essay about an animal that hibernates in winter," then you are giving clear
instructions of what kind of animal they should write about.
Also, include as many details as possible in your description of the assignment:
• Why does this animal hibernate?
• What does "to hibernate" mean?
How does this animal survive all winter without food?


The proper way to write is to first take notes, then turn the notes into an outline which will later become a
completed work. Encourage your students to take notes in a notebook. Next, have them turn their notes into an organized
outline. Finally, have them turn their outline into a report with at least three sentences in each paragraph. Explain to your
students that they should take notes consistently to develop the habit. They will be taking notes throughout their entire
school life, so it's better to start teaching them as early as possible.Students may also want to use a highlighter to
highlight important information.


Use your creativity to come up with new fun writing assignments for students. Similar assignments will become
boring very quickly.Here are some ideas you might consider using instead:
• Poetry
• Articles (for newspapers, letters)
• Interviews
Students enjoy a change of pace ever so much. It keeps them on their toes, interested in what they are learning.
You can turn an otherwise boring topic into a creative wonder if you use your imagination and make writing enjoyable!


Before handing in any writing assignment, a, student should know how to proofread and edit his work. Encourage
your students to use these methods for proofreading and editing their papers: Putting the paper aside for an hour or two
and then going back to check for mistakes. When you write a paper and check for mistakes immediately, chances are you
will overlook something. It is best to clear your mind before proofreading. Let someone else read your paper, and do not
get upset when you hear constructive criticism. Help your students create an editing checklist that they can check
against each time they complete a writing assignment. Doing this in class will ensure that all students have the same


Using Pre-Writing Makes the Job Easier In our life we often have to write, to express ourselves in writing.
Knowing how to pre-write is a step that can save you a great deal of time, effort and energy. Think about it. Why does it
seem that some people can take a writing assignment — whether it's an email, a report, a memo, or a crucial letter-— and
treat it as though it were a child's play, while others, perhaps you and me, seem to struggle for a long time with the whole
concept? One possible reason is that people who are good at writing tend to plan what they want to write BEFORE
actually writing. This process is referred to as Pre-Writing. Besides pre-writing itself it also includes planning. If you
want to be a successful writer, you'd better spend some time on planning FIRST.
 Here are some tips for you to consider:
 How do I make myself understood clearly using correct grammar, spelling and English?
 How do I best put the different parts of my writing together?
 How to arrange the parts to make the work logical and making sense to the reader?

 What is my main idea?
 What steps should I take to support my main idea?
 What are the subideas or subtopics that I want to discuss and explore?
As you learn and grow as a writer, you will develop your own steps arid learn how to best fit your style into the
pre-writing process. Whatever you do, take your time. However, it does not mean that your notes should be as extensive as
"War and Peace". Pre-writing is often using just a page or two of notes and outlines. As one writer once said, "You can't
construct a house before you have the building material or the construction plans. You can't rush good writing either."
In other words, your writing will be of good quality if you take the time to create a good structure first. High quality
writing comes from the choices the writer makes and from planning step after step.
An important step of pre-writing is creating an outline for the task. An outline is always flexible; you can change
and adjust it as you go along. It's a way to organize your thoughts and add a natural flow to your writing assignment. It will
also keep you from deviating from the subject. An outline is especially helpful with long complicated assignments; you can
determine in advance what materials or information you. might need. Make sure your outline is specific enough to explore
the subject, do not try to cover anything irrelevant to the assignment.


Think of a statement or a sentence that sums up what you are supposed to write about. That's the Foundation
Sentence. Next, write short phrases, words or ideas that can point you in the right direction as you write. Finally,
arrange them in the logical order. An informal outline can be used effectively even for long assignments. An informal
outline is a work in progress, something very flexible and open to changes.
Construct a base or a Foundation Sentence for your writing assignment. Make an Informal Outline. Determine
what materials or information you might need. Next, transform your informal outline into headings, subheadings and
ideas. You can find detailed directions for writing formal outlines on the Internet or at your local library. Now you are
ready to WRITE.

Communication and Interaction

Tatyana Andreshkova
Mykolayiv state University
named after Sukhomlynskyi

People love to talk - talk - talk. We are the great communicators. Most important of all, we can
record and read what we say and think, so that we can communicate through time. We have a sense of past
and future, not just present.
The ability to put down in printed or written words various feelings and ideas is one of man's
greatest achievements.
The ability to read symbols is just as great as an achievement. Reading is the process of attaching meaning to certain
written symbols.
Principle 1. Reading is not a passive or mechanical skill, reading is an active occupation.
Principle 2. Readers should be actively interested in what they are doing. While teaching children reading, teachers
use different reading games.
Principle 3. Learners should be encouraged to respond to the content of a reading material, not just to the
Principle 4. Prediction is a major factor in reading. When we read texts in our own language, we frequently have a
good idea of the content before we actually read. Book covers gives us a hint of what's in the book.
Principle 5. Good teachers exploit reading text to the full. Good teachers integrate the reading text into interesting
class sequences, using the topic for discussion and further tasks, using the language for study and later
Skills development consist of four parts: Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing.
. For this reason work on Reading has a high priority at the English lessons
at school. The first priority when tea-ch-ing reading is to activate students' existing knowledge about the topic. This
will help them to predict what they are going to read and give them confidence. Pictures, posters and warm up tasks are
designed to do this.
When students read a text in English, sometimes there will nearly always be words that they don't understand. It is
therefore important to train them to concentrate on extracting the main idea and not to worry if they don't understand every
Here are two suggestions which might help: pre-teach a limited number of key words and encourage students to
ignore the rest and me lists of words before the reading texts are all designed to contribute to this process.
Allow students to ask the meaning of a limited numbers of words after they have done the main comprehension task.
At our English lessons students read things from newspapers, books and magazines, also there are some vocabulary
activities to help them learn new words. They read some phrases that students need every day and they practice English in

common situations. In this situations translation can be a useful activity for quick explanations of difficult words or phrase.
However, it is not helpful to go through a whole text translating every word.
Encourage students to concentrate on understanding the main idea. Many of the reading texts are recorded on the tape
or disk. If we like, we can play them to our students to help with the pronunciation of words and the correct intonation.
Teachers should talk to your students in English as much as possible during the lessons. Even if students address a
teacher in your own language a teacher can still answer in English.
Students are also asked to translate some simple idiomatic expressions that perform the same function in their own
language. The first step to understand English in reading is to give students the motivation to read.
Different students will have different learning styles and should be encourage to find techniques that suit them.
Check students vocabulary notebooks to make sure they have a good system for recording new words.
Encourage learners to work on their own by starting a small library of graded readers. You need to be very careful with
your students.
I think every teacher always suffers from the so called torments of creativity and irresistible desire to win the hearts of
their students.
Reading aspect of foreign language has gained greater significance nowadays with the society becoming more open, a
growing number of foreign companies entering our market, real opportunities for Ukrainians to get education aboard.

Motivating students to learn foreign languages

Tonya Bura
Khmelnytskyi National University

Human languages are perhaps the most astonishing creation of a man It helps us to think, to
express our thoughts and to understand each other. We make use of it in practically
everything.Languages are a means of communication in human society.During the centuries people
have been learning foreign languages. People in Europe started to learn languages in the 11th century.
It is known that Yaroslaw the Wise knew a lot of foreign languages. But at those times learning foreign
languages was a privilege of rich people.
Today millions of people all over the world learn foreign languages. They play a great part in our life.
Learning foreign language is a not an easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and
efforts. But nowadays it is especially important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages because they
need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying languages is a hobby.
People, who know foreign languages, are necessary for the development of the technology, economy and arts
in the modern society.
For example, for a modern engineer and research worker it is absolutely necessary to have practical command
of foreign languages. A scientist who can read the literature of his field in several languages has a much better grasp of
the subject.
A foreign language helps to know the native language better.
A person who learns a foreign language, at the same time gets acquainted with the culture of the country, its
literature, history and geography.
Nowadays foreign languages are the languages of computer technology, like English for example.
To know foreign languages today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist.
The great German poet Goethe once said: “He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one”.
Learning foreign languages enriches the native language, makes it clearer, more flexible and expressive.
That is why, in order to understand oneself and environment one has to study foreign languages.


Nina Lyulkun
Hi Tonya!
I love the toic you offer us to discuss. It is considerd the motivation to play the most important role in
learning Foreign language successfully. What motivated you to learn English? Are you intended to learn other foreign
languages? If yes, which ones?

Olena Sydorenko
Dear Tonya! You are absolutely right that knowledge of foreing languages is important. Do you think you
will need English in your future job? How do you improve your English?

Iryna Litvikova
I realy like your article.When I read it, I want more to improve my language skills.How long do you stady
this language?How do you achieve such a result?

Alexander Skydan
"A foreign language helps to know the native language better". I love this statement of yours. that is so true.
when facing "new" language, you have to go back to your background, and often it is shame on us for poor
knowledge of the mother tongue. though an effective motivator to catch up with that. in general, nice "article" in the
form of remarks!

Tonya Bura
Hi, Nina! The incentive to learn English was the need for communication with people of different
nationalities. And, because English is the international language of communication, I chose to study this
particular language.

Hello, Olena! My future profession is marketing. This assumes a profession dealing with people from different
countries. A lot of special literature published in English and I would like to read them in the original. That's why I need
English in my future job.
In addition to language study at the university I study English further.

Hi, Iryna! I was learning English at school, but began to study thoroughly the last two years.
I'm working hard on my English for the futures result.

Hello, Alexander! Thank you for your pleasant comment.

Motivation and Motivating in the Foreign Language Classroom

Chumachenko Olga
Mykolayiv state University
named after Sukhomlynskyi

In this article, we will briefly examine a variety of techniques and strategies  which teachers
can employ in order to motivate their pupils. As Dornyei notes, ‘teacher skills in motivating learners
should be seen as central to teaching effectiveness'.
Prior to presenting some of these motivational strategies, it would be of relevance to say a few
things about the teacher / learner relationship. Whichever way we look at it, this relationship is riddled
with power and status. Social psychologists distinguish between three different types of power-
coercive, reward-based, and referent. The basis of coercive power is punishment. Some individuals or institutions have
the authority to punish others. The basis of the second type of power is reward. Some individuals or institutions have
the power to reward what they deem appropriate behaviour.  The basis of the third type of power is motivation. In this
case, individuals or institutions appeal to the commitment and interest of others.
Motivational strategies cannot work in a vacuum. There are certain preconditions to be met before any attempts to
generate motivation can be effective. Some of these conditions are the following:
a) appropriate teacher behaviour and good teacher-pupil rapport;
b) a pleasant and supportive classroom atmosphere;
c) a cohesive learner group characterised by appropriate group norms
It is widely acknowledged that learner beliefs about how much progress to expect, and at what pace, can, and do,
lead to disappointment. Therefore, it is important to help learners get rid of their preconceived notions that are likely to
hinder their attainment. To this end, learners need to develop an understanding of the nature of second language
learning, and should be cognisant of the fact that the mastery of  can be achieved in different ways, using a diversity of
strategies, and a key factor is for learners to discover for themselves the optimal methods and techniques.
In order to inspire learners to concern themselves with most learning activities, we should find out their goals and
the topics they want to learn, and try to incorporate them into the curriculum.

My impressions about Snow Blog Project 2010

Andrey Dunets
Khmelnytskyi national University

I want to tell you about the SNOWblog Project 2010, my participation in it and the opportunities that
you we can get from the participation in such international projects.
About the Snow Blog Project 2010. The idea was created by Gal Springman from Israel; she invited
the students and teachers all over the world (mostly from USA, Israel, China and Ukraine).   The
purpose of the whole project is communication between students from different countries. The project
is running on the site that is very well done. Every participant has his page like Vkontakte and other
social networks.  The forum and chat are also available.

About my participation.My English teacher Lyulkun Nina Ananiivna advised me to participate in it and I agreed. So I
started my active participation and the first my assignment was to do the video-presentation about some story that we
discussed inside the project. But it was hard for me to do it only myself and I asked my classmates to help me, and they
agreed. We worked hard, and finally we have done our job. Our presentationwon the 1st place and we all were very
pleased with the results.
About the opportunities. I understood that such projects can really contribute to the personal growth and skills and, of
course, the knowledge of English improves very quickly. As for me it was really unusual to express my ideas and just to
communicate with foreigners via Skype or other tools. But now I have used to it and a lot of possibilities were opened
to me. By the way, all the participants get the certificates in the end, that can be put into resume. 
How it was going on:
I've seen your video and i was greatly impressed.It is really amazing project! As for me, it is something new and fresh.
Carry on!

English Language
Lyuba Evsyukova
Mykolayiv state University
named after Sukhomlynskyi

English is spoken practically all over the world. It is spoken as the mother tongue in Great
Britain, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. A lot of people speak
English in China, Japan, India, Africa and other countries. It is one of 6 official languages of the
United Nations. It is studied as a foreign language in many schools.
England's history helps to understand the present condition of English. Many English words
were borrowed from the language of Angles and Saxons. Hundreds of French words came into
English. These French words didn't crowd out corresponding Anglo-Saxon words. There exist "act" and "deed",
"beautiful" and "pretty", "form" and "shape".
Many new words were brought by traders and travellers. These words came from all parts of the world:
"umbrella" -from Italian, "skates" - from Batch, "tea" - from Chinese, "cigar" - from Spanish.
Some words came into English directly f from Latin, which was the language of the church and the universities
in the Middle Ages.
Some of the English words of today are derivatives. One way of creating new words is to put together two or
more older English words. For example, the words "railway", "football", "newspaper" were made in this way.
Many of the new English words - especially new scientific ones - have been made from Latin and Greek words
instead of English ones. "Telephone" for instance, was made from Greek words "far" and "talk".
It is necessary to learn foreign languages. That's why pupils have got such subject as a foreign language at
school. Everybody knows his own language, but it is useful to know foreign languages. I learn English, because I
understand that I can use it. For example, if I do to England I'll be able to speak English too. English is used not only in
England, but also in other countries. I learn English because I want to read foreign literature in the original. I know and
like such English and American writers as Charles Dickens, Mark Twain and others. I understand that I must learn
English. If I know English well, I'll be able to go to the library and take books by English and American writers in the
original. I like to travel. But it is difficult to visit countries, when you don't know the language of these countries. If I
know the language of the country, where I am going to, it will be easy do travel there. If I want to ask something, I can
do it in English. I like to read books. And I like to read newspapers, too. If I know, for example, English I'll be able to
read English newspapers and magazines. Knowledge of different countries to understand each other, to develop
friendship among them. For example, we have a foreign exhibition in Moscow. If is easy for me to visit this exhibition.
You can see a lot of advertisement, signboard, names in the streets. They are in foreign languages. Very often they are
in English. If you know English, you can read and understand them. Now we bay many clothes from other countries. If
you know English well, you can read something about the size of this or that thing. It is clear for you what it is made of.
There are a lot of films in foreign languages. If you know them, you can understand films without any help. There are
international friendship camps in the world. If you can speak foreign languages, it will be easy for you to visit such
camps and speak with the boys, girls, men, women who do not know Russian. In short, I understand that I have to learn
English in a proper way and I try to do it.

Advantages and disadvantage of testing

Ivanna Frankovska
Tamara Mazur

Khmelnytskyi National University

Tests serve a diagnostic function. Properly organized testing gives the teacher an opportunity to get a clear idea
of his students` progress in foreign language learning; it confirms what each person has mastered and points up those
language items which need farther attention. Teachers can use tests to diagnose their own efforts as well as those of
their students. A test measures not only students` performance but also the effectiveness of the teacher`s instruction, it
shows shortcomings in method and techniques applied.
Tests are easy to evaluate, but the meanings of marks and grades tend to vary from teacher to teacher which
reduced their validity. There is an urgent necessity to work out a system of objective foreignlanguage tests for every
level of instruction and language skill. In order to give a reliable solution to this problem we should define aims,
objectives and a place of every test in tasting and evaluating system. The first problem to be solved is to answer the
question: "What should be taught? How language components are connected with communication skills?"
Language testing today reflects current interest in teaching communication. Language components involved in
communicating include vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.
Tests today are mainly concerned with evaluating real communication in the foreign language. Language
components (vocabulary, grammar pronunciation) are not only ingredients in communication, they are blended in
communication skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. There is a great necessity of working out a
unified system of test:
 knowledge, performance, communication skills, achievement tests, etc.
 regular, topic, term tests, etc.
 oral and written tests;
 individual andgroup tests;
 tests for beginners, intermediate and advanced level.

The Didactic Bases of Teaching Foreign Language Reading to Junior

Marina Gavrylyuk
Mykolayiv state University
named after Sukhomlynskyi

Goals of teaching a foreign language generally and practical learning objectives of this particular subject for a
long time to built development of oral and verbal skills. Other kinds of speech regarded as subsidiary means of training,
they were injected into the learning process only after prolonged oral induction course, which has translated the use of
such methods of teaching reading and writing, which depended on the level of oral communication skills formation.
 The aim of article is to study methods of teaching foreign language reading younger pupils, which guarantees
them the formation of all types of programmed skills.
 All this requires training in reading relationship with other types of speech activity, and leads to the possibility
of developing a personality-oriented methods of teaching foreign language reading younger students, that such a
technique which, unlike previous ones, would guarantee the development of reading skills necessary majority of
students on time.
 The theoretical basis of such a technique should not be limited to certain methodological principles of teaching
foreign language reading, but zahalnodydaktychni laws and principles of any learning process. They are the guarantors
of optimization and learning success.
 Some scientists believe that overcoming shortfalls in foreign language teaching valuable reading younger pupils
it is possible, if you organize the process of teaching based on principles of individual oriented pedagogy. Since the
process of learning based on certain, specific principles of organization, we installed them according to the objectives,
content learning, ways of organization and results. [6, 26]
Reading as one type of speech activity can be generated in full, if students receive specific knowledge on which
will be able to form with the following skills to improve the level of speech skills. For example, to read people can learn
a foreign language, it must first know the rules of reading letters and letter combinations, then know how to read vowels
and consonants in different types of warehouses. However, this knowledge may be only the first step in teaching
reading, because they themselves are not sufficient for rapid and full perception of printed information. So the next step
in learning to be reading these types of work that would ensure quick, relaxed, scoring infallible words that illustrate the
rules studied. In other words, the second stage of training involves reading skills speed reading.
 However, even a quick reading of individual words does not provide a reading level at which may receive
information from printed materials. This should develop such skills that allow someone who reads, to concentrate all
attention on the content of readings, the risk of all technical operations automatically.
Based on all this can be concluded that: psychological and didactic principles are reading process in an audio
decoding graphic symbols arranged so that they form words, phrases and sentences, each of which correlated with a
specific content.

 Features reading technique in the perception of the image are the words by reading about themselves, regardless
of its velocity.
 Causes behind the methods of teaching foreign language reading is due to underestimation of junior
schoolchildren zahalno dydaktychnyh patterns reading foreign language learning process, and that this process is
considered only from the point of philological and methodological characteristics.

Interactive Discourse In Small And Large Groups

Gedesh Yuliya
 Mykolayiv state University
named after Sukhomlynskyi

Cooperative learning presupposes discourse in small and large groups that in its turn
promotes interaction in the classroom. Actually, discourse is public discussing a disputable matter or
pondering over a problem and figuring out certain solutions in groups. Secondary school discourse
types are types used in everyday life, during informal conversation.
The objectives of a discourse in groups?
1) to summarize the stuff recently learned;
2) to revise the material on this or that topic;
3) to elicit  meaningful information;
4) to balance emotional or psychological climate in the classroom;
5) to establish democratic relationships in the classroom.
The advantages of group work?
1) each one is involved and is able to express his/her viewpoint;
2) there exists interaction (communication and reaction to each other);
3) each student bases upon his/her prior experience and knowledge.
The success of the whole group depends on the success of each representative of the group. The motto of this
cooperative kind of interactive activities is "Your success does me good and mine does you good in return".
1. Ніколаєва С.Ю., Тітова В.М. Бібліотечка журналу "Іноземні Мови". Додаток до науково-методичного
журналу "Іноземні Мови". Київський державний лінгвістичний університет і видавництво "Ленвіт", 1999.
2. Скалкин В.Л. Английский язык в ситуациях общения. Москва "Высшая школа", 1998.
3. Формановская Н.И., Шевцова С.В. Речевой этикет. Русско-английские соответствия. Москва "
Высшая школа" 1990.

Olena Sydorenko Group work in the classroom is really very useful, motivating and
encouraging. Do you use discourse in groups at the English lessons at your University?

Warum lernen wir Fremdsprachen?

Julija Gernego
Khmelnytskiy National University

Warum lernen wir Fremdsprachen?...Ich glaube, daЯ jeder von uns wenigstens einmal daran dachte...und jeder
hat seine eigene Grьnde dafьr gefunden...Aber gibt es fast einige Gemeinsamkeiten in dieser Frage?...Oder...sind wir
wirklich so verschiedene Leute?
Zum Beispiel anfangen einige Leute Fremdsprachen zu lernen, um nur ihre Karriere zu verbessern oder einfach
mehr Geld zu verdienen. Andere lernen Fremdsprachen aus Prestigegrьnden. Ihrer Meinung nach, derzeitig je besser
man spricht, desto hцher er „im Geselschaft steht“. Es gibt solche Leute, die sich mit andere Sprachen beschдftigen,
weil es ihn nur einfach SpaЯ macht. Der ProzeЯ von dem Studium ist so interessant, immer neu und
gespannt...Manschmal in dieser Zeit vergieЯ man alles...In diesem Fall steht Resultat schon auf dem zweiten Platzt...
Ja, wirklich...sind wir sehr verschiedene und vielseitige Leute!...Aber ... trotzdem ... LaЯ uns aus andere Seite
unsere Grьnde zu ьberlegen!
Ich bin der Meinung, daЯ in jedem Fall Fremdsprachen unsere „Horizonten“ zu erweitern helfen. Es kann
bewuЯt oder unbewuЯt sein. Man soll nur anfangen und es schon lohnt sich, weil von dieser Zeit eine ganz neue Welt
sich цffnet...Manchmal versteht man es, aber am oftesten nicht...Es ist nicht leicht so im Augenblick zu bemerken, daЯ
etwas in dich selbst schon anders ist ... Ich weiЯ es aus meinen eigenen Erfahrungen ...
Als Kind habe ich Englisch in der Schule zu lernen angefangen. Zuerst lernte ich es nur, weil es unbedingt war.
Ein biЯhen spдter wurde es fьr mich wirklich interessant gewesen ... Ich ьberlegte nicht warum, aber dieser ProzeЯ hat
mir nach und nach ergriffen. Ich beschaftigte mich damit und glaubte nicht, daЯ es nur Anfang von etwas ganz Neues
war ... Endlich bin ich zur Entscheidung gekommt, daЯ eine Fremdsprache nicht genug ist ... Es war Anfang von

„deutchen Teil“ in meinem Leben. Es war sehr schwer genau zu sagen „warum“...Es hat nur einfach mir gefahlen...Jetzt
bin ich schon der Meinung, daЯ derzeitig war es schon solches Gefьhl von dieser neue Welt, die nur Fremdsprachen
offnen kцnnen...Bin ich jetzt ganz anders als frьher?...Ich glaube ... einerseits bestimmt nein, aber anderseits habe ich
viel mehr jetzt als ohne Fremdsprachen hдtte...Es ist wirklich schwer zu verstehen „wie“...aber haben die
Fremdsprachen die Welt grцЯer gemacht und es hдngt nicht von unserem Wunsch oder unseren Gedanken ab. Es ist
nur einfach so...
Karriere, Geld, ein groЯer Wunsch oder etwas noch anders...Wir haben viele verschiedene Grьnde um
Fremdsprachen zu lernen...Aber gleichzeitig braucht jeder immer etwas Neues ... eine kleine Erneuerung von der
Welt...Die Fremdsprachen geben uns es und deshalb lernen wir sie!

Marina Gora
Khmelnytskyi National University

Rome is the capital of Italy and the country's largest and most populated municipality. The city
is located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula, on the Tiber river . Rome's history
spans over two and a half thousand years. It was the capital city of the Roman Kingdom, the Roman
Republic and the Roman Empire, which was a major political and cultural influence .
One of the symbols of Rome is the Colosseum (70–80 AD), the largest amphitheatre ever built in
the Roman Empire. Originally capable of seating 60,000 spectators, it was used for gladiatorial
Rome was a major world centre of the Renaissance. The most impressive masterpiece of Renaissance architecture
in Rome is the Piazza del Campidoglio by Michelangelo, along with the Palazzo Senatorio, seat of the city
Rome is also famous for its huge and majestic squares , many of which were built in the 17th century.
There are many famous bridges which cross the Tiber. Rome is a city famous for its numerous fountains, built in
all different styles, from Classical and Medieval, to Baroque and Neoclassical. Public parks and nature reserves cover a
large area in Rome, and the city has one of the largest areas of green space amongst European capitals.
Rome is also a hub of the cinematic and filming industry; for example, the Cinecittà Studios,Europe's biggest,
which saw the filming of several internationally acclaimed movies as well as television programmes, are located in the
The city has been recognized, by different studies, to be a leading European business and economic centre. Rome is
also the world's 18th most expensive city , and is the richest in Italy in terms of total earnings, and 30th globally.
Rome is widely recognised as a world fashion capital. Major luxury fashion houses and jewelry chains, such as
Bulgari, Fendi, Laura Biagiotti and Brioni, just to name a few, are headquartered or were founded in the city. The city
hosted the 1960 Olympic Games,and is also an official candidate for the 2020 version of this event.
In 2009 Rome was the 11th most visited city in the world, 3rd most visited in the EU, and the most popular tourist
attraction in Italy.

Ukrainian Holidays
Ievdokimova Olga
Sokolovskiy S.I.
Khmelnytskyi National University

Every year such holidays like New Year and Orthodox Christmas people all over the world celebrate together.
But People in Ukraine celebrate a lot of their own holidays every year.
Old New Year (14th of January), Women’s Day (8th of March), Victory Day (9th of May), Independence Day
(12th of June), etc. – that’s all is holidays in Ukraine.
Also there are a lot of personal holidays for people in Ukraine and Moldova, such as Birthday, Name Day,
Angel’s day, Anniversary, etc.
Sometimes You are far away from people You love, but that is possible to send reminder of Your feelings.
1 January - New Year's Day is one the most favorite of all holidays in Ukraine. As in Western countries on
Christmas Eve, Ukrainians give "New Year" presents, Children receive their presents under the New Year Tree on the
morning of the 1st of January. Traditionally just prior to midnight there's a Presidential speech broadcast nationally.
When the clock strikes Midnight, people pop open thier champaign bottles and raise a toast. With the first glass they
congratulate each other as the clock strikes 12 times and fireworks fill the sky. The week before the New Year is a busy
one with shopping, parties at work, decorating pine and fir-trees, and cooking the years most delicious meals. The main
folk heroes of this holiday are Father Frost (Did Moroz) and his grand-daughter "Sniguron'ka" (The Snow Girl). The
tradition of predicting fortunes on this night is very popular among young people. A peculiar tradition includes writing
down on a piece of paper your wish for the coming year, then dropping it in to your champagne and drinking it as the
clock stikes twelve times.

7 January - Orthodox Christmas The period from the 7th until the 14th of January is Saint Christmas week.
During this week people go from one house to another, singing songs and wishing good wishes to health, prosperity,
etc. and just having a good time. Such activity is called "Kolyaduvannya" and "Schedruvannya". The songs are called
"kolyadky" and "schedrivky". When somebody is singing these songs and greeting you, as a rule you should give them
sweets or food or drinks or whatever you have as a token of appreciation. It is believed that everything that the people
have sung in their Kolyadka and Schedrivka will come true. On January 6th, Christmas Eve, many families gather for
Sviata Vecheria (Holy Supper). The twelve-course meal is dedicated to Christ's twelve apostles. The traditional meals
included are kutia (home-made bread with honey and red poppies), borsch (beet soup), vushka (dumplings filled with
onions and mushrooms), a variety of fish, vareniki (dumplings filled with cabbage, potatoes, or prunes), and holubtsi
(stuffed cabbage).
25 January - "Students Day" otherwise known as "Tatyana's Day" The holiday originates to the 18th
century. In 1775, on the day of Maiden Tatiana the Martyr Empress Elizabeth Petrovna signed the regulation about the
foundation of Moscow University, which went down into history as the first Russian University. In the 18th and 19th
centuries this day was celebrated as the Day of Foundation of Moscow University, but already in the second half of the
19th century it became a holiday of all the Universities and students. Today, Tatiana's Day is a kind and cheerful
holiday, when students enjoy the freedom, youth and coming vacations. Those who have been students decades ago
remember their old good days at universities.
14 February - St. Valentine's Day In this day is supposed to present gifts and cards in the shape of hearts to the
people you love.
23 February - Men's Day (formerly known as The Soviet Army Day) It is a tribute of respect to all the
generations of Soviet soldiers and military people who defended courageously our Motherland from invaders. Now, this
holiday is considered as an opposite to Women's Day on the 8th of March, as all men get an opportunity to have their
own holiday as well. So, women have an opportunity to say the warmest and sweetest words to the men they love and to
flatter them with attention.
8 March - International Women’s Day It is an official day off as both men and women look forward to this
holiday. It originated as a day of fighting for women's rights. On this extremely popular holiday men are expected to do
everything around the house and give their women the possibility to have at least the only day off from all that cleaning
and cooking. Men present chocolate, flowers and small gifts to their wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, female friends
and colleagues.
1 April - Fool Day (the Day of laughter) This holiday is celebrated everywhere in Ukraine with people
attempting to get the best of each other through trickery and jokes.
Orthodox Easter The major holiday of the Orthodox religious calendar. It is usually about two weeks after
Catholic Easter. For many people this holiday starts with church attendance on Saturday evening, where the festive
church service is held and the father, or Orthodox priest blesses kulichi (traditional Easter cake) and pisanki (painted
Easter eggs). The father greets the congregation repeating many times over: "Christ is risen (Khrystos Voskres)!" and
the congregation replies in chorus "Indeed He is risen!" During the day people visit relatives and closest friends and
present them with Easter basket, filled with kulichi and pisanki, which are believed to posses a spiritual power.
Everybody greets each other with "Christ is risen", then follows the answer "Indeed He is risen ( Voyistynu Voskres)!".
1 - 2 May - Labor (May) Day During the Industrialization of the Nineteenth Century, it became an International
Day of Solidarity for workers of all countries.
9 May — Victory Day This is a holiday of both joy and sorrow. A great tribute is bestowed to those who gave
their lives during World War II resulting in today's peace and happiness. The eternal memory of those lost will last
forever throughout the generations. Veterans gather together remembering those who perished.
50 days after Easter - Holy Trinity Day (Svyata Troyitsya)(or "Green Sunday") On this holiday people
decorate their houses and apartments with Calamus (an herb) and assorted green branches. The wildflowers blessed on
the festive church service are dried up and kept behind the icons, as they are believed to possess special spiritual
powers. On Holy Trinity Day young girls make garlands and throw them in the river or lakes to foresee the future. If the
garland sinks, the girl who made it will die in the following year, if not, she will get married.
1 June - International Child Protection Day Children are the future of the mankind. And this day is their day.
A lot of different concerts, shows and games are held on this day.
6 June - Ivan Kupala Day is one of the great and enigmatic holidays signifing a celebration in honour of the
"God of the Sun" (or "Dazhbog"). It is belived that during this time of summer solstice, the sun is strongest, before
turning to the winter. They say that the Sun is a personification of light, celebrating its victory over dark forces, so as it
rises it's "playing", "leaping" and feeling joyful.
28 June - Constitution Day On this day in 1998 the Constitution of Independent Ukraine was adopted.
Fireworks and various concerts and musical events are common throughout the country.
24 August - Independence Day In 1991 Ukraine became independent from the USSR and was proclaimed a
Sovereign State. The Independence Day is usually celebrated with festivals and military parades.
1 September - The Day of Knowledge The first day of the new school year. Children go to schools, students go
to universities and institutions, where on this day different celebrations are held. Well-dressed first-year children,
bringing flowers for their first teacher, gather in the schoolyard or in the school to listen to the first bell ringing. A first-
year child, usually a girl, is carried by a graduating student, usually a boy, and she rings a bell, thus, opening a new
school year.

October 5 - Teacher's DayThis special day was created to focus the World's attention on the contributions and
achievements of teachers as well as their concerns and priorities. Teachers recieve special appreciation for all the hard
work they do.
6 December - Ukrainian Army Day In 1991 the Decree regarding the establishment of the" Armed forces of
Ukraine" was signed and is annualy celebrated.
19 December - St. Nicolas Day On this day parents and relatives try to surprise their kids by placing small gifts,
toys, or books into symbolic shoes or stockings or even under their pillows.
25 December - ChristmasCatholic Christmas is also celebrated in Ukraine, especially in her Western regions.
Each country has its own customs, traditions, holidays and important days in its history. The Ukrainians are just
fond of celebrating holidays. They strictly observe the traditions of Orthodox and Soviet holidays and readily accept
Western holidays like St. Valentine Day, Halloween, St. Patrick's Day and so on. A great number of holidays can be
divided into several groups - public, religious and just holidays. Public holidays are marked with red in the calendar for
you not to forget to have a good rest. When a holiday falls on a non-work day, Saturday or Sunday, the nearest Friday
or Monday is a day-off.


Zarys kontaktu językowego na przykładzie gwar polskich

w okolicy miasta Chmielnicki
Ludmiła Januszewska

Polacy zaczęli osiedlać się na Podolu na przełomie XVI i XVII wieków po niszczących najazdach
turecko-tatarskich. Polscy magnaci i szlachta dostawali od króla posiadłości ziemskie na Ukrainie, na
które sprowadzali chłopów z etnicznej Polski. Obecnie są luki w dokumentach historycznych odnośnie
czasu przesiedlenia i miejsca pochodzenia polskich osadników zamieszkałych w okolicy
Chmielnickiego. W tradycji lokalnej uznaje się, że przybyli oni z Mazowsza, aczkolwiek nieliczne
analizy językowe współczesnych polskich gwarChmielnicczyzny przeważnie wskazują na teren
Małopolski. Przypuszcza się także, że mogło to być osadnictwo mieszane regionalnie.
Wreferacie będzie mowa o współczesnym stanie gwar polskich, które funkcjonują w takich miejscowościach jak:
Hreczany, Maćkowce, Szaroweczka, Zarzecze.
Do zachowania tych gwar polskich wciągu IV wieków przyczyniły się:
Narodowościowa, językowa i religijna tożsamość mieszkańcóww omawianych miejscowościach. Gwary polskie pod
Chmielnickim stanowiły tzw. „gwary wyspowe”, gdyżmieszkańcy polskich wiosek wyraźnie oddzielali się od
ludności ukraińskojęzycznej i wiosek ukraińskich. Dlatego też językowa i narodowościowa asymilacja ludności
polskiejz ludnością ukraińską zachodziła raczej powoli. Tu warto nadmienić, że wszyscy miejscowi Polacy
wyznawali katolicyzm, dlatego z reguły identyfikacja religijna określała tożsamość narodową i na odwrót (czyli
każdy katolik czuł się Polakiem, a każdy Polak był katolikiem). Dziś ta regularność zaczyna się zmieniać, głównie
ze względu na małżeństwa mieszane polsko-ukraińskie.
Funkcjonowanie gwary polskiej we wszystkich pokoleniaw obrębie jednej wioski i w kontaktach z Polakami z innych
miejscowości. Był to pierwszy język, który poznawały dzieci.
Obecność języka polskiego w kościele(sakralna funkcja języka polskiego). Ten czynnik mógł być nawet
najważniejszym. Świadczą o tym analizy sytuacji językowych w kilku polskich miejscowościach na Podolu, w
których w codziennym użyciu język ukraiński zastąpił język polski, natomiast ludność polskiej narodowości modli
się wciąż po polsku i chce, żeby msze w kościele również odprawiało się po polsku.
Jednakże wbrew odrębności polskiej grupy lokalnej, w sferze języka i tradycji zachodziły liczne wzajemne wpływy
polsko-ukraińskie. Otoczenie gwar ukraińskich, a także wpływ języka rosyjskiego (XX w.) zadecydowały o tym, że we
współczesnych gwarach polskich spotyka się dużą ilość zapożyczeń i wpływów ukraińskich, rosyjskich i surżyka.
Wpływy obce są zauważalne na wszystkich poziomach języka(fonetycznym, morfologiczny, leksykalnym s
W XX w. polska ludność Chmielnicczyzny była przeważnie bilingwalna (wykazywała się znajomością języka
polskiego i ukraińskiego w lokalnym wariancie), a czasem – multilingwalna[1](w czasach radzieckich kilka pokoleń
Polaków etnicznych uczyło się w szkole w języku rosyjskim). Ze względu na to istniał ścisły podział sfer użycia
każdego języka. Był to tzw. „integralny bilingwizm (multilingwizm) społeczny” [termin za: E. Haugen].

Najstarsze pokolenie Polaków wspomina, że dawniej, jeśli Ukraińcy zamieszkiwali na stałe w środowisku
polskojęzycznym, to zazwyczaj oni polonizowali się. Jednakże na przełomie XX i XXI w. w każdym następnym
młodszym pokoleniu maleje liczba osób mówiących gwarą polską. Mają na to wpływ: wprowadzenie do praktyk
religijnych języka ukraińskiego, niski prestiż gwary polskiej, globalizacja.
W lepszej stosunkowo sytuacji znajdują się Maćkowce i Szaroweczna, przede wszystkim ze względu na odległość od
miasta. W Hreczanach,po przyłączeniu wsi do miasta, szybciej odbywa się proces asymilacji ludności polskiej z
ukraińską.Wten czas gdy na Zarzeczu, które (podobnie jak Hreczany) stanowi część Chmielnickiego, już tylko
pojedyncze osoby w starszym pokoleniu znają gwarę polską.
Językowe sytuacje w opisywanych miejscowościach ilustrują takie etapy rozwoju kontaktu językowego:
Bilingwizm integralny: użycie któregoś z języków (polskiego, ukraińskiego, rosyjskiego) warunkuje konkretna
sytuacja komunikacyjna (w pracy, w domu, w szkole, w kontaktach z sąsiadami). Ten typ kontaktu językowego
występuje w Maćkowcach i w Szaroweczce.
Bilingwizm regresywny: języka ukraińskiego bądź rosyjskiego używa się w sytuacjach, w których do niedawna
mówiło się gwarą polską. Ujawnia się to głównie w rozmowach rodziców z dziećmi urodzonymi w latach 90.
ubiegłego stulecia. Ten rodzaj bilingwizmu jest właściwy dla Hreczan.
Bilingwizm resztkowy: tylko pojedyncze osoby pamiętają jeszcze gwarę polską, której nauczyli się w dzieciństwie i
którą rozmawiali w młodości, ale obecnie nie używają jej na co dzień, a tylko w sytuacjach wyjątkowych (w
rozmowie z Polakami, z księżmi, itp.). Przykładem bilingwizmu resztkowego jest polska gwara w Zarzeczu.
Przykład polskiej gwary na Ukrainie ilustrują fragmenty wywiadów prowadzonych w Hreczan o tematyce
socjolingwistycznej [na wideo]: 
[1] Inaczej wyglądała sytuacja językowa w pokoleniu przedrewolucyjnym – jeszcze na początku lat 90. spotykało się
osoby, które rozmawiały wyłącznie gwarą polską, pomimo że wszystko rozumieli język ukraiński i rosyjski.

Нарис мовного контакту на прикладі польських говірок

в околиці міста Хмельницького
Людмила Янушевська

Поляки почали заселяти Поділля на зламі XVII-XVIIIст., після його спустошення турецько-татарськими
наїздами. Польські магнати і шляхта отримували від короля землі в України, які заселяли селянами з етнічної
Польщі. Сьогодні відсутні точні дані що до часу переселення і регіону походження предків сучасних поляків
Хмельниччини. В локальній традиції вважається, що вони прибули з Мазовії, однак часткові мовні аналізи
сучасних польських говірок Хмельниччини здебільшого вказують на Малу Польщу. Можливою є також
гіпотеза про різнорегіональне походження поляків з околиць Хмельницького.
В цій доповідібуде мова про сучасний стан пол. говірок, які існують в таких населених пунктах як Гречани,
Заріччя, Мацьківці, Шаровечка.
Збереженню цих пол. говірок протягом IVст. сприяли:
Національна, мовна і релігійна однорідністьмешканців згаданих місцевостей. Говірки поляків в околиці
Хмельницького становили так звані «острівні наріччя», томущо мешканці тих поселень чітко
відокремлювались від українськомовних сіл. Саме тому мовна і національна асиміляція польського
населення з українським проходила тут досить повільно. Варто також згадати, що всі локальні поляки
визнавали католицьку віру, тому зазвичай релігійна ідентифікація вказувала на національну
приналежність і навпаки. Сьогодні ця закономірність починає змінюватись, здебільшого внаслідок
мішаних польсько-українських подружжів.
Функціонування пол. говірки у всіх поколінняхв межах села і в контактах з поляками інших сіл. Це була
перша мова, якої вчились діти.
Присутність польської мови в костьолі(сакральна функція пол. мови). Цей чинник був чи не
найважливішим. Вказуєь на це аналіз мовних ситуацій в деяких польських місцевостях Поділля, де
українська мова заступила в щоденній розмові польську, а люди ще й досі моляться по по-польськи і
хочуть, щоб Служба Божа відправлялась польською мовою.
Однак не дивлячись на відокремлений характер польської локальної групи, в мовних аспектах та в традиціях
спостерігались певні взаємні впливи. Так як польські говірки перебували в оточенні українських говірок, а
також знаходились під впливом російської мови (XXст.), то  сьогодні в польських локальних говірках присутні
чисельні запозичення та впливи з українських говірок, української таросійської мов, а навіть суржика. При
чому спостерігається це на всіх мовних рівнях (фонетичному, морфологічному, лексикальному і
В XX ст. польське населення Хмельниччини в основному було білінгвальне (знало польську і українську мови в
локальному варіанті) або мультилінгвальне[2](у радяньські часи дійшла ще російська мова, так як кілька

поколінь етнічних поляків вчилось в школах по-російськи). Існував стислий поділ сфер вживання кожної з мов.
Був це так званий „суспільний білінгвізм (мультилінгвізм) інтегральний” [термін за: E Haugen].
Найстарше покоління поляків згадує, що колись, якщо українці потрапляли на постійне місце проживання в
польськомовне середовище, то зазвичай полонізувались. Однак на зламіXX-XXIст. з кожним наступним
молодшим поколінні зменшується чисельність осіб, які розмовляють польською говіркою. Впливають на це:
впровадження до богослужінь у костьолі укр. мови, низький престиж пол. говірки, глобалізація.
В кращій ситуації є Мацьківці і Шаровечка, перед усім через віддаленість від міста. В Гречанах,після
приєднання села до міста,швидше проходить асиміляція польського населення з українським. В той час як на
Заріччі, яке теж є дільницею Хмельницького, вже тільки поодинокі особи старшого віку знають пол. говірку.
Таким чином мовні ситуації цих місцевостей представляють такі етапи розвитку мовного контакту:
білінгвізм інтегральний: вживання тої чи іншої мови залежить від ситуації, в якій відбувається розмова, і
всіх зумовлених нею обставин. Цей вид мовного контакту характерний для Мацьковець та Шаровечки.
білінгвізм регресивний: українською чи російською  мовою говориться в тих мовних ситуаціях, в яких
донедавна вживалась локальна польська мова. В основному проявляється це в розмовах батьків
здітьми, народженими в 90-х рр. минулого ст. Такий вид виступає в Гречанах
білінгвізм залишковий: лише поодинокі особи пам’ятають пол. говірку, якої навчились в дитинстві і якою
розмовляли в молодості, але сьогодні нею не спілкуються щоденно, а вживають її лише в виняткових
ситуаціях. Прикладом білінгвізму залишкового є пол. говірка на Заріччі.
ПрикладпольськоїговіркиХмельниччиниілюструютькороткi фрагментизаписівпольськоїмовиГречан.
Записи проводилисьдлясоціоліновістичногоаналізу [на відео]:
[1] Інакше представлялася мовна ситуація в дореволюціонному поколінні – ще на початку 90х рр. зустрічались
особи, які розмовляли лише пол. говіркою, хоч розуміли укр. і рос. мови.


Nina Lyulkun
Пані Людмило! Дуже дякую вам за таку цікаву статтю та ще й українською мовою. Прочитала
статтю, а потім ще й подивилась чудове відео і дискусію з мешканцями регіонів Хмельницького, які
залишили враження чогось рідного і такого знайомого. Варта уваги ідея комбінації тексту і відео для
конференції на лінії.
Ще раз дякую, отримала велике задоволення від вашого вкладу до конференції.
Скільки ж часу ви витратили на дослідження, інтервью і створення такого надзвичайного фільму з

Шановна Ніно Ананіївно, дякую за зацікавленість темою і коментар. Інтерв'ю я проводжу вже третій рік,
просто за кожним разом розглядаю польську говірку під новим кутом: тут я представила соціолінгвістичні
питання, а деколи питаю про історію локальних поляків в часи війни і репресій, національну свідомість, давні і
сьогоднішні звичаї та традиції, про лексику ітп. Тем для обговорення багато, а кожна тема крім зацікавлення і
фактичної інформації дає матеріали до вивчення мови, чим я й займаюсь. Загалом це цікава пригода і багатий
життєвий досвід, тому що маю нагоду спілкуватись з людьми, які багато пережили і можуть поділитись своєю
мудрістю, а як результат їх відкритості на розмови зі мною (і моїми колегами) - вони залишаться не тільки в
локальній пам'яті, а й в історії та науці.

Nina Lyulkun
Так Людмило, я з вами повністю погоджуюсь. Ви робити дуже цінне дослідження і ділитися дуже
цікавим матеріалом з нами. Я з великим задоволенням і гордістю читаю ваші повідомлення і буду
дуже рада, якщо ви продовжите нас повідомляти про нові ідеї на цьому сайті. Поки що він буде
відкритий і буде працювати доки ця платформа працюватиме.

Języki obce а przyszłość zаwodowа

 Rusłan Kinaszewski

 Ten, kto włаdа językiem obcym tylko trochę,

mа z tego więcej przyjemności niż ten, kto
mowi nim dobrze. Przyjemność nаleży do
tych, ktorych wiedzа jest połowicznа
Friedrich Nietzsche
Znаjomości języków towarzyszy pewna otoczkа geniuszu. Wielojęzyczność nie jest jednаk
wyłącznie domeną nаukowców, oczytаnych językoznаwców – wielomа językаmi potrаfi włаdаć
tаkże wiele słаw europejskich. Weźmy nа przykłаd piłkę nożną, sport, który rаczej nie jest kojаrzony

ze sprаwnością językową, аle uprаwiаny przez  wielu zawodników biegle znаjących kilkа języków. Nаleży do nich
były kаpitаn reprezentаcji Frаncji i bohаter nаrodowy Zinedine Zidаne, który mowi po frаncusku, włosku, hiszpаńsku,
аrаbsku i po berberyjsku. Ruud vаn Nistelrooy, słynny nаpаstnik holenderski, włаdа czterema językami, а jego rodаk,
ceniony trener Guus Hiddink – pięciomа. Populаrny były аngielski nаpаstnik, а obecnie telewizyjny komentаtor
sportowy Gаry Lineker, kiedy jeszcze grаł dlа Bаrcelony, udzielаł się jаko ekspert w telewizji,  mówiąc po hiszpаńsku.
„Uczenie się hiszpаńskiego i jаpońskiego sprаwiа mi nаprawdę wielką przyjemność. Poznаwаnie nowego językа może
być świetną zаbаwą, pozа tym możemy dowiedzieć się tyle o innych ludziach i o tym, co ich interesuje”.
 Jаk być mobilnym? Piłkаrze nie przez przypadek uczą się języków obcych, robią to ze względu nа swoją
międzynаrodową mobilność. „Z mojego doświаdczeniа wynikа, że kiedy pojedziesz do innego krаju, ludzie zаwsze
doceniаją, jeśli znаsz ich język” – twierdzi były trener reprezentаcji Аnglii, Szwed Sven-Gorаn Eriksson, obecnie
szkolący drużynę Meksyku. Wielomа językаmi włаdаją tаkże słynni europejscy tenisiści, nа przykłаd belgijskie -
mistrzynie Kim Clijsters i Justine Henin, szwаjcаrskа legendа tenisа Roger Federer czy Rosjаnkа Jelenа Dementiewа.
Wśrod osób wielojęzycznych są też reprezentаnci innych dyscyplin.  „Jestem znаnа jаko sportowiec, а umiejętności -
językowe nаdаły mojej kаrierze nowy wymiаr. Nа zаwodаch nа kontynencie często mowię po frаncusku i niemiecku” –
mówi brytyjskа mаrаtonkа Pаulа Rаdcliffe.
 Znajomość języków obcych daje wiele możliwości. Nаukа nowego językа, podobnie jаk nаukа muzyki, wiąże
się z pewnym wysiłkiem, аle dаje wiele sаtysfаkcji. Sаmа podroż może być rownie emocjonującа jаk jej cel, co
potwierdzi kаżdy, kto wyruszył w tę drogę.
„Uczenie się języków to dlа mnie możliwość porozumiewаniа się z ludźmi z rożnych części świаtа i innych
kultur. To dlа mnie bаrdzo wаżne, bo moją pаsją są podroże – mowi Celiа, Hiszpаnkа znаjącа cztery języki. Uczenie
się języków sprаwiа mi dużą przyjemność, choć czаsem jest to trochę frustrujące, kiedy widzi się, jаk dużo jeszcze -
trzebа się nаuczyć, mimo że znа się dаny język cаłkiem dobrze”.
Dodаtkowo znаjomość języków otwierа możliwości podjęciа prаcy w UE, w dziedzinаch związаnych z
językаmi, tаkich jаk tłumаczeniа. Osoby posługujące się językаmi obcymi mogą stаrаć się o prаcę w turystyce, w -
wydаwnictwаch, orgаnizаcjаch międzynаrodowych lub korporаcjаch. Znаjomość językа dаje nаm klucz do innych
kultur i społeczeństw.


«Знания иностранных языков для успешного работоустройства»
Знанием иностранных языков сегодня никого не удивишь. Выдающиеся представители мира спорта
знают по несколько языков. Так на пример Зинадин Зидан разговаривает на француском, итальянском,
испанском, арабском и берберском языках. К изучению иностранных языков подталкивает международная
мобильность. Знанию иняз. сопутствует возможность свободной коммуникации за границей, лучшему
работоустройству в ЕС, в сфере туризма и перевода, международного сотрудничества.

Nina Lyulkun
Однозначно, Людмила. В настоящее время не надо особо мотивировать молодежь учить
иностранные языки. Все прекрасно понимают, что знание нескольких языков облегчает общение,
сотрудничество и, естественно, профессиональный рост. Все, что можно прочитать в оригинале,
намного ценнее, чем в чьем-то переводе.
Хороший вопрос затрагивают участники конференции.

Mr. Kinaszewski,
Could you write how good the situation in learning foreign languages by Polish vocational students is?
How good are they in this learning? And how do you motivate them to learn foreign languages, e.g.
English? Thank you.

Nauka języka obcego na studiach

W ostatnich latach można zaobserwować z jednej strony spadek liczby studentów i absolwentów kierunków
związanych z językami obcymi (jak również studentów językoznawstwa), a z drugiej – wzrost zainteresowania
programami oferującymi kursy językowe studentom różnych kierunków. Znajomość języków obcych stanowi ważny
element kwalifikacji zawodowych. Wiele rozwijających się w Europie branży przemysłowych ma bezpośredni związek
z językami obcymi. Wśród wymaganych umiejętności są i te językowe, a więc rośnie zapotrzebowanie na lingwistów,
którzy podjęliby się nauczania języków obcych bądź dokonywaliby tłumaczeń ustnych i pisemnych. Znajomość
języków postrzegana jest jako umiejętność podstawowa, niezbędna do wykonywania każdego zawodu.
Podejścia stosowane w nauczaniu języków obcych w szkolnictwie wyższym zmieniają się. Bazy zasobów
językowych pozwalają na samodzielną naukę, jak też na przyswajanie wiedzy w trybie blended learning (nauczanie

tradycyjne z nauczaniem przez komputer), podczas gdy Technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne (ICT) umożliwiają
metodę kooperatywnego e-learningu, czego przykładem jest tandem learning, czyli nauka w parach. Razem z
nowymi sposobami nauki pojawiają się nowe profesje, takie jak „doradca językowy”, który pełni wobec ucznia
funkcję przewodnika, sugerując dobór odpowiednich materiałów i metody samodzielnej nauki.
Wiele instytucji szkolnictwa wyższego ma w swojej ofercie naukę języka do celów specjalnych, takich jak
czytanie na poziomie akademickim lub przygotowanie prezentacji. Znajomość języków obcych umożliwia studentom
dostęp do informacji w więcej niż jednym języku.
W niektórych krajach nieanglojęzycznych pojawiła się nawet obawa, że wprowadzenie nauczania w języku
angielskim mogłoby zagrozić statusowi języków narodowych. Dlatego też zachęca się ośrodki akademickie do
prowadzenia takiej polityki językowej, która inicjuje działania promujące języki narodowe i dialekty zarówno wśród
studentów, jak i w szerszym środowisku.
Prowadzone na uniwersytetach badania nad akwizycją języka drugiego dostarczają informacji istotnych dla
polityki językowej oraz praktyki nauczania we wszystkich sektorach edukacji.
Instytucje szkolnictwa wyższego robią bardzo wiele na rzecz promowania nauki języków obcych i
wielojęzyczności, zarówno wśród jednostek, jak i w całym społeczeństwie. Oprócz zwykłych kursów językowych,
szkolenie językowe jest udostępnianie studentom wszystkich kierunków jako element ich programu zajęć lub jako
przedmiot nadobowiązkowy.
Uniwersytety i kolegia odgrywają też pierwszorzędną rolę w międzynarodowych wymianach młodzieży, które
służą nie tylko nauce języka, lecz również poznaniu innych kultur. Nauka języka obcego dla studenta oznacza zarówno
lepszy start zawodowy w przyszłości, jak i korzyści dla rozwoju osobistego.
UE pomaga uczyć sie języków w taki sposób:
UE finansuje programwymiany Erasmus, który umożliwia współpracę uniwersytetów z różnych krajów,
wspiera mobilność w Europie i zwiększa przejrzystość zasad wzajemnego uznawania kwalifikacji w różnych krajach
Plan działania Komisji Europejskiej zatytułowany „Wspieranie nauki języków obcych i różnorodności
językowej” zawiera następujące propozycje:
każdy uniwersytet powinien prowadzić spójną politykę językową, w którą wpisane są promowanie nauki
języków obcych oraz różnorodności językowej,
w polityce językowej uniwersytetów powinno się znaleźć miejsce dla działań bezpośrednio wspierających
języki narodowe i regionalne,
w ramach studiów kończących się uzyskaniem dyplomu studiów wyższych każdy student powinien studiować
za granicą, najlepiej w języku obcym, przez co najmniej jeden semestr oraz uzyskać oficjalne świadectwo znajomości
Finansowany ze środków UE projekt „Europejska sieć do spraw promowania nauki języków obcych
wśród wszystkich studentów studiów wyższych pierwszego stopnia” wykazał, że promowanie nauki języków
obcych wśród studentów studiów wyższych pierwszego stopnia wymaga stałych ram na szczeblu europejskim.
Aktualnie pod auspicjami niezależnej Europejskiej Rady ds. Języków (ang. European Language Council)
powstaje sieć HELP do spraw polityki językowej w szkolnictwie wyższym (ang. Higher Education Language Policy).
Jej członkami będą organizacje zaangażowane w kształcenie na pierwszym etapie studiów wyższych.
Celem siecijest współpraca i wymiana inicjatyw.
Celem HELP jest zagwarantowanie, że uniwersytet umożliwi studentom:
 porozumiewanie się w co najmniej dwóch językach obcych,
 wzrost pewności siebie i zdobycie wiedzy na temat tego, w jaki sposób doskonalić swoje
umiejętności językowe i w przyszłości uczyć się nowych języków, zdobycie doświadczeń związanych
ze współpracą z innymi krajami i kulturami.

Nauczanie języków obcych w Unii Europejskiej

Znajomość języków obcych jest podstawą sukcesu Europy. Wielojęzyczność umożliwia komunikację i
zrozumienie, które są źródłem inspiracji różnorodnych kultur europejskim do podejmowania wspólnych przedsięwzięć.
Z tego właśnie powodu nauczanie języka jest wartością nadrzędną. Zachęcając uczniów od najmłodszych lat
do uczenia się języków obcych, nauczyciele pomagają młodym Europejczykom

 stać się bardziej otwartymi na inne kultury,

 zwiększyć swoją mobilność i możliwości znalezienia pracy za granicą,
 nauczyć się współzawodnictwa na globalnym rynku pracy.

Ta część skierowana jest do osób zajmujących się zawodowo nauczaniem języków obcych, nie tylko
nauczycieli pracujących w różnych sektorach edukacji, ale również innych osób działających w tej dziedzinie, takich
jak: osoby tworzące politykę językową i decydenci, szkoleniowcy, badacze, doradcy, koordynatorzy projektów i in.
Komisja Europejska działa na rzecz rozwoju wysokiej jakości nauczania, zachęcając poszczególne państwa
członkowskie do współpracy, oraz, jeśli zaistnieje taka potrzeba, wspiera i uzupełnia ich działania, pamiętając przy tym,
że to poszczególne kraje ponoszą odpowiedzialność za program i organizację systemów edukacyjnych, jak również ich
kulturową i językową różnorodność.

W centrum uwagi znajdują się te obszary, które zostały wyszczególnione w najnowszych dokumentach
Komisji Europejskiej, jak również takie, którymi Komisja planuje się zajmować w niedalekiej przyszłości.
Materiały dydaktyczne – jest to część poświęcona wyszukiwaniu i dobieraniu odpowiednich materiałów
potrzebnych w procesie nauczania i uczenia się.
Nauczanie języków obcych w różnych sektorach dotyczy problemów z zakresu edukacji i szkolenia w
różnych sektorach, z którymi mają do czynienia osoby zajmujące się zawodowo nauczaniem języków obcych.
Kształcenie nauczycieli języków obcychjest poświęcone szkoleniom oraz doskonaleniu zawodowemu
Nadzór i doradztwo mają podkreślić rolę specjalistów w procesie doskonalenia nauczania języków obcych.
Promocja nauki języków obcychpodkreśla zasadniczy wkład osób zajmujących się zawodowo nauczaniem
języków obcych w promowanie wielojęzyczności i propagowanie korzyści płynących z nauki języków.


«Изучение иностранных языков в Евросоюзе»
Знание иностранных языков (иняз.) составляет основу успеха Евросоюза. Поэтому Евросоюз делает
большую ставку на их изучение. Европейская Комиссия, для улучшения качества науки, приглашает к
сотрудничеству страны-учасники и поддерживает их действия. Но ответственность за организацию и
реализацию процесса обучения иняз., а также за сохранение собственной культурной и языковой особенности,
несут страны-сострудники самостоятельно. В недалеком будущем планируется организация разных программ и
методической поддержки для учителей иняз., а также надзора над препровождаемыми проектами.

Interactive classroom activities

Knysh Liliya
Mykolayiv state University
named after Sukhomlynskyi

According to the Cambridge dictionary of American English "interact" means to

communicate with or react to each other. Real interaction in the classroom requires the teacher to cede
a full role to the student in developing and carrying through his (her) activities, to accept all kinds of
opinions, to be tolerant of errors the student makes while attempting to communicate.
Communication, which derives essentially from interaction, remains a central goal and challenge for language teachers
1. Warming up. Various kinds of work with tongue-twisters consolidate pronunciation skills and force students
either to develop the idea or to create something of their own. Warming-up activities sometimes can be taken into
consideration as the introduction to a new topic.
2. Story telling. This kind of activities is to be acted out in groups. If we work with ready-made stories I, as a
rule, divide the class with regard to their abilities and capabilities and then suggest that they should cope with the
appropriate tasks.
Chain stories help develop students’ creative thinking and imagination.
3. Grammar practice. Interactive methods of teaching grammar have been designed for reinforcing points that
are covered in texts, for providing oral and written practice with grammar forms and rules the students have already
learned, for establishing communicative approach in learning grammar.
4. Song activities. It's the means of intercultural communication, because it enriches students' knowledge of
ethics, values, traditions, wit of the nation. Learners are often more highly motivated and less embarrassed when
involved in the activities that appear to be lighter, relevant to their own particular situation.
5. Video technique. Videotapes can add a new dimension to students' experience and outlook. Children are
engaged in previewing, viewing and postviewing (follow-up) assignments working either in pairs or in groups or
6. Miscellaneous games. They are appreciated by my students. Interactive games enhance students' knowledge
of some meaningful lexical or grammatical units, furthermore they are a good remedy of getting rid of indifference and
boredom on the whole.

1. Алмазова Л.А. Как научиться говорить по-английски. Москва "Высшая школа", 1989.
2. Формановская Н.И., Шевцова С.В. Речевой этикет. Русско-английские соответствия. Москва "
Высшая школа" 1990.
3. Скалкин В.Л. Английский язык в ситуациях общения. Москва "Высшая школа", 1998.
4. Ніколаєва С.Ю., Тітова В.М. Бібліотечка журналу "Іноземні Мови". Додаток до науково-методичного
журналу "Іноземні Мови". Київський державний лінгвістичний університет і видавництво "Ленвіт", 1999.
5. Комунікативні методи та матеріали для викладання англійської мови. Перекладено і адаптовано
Л.В.Биркун.Oxford University Press, 1998.


Alina Kovalenko
Mykolayiv state University
named after Sukhomlynskyi

English learners have a big advantage over learners of other languages: Hollywood is
in America and it makes English-language movies. So, if you know English and you
like movies, why don't you watch movies in English? You can have fun and, at the
same time, learn a lot of English.

If you are a fan of movies, you will notice that they are much better in the original. Watching a
dubbed film will never be as good as watching the original version. Why? Because in the original
version, the actor's voices are real. Everything is just like the director imagined.

Learning English by watching movies is learning by input. First you get lots of correct English
sentences into your head. Then you can imitate them and you can make your own sentences. And
isn't that why you are learning English — to be able to make your own sentences? That is why
watching movies (just like reading books) is such a great way to learn English.
Of course, there are important differences between movies and books. With books, you learn how
native speakers write in English. With movies, you learn how they speak English.

You learn how they say these words. Movies let you improve your pronunciation, not only grammar
and vocabulary. If you listen to Americans or Britons speaking English, you can learn to speak like

You can greatly improve your vocabulary by reading books, looking up words in your dictionary
and repeating them. But even if you read 200 books in English, you would still not understand
everything! There will always be some words that you didn't know before. And some of the dialog
will be spoken very quickly and unclearly. (You should know that sometimes even Americans can't
understand some of the dialog.)

What else can you do to learn from movies more effectively? The same things that you should do
when reading books: Pay attention to interesting things: new words, phrases, and grammar
structures. Use your dictionary to learn about these interesting things. You can stop the movie to
look up difficult words. You can also write down all the interesting sentences, and look them up
later. But do use your dictionary!

Learning foreign languages as the means to be employed successfully

Zoryana Kovalyova
Khmelnytskyi National University

 I believe the knowledge of foreign languages is essential for a truly educated person. I am
sure in order to have good position in life one should know foreign languages. It enables us to
communicate with people from other countries, to read the literature of other countries in the original,
to read specialized journals and books necessary for work and to broaden one’s outlook. Knowledge of
foreign languages helps to promote cultural, educational, scientific and technical cooperation among
nations. Through foreign languages we learn to respect the people’s culture and to be more proud of
the culture of our own people.
English is now the most important and wide spread language in the world.
Every well educated person in the world speaks English. It is the language of communication, business,
science, culture and computers. Independent Ukraine has relations with many countries. More and more direct contracts
are established with countries of Europe, the USA, England and other English speaking countries. Taking into account
economic development in our country, hundreds of joint ventures have appeared in every town and city of Ukraine.
Besides a lot of foreign delegations come to our country. Our businessmen often go abroad.
As for me knowledge of English is very important in my future profession. I will be a specialist in marketing.
So for a modern marketing manager it is absolutely necessary to speak, write, read and communicate with people from
another country. And a lot of books of marketing are written in English. And if I travel abroad for my business trip I
can’t do my trip successful without my knowledge in English.
That’s why it is very important to learn English. I think English is worth learning.

Nina Lyulkun
Hi Zoryana!
You are right. English is a very important language in the world for communication, business, global problem
solving now. Do you have an idea to learn more Foreign langaues? What is the most important for you to improve
knowledge of Foreign language?

Olena Sydorenko
Hi, Zoryanka! You are a smart young lady and rather motivated. How do you learn foreign language? How do
you cope with difficult issues?

Alexander Skydan
Sorry ladies, I won't be so sweet. To make things clear - I love English, take every chance reading in English,
but your "English is now the most important and wide spread language in the world" cannot be the truth! here
you have the statistics - First language: 309–400 million
Second language: 199–1,400 million[2][3]
Overall: 500 million. Compare: Chinese - one dialect group - mandarin one - speak 800 million people, in Asia they do
not think that language of the internet - is the English one, our media think so. that was the first thing.

I do not find fault with you. But, your statement "Through foreign languages we learn to respect the people’s culture" -
do we have any other way to learn to be respectful? Does it mean, that interpreters are the most tolerant people? It
seems that to respect smth or smb we should not learn languages, we should just respect.

"Every well educated person in the world speaks English." - so there are no uneducated people in English speaking
countries? and let's be realistic - speaking any foreign language does not mean "good position in life" at once, does it?

As I see, Zoryana is a student! So, "knowledge of English is very important in my future profession" is main
and I hope not one movitation statement. It's just a start! And as a teacher with some experience we are
happy when we meet face with rather motivated students.

Alexander Skydan
do not want to be rude, I am teacher too, but unfortunately schools, colleges, universities whatever give us no
idea of what a future profession is!! English for the sake of English??? Are there many schools that will hang
a banner over the exit, that says "Learning English here means good position in life after graduation". I know such
schools, they are far far away and there are few of them.As for motivation for learning languages, that's nice if not a
gregarious instinct. Just do not be so stupid to think that English is a success.

Developing a program interface

Kravchuk Tetyana
Khmelnytskyi National University

A good design starts not only from the nice pictures. It begun with understanding of people: that they are, why
they’re using exactly that program and how they can co-operate with it. What anymore you know about people and
what anymore you are penetrated their feelings, you create the more so effective design for people. At last software is
the mean of achievement of aims, put people whom using it. What better you will think over this mean, the more so
favorable will be the impressions of users.
At development of program interface it is necessary to pay regard to such factors:
Lasting style
Developing a program interface it is necessary to take into account, that the people of different generations will use
it, especially if business goes about the operating systems. Therefore a design of interface must be restrained. At this
development it is better not to pay regard to modern fashionable tendencies, because fashion is a periodic concept and
what was fashionable today, can become out-of-date tomorrow. Such factors can irritate or make laugh users, the same
distracting their attention from the program. Never forgot that one of the general tasks of the interface is to introduce
your program.
Clarity and simplicity
Developing a difficult design, you are rejecting users from the program. Especially, this is important at
development of web-site. Using the uncomfortable placing of different control elements, you are confusing users. And
because a competition at the market of IT is not little, it will be simpler to the user to find other the web-site with
necessary information, than to understand yours. That’s why it is needed to use the simple ways of development of
Attractiveness for users
Everybody likes all beautiful, but for everybody this word explained variously. It is therefore needed to define a
having of purpose audience and founded thereon start to develop a design. It is better not to use very bright
backgrounds, because it distracts from work and very often irritates users.
Colours arrangement
Colour is a way of communication. Color is a power that stimulates the sales of practically any consumer product.
Design professionals, charts and the printing industry workers, perfectly know, that a color is a key factor in the process
of trade, because it’s play an important role at a decision-making about a purchase. The main task is only to pick up a
correct colour wheel.
We feel taste of "sweet pink color", hear “loudly-red”, feel "air-white" that’s why no wonder that the sphere of the use
of colors is enormous. Influence of separate colors and their tints were tested, where upon used more purposefully: in
the field of fashion, films and on television, magazines, pictures and advertising. Every color carries the associations.
For example, red - warm and irritating, stimulates a brain, improves a mood. A blue color is created by cool
surroundings, takes off pains at an inflammation. A green color is meant by mistrust and even temper, calms the
nervous system, and reduces pain, fatigue.
An orange color is the most dynamic, youth and merry color. Stimulates senses and accelerates palpitation, intensifies
perception and instrumental in permission of intricate tasks and problems.
Therefore to develop a good interface it is needed to be not only a good programmer and designer, but it is needed
to be a good psychologist.
Modern trends in CALL
Vika Kravchuk
Khmelnytskyi National University

Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is a form of computer-based learning which

carries two important features: bidirectional learning and individualized learning. The focus of CALL is
learning, but not teaching. It is a student-centered accelerated learning material, which promotes self-
paced accelerated learning.
Work with computer, particularly using the Internet, brings students valuable connections with
teachers, other students, wide network of professionals around the globe.
CALL is becoming more popular in today’s connected world. Students from all over the world can improve
their grammar, writing, speaking and listening skills, using different on-line programmes.
First of all, it is needed to tell you about Livemocha ( Livemocha
is the world's largest online community for language learners, with free lessons and a global community to help you
learn a new language. With Livemocha, you can develop confidence in your language skills that will help you carry on
conversations in a foreign language. We’ve been using Livemocha for one year and it should be admitted that it is the
best online language program one has ever seen and used. You can not only connect with native speakers from all over
the world, but also help them to learn your native language.
Secondly, it should be mentioned about some projects which we have been participating in recently. One of
them is called "Schools around the world" (
The idea of this project is to create a visual school network in order to sustain an on-going dialogue about how schools
differ worldwide.  Students are offered to prepare a voicethreadadding all the information they require relevant for other

students to know about their school. The rest of the participants can ask questions about their school. This project is a
great way to learn about the educational system in several countries and to learn different cultures.
Next one is a video project “Multicultural Uniqueness”( The
idea of this project is to show the uniqueness of your country. We had to create a video about the things that make our
countries unique. Students from different parts of the world took part in this project. They showed historical places in
their countries, landmarks, social events and activities.
The last one which has been in progress and makes participants feel like a big friendly international family is
“SnowBlog”( . SnowBlog is Language Connections' specially designed web-based
environment. SnowBlog’s innovative pedagogical strategies, its social technologies profile and digital media tools, its
specially adjusted social psychological conditions of intragroup and intergroup online interactions and its thematic
content management, have been developed by Language Connections' team conducted and researched by Gal
Springman. They are based on 8 years of field work with high school and university students, from various ethno-
cultural communities in the Middle East, Europe and China, all participating in Language Connections' projects.
SnowBlogis offering a web-base learning and social meeting space, facilitating interpersonal and intergroup
interactions, across religious, socio-cultural and group identity differences; the required skills and competence in the
21st century are: multicultural awareness, creativity, innovation, critical thinking, comprehension and meaning making
while integrating mixed and remixed visual and verbal media and languages, navigation in abundant information
databases and hyperlinked texts.
Finally, it should be said that modern technologies open a new era in human development. CALL provides a
lot of opportunities for language learning and improving skills. Participation in international projects provides an
opportunity not only to learn foreign languages, but also to learn culture of other countries. What is more, participation
in international projects – it is a possibility to get new emotions and find new friends.

Why Proper English Grammar is Important for Businesses?

Litvikova Iryna
Khmelnytskyi National University

With language changing as new elements are introduced, grammar is really very important. It is what
makes it possible for us all to communicate and understand what we see, and what we say.
We learn basic grammar when we start to put sentences together as children. But, the actual ‘knowing’
of grammar is much more complex. Grammar teaches us how to build sentences, about the types of
words that we use and when we should use them. Grammar also tells us what type of word we are
using in any particular sentence.
There are lots of different aspects to English grammar, and each is as important as the last. It is English grammar that
will allow you to be a better communicator, listener, thinker, reader and writer. Having a knowledgeable understanding
of grammar will let you have a potentially rewarding career in many fields of work.
As a business owner, proper English grammar is probably the last thing on your mind. After all, you need to balance
your budget, increase your sales, evaluate employees, and market your product or service. However, in the process of
managing these important aspects of your business, you will need to write. You will need to write memos, send emails,
and create professional letters to send to potential clients. Proper English grammar is essential to success in these
endeavors. Without proper grammar, you will sound uneducated and unprofessional. This could cause you to lose
contracts and income for your business. Not only that, but grammar is important because writing well can help you turn
a lackluster sentence into a winning piece of sales copy. The English language is a powerful tool, and using it properly
will help your business earn more money in the long run. Another reason that grammar is important is the fact that it
helps you write and express your thoughts clearly. Common grammar mistakes like double negatives can actually cause
confusion to those who are reading what you have written. Other grammar mistakes simply sound foolish or make no
sense to the reader, since your reader is not reading the document from your point of view.
To further understand the need for proper grammar in business, put yourself in the place of your client for a moment. If
you are considering whether or not to spend a large amount of money on someone's product or service, do you want to
feel confident in that individual's ability to do the job? Of course you do! Often the written word is the first contact
someone will have with you and your business. If you do not come across as professional, you will lose some credibility
in that individual's eyes. Sometimes a simple grammar mistake that is easily overlooked by you can stand out to your
customer. Your customer may not notice anything else about your letter, because that grammar mistake is so glaring.
Also, you never know when the person you are negotiating with is a grammar expert. Sure, your potential client is
probably not a school teacher, but many people have grammar pet peeves, and ignoring proper grammar could rub your
client the wrong way from the very beginning of your professional relationship. Additionally, if you create ad copy that
has grammar or punctuation errors, you will lose many more potential customers. A misplaced apostrophe or comma
can show quite a bit to your target audience about your attention to detail.

Olena Sydorenko

Is grammar your weak or strong point?
Iryna Litvikova
I think that the grammar is my strong point, but I can not speak English fluently,because it `s a bit difficult for me.But I
try to do it.
Nina Lyulkun
Hi Iryna! Take a look at this posting: This might be helpful for you to improve
your spoken English. What is your idea about the way to improving your fluency in speech.


Mariin S.V  
Sokolovskiy S.I
Khmelnytskyi National University
Blyntsi are  thin pancakes which are often served in connection with a religious rite or
festival in several cultures.
The word "blin" comes from Old Slavic mlin, that means "to mill" (compare the Ukrainian
word for blin, mlynets’). Blins had a somewhat ritual significance for early Slavic peoples in pre-
Christian times since they were a symbol of the sun, due to their round form. They were traditionally
prepared at the end of the winter to honor the rebirth of the new sun (Pancake week, or Maslenitsa). This tradition was
adopted by the Orthodox church and is carried on to the present day. Bliny were once also served at wakes, to
commemorate the recently deceased.
Have you ever stopped to really think about what you and your families eat every day and why? Have you ever
stopped to think what other people eat? In the movie Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, there are two scenes in
which the two lead characters are offered meals from a different culture. One meal, meant to break the ice, consisted of
insects. The second meal was a lavish banquet that featured such delicacies as roasted beetles, live snakes, eyeball soup,
and chilled monkey brains for dessert. Some cultures eat such things as vipers and rattlesnakes, bush rats, dog meat,
horsemeat, bats, animal heart, liver, eyes, and insects of all sorts.Now lets speak about Ukrainian food traditions and
festivals Although most Ukrainian festivals involve the culinary arts to a certain extent, Christmas is the most
predominant holiday where food plays an important role in the festivity. Ukrainian Christmas customs are based not
only on Christian traditions, but to a great degree on those of the pre-Christian, pagan culture and religion. The
Ukrainian society was basically agrarian at that time and had developed an appropriate pagan culture, elements of
which have survived to this day. A kolach (Christmas bread) is placed in the center of the table. This bread is braided
into a ring, and three such rings are placed one on top of the other, with a candle in the center of the top one. The three
rings symbolize the Trinity and the circular form represents Eternity. Kutia is the most important food of the entire
Christmas Eve Supper, and is also called God’s Food. A jug of uzvar (stewed fruits, which should contain twelve
different fruits) and is called God’s Drink, is also served. After all the preparations have been completed, the father
offers each member of the family a piece of bread dipped in honey, which had been previously blessed in church.
This is a favorite Ukrainian delicacy. We use it in many forms- uncooked and fried, smoked and salted, baked
and boiled. Also, we fry it, cook crackling and even eat it with honey!
Ukraine’s widespread fondness for pork products results from its historical conflicts with two of its neighbors-
Tatars and Turks. Cattle were a much- prized spoil of war so they were often in short supply, and bullocks, which were
used to pull ploughs, were not exactly edible. Pigs were both available and relatively delicious and tender, so pork
became a staple.
A choice for First Dish is Borsch. Although the word “borsch” is not translatable, it is famous all over the
world. It is difficult to imagine that there is a person on the planet who has never eaten borsch! It is famous, popular and
delicious- a must-do on everyone’s list of dishes to experience.
So, what is this famous dish? How it is cooked and what should it be eaten with? At firs glance, everything
seems simple. Sugar beets are the signature ingredient and borsch is a kind of beet soup. But not everything is as simple
as it looks. There are more than thirty varieties of this dish in Ukraine alone, and other versions are prepared in Russia,
Poland and even in the United States! So, there are different types of borsch- meat and meatless, hot and cold, with
mushrooms, with kidney bean, with prunes, with marrows, turnips, and even with apples! Meat borsch is also varied- it
may include beef or chicken. Some recipes recommend the addition of mutton, or goose- grease, and sometimes ham or
The cooking process for borsch is unique in that all ingredients, including the beets, are prepared separately!
Beets should be sprinkled with lemon juice or vinegar in order to preserve their color and then they should be cut and
roasted. Afterwards they are peeled, diced and added to the borsch. In the beginning, onions, carrots, parsley are fried
together for 15 minutes and tomatoes (or tomato paste) is added at the end. Other vegetables should be cooked
separately. All ingredients should be put in bit by bit, at the proper time and in the right order. Cooking time for borsch
is approximately 2- 3 hours. Let the flavors mingle for 20minutes before the borsch is served. Prepare to feel giddy

when you lift the lid from the saucepan- the aroma is truly delicious! A good accompaniment to borsch is small buns
flavored with garlic. This is a temptation you will not want to resist
Another favorite Ukrainian dish is Varenyky. Great Hohol’ in his “Evenings on Khutor near Dikan’ka”
described a charming story about Kozak magician named Patsyuk who bewitched the varenyky, so that they dove into
the sour cream and then flew into the mouth! Such a legendary reputation should alert you to the fact that these
delicious dumplings must be tried. Even better is the fact that there are unbelievable numbers of recipes for the fillings.
Pastry for varenyky should be prepared with icy water. Varenyky cannot be frozen, unlike pelmeni or ravioli. Cooks
have unlimited possibilities for improvisation. Varenyky can be filled with potato, cabbage, mushrooms, meat, liver,
boiled buckwheat and cracklings, kidney beans, or with cottage cheese, apples, plums or poppy- seeds. In summer they
are made with berries. Varenyky are served with sour cream; sweet varenyky are served with syrup or honey.
In  Ukrainian cuisine, syrniki are fried curd fritters, garnished with sour cream, jam, honey, and/or apple sauce.
They can be filled with raisins. In Russia they are also known as tvorozhniki.
Syrniki are made from the full-fat, creamy cottage cheese, crumbled and mixed with flour, egg, milk, and sugar
and fried, generally in a flavorful unrefined sunflower oil. The outsides become very crispy, and the center is warm and
The name "syrniki" is derived from the word syr, meaning "cheese".

Ukrainian national cuisine - is the same cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people as language, literature, art, a
priceless achievement that can and should be proud that you should not zabuvaty.Ukrayinska cuisine created over many
centuries, so to some extent it reflects not only historical development of the Ukrainian people, its customs, traditions
and culture.
1. Stechishin, Savella. “Traditional Ukrainian Cookery,” 17th ed., Winnipeg: Trident Press, 1991: pp. 108- 115.
5. cuisine

Cross Cultural Business Etiquette

Oliynyk Oxana
Khmelnytsyi National University

Business etiquette is a very sensitive subject for those doing business internationally. Much of business etiquette
stems from what is or is not appropriate in the respective culture. It is generally best for any business person to research
the customs and etiquette of other countries before traveling there for business.
Language. An international business traveler should always learn at least a few words in the language of the
culture he is visiting. This effort will be accepted and appreciated in all countries and cultures. Basic understanding of a
language can also mitigate any cross-cultural misunderstandings.
Greeting. Greetings vary throughout the world. While it is generally acceptable for most business people to
shake hands, this rule comes with caveats based on gender roles: a hand shake is the only acceptable public touch a man
and woman can share in India; in Argentina, a man will not participate in a handshake unless the woman initiates it.
Preparation.  The visiting business person and the host should each research the customs and practices of the
other to avoid miscommunication or misunderstanding.
Gifts.  Business gift-giving etiquette varies greatly among various nations of the world. In China, recipients do
not open gifts when they are received; in Africa, a gift is opened immediately. Some countries also hold a tradition of
exchanging gifts on the first business meeting, so all international business people should research this topic before
conducting cross-cultural business.
Business Cards.  Among most cultures, it is appropriate to exchange business cards. This is particularly relevant
in Japan, where there is also value in examining the card for a long amount of time to convey respect.
What Should You Not Do When Doing Business in Other Countries?
International business etiquette is a particularly difficult road to navigate, as cultural norms vary widely from
country to country, and frequently change between regions of a particular country. Even a minor action can have major
negative ramifications if it is taken with the wrong attitude.
Don't Assume You Know the Culture. You're at a business meeting in Italy, and you're offered an excellent
proposal that will be highly profitable to your company. You immediately signal agreement with the American "OK"
sign, making a circle with your thumb and forefinger. Congratulations: this is an obscene gesture here, which you will
quickly deduce from the shocked expressions around the table. You can also make the same mistake by ordering two

items by holding up your first and middle fingers; in Italy, this has the same meaning as the American middle finger
gesture. (Hold out your thumb and forefinger for an Italian "two.")
If you spend regular time in foreign cultures, it is nearly inevitable that you will make mistakes of this kind. The
best defense is a good offense: if you think you have made a cultural mistake, immediately express that you may not
understand what was taken from a gesture or an offhand comment, and offer immediate apologies if anything
inappropriate occurred. You may find yourself apologizing for nothing more often than not; this is preferable to causing
a grave offense and appearing as if it were intended.
Don't Automatically Act Like You're at Home . Many American cultural principles do not translate in foreign
business culture. For example, consider alcohol as part of a business meal; even the United States varies widely in how
much consumption is considered appropriate, but Americans have common social norms on what is acceptable to
openly observe about each other's drinking habits. (That is, nearly nothing.) Likewise, do not be surprised by the
alcohol or tobacco habits of your business partners overseas. Do not suggest an alcoholic drink if your hosts do not do
so first; this would be a grave insult (and possibly illegal) in an Islamic country. But don't comment if drinking or
tobacco use is excessive by your standards; of course, you can abstain from joining in based on your own habits, but
apologize for your cultural differences--even if you do not believe this is something you should apologize for.
Don't Be Insensitive to Social Cues. The advice is thousands of years old: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
This doesn't mean you should try to go native in every culture you visit, but definitely pay close attention to how the
people around you are acting. If you appear sensitive to cultural differences, and are willing to create a solid working
relationship despite occasional hiccups (or a major faux pas), you will have done all you can to work well with
international partners.


Olena Sydorenko
It's very interesting information! I think you will have a chance to use this ideas while doing business or just
travelling in other countries! I wish you good luck!

Formats for testing

Yulia Parasyuk:
Khmelnytskyi National University

In modern universities student's grades are mostly determined by test results. That's why it is important to prepare
themselves for testing. The first step I' sure we must know what test is and which test formats we are given. It's
impossible to be successful if our exams contain formats which are not familiar to us.
Tests are used to identify strengths and weaknesses in student's abilities. Information from tests shows who should be
allowed to participate the next course (level) or gives information about the effectiveness of program. We are given
different test formats depending on the purpose.
The most popular test formats which are used are Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Main Idea MCQ Format,
True/False/Not Given (TFN), Matcing, cloze, transformations, error correction. All of them are not "universal" and are
used for different aims and have advantages and disadvantages. For example MCQs is not effective for testing
productive skills. As for TFNs - it's used to test reading comprehension. As for Matching format it ranges from
mindless to intellectually challenging "making meaning". Each test format has its own "rules" or technology of making.
The most difficult of them is MCQ.
It is rather hard to be successful in testing if it is created incorrectly. So, our teachers must know the technology of
creating tests' formats and train student to have accurate information about the test.
There are two schools of test construction: British and American. In British school they grade input from easy to
difficult in a test and mix formats within a section. American school grades question difficulty within each section of an
exam and use one format within each section.

About Paris
Svitlana Pasichnyk
Khmelnytskyi National University

Today, I am going to talk about Paris. To visit this city is my dream. My talk will be in
second parts.  First, I’d like tell about Paris, as city. Then, I will tell about the most prominent places in
Paris, which it costs to visit.
So, lets start with story about Paris, as city.
Paris is the capital city of France, and the largest city there. Its area is 105 square km, and
around 2,15 million people live there. Counting suburbs, the population of Paris rises to 12 million

The Seine river runs through the oldest part of Paris, and divides it into two parts, known as the Left Bank and the Right
Bank. It is surrounded by many forests.
Paris is also the centre of French economy, politics, traffic and culture. Paris has many art museums and
historical buildings. As a traffic centre, Paris has a very good underground subway system, airports and stations. The
Metro was built in 1900, and its total length is more than 200 km.
The city has a multi-cultural style, because 20% of the people there are from outside France. There are many
different restaurants with all kinds of food.
The most famous buildings in Paris are the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, and
The Louvre.
Now, let’s move to the next part, I tell about places in city, which it costs to visit.
Paris has much to offer for sightseeing. Here are five very famous examples:
• The Eiffel Tower is the most famous sight in Paris, built by Gustave Eiffel in 1889
with 6,300 tons of iron — that means 18,000 pieces of iron and 2.5 million rivets.
With a height of 300 meters, for a long time it was the highest tower in the world.
Over 6 million people visit it every year. It was made
for a fair, but the French government wanted to tear it
down. With rising popularity, it stayed.
• The Louvre is a museum with very famous, old works of art, such as the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo. The
building was built as a house for French kings. The Louvre is the third biggest
museum in the world, with 60,000 square meters of show room.[5] Over 5 million
people visit it each year.
• T h e M u s é e D ' O r s a y w a
made between 1848 and 1915. This is newer than the
art at the Louvre.
• The Moulin Rouge is a cabaret with many shows. It is
in Montmartre — a part of Paris with an exciting
nightlife. In the Moulin Rouge, girls put on a famous
dance called the cancan.
• The Champs-Élysées is probably the most famous
street in Paris. It is full of places to shop and eat. On
one end of the Champs-Élysées, you can visit the Arc
de Triomphe.
More than 350 different types of cheeses are made in France but mostly in Paris..........You can visit some of
the factories.

7 wonders of Ukraine.
Oxana Pavlyuk
Khmelnytskyi National University

It is the most known places which Ukrainians are proud of. They were selected after
results on-line voting and by the estimation of experts in 2007 year.
The first place is occupied by the Kievo-Pecherska
Monastery. Kievo-Pecherska Lavra is a Christian
monastery. As Spelaean monastery it was founded
in 11 century. It is one of the most old and most
known monasteries in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.
The second place is occupieв by the Sofiivka park. It
was created in 1796 year and occupies almost 180
hectares. It is one of the beautiful park
compositions, where
there are many
waterfalls, fountains, rivers and gardens.
The third is an ancient city of Kamyanets-Podilsky.
The city is one of the oldest in Ukraine. The famous
place is a medieval «Old fortress", that also
strikes to the varieties of architectural object.
From 1990 the city was proclamed as one of the
basic tourist object of Western Ukraine.
The island Khortytsia is the forth wonder in Ukraine.
Khortytsia is mostly an island on the river Dnepr. Its slowness presents more than 12 kilometres. On an island there are
oak-trees, pine-woods, meadows and steppe. Nowadays, Khortytsia is a national museum.

Next miracle of Ukraine is Chersonese. An
old city is located on the birch of the Black sea, it’s
also named by "Ukrainian pompey" and
"Russian Troy". Chersonese is most
popular tourist attraction .
Sixth in a list Cathedral of Saint Sofia. Founded in
11 century .It’s architectural monument  known
from times of Kyiv Rus.
Completes the known this seven wonder -
Khotinskaya fortress located on Western Ukraine. A construction began in 1325
year. A fortress is often used as kinodekoratsii for the Russian films as "Тарас
Бульба"," Три мушкитера", «Стріли
Робін Гуда».
In on-line voting participated niely 77 000
people. Lining of results and announcement of seven wonders of Ukraine was
organized in Kyiv on territory of Sofii Kyiv on August, 21 2007року.

Lyuba Podoba
Khmelnytskyi National University

California is the most populous state in the United States, and the third largest by land area, after
Alaska and Texas; it is also the second most populous sub-national entity in the Americas, behind only
São Paulo, Brazil. California is located on the West Coast of the United States, bordered by Oregon to
the north, Nevada to the northeast, Arizona to the southeast, the Mexican state of Baja California to the
south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west. Its four largest cities are Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, and San Francisco.
Los Angeles is the most populous city in California and is located in the southern half of the state. It is a great and very
diverse city; from Hollywood to East L.A. you can find every possible lifestyle represented in this microcosm. Los
Angeles is home to traffic jams, smog, and political power in the state. San Francisco is best known for its picturesque
Golden Gate Bridge, cable cars and the former prison on Alcatraz Island. Generally seen as one of the most liberal
places on the planet, the Bay area also boasts the Silicon Valley, home to a multitude of high-tech companies and
venture capitalists and Stanford University, legacy of capitalist titan and former California Governor Leland Stanford.
San Diego is located on the southern end of the state and offers good beaches and water-based sports. It is home to the
west-coast submarine. There are many family-friendly things to visit in San Diego including Sea World, Mission San
Diego De Acala, and the Wild Animal Park. Southern California is also known for its theme parks: Disneyland,
California Adventure, Knott's Berry Farm, Six Flags Magic Mountain, Universal Studios, and many more. These places
are very fun to visit, and continue bring in tourists by the millions every year. Some of the most beautiful place for
hiking and other outdoor activities are Lake Tahoe, Mono Lake, and Yosemite in the High Sierra. Reaching as it does
from the Mexican border in the south to the Pacific Northwest in the north, California must have one of the most
diverse climates of any state. Try exploring one of California's many deserts, such as Death Valley. On the other end of
the climate spectrum, the redwood rainforests of the North Coast are truly a sight to behold and offer a very different
glimpse of a beautiful state! This way you can explore different sites of California’s beauty.

Wichtigste ist Wille das Ziel zu erreichen

Julia Shulyak
Khmelnytskyi National University

Beim Erlernen der Fremdsprachen taucht fast bei jedem das Problem der fehlenden Praxis auf.
Das heißt, trotz der Tatsache, dass man alles gut lesen und verstehen kann und trotz der
Grammatikkenntnissen, kann man nur wenig sagen. Die beste Lösung ist in das Land zu reisen, dessen
Sprache man lernt. Diesen Luxus kann sich aber nicht jeder leisten.
Dabei nutzen wir nicht die Möglichkeiten, die wir haben. Das Internet ist die Lösung fast aller
meinen Probleme. Eine Fremdsprache im Netz zu lernen, ohne dabei aus dem Haus rauszugehen, ist billig und bequem.
Diese neue Methode wird erst seit kurzem immer populärer unter ukrainischen Studenten und allen anderen die es
wünschen eine Sprache zu beherrschen. Alles was man dafür braucht ist Skype, WebCam, Headset oder ein Mikrophon.
Den/die Lehrer/-in und den/die Schüler/-in können tausende von Kilometer trennen, aber das ist unwichtig, das
wichtigste ist der gemeinsame Entschluss und Wille das Ziel zu erreichen.
Ich habe schon nicht ein Mal persönlich das praxisbezogene Sprachproblem gehabt, auch wenn ich zum
Beispiel durch bestimmte Methoden gelernt habe auf englisch zu sprechen, doch diese benötigten viel Zeit,
Anstrengung und endlosen Übungen, und trotz der Methoden gab es bei der deutschen Sprache keine schnelle Erfolge.

Ich hatte persönlich noch keine Gelenheit das Angebot des/der professionellen Nachhilfelehrer/-in nutzen zu
können. Mein Ziel ist es im Gespräch die Sprache zu verbessern. Also habe ich gewisse Erfahrungen bei den
Unterhaltungen über das Internet mit den einfachen inländischen Menschen, also Trägern der Sprache, gesammelt. Wir
unterhalten uns jeden Tag 60-90 Minuten über alltägliche und allgemeine Themen. Schon nach zwei Wochen begann
ich selbstbewusster auf deutsch zu sprechen. Auch wenn mit grammatikalischen und sprachlichen Fehlern, trotzdem
wurde der erste Schritt für die Angstüberwindung getan.
Natürlich muss man für eine solche Unterhaltung einen gewissen Vorrat an Vokabeln mitbringen, da sonst die
Methode eher zu Unbequemlichkeiten und Enttäuschungen führt, dass der Dialog nicht klappt und man nichts versteht.
Außerdem hat diese Methode natürlich auch negative Seiten. Das größte Problem besteht dabei darin, dass die
technischen Ausfälle die Qualität der Gespräche stark verschlechtern. Dazu kommt die wahrscheinliche zeitliche
Differenz zwischen Ihnen und ihren Gesprächspartner. Und das Wichtigste ist, dass man nie sicher sein kann was "auf
der anderen Seite des Bildschirmes" passiert. Es ist möglich, dass das geplante Gespräch nicht stattfinden wird und man
kriegt es nicht rechtzeitig mit.
Trotz der oben erwähnten Unannehmlichkeiten, überwiegen bei dem Programm mehr positive Seiten und
persönliche Erreichung. Erstens sind da strenge Visa-Bestimmungen, wodurch das freie Reisen unmöglich und damit
auch das Erleben der Sprache fast unmöglich sind. Zweitens hat der Großteil der Menschen durch ihre Beschäftigungen
keine Möglichkeit die Sprachkurse zu besuchen und noch weniger können es sich einfach aus finanziellen Gründen
nicht leisten.
Aus persönlicher Sicht bin ich der „realen Privatlehrerin“, ohne der ein reales Dialog mit den
deutschsprachigen Menschen wohl kaum stattfinden könnte, sehr dankbar dafür, dass mir mit Leichtigkeit gelungen ist
eine Unterhaltung mit den Teilnehmern der Delegation des europäischen Parlaments zu führen, die unsere Stadt und
unsere Universität besucht haben.
Also, ein Ziel setzen und auf allen möglichen Wegen erreichen!
При вивченні іноземних мов майже у кожного виникає проблема – пасивність в розмовній мові. Тобто
і граматику наче знаєте і читати вмієте, і розумієте, а сказати не можете. Найкращий вихід – це опинитись в
країні , мову якої вивчаєте. Але цю розкіш не кожен може собі дозволити.
Натомість ми не використовуємо ті можливості, які в нас є. Інтернет – ось вирішення майже всіх моїх
проблем. Вчити іноземну мову в мережі, не виходячи з дому, дешево і зручно. Ця нова методика лише набирає
популярності серед українських студентів та усіх бажаючих опанувати мову. Все що потрібно мати – це Skype,
веб камеру, навушники та мікрофон. Вчителя та учня можуть розділяти тисячі кілометрів, але це не важливо,
головне спільне рішення та бажання досягти мети.
Я сама не раз зіштовхувалась з проблемою розмовної мови і якщо англійською я навчилась говорити
завдяки певній методиці, яка потребувала часу, зусиль і невпинних занять, то німецька не піддавалась мені
протягом довгого часу.
Послугами професійних репетиторів через інтернет, особисто мені не доводилось користуватись. Моя
мета – це покращити розмовну мову. Я маю невеликий досвід спілкування через Інтернет із звичайними
людьми, носіями мови. Ми спілкуємось на буденні теми протягом 60-90 хвилин щодня. І вже через два тижні я
стала впевненіше говорити німецькою. Хай навіть і не зовсім грамотно і ще з помилками, але перший крок
«подолати страх» був зроблений.
Звісно для такого спілкування  людина потрібна мати хоча б мінімальний словниковий запас, адже тоді
така методика приноситиме незручності і розчарування, що діалог не складається і ви нічого не розумієте.
Очевидно, що  в цієї методики є свої  негативні сторони. Найголовніша проблема – це технічні
неполадки та якість зв’язку, що часто псує вашу бесіду. Плюс можлива суттєва різниця в часі між вами та
вашим співбесідником. І головне – ви ніколи не можете бути впевнені в тому, що робиться «по ту сторону
екрану». Може бути таке, що запланована бесіда не відбудеться і ви не отримаєте про це попередження
Але незважаючи на суттєві недоліки, програма має більшу кількість переваг, та й особисті здобутки.
Перш за все через суворий візовий режим, ми не можемо вільно пересуватись світом, щоб відвідувати
різноманітні розмовні практики. Більшість людей через зайнятість не мають можливості відвідувати мовні
курси, а ще більше не можуть дозволити собі це через фінансові проблеми.
Що ж стосується мене особисто, завдяки «реальному репетитору» , без нього все ж таки не вдалось би
зав’язати діалог, «живим» розмовам з жителями Німеччини, мені з легкістю вдавалось підтримувати розмову із
учасниками делегації з Європарламенту, які відвідували наше місто та університет.
Ставте мету, та шукайте всі можливі шляхи досягнення її!!!

Is The Oral Test Reliable and Valid?

Alexander Skydan

What is Reliability and Validity? To make this item clear, firstly I will clarifywhat makes oral test valid
and reliable and as result balanced.
A test is valid when its results are appropriate and useful for making decisions about what student
(un)achieved. Technically, validity refers to the appropriacyof the results’ interpretation and not to the test

itself, though colloquially we speak about testvalidity. Test being validcan be difficult to determine. A practical
approach is to pointon content validity, the extent to which the content of the test represents an adequate sampling of
knowledge and skills taught duringthe course. If we design the test to cover information in lectures and readings (the
course of studying) in proportion with their importance in the course, then the interpretations of test scores are likely to
have greater validity.
A test is reliable when it accuratelyevaluates the students’ performance, so that we can rely upon the results of the test.
The purest measure of reliability and the easiest way to check the reliability of the test is to let a group of students take
the same test and get the same scores. This is impractical, of course, but there are also some technical procedures for
determining reliability. In general, ambiguous questions, unclear directions, and vague scoring criteria threaten
reliability. Very short tests are also unlikely to be highly reliable.
Considering the reliability and validity there is discussionin the literature on the validity, and the reliability of oral tests.
As many scholars argue that it is a kind of an attempt to measure something that has not been well defined.Noting a
special role of oral testing in the process of studying, it should be stated that language is to be taught and tested
according to the specific needs of the learner. And if we define those needs under the heading of communicative
competence, saying it another way – an ability to communicate,then we should be ready to accept disagreement
between reliability and validity, but first of all we must also not lose sight of the students themselves, and their
perceptions of what is happening.Student beliefs and attitudes towards the process of studying are a powerful influence
on the amount and quality of learning that occurs. Many students for instance, (almost all of them) feel the need to be
assessed by a professional educator, a person who knows more about the learning process then they do, and for them
this is part of the face validity of the test.
So Is The Oral Test Reliable and Valid?


Nina Lyulkun
Reliability and Validity of Oral test is a good question to discuss. Though, it is not an easy way to evaluate
students knowledge accurately. What kind of tests do you prefer to use to evaluate students. What do you
think about testing programmes of OUP? Thank you.

I often use the oral tests in my teaching practice. As a rule, they are the the best way to check students'
knowledge of lexis. We do this in a kind of a game "Guess the word" when one student is to guess the word
which is described or shown by the others. This kind of work is interesting for the students and proved its validity and
reliability. Thank you.

Web 2.0 and Classrooms Without Walls: Navigating Towards Global

Understanding and Liberating Pedagogies.
Ludmilla Smirnova, Ph. D
Mount Saint Mary College
Newburgh, NY, USA

The convivial technological revolution associated with computers, quickly evolving computer
hardware and software and internet tools, has passed the innovative edge from teacher to student. For
the first time, we have to anticipate that student learning capabilities will exceed those of most faculty.
This changes the equation of teaching, and thus teacher preparation, dramatically. In this presentation,
I discuss this shift to bottom-up innovation and its implications for pedagogy. In particular, I consider
the theory of educational recidivism, set forth the tendency of teachers and learners to adopt the educational approaches
that dominated their own learning and experience rather than to adapt to innovative learning approaches, technologies
and theories. The result is that the state-of-the art of teaching may fail to keep up with the state-of-the art of learning. As
both teacher and learner fall back on their respective dominant modes, the disjuncture between them becomes an even
widening rift. How can teachers teach in a mode of student learning when they themselves are not conversant or
comfortable with that mode and may not even recognize its importance given their own tendency to fall back on the
approaches they know best? This rift is evident in the emerging cultural shift enabled by internet applications. The
terms that best capture the gap are Web 2.0 versus Web 1.0 thinking. Web 1.0 thinking or “flat thinking” represents an
advance over prior generations that used computers merely as modern typewriters or employed other stable and
independent activities. Even avid learning of these static tools stopped far short of using the computer as a complex
interactive learning tool. Web 1.0 introduced the user to the internet and to web-based learning activities ranging from
e-mail communication, webpages and Webquesting and other uses of conventional search engines. These strategies
exponentially advanced communication and information acquisition beyond prior approaches. Web 2.0 represents
another level of multiplicative learning potential. In Web 2.0, learners use such tools as wiki, blogging, flickr,
YouTube, Delicious, Social Bookmarking, Digital Storytelling, E-folio, Voicethread, etc. The result of these approaches

is the creation of learning communities having a culture of collaboration and creative exchange of ideas and projects in
global communities of learners in the world classrooms without walls. They are tools for depth communication,
collaborative and mutual learning and the building of social consensus and culture creation. The potential for moving
from individual to social learning exists with such tools. While teenagers and even younger children become adept at
such tools through their own face-to-face and online peer groups and personal experimentation, there is no comparable
context for such rapid innovative learning for teachers. Even in teacher training, the students in training are likely to be
several learning generations behind the children they will be teaching, even if they are ahead of the faculty. This
inversion of learning has profound implications on many fronts. It promises to change the nature of pedagogy and the
practice of teaching. It confounds the relationship between student and teacher in terms of understanding. It threatens to
expose students to classroom learning environments that are light years behind the thought style and learning capability
of students. And it creates a communications gap. The net effect will be to push teachers back onto their comfortable
turf. If one cannot keep up, then the only recourse is to restrict learning to modes that are within the competency and
comfort zone and under the control of faculty. For students, further alienation and irrelevance of learning may result in
obsolescence of Schools as respected learning environments and teachers and respected mentors. But perhaps the
greatest loss would be a failure to capture the potential of these new Web 2.0 modes of learning for advancing education
and lifelong learning and opening classroom walls for global understanding and for promoting liberating pedagogies.


I like it. To my mind using online teaching tools helps a teacher to open student's mind for different view

The essence of Snowblog CT net city project

Gal Springman

Snowblog CTnetcity  is a learning / teaching intercultural environment, fit to the Participatory Culture we
are all sharing as networked societies across geographic borders and cultures.
It is based on Snowblog projects series developed  by Language Connections Organization more than ten
years ago. 
The main core elements defining the essence of Snowblog Ct net city are :
1.A dialog model
2.Principles of Social Psychology
3.Story - telling as a basic human drive
Snowblog is designed  as a web-based intercultural gated social community of learners.  A high-tech  high-touch, tutor-
mediated and peer-assisted  project.
It is built to nurture 21st competences that cannot be instructed, but developed in a process facilitated by new 
educational  environments.


Я з вами повністю погоджуюся, Юлія. За допомогою мережі Інтернет ми можемо створити в
рідномовному оточенні іншомовне комунікативне середовище з носіями іноземної мови і
тренуватися в спілкуванні. Адже, під час спілкування з різних тем з друзями іноземна мова стає не
ціллю а засобом досягнення певної мети (мети порозуміння, домовленості), і тоді зникає психологічний бар'єр,
який зазвичай є перешкодою під час розмов зі студентами та викладачем англійської мови на заняттях.

З Вашого дозволу, пані доповідач, одне запитання?
Звичайно, я погоджуюсь з тим, що Інтернет та різноманітні соціальні сервери є чудовою нагодою
практики мови. Але тут виникає проблема: багато користувачів пишуть з помилками, або під час
аудіоспілкування виникають різноманітні перешкоди, як то - поганий зв'язок, погана дикція тощо... Як Ви
долаєте ці перешкоди? В першу чергу мене цікавить, як Ви, починаючи вивчати мову, вирішуєте проблему
помилок у письмових повідомленнях? Дякую.
Custom control as factor of increase of national safety
Yulia Striletska,
Nina Lyulkun
Khmelnytskyi National University

The cardinal significantconstituent of economic security of Ukraineis itsinternational economic security. With the
purpose of increasingof economic security of the state exactly in the context of its international collaboration efficiency
of custom control is examined .
Entry.For Ukrainethe problem of economic security is sharpened in connection with integration in the world economic
system. Exactly providing of economic security is the major function of the state realization of which is called to
strengthen positions in the international society. Guaranteeingof economic integrity of reproductive complex of country,
his showiness is a necessary answer for the principle calls of time, foremost on a question: whether independent
Ukraine is able to have the stable financial system, find new geostrategicpartners, choose correct integration
orienteerand pass to the «free swimming» in a world market environment with unfavorableprices on a power medium
and hard competition, demandsof users to quality of products.
The crisis of the Ukrainian economy which overcame practically all of spheres of national economy hadbecame a
substantial obstacle on a way to providing of steady development of economic relations and society entailed
strengthening of attention to the problem of custom control. In these circumstances an extraordinarily important role is
played by the regulative function of custom which becomes the direct defender of national economy in essence.
Therefore exactly the question of providing of economic security of Ukraineis presently examined as one of major
national priorities. However much problems of economic security can be decision in itself and require increased
attention of representatives of imperious structures, research workers and wide public. 
Exposition of basic material. Economic security is such a state of national safety, which allows to keep firmness to the
internal and external threats and able to satisfy the necessities of person, society and state, and also it is a presence in
the state of sufficient possibilities for the stable providing of the extended reproduction production potentials of
industry, agriculture and in all of spheres of announcing of socially useful work, guaranteeingof such social aims
economic facilities, as stability of framework of society, presence of the accessible and effective system of health
protection, creation of reliable military-political guarantees, in relation to external threats  [1, p. 579].
In this connection it is possible to give more clear determination of concept «economic security». Economic security is
one of key high-quality descriptions of the socio-economic system, which determines its capacity for reproduction,
steady development, effective international competition, maintenance of acceptable terms of life of population, and also
successive realization of national, geopolitical, economic interests.
The cardinal meaningful constituent of economic security of Ukraineis itsinternational economic security. With the
purpose of increase of economic security of the state exactly in the context of itsinternational cooperation the increase
of efficiency of activity of custom service of Ukraine, optimization of its structure, efficiency of management,
expansion of their plenary powers, customs is examined [2,p.38]. In recognition of integration of Ukraine to the system
of the world economy there is a necessity of increasingof economic potential of country for realization of own
economic interests, increase of level of protectionof national economy from the destabilizing actions of factors of
national and supranational character. It should be noted that effective integration of Ukraineand itseconomic security in
transition to the modern system of world economy is not possible without the subsequent improvement of the national
system of government control of FEA.
Exists both direct dependence between macroeconomic indexes anda level of economic security of the states and
reverse - between economic strength security and macroeconomic indexes. For this reason, accenting attention on the
proper directions of economic security, it is possible effectively to influence on macroeconomic development of the
state. Low efficiency and unfavorable pattern of trade by commodities, absence of noticeable successes in bringing in to
the sphere of international economic relations so far not considerable domestic scientific and technical and intellectual
potential is factors which worsen economic position of the state. A break is still saved between low export possibility
and large imported dependence of economy. It limits possibilities of structural alteration of national economic complex,
becoming of itseffective external economic specialization and threatens economic security of the state.
The modern state of economy of Ukraineis classified as factor, as basic as GDP of country,is formed on old, power-
hungry industries of economy (metallurgy, chemical industry) due to raw material and laborpotential. A country has
pre-conditions of passing to the investment stage of development, as advantage of the Ukrainian economy above other
is a large capacity of sale at presence of considerable raw material and laborresources. The question of efficiency of
realization of potential possibilities of the capacious Ukrainian market lies in planeeffective custom-tariff policy which
will allow our economy to gain a foothold on investment development.
The basic economic functions of activity of custom organs are regulative and fiscal (budgetary-formative). Tasks which
are put by the state before custom service in the context of the fixed functions consist in defenseof economic interests of
Ukraineand providing of implementation of budgetary process. Therefore application of measures of the custom-tariff
and non-tariff adjusting of FEAmust be carried out by custom service skillfullyand effectively, instrumental in here the
rapid and legal moving of commodities through a custom border.
The regulative function of custom organs brightershows up in an investment, custom-tariff and tax policy. The example
of such policy is a situation with the import of motor industry products to Ukraine. There is swift growth of motor-car
market of Ukraine, demand on which is satisfied with a greater degree ofimport. Domestic industry appeared unready to
such swift growth, which by the way, forecastsbeginning from 1998, the state actively created «hotbed» terms for motor
industry which actually was primary cause of birth of motor-car monopolist at the Ukrainian market, and such decision
conflicts with a current antimonopoly legislation. Investigation of such groundless actions is absence competitiveness of
cars of national production and growth of import of cars in all of price ranges. Yes, the custom cost of the brought in
transport vehicles in 2008 attained $8 milliards and continues swiftly to grow, and growth rates were 76,5 %. On the

face of it, in swift growth of import of cars has nothing bad: on a custom a duty, VAT, excise duties, is paid, that make
everything greater particle in the profits of the State budget of Ukraine. Yes, if to confront the sums of the prepaid
payments (duty, VAT, excise duties)  for the imported transport vehicles with national receipts on these taxes, specific
gravity makes them: VAT – 10,4%, excise duties from the brought in commodities – 11,3 %, duty – 43,5 %. That we
get a paradoxical result: after a classic theory a duty is not a fiscal instrument, but is exceptionally a protectionism
mean, and practically in our situation a duty is an effective fiscal instrument. If the state put stimulation of all of motor
industry complex for priority, giving tax deductions complex to all of industry, creating a favorableinvestmentclimate
for leading companies,executing such terms in distant 1996-1997, - would attain that internal demand on a car in a
greater degree would be satisfied with an internal producer with world brands. And in same queue is growth of
production (GDP), improvement of balance of internal balance volumes, additional workplaces, considerable
deductions in social funds, paymentsof income tax (upon termination of term of tax deductions) etc. But this segment of
market already is practically lost . 
Taking into account world economic tendencies, which are characterized by the origin of stable misbalancebid-asked at
the productive market which provokes the considerable rising in the price of food and origin of such concept stuffs as
inflation, Ukrainian to natural potential it is enough investment attractive. In 2007 aglobal price index on food rose on
41%, in 2006 – on 26%, in 2008 – 10,5%. The greatest inflation is observed in developing countries. Forecast, that to
2010 on the average the particle of country in the combined world export of grain can grow to 3 % comparatively with
1,5% in 1998-2000. Two groups of factors are instrumental in it: naturally geographical (black earths, favorableclimate,
laborresources) and regulative (stimulant investment policy of the state (especially at the infrastructures of village),
liberal customs policy and tax policy).
Taking into account that Ukraineis a member WTO, markets of agricultural product will be opened. A question is only
in that our agrarian sector was competitive not only potentially but also at the level of quality and cost of the finished
good. Providing high quality is possible only by an import: technologies productions grain-growing; agricultural
As we already are the members of WTO, and customs tariffsmust be limited in any case, that is why for the import of
technologies and technique for agriculture a zero rate of both duty and excise must be used. In addition, it is needed to
go back to registration of tax bills of exchange to the amount of VAT on imported such commodities. At the same time,
in accordance with the rules of WTOof grant of privileges separate industries of economy must beat limitedly in time.
Our agrarians do not pay an income tax already from 1999. Therefore grant of privileges at payment of this tax it must
be restrictedly in time which in future must compensate the losses of budget as a result of diminishing of the imported
duty on investment commodities.
Going out from stated above, it is possible to draw a conclusion, that development of national economy depends on the
effective custom-tariff adjusting, namely from custom control which in all of outer space serves for defense of
economic interests of the state, namely: during realization of measures of the custom-tariff adjusting (guaranteeingof
payment of import and exported duties, observance of intergovernmental and international agreements is in relation to
the преференційного adjusting, observance of other point-of-sale-political measures), and also in realization of
measures of the non-tariff adjusting(observance of positions about internal taxes, observance of international and
intergovernmental agreements about prohibitions and limitations).
The Ukrainian economy is factor with the gradual passing to the investment stage, it is discovered that reason of it is
disparity of priorities of national development to the custom and fiscal policy of the state. In the conditions of
adaptation of Ukraineto the entry in WTOby the custom adjusting it is possible considerably to fix a competitiveness
national agrarian the sector of economy, as our country is a country with considerable agricultural potential.
Custom control must be carried out and not totally (used to all of volume of commodities which move through the
custom border of country), and not preferentially (applying casual [subjective] criteria which to a certain extent are
instrumental in rapid achievement of aims and prognoses), but utilizingnew intellectual approaches — estimating risks
which can take place during custom registration of commodities.
In the conditions of globalization of national economy of introduction in an action of the «intellectual checking system»
on the grounds of estimation of risks is extremely necessary.
Strategy of estimation of risks is based on customs declarations. All of customs declarations are subject an automatic or
hand analysis in relation to plenitude of taxation, actuality of statistical information, presence of necessary
accompanying documents. After results the estimation of risk level is carried out and a question decides in relation to
the necessity of lead throughof customs inspection of commodities.
Consequently, it is possible to come to the conclusion, that introduction of the system of analysis and estimation of risks
during realization of custom control of export-import operations basis of rules of modern custom methods of control,
and also basis of providing of economic security of the state.Effective custom control is a feature of modern custom
service. Itdepends on the professionally organized control, based on an effective collaboration and exchange
information between different customs unions, and also from strategy of management risks in relation to the effective
use of accessible resources.
Inculcating new technologies in the custom checking system, the state releases society/trade from surplus bureaucratic
intervention ofsupervisory organs and instrumental in the best use of resources of custom organs and also providing of
economic security of the state in the conditions of integration to the system of world economy.
Conclusion.Principles of subsequent development of the custom system of Ukraine, purpose and foreground jobs of
custom organs are certain in Conception of modernization of custom service of Ukraine, the primary objective of which

is an improvement of activity of State Custom Serviceof Ukraine, determination of basic directions of modernization
and priority orientation of mechanisms of its realization in the conditions of globalization of foreign trade in the context
of norms and rules of WTO, requirements of the European concord, which will assist in development of foreign
economic activity, expansion of outwardly point-of-sale connections, integration of the Ukrainian economy in the
world, and consequently increase of economic security of the state on the whole. Providing of economic security – is
the guarantor of state independence.

Motivating students to read professional texts

Olena Sydorenko
Khmelnytskyi National University

Reading strategies are associated with different aspects of language learning and cognitive
processes, and the effects can only be observed if reading becomes a habit. We have observed that it is
necessary to consider aptitudes, motivation and the learners’ capacity to understand any type of text. It is
also important to develop strategies to motivate students to read as well as to help them achieve a good
comprehension level.
That is why the readings have to be selected taking into account the readers’ needs, interests, experiences,
previous knowledge and their real environment to make the language learning process meaningful, useful and practical.
In fact, reading is an individual process which develops self-study habits. Our concerns are related to how students can
be motivated to read, what kind of activities should be carried out and how, the development of the other language skills
from reading, and the possible difficulties we can have when applying, making or choosing a reading activity.
Motivation has become one of the key concepts to take into account in any learning process. A person who is
motivated to do something can get better outcomes. That is why we must show our students the sense and reasons for
Reading is not just a process of identifying letters and the main idea of a paragraph. Reading has a broader
context. Reading is a way to communicate and understand our environment; consequently, it must have a specific
intention or purpose. It is a way to open our minds to other cultures and fields of knowledge. Reading can be a tool to
explore the world, other cultures and compare them with our own. Thus, teachers must show that we always read to
give meaning to the world and the world comes to us through reading, too.
Nonfiction texts, in many students' opinion, lack the excitement, energy, and adventure of fictional stories. In
this lesson, students use timelines to help motivate them to read more nonfiction, which will, in turn, help increase their
comprehension of nonfiction. Students begin with a discussion about timelines and their use to prepare for the research
activity. Using a historical timeline and the students' prior knowledge of events, students predict when specific
inventions were produced and take notes describing their reason for identifying that particular year. Students then work
in pairs or small groups to add to their notes, indicating how this portion of the activity confirmed, refined, or changed
their thinking about the timelines they are developing. Next, students consult Web resources about inventions to help
them revise their timelines for accuracy. Through discussion, they verify the dates and consider the connections
between historical events and when inventions were created.

palyukl Reading is really Very important part of modern curriculum. According to Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages reading is a key point in process of self education. All the more
currently we are paying attention to non stop and long life education. From this point of view reading plays
crucial role. Let's read more! And do it correctly!

Olena Sydorenko
Thanks for the comment! Do your students read willingly?

Answer please, what are the criterias of choosing the professional texts? Thank you.

Interactive Strategies in Teaching Grammar with Fun

Yarmush Olena
Mykolayiv state University
named after Sukhomlynskyi

English grammar has always been one of the substantial and the most important fields of effective English

 Implementing interactive activities in teaching grammar with fun will help:
 reinforce grammar points that have been covered in this or that text;
 provide oral and written practice with grammar phenomena the students have already learned;
 promote further consolidation of communicative skills;
 develop a rapport that  makes students want to communicate in situations stimulating their interest and
 have students feel a sense of "belonging" (peer group acceptance) and security, to enjoy a certain "self
 encourage learners to learn; motivate the process of acquiring grammar rules.

Ten Effective Ways to Teach Grammar

1. Try using the target structure. - Use  preferably the examples based upon  your life experience when
practicing this or that grammar phenomenon;
2. Avoid negative message. - "The Past Perfect is difficult, even I think it's difficult, therefore you'll surely
make mistakes using it".
3. Learner discovery. - Prepare some authentic newspaper articles where the grammar point occurs several
times. Write the form on the board, e.g. had + Ved. After zealous searching the text, students in twos read  out the
examples they have found, and figure out the grammar structure, its meaning and usage.
4. Suggestopedia. - Read a text aloud under the tune of Baroque music. Focus your students' attention on the
grammar point which is under consideration by means of raising your voice or laying particular stress on it.
5. Delegation. - Choose the brightest students of your class and charge them with an errand to get ready to
present a new grammar rule at the next lesson.
6. The same text. -  Use the same text for each new tense. Since you've learned a new grammar unit, insert
some corrections in this text.
7. Different texts. - Use different flamboyant examples for students to associate with different structures.
8. Personalized texts. - After you have presented a new grammar point in a context chosen by you, students
create individual and personalized texts with the examples of their own.
9. Total Physical Response. - Say and act interacting with each other: teacher - student; student-teacher;
student-student. You speak and the whole class acts; they all speak and you act; in pairs - reproducing what is being
10. Transformed recycling. - Initiate a whole-class discussion. During  the discussion take quick notes as to
who said what. Before the next lesson write a text, the content of which reveals who said what, but there can be a lot of
examples of grammar points in your text, such as passives, if-clauses, reported speech, etc.
To really have Fun with Grammar, we have a lot of games at our disposal, such as Creative completions,
Brainstorming, Flipping, Predicament.
1. Ніколаєва С.Ю., Тітова В.М. Бібліотечка журналу "Іноземні Мови". Додаток до науково-методичного
журналу "Іноземні Мови". Київський державний лінгвістичний університет і видавництво "Ленвіт", 1999.
2. Комунікативні методи та матеріали для викладання англійської мови. Перекладено і адаптовано
Л.В.Биркун.Oxford University Press, 1998.

Encourage for Deaf Students in EFL Classes

Zacharova Lyudmila
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

Many deaf students are enrolling in Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design and
other high schools and universities making it relevant to keep similar goals. There are no concrete and
specific goals pertaining to the English education curriculum for deaf students. The general education
guidelines for the deaf students state that students with disabilities should be educated to improve or
overcome difficulties with proper knowledge, skill, attitudes, and understanding to live in society able
to make the right judgments depending on individual status. English should be taught with the same
goals. The goals of English education are to expand international understanding and achieve higher academic standards.
Communicative Language Teaching is at the peak of language education in many universities. The minute
goals of each university may differ, but the greater part is to gain communicative competence. Focusing the goal of
communicative competence, most teaching is centralized on getting used to listening and speaking.
There are several ways to communicate with a deaf student. Used frequently is writing, sign language, lip or speech
reading, writing the letters in the air or the palm, and gestures. Unfortunately, not all deaf students know how to lip read
or recognize speech. Despite the advanced technology, hearing aids only make sounds louder. A hearing aid can help
make sounds louder, but cannot process or distinguish words.

A more concrete definition of the different styles of communication is in need. Interlocutors conveying
information in the form of writing is said to be the most accurate form of communication, as long as the communicators
have a pencil and paper handy. Lip or speech reading was a focus in education of the deaf students in the past, but
recently most students are not taught these methods. Writing letters in the air or on the palm is a familiar sight; keeping
in mind, which way to write, speed, and legibility. These are often used only for a few moments, and then disregarded
because of the ambiguity as in lip or speech reading. Finally, gestures seem to be a good way of communicating.
Unfortunately, some people are shy and cannot make big and exaggerated movements resulting in ambiguous
movement. All forms of communication have its advantages and disadvantages. Choosing the appropriate form depends
on the situation.

Suggestopädie in der Ukraine

Katarina Zakharchuk
Khmelnytskyi National University

Als Teilnehmerin der Internationalen LernLust-Kongresse der DGSL erlebte ich Suggestop дdie hautnah
und intensiv und m цchte nun dar ьber berichten, welche Anerkennung die suggestop дdische Methode in
der Ukraine findet und wie suggestop дdisches Lernen umgesetzt wird.
Der Bildungsplan des ukrainischen Ministeriums f ьr Bildung und Wissenschaft f ьr das 21. Jahrhundert
entwickelt und beinhaltet Bildungsstandards und –programme f ьr das Schulwesen und dessen Unterrichtsf дcher. Alle
Spezialisten, die mit Bildung zu tun haben, verstehen heutzutage, dass ein effektives Bildungsprogramm und innovative
Methoden wichtig sind, um den Anforderungen an effektives Lernen und Lehren zu gen ьgen.
Eine von den ukrainischen Wissenschaftlern genannte Methode, die diesen Kriterien entspricht, ist die Suggestop дdie
als Bestandteil der Suggestop дdagogik.
Bereits in den 70er Jahren des vorigen Jahrhunderts begann man sich in der Ukraine f ьr die suggestop дdische Theorie
Lozanovs zu interessieren. In der Folge entwickelten sich daraus in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion und der Ukraine die
sogenannten „intensiven“ Methoden. Im Fremdsprachenbereich gehören dazu:
 die emotional-inhaltliche Methode  von I.J. Schechter ( емоционально- смысловой метод И. Ю.   Шехтера);
 die Methode des systematischen Ansatzes  von L.Sch. Gegechkori   (метод системного подхода Л.Ш.
 die Methode der Aktivierung der Ressourcen der Persönlichkeit und der Gruppe  von G.A. Kitajgorodskaja
( метод активизации резервных возможностей личности и коллектива Г. А.   Китайгородской);
 die Suggestokybernetisch-integrale Methode  von W.W. Petrusynskyj ( сугестокибернетично-  
интергальный метод В. В.   Петрусинського);
 die suggesto-programmierte Methode  der wissenschaftlicher Abteilung für Pädagogik und Psychologie des
staatlichen Konservatoriums in Odessa ( суггестивно- программный метод обучения научно-
исследовательской лаборатории педагогики и психологии Одесской государственной консерватории).
Das sind die wichtigsten Richtungen der nationalen ukrainischen Pдdagogik, in denen Suggestionen als Mittel fьr die
Aktivierung verborgener persцnlicher Ressourcen und psychologischen Mцglichkeiten im Lernprozess angewendet
Zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts wurden nach und nach suggestop дdische Ans дtze in Schulen beobachtet und das nicht
nur beim Erlernen von Fremdsprachen, sondern auch in anderen Unterrichtsf дchern wie Erdkunde, Geschichte,
Chemie, Mathematik, Ukrainisch, Physik.
Positive Erfahrungen wurden z. B. von L.I. Merhulova, Lehrerin am Staatlichen Gymnasium in Rivne, gesammelt und
fьr Kollegen im Internet dargestellt unter:
Auch an der Allgemeinbildenden Schule Nr. 13 in Poltava werden seit 1999 suggestopдdische Methoden eingesetzt, um
den Lernprozess zu beschleunigen. Der Direktor dieser Schule, Herr Gonscharenko, verbreitet die suggestopдdischen
Ideen aktiv und kreativ weiter, ьber die Erfahrungen seiner Schule wird ebenfalls im Internet berichtet unter:
In der ukrainischen Wissenschaft ist Suggestopдdie kein Fremdwort mehr. Das zeigen Arbeiten von K.Ginbajasi, S.
Daskalov, S.Palchewskij, A.Szroteno, T.Schubukov, M. Tschoschanov u.a. Sie gehen davon aus, dass mit
entsprechenden Abwandlungen, in jedem Fach suggestopдdisch unterrichtet werden kann.
Dass die Suggestop дdie heute zu den popul дrsten Methoden in der ukrainischen P дdagogik geh цrt, best дtigt das
 sowohl auf http://uk.wikipд als auch im Nachschlagewerk fьr kreative Lehrer  http://ped- hдlt man die Suggestopдdie fьr sehr wichtig,
 in Lehrplдnen von Universitдten, z. B. der Chernovitzer Nationalen Universitдt), von Pдdagogischen
Hochschulen und Instituten findet sich die Suggestopдdie als Studienfach, am Pдdagogischen College in
Odessa kцnnen Studenten z. B. 108 Stunden Suggestopдdie belegen,
 in den letzten Jahren erschien eine Reihe von Dissertationen, in denen suggestopдdische Ansдtze erforscht
wurden, Informationen zur Arbeit von G.I. Tokman „Die Methodik des Unterrichten der ukrainischen Sprache
in дlteren Klassen“ (Kiew 2002) gibt es im Internet unter:, zur

Dissertation von S.S. Palaschevskij „Theorie und Praxis der Suggestopдdischen Lehre in Schulen“ (Kiew
2003) unter:

Einen wesentlichen Beitrag f ьr die Verbreitung der Suggestop дdie in unserem Land leisten ukrainische P дdagogen,
die schon lange vom Vorstand der DGSL gem. e. V. sowie pers цnlich von Lena Seel (DGSL-Mitglied aus Luxemburg)
unterst ьtzt werden.
Zusammenfassend ist anzumerken, dass die Suggestop дdie heute als effektive und wissenschaftliche Methode von den
Praktikern anerkannt ist. Nat ьrlich gibt es noch viele offene Fragen, die die weitere Forschung beantworten muss. Doch
suggestop дdisches Lehren und Lernen sind ein gutes Angebot f ьr die Reform des Bildungssystems in der Ukraine.


"We've been known about suggestopedia for more than 40 years" - some people say trying to make a look of
ones competent on the subject. To know and to use is different. Suggestopedia is in practise not in theory. In
order to be successful one has to invest a lot of time and efforts designing new practical teaching materials. It takes
time, theoretical and practical backgrounds alike. Suggestopedia still remains potentially one of the most effective
approaches to learning and teaching.


Zubenko Tatyana
Mykolayiv state University
named after Sukhomlynskyi

The complexity of teaching as a profession needs a systematic approach when forming a

teacher's communication skills. It is impossible to limit the training of a teacher by traditional forms
only. Thus the process of forming teacher's communication skills includes both the theory and practice
in professional pedagogical training. Communicative language teaching and communication-based
learning has become a very important and vital principle of today's education.
Communicative competence is learned and not inherited. Any skills have much to do with
performance. Considering that, communication skills may aid or impede communication. The development of
communication skills will help the future teachers to think more effectively and to create communication more
appropriately and successfully.
As the formation of communication skills is not a matter of practical English classes only but the whole
complex of such subjects as pedagogic, psychology, methodology and practical English classes, we have developed a
model of formation of communication skills based on certain principles, approaches, forms and methods and which is
realized through 3 main stages.
Activities used on each stage of the communication skills development are various according to the main goals
of each stage:
• 1st stage - the main aim is the formation of the general pedagogical communication skills in terms of
psychological-pedagogical cycle of subjects. Activities used: solving pedagogical tasks, pedagogical role plays, tests
and discussions, etc.
• 2nd stage - the main aim is the formation of specific communication skills of a teacher as a specialist in the
English language in terms of practical English classes. Activities used: video and audio laboratory works, role plays,
communication games, project work, etc.
• 3rd stage - the main aim is the formation of the specific communication skills of a teacher of English as a
methodologist, helper, advisor, interlocutor and participant of the teaching-learning process, in terms of such courses as
methodology, teacher-training school practice. Activities used: project work, role plays, seminars-discussions, etc.
Motivation has direct influence for communicative competence.
Motivation is commonly thought of as an inner drive, impulse, desire that moves one to a particular action.
Countless studies in human learning have shown that motivation is a key to learning.
In the presentational would like firstly to examine the kinds of motivation that are actuated in SGC learning.
Motivation is dominant in the process. There are some other possible factors that could be listed in accounting for
motivation: a) needs for achievement, affiliation, avoiding failures; b) emotions; c) objectives; d) skills.
The second major focus of the presentation is the ways to create, foster and maintain motivation in SGC
learning. They include: 1) creating the atmosphere of respect, encouragement and reducing anxiety; 2) providing the
communication input that is meaningful to students; 3) ensuring students' awareness of objectives and aims; 4)
providing students with the feedback information about their success in learning SGC; 5) developing students' skills of
self-evaluation; 6) developing students' cooperative skills.
One of the ways of forming motivating students is project work.

Taking into account the facts that a foreign language syllabus is designed in the way where self-study
dominates greatly over the practical hours of training at a higher education establishment and the main accent nowadays
is put onto the individual student's development with respect to his or her personal professional needs, project work has
become the most popular, powerful and effective means of a foreign language learning.
The advantages of this form in ESP classroom are absolutely evident. First, it is highly motivating. Gathering
and processing additional information from different authentic sources concerning the aspects that have been considered
in a particular unit of the course, the students not only revise material but greatly improve their awareness of the issues
and problems related to their professional domain. In the process of project development the topic under consideration
is not anymore some abstract idea but the aspect of professional need where students can not only demonstrate their
background knowledge gained at their special subjects lessons but present their critical thinking. This form can be
stimulating even for those whose language proficiency needs to be improved, their personal interest and the possibility
to express their creative ideas guarantee their involvement, while extra time for preparation and use of reference sources
make their work easier and less stressful.
The second undeniable advantage of this approach is that it provides the development of all language skills:
reading (collecting and processing additional information), writing (the form of written presentation), listening
(listening to and evaluating the presentations of the other students in the group) and speaking (students' individual
presentations in front of the group as well as participation in the discussions and debates followed). Additional value of
the project work is the possibility to expose students' analysis to the approaches and findings on the topic of
presentation in the target culture. The form of the project work develops students' language confidence and can be
successfully used as a team activity as well.
It is possible to use following project.
Choose one of the projects from the list or think of your own one. You can:
1. do a class survey on home remedies;
2. produce a poster on safety rules in school;
3. study your school area for possibilities for disabled people.
 Decide how you are going to do the project: alone, with a partner or in a group.
 Do the project and then present it to the class.
 Discuss the presentations. Useful information
1. If you have chosen the first project, do the following:
 In your notebook, write home remedies that are used for common illnesses in your family.
 Collect the information from the group.
 Analyse the information and present it in the form of a graph or poster.
2. If you have chosen the second project, do the following:
 Walk around your school paying attention to the places that can be dangerous.
 Think of the activities which you do at school. Which of them can be dangerous?
 Develop safety rules for your school and present the information on a poster.
3. If you have chosen the third project, do the following:
 On your way to school and back home, pay attention to the road, the doors of the buildings, the steps
in them, the pavements and other things that can become a problem for disabled people.
 What can you and your classmates do to change such things, so that they could become convenient for
people with disabilities?
 Present your plan of actions on a poster.
If you have chosen to do your own project you can ask your teacher for advice when you have any problems.
Good luck!
1. Т.В. Зубенко Комунікативний підхід до вивчення англійської мови М., 2006 р.
2. Are You Listening? Recorded Selections from the English Teaching Forum for Listening Practice. Washington, D.C.
3. Cooper B.L., Rubalsky B.G. An Advanced Course of Everyday English. Foreign Languages Publishing House.
Moscow, 1957.
4. Friederike Klippel.Keep Talking. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Ця стаття про важливість комунікативної компетенції у навчанні іноземної мови, про формування
мотивації в малих комунікативних групах і про один iз способів її формування – проектну роботу.
Ключові слова: комунікація, мотивація, проект, комунікативна компетенція.
Ключевые слова:коммуникация, мотивация, проект, коммуникативная компетенция.
Эта статья про важность коммуникативной компетенции в изучении иностранного языка, про
формирование мотивации в малых коммуникативных группах и про один из способов её формирования –
проектную роботу.
Key words: communication, motivating, project, communicative competence.
This article is about importanceof communicative competence in studying foreign language, about formation
of motivation in small communicative groups and about one of the ways of its forming – project work.


I'd like to ask you if only project work can motivate students well to learn the FL? While I was investigating the matter
of motivation of students I read that didactic games or simulations have greater influence on students motivation. As
practical teaching shows, it's true. Playing games students realize the practical goals of learning FLs. What do you think
about this?

Project work is one of the ways of motivating students to learn the FL. Didactic games, role playing,
dramatizing, communication with peers from other countries, creativity, Web 2.0 technologies, extracurricular
activities also have great influence on students motivation.

Формирование профессионализма будущих специалистов

Ирина Кустовская
Хмельницкий национальный университет

Исслеование затрагивает вопросы организации высшего профессионального образования,его

соответствия государственным стандартам, европейским требованиям к качеству соответствующего
образования. Определяются цели, задачи, условия эффективного его выполнения.
Проанализированы теоретические и методические источники, в которых ученые определяли такие
понятия, как: “образование”, “умения”, “навыки”, “профессиональный”. Результаты анализа позволяют
утверждать, что сегодня отсутствует четко определенное понятие “профессионально значимые умения и
навыки”. Этот факт позволил сформулировать такое определение профессионально значимых умений и
навыков: это – конкретные практические умения и навыки, имеющие первоочередное значение для
формирования личности будущего экономиста, направленные на развитие его профессионального кругозора и
способствующие формированию профессиональной мобильности и стойкости. Профессионально значимыми
умениями и навыками будущих экономистов являются умения и навыки синтезировать и анализировать
полученную информацию, коммуникативные умения и навыки, узкопрофессиональные умения и навыки по
экономике предприятий, бухгалтерскому учету, маркетингу, международной экономике, макро и
микроэкономике, статистике, экономике труда и социально-трудовым отношениям, умения и навыки
применять полученные знания на практике.
Процесс формирования профессионально значимых умений и навыков будущих экономистов зависит
от педагогических и психологических факторов: формирования положительной мотивации учения на основе
удовлетворения познавательных нужд, активизации познавательного интереса, правильной методической
деятельности. Педагогическими факторами являются педагогическое мастерство преподавателя, его
профессиональная компетентность, интересность учебной информации, ее практическая направленность,
повсеместная опора на профессиональные аспекты будущей профессии и т.д.
Создана практическая модель формирования профессионально значимых умений и навыков будущих
экономистов, которая соответствует определенным выше педагогическим и психологическим факторам и
использует учебные технологии, которые позволяют развивать творческий потенциал будущего профессионала,
его самостоятельность, профессиональную компетентность, формируют положительную мотивацию учения.
Составляющими этой модели являются элементы таких технологий, как: проблемное обучение,
самостоятельная учебно-познавательная деятельность, проектное обучение, обучение в малых группах,
кооперативное обучение, дидактические игры, дистанционное обучение, кейс обучение, новые
информационные технологии, технология активного обучения, которая сформирована на основе объединения
схожих по типу взаимодействия преподавателя и студента методов активного и развивающего обучения. В
данную технологию вошли такие методы, как: метод Сократа, Гордона, параметрический анализ, метод
свободных ассоциаций, метод матричного проектирования, брейнсторминг, эвристика, софистика, вопросник.
Исследование доказало, что наиболее приемлемой формой организации процесса формирования
профессионально значимых умений и навыков является дидактическая игра, в ходе которой можно объединить
элементы необходимых технологий.
Новые виды передачи информации также включаются в процесс формирования профессионально
значимых умений и навыков будущих экономистов.. Исследование использует различные виды отдаленного
взаимодействия во время обучения, в том числе FTP, email, database, podcasting, блоги, чаты, форумы,
Интернет, Интранет и другие. Главной особенностью такого учебного взаимодействия является хорошо
отлаженная и оперативная обратная связь, качество учебных материалов, дидактических эмуляторов и
симуляторов электронной среды обучения.
В процессе проведения педагогического эксперимента созданная модель формирования
профессионально значимых умений и навыков будущих экономистов прошла практическую апробацию.
Улучшение эффективности учебных результатов, повышение положительной мотивации учения позволяет
утверждать, что разработанная модель соответствует дидактическим принципам обучения, имеет четко и
корректно сформулированные цели и задачи, учебный материал подобран и систематизирован верно, комплекс

технологий организован правильно, что и привело к положительным результатам формирования
профессионально значимых умений и навыков будущих экономистов.
Сергій Кустовський


Кустовский Сергій
Хмельницкий национальный университет

Самостійна робота студентів (СРС) є одним з основних і важливих компонентів

навчально-виховного процесу сучасної української системи вищої освіти. Актуальність її
зумовлена тим, що саме СРС допомагає розвивати вміння та навички самостійного здобування
знань, формує активну життєву позицію майбутнього фахівця, вміння аналітично мислити та
приймати нестандартні рішення, наближає теорію до практики і пов’язує її із реальним життям.
Ці фактори є основними в кваліфікаційних характеристиках будь-якої спеціальності, у тому
числі й майбутніх економістів.
Підгрунтям до впровадження чи збільшення обсягів самостійної роботи стали Закони України „Про освіту”
(1997р.), „Про вищу освіту” (2001р.), Національна програма „Освіта:Україна ХХІ століття”, а також численні
вимоги самих студентів щодо поліпшення якості освіти, зокрема вищої.
Що стосується підготовки економістів, то тут є певні особливості. Зокрема, майбутні суб’єкти
економічної діяльності повинні вільно орієнтуватися в різноманітних економічних теоріях, моделях, знати і
вміти аналізувати чинники, що впливають на комерційну чи виробничу діяльність, повинні грамотно вести
фахову документацію, вміти використовувати новітні інформаційні технології та технічні засоби, вести на
професійному рівні ділове листування, у тому числі й іноземною мовою. І СРС є найдієвішим засобом
виконання усіх цих вимог. Сьогодні, коли кількість навчальних предметів постійно збільшується, а кількість
навчальних годин, якщо не зменшується, то залишається незмінною, самостійне навчання допомагає
компенсувати брак часу і ліквідувати прогалини в освітньому процесі. Сучасний підхід до організації СРС,
коли на неї виділяється 35-65% навчального часу є оптимальним. Проте, в залежності від ситуації, доречно
збільшувати час для самостійного навчання. Як казав німецький педагог В.Гумбольдт, людина, яка навчається в
університеті, вже не є учнем. А професор – це вже не вчитель; студент повинен самостійно здобувати знання,
формувати власні вміння і навички, а професор – лише консультувати і керуватисамостійною навчальною
діяльністю студентів.


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