The Challenge

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Left: DREAM pen pals from

Thomson Elementary and

J.O. Wilson Elementary work
together. Barbara L.
Salisbury Photography

The Challenge
A high school diploma is the ticket to todays good jobs, yet in our nations
capital one out of three high school seniors do not graduate.

nothing is
more important
in the long run
to American
prosperity than
boosting the skills
and attainment
of the nations
the achievement
gap and closing
the opportunity
gap is the civil
rights issue of
our generation.
Arne Duncan
U. S. Secretary
of Education

The nations capital has one of

the widest educational divides in
the country. Home to the highest
percentage of residents with
graduate degrees (23%), only 65%
of Washingtons youth graduate
from high school.

Today, 30,000 children in DC are

being raised in poverty. Poverty and
a struggling education system are just
some of the obstacles they face. Many
youth live in single-parent households.
Children in elementary school and
beyond rely on self-care when the
school day is over. Meanwhile, the
overwhelming need for after-school
tutorial and enrichment programs
goes largely unmet.

Washingtons opportunity gap is

evident in the test scores of our
citys students. Three-quarters of
4th graders are not proficient in
reading; 81% of 8th graders are not
proficient in math. While four of
every five white students met or
exceeded expectations in math
standardized tests, only one out of
five of their black and Hispanic
counterparts achieved these results.

A good education is every childs

right; a high school diploma is critical
to realizing that right.

In Numbers





of Washington,
DC students do
not graduate.
Nationally the
rate is 20%.

of students in DC
public schools
are considered
at-risk of
academic failure
due to poverty.

of Washington
DCs 3rd-8th grade
public & charter
school students
tested below
proficient in
reading & math.

of our DREAM
students receive
free or reduced
price lunch at

Alliance for Excellent


Office of the State

Superintendent, 20142015 Enrollment Audit

CityDance DREAM

Office of State Superintendent, 2014-2015

PARCC Test Results

CityDance DREAM

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