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For this correspondence course, you will be assessed with a combination of multiple choice and short answer questions.
There are: 34 multiple choice questions and 34 short answer questions
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Assessment - Multiple Choice

From the following, what are three (3) roles of the NSW Office of Liquor Gaming and Racing (OLGR)?
Select three (3) answers
HINT: One of the roles listed is a role of the Liquor Authority.

Provide strategic policy advice to Government on liquor policy issues; provide industry education and enforcement

Collaborate with the NSW Police on harm minimisation and compliance strategies; coordinate and promote liquor

Approve liquor licence applications and disciplinary matters

Coordinate licensing, compliance and enforcement functions; maintain a website that provides information, direction
and advice on all matters relating to alcohol, licensed clubs, charitable fundraising and gambling

NSW liquor laws require licensees and staff to follow a number of prescribed steps to avoid prosecution for the offence of permitting
intoxication. Which of the following is NOT one of those steps? Select one (1) answer.
HINT: refer to page 26

Refuse to serve the intoxicated person any more alcohol

Ask the intoxicated person to leave the premises

Contact, or attempt to contact, the police for assistance in removing the person

Have quality food available whenever liquor is served

3. Complete this sentence: The Liquor Act 2007 defines a person as being intoxicated if Select one (1) answer

Their speech, balance, co-ordination or behaviour is noticeably affected, and there are reasonable grounds for
believing that this is the result of the consumption of liquor

Their Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is in excess of the prescribed level of 0.05% and they have consumed in
excess of the published number of standard drinks for a single occasion

Their mental and physical faculties are impaired because of liquor consumption, which diminishes their ability to
think and act in a way that an ordinary, prudent person would act

They have exceeded the national guidelines by drinking more than two (2) standard drinks in a day

4. From the following list, who is considered to be a responsible adult for a minor? Select one (1) answer

Any person over the age of 18 years who can produce acceptable evidence of age

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A parent, step-parent or guardian of the minor, or an adult who has parental rights, duties and responsibilities in
relation to the minor while the minor is on licensed premises or in a public place

A sibling or other relative who is over 18

5. You are a delivery driver for a bottle shop that accepts orders for alcohol over the phone. You are delivering two (2) bottles of
vodka which were ordered and paid for over the phone. When you arrive at the delivery address, a young female who looks 18 or
19 comes to the door to accept the delivery. She says that her parents ordered the alcohol. What do you do? Select one (1) answer

Leave the delivery with her because she looks 18 and you do not want to be late for your next delivery.

Ask her for some identification. Her identification says she is 18, so you leave the delivery with her.

Ask her for some identification. Her identification says she is under 18, but you leave the delivery with her.

Leave the delivery because her parents ordered the alcohol and they are over 18.

6. Under New South Wales liquor laws, when can the sale of undesirable liquor products be banned? Select one (1) answer

If they are considered to appeal to children

If they are considered to be too low in alcohol content

If they are considered to appeal to pregnant women

If they are considered not to appeal to children

7. When can a licensee, who is a member of the local liquor accord, apply to the Authority (Independent Liquor and Gaming
Authority) to have a person banned from their premises? Select one (1) answer

When a person has been excluded from the licensed premises for being drunk, violent or disorderly

When a person has been excluded from the licensed premises for not meeting the dress code

Never - there is no need to ever ban someone

When a person has been excluded from the licensed premises for not spending enough money

What is the standard trading period for hotels, registered clubs, on-premise licenses (except vessels), wine producers and
packaged liquor licenses? Select one (1) answer
Hint: reveiw trading hours on page 23

Monday to Saturday - 5am to midnight, Sunday - 10am to 10pm

The hours your venue must be open

Monday to Saturday - 5am to midnight, Sunday - midday to midnight

Monday to Saturday - midday to midnight, Sundays - closed

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From the following list, what are three (3) types of noise a licensee is responsible for?
Select three (3) answers

Entertainment at the venue

Neighbourhood parties

Patrons entering or leaving the premises

Motors such as air-conditioning units and generators used for their business

10. Who can be prosecuted if they are found supplying liquor to an intoxicated patron? Select one (1) answer

Management, staff, club directors, volunteers and other patrons

Management and staff only

Management, staff, club directors only

Management, other patrons - staff cannot be prosecuted

11. Who can be held liable for the offence of supplying alcohol to a person who is under 18 years of age? Select one (1) answer

Licensee, staff and other patrons, including minors

Licensee and staff only

Management, staff and club directors

Management and other patrons - staff cannot be prosecuted

From the following list,select two (2) practices or promotions that encourage rapid or excessive liquor consumption?
Select two (2) answers

Serving patrons half measures of spirits on request

Supplying liquor in standardised quantities that can be recognised by patrons

Offering all drinks half price for one (1) hour only

Buy one get one free deals

Having non-alcoholic and low alcohol beverages available

13. Which one (1) of the following does an employee need to provide before being allowed to serve alcoholic drinks? Select one
(1) answer

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Copy of RSA Competency Card

Birth certificate

Driver's licence

Copy of marriage certificate

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Your bar displays the following sign:

A minor comes in with a person he says is his older brother. The brother shows his licence. Is the minor allowed to stay in the bar?
Select one (1) answer
HINT: Read the sign carefully to determine the answer.

Yes, if his brother can prove he is the responsible guardian

No, his is not permitted in the bar under any circumstances

Yes, he is permitted in the bar

The club where you work displays the No Excuse! sign (pictured below). Who can be fined? Select one (1) answer
HINT:Read the sign in the picture VERY carefully.

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Licensee, staff and club directors

Licensee and staff only

Management, staff and club directors


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From the following list, select the one (1) answer what are three (3) examples of the long-term effects of alcohol abuse?
Select one (1) answer only

Harm to unborn babies, hangover and mental illness

Heart muscle contraction, risk-taking behaviour and aggravated sleep

Impotency, infertility and fatigue

Gut and pancreas disease, cirrhosis of the liver and problems with memory and reasoning

17. How many standard drinks are there in a 285ml glass (middy or pot) of full-strength beer? Select one (1) answer





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18. How many standard drinks are there in an average restaurant serving of 150ml red wine (9.5% to 13% alcohol)? Select one (1)


1.4 - 1.6



19. Which of the following is equal to one (1) standard drink? Select one (1) answer

375ml can, pre-mixed spirits, 5% - 7% alcohol/vol

285ml glass, low-strength beer, 2.7% alcohol/vol

375ml can, mid-strength beer, 3.5% alcohol/vol

45ml nip, spirits, 37% - 40% alcohol/vol

20. Is a 375ml can or pre-mixed/ready to drink spirit, less than, equal to or more than one (1) standard drink? Select one (1)

Less than

Equal to

More than

If you worked in a bar and needed to make a rum and coke, what equipment would you use to measure a standard drink of rum and
Select two (2) answers

Use a free flow spirit pourer with a 30ml jigger

Use a 30ml spirit dispenser

Use a free flow spirit pourer with a 45ml jigger

Use the plimsoll line on a glass

22. What is the benefit of having a 150ml plimsoll line on a wine glass? Select one (1) answer

It is used to measure one standard drink of wine.

There is no benefit as it is not one standard drink.

It is used to measure a volume of wine e.g. 150ml, not necessarily one (1) standard drink.

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It is used to measure two (2) standard drinks of wine.

Read the following information, and calculate how many standard drinks Susan consumed.
Daniel and Susan were invited to a wedding. On arrival they each consumed one 200ml glass of champagne (sparkling wine), then
each had a 200ml glass of white wine that was served with the entree. Red wine was served with the main course, so Susan drank
two 200ml glasses. Daniel preferred beer, so he drank two pots of full-strength beer. Champagne was used to toast the bride and
groom, so both Susan and Daniel had a 200ml glass.
How many standard drinks did Susan consume? (Round up your answer.) Select one (1) answer
HINT: 200ml of wine/sparkling/champagne is approximately 2 standard drinks.

Ten (10)

Six (6)

Eight (8)

Seven (7)

This question follows on from the last question.
During the evening Susan had one more glass of champagne and a few more glasses of white wine. Daniel had the same. Susan
told Daniel that she was feeling quite drunk. Daniel said he was feeling fine.
Why could Daniel be feeling less drunk than Susan even though they had drunk the same amount of alcohol over the same period
of time?
Select one (1) answer.
HINT: Review the section on "factors that affect susceptibility to alcohol".

Female bodies contain a higher fat to water ratio than males.

Daniel was eating less than Susan.

Daniel consumed a glass of water after every alcoholic drink he had.

Daniel was going to the toilet more often.

When should you refuse service to a customer? Select one (1) answer

When they have had four (4) drinks in one hour

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When they display signs of intoxication

When they shout everyone drinks

When they have not spent enough money

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26. Complete this sentence: A person is considered to be intoxicated if Select one (1) answer

Their speech, balance, coordination or behaviour is noticeably affected, and it is reasonable to believe that the
affected speech, balance, coordination or behaviour is the result of the consumption of liquor

Their Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is in excess of the prescribed level of 0.05% and they have consumed in
excess of the published number of standard drinks for a single occasion

Their mental and physical faculties are impaired because of liquor consumption, which diminishes their ability to
think and act in a way that an ordinary, prudent person would act

Their speech, balance, coordination or behaviour is noticeably affected

Which of the following are regarded as a good ways to avoid conflict when you are refusing service?
Select two (2) answers

Speak to the patron with dignity, without confrontation, and away from their friends

Introduce yourself to the patron by telling them your name and your role, and ask them their name

Patronise the patron with an authoritarian attitude

28. If you face an aggressive or difficult patron and it is beyond your authority, who should you refer the problem to? Select one (1)

Other patrons

Your manager

Other staff


29. Complete the following sentence: The best way for the licensee and staff to determine whether a person is unduly intoxicated
is to Select one (1) answer

count the number of glasses, bottles and cans of alcoholic beverages they have consumed

observe their behaviour and signs of changing behaviour

test their alcohol level with a breathalyser

keep count of how many drinks they have had

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Based on the scenario in the video Refusing entry to minors, if the security guard checking identification suspected he had been
given a false or tampered with ID, what strategies could he have used to ensure it was authentic? Select one (1) answer
The link to the video Refusing entry to minors, is in the learning resource along with a transcript of the video.

Inspect the ID through the protective casing of a wallet; ask questions such as 'What star sign are you?'; examine ID
from multiple patrons simultaneously

Check for pinholes or air bubbles on the surface of the ID card; calculate the person's age; check for holograms or
other security features

Check the ID in a dimly lit area; take time to verify the ID; compare and match the ID photo with the person
presenting it

Ask questions such as 'What is your date of birth?'; allow distractions while checking the ID; inspect ID through the
protective casing of a wallet

Based on the scenario in the video Refusing entry to minors, if the security guard decides the ID has been tampered with or might
be fake what action should he take? Select one (1) answer
HINT: Review the addtional information for Element Four

Accept the ID as you would under any other circumstances; after all, it is still a current driver's licence

Refuse entry to the establishment and contact the police

Confiscate the ID and throw it in the bin so it cannot be used again

Confiscate the ID and send it to the OLGR for investigation

A customer arrives at your bar. She doesn't speak English very well, and asks for an extra strong gin and tonic. She tells you to
keep pouring when you add the gin and starts to get upset when you tell her you can't. It is your house policy to only serve one nip
(30mls) of spirits in mixed drinks.
What should you say to her about the house policy and the reasons for it?
Select (2) two answers

You should explain that it is the house policy of the bar to only serve one (1) standard measure per mixed drink.

You should only provide two (2) nips after explaining to her that she will be consuming two (2) standard drinks.

You should explain calmly and politely that it is a legal requirement in Australia to measure spirits when mixing
drinks so that customers know whether they are receiving a standard drink.

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A man has just entered the bar. He is big and rough-looking with tattoos all over his body, a shaved head and a nose ring.
He asks for his first drink in an aggressive and loud manner and appears to be hyped up and possibly intoxicated.
You are unsure whether he is intoxicated and are feeling nervous about whether or not to serve him. What signs of alcohol
intoxication can you use to determine whether or not a person is intoxicated?
Select four (4) answers

Personal appearance, dirty and untidy

Speech (e.g. slurred words)

Coordination (e.g. fumbling to light a cigarette)

Balance, unsteady on their feet

Behaviour (e.g. rude, aggressive, offensive)

34. Would you serve the customer in the previous question an alcoholic drink? Select one (1) answer

No, not if he displays any signs of intoxication

Yes, if it appears he may get violent

Yes, if he tells you he has not been drinking

What should you do if you are afraid to refuse service to the customer and do not know what to do?
Select (3) three answers

Call security

Consult your manager

Call the police

Continue to serve him alcohol

Assessment - Written
Who are four (4) key agencies involved in regulation and enforcement of licensing laws and RSA? List four (4) answers

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2. What are three (3) things you must do to ensure you comply with RSA? List three (3) answers

3. The RSA is now mandatory because of concerns from government and the community about alcohol abuse. What are three (3)
concerns associated with alcohol abuse and misuse? List three (3) answers

The main objective of the Liquor Act 2007 is harm minimisation. What are three (3) examples of harm caused by alcohol? List three
(3) answers

What are two (2) things that RSA training is designed to do? List two (2) answers
Hint: Refer to the additional information in Element 1, the section titled What RSA training is designed to do.

What is the maximum fine that can be given to an adult found supplying liquor to a minor?

What is the maximum penalty that can be imposed for intoxication offences? For excample, providing an intoxicated person with

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What is the procedure for barring a person from a licensed premises?
HINT: refer to the section on Banning Orders on page 29 of the learning resource.

All licensed premises must display a sign at the front of the premises. What three (3) pieces of information must be on that sign?
List three (3) answers
HINT: Review the Front of Premises sign on page 36

10. Steve has been promoted to Duty Manager. He is determined to do a good job for his manager and provide some leadership to
his team of bar staff. One of the first duties that Steve has been asked to do is review all signage in and around the venue. Steves
manager has specifically asked him to ensure that signage related to responsible service of alcohol and drinking information for
patrons and staff is on display around the venue. Steve cannot find these signs anywhere in the venue. Where can he obtain them

This question follows on from the previous question. When Steve was in his office he found a dusty old sign containing the following
information: name of the premises, the type of liquor licence held and the name of the licensee. Where should this sign be

What are three (3) examples of a standard drink containing 10 grams of alcohol? You must specify include the volume of liquid
that contains the 10 grams of alcohol, for example 50ml white wine. List three (3) answers

Calculate how many standard drinks there are in the following recipe for Long Island Iced Tea.

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15ml vodka
15ml gin
15ml white rum
15ml tequila
15ml triple sec or Cointreau
30ml lime juice or lemon juice (fresh is best)
15ml sugar syrup
Splash of cold soda
45ml of lime cordial instead of lime
Juice and simple syrup (optional)
Lemon wedge garnish
Hint: assume the spirts used are 40% alc/vol. Only 5 of the ingredients are alcoholic.

14. Is a large wine glass with 200ml of red wine, less than, equal to or more than one (1) standard drink?

15. What is the safest level of alcohol consumption for children and young people?

16. What are three (3) immediate effects alcohol can have on a person? List three (3) answers

17. People are affected by alcohol in different ways. What are four (4) factors that can influence the effect alcohol has on a
person? List four (4) answers


A customer asks you how many standard drinks are in the bottle of wine they want to purchase. They hand you the bottle. You look
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at the label on the wine bottle and see the image pictured above.
How many standard drinks are in the bottle?

19. What is the legal limit of Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) for New South Wales drivers with no restrictions?

What is a voluntary, industry-based partnership working in local communities to introduce practical solutions to liquor-related
problems known as?
HINT: Which of the two liquor accords is it?

Under the Liquor Act 2007, what are three (3) proof of age documents that are acceptable in New South Wales? List three (3)

22. Secondary party sales are illegal. What is a secondary party sale?

23. What are the two (2) types of Liquor Accords? List two (2) answers

24. What is the only thing that will sober a person up?

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25. What are three (3) examples of non-alcoholic drinks you could offer a customer in a bar or restaurant? List three (3) answers

26. What are three (3) safe transport options that should be promoted to customers of a venue? List three (3) answers

27. What are three (3) strategies to prevent intoxication? List three (3) answers

Under what circumstances can a customer showing severe signs of intoxication remain on licensed premises?
Hint: this question refers to the venue itself, not the vicinity of the venue.

29. What are three (3) things that should be included in a good House Policy? List three (3) answers

30. If a patron is deemed intoxicated and refused service, what must the patron do? Hint: refer page 26 of learning material.

A smart, well-dressed business person who is staying at a hotel, has been sitting at the hotel bar drinking beer all evening alone.
He switches to whisky halfway through the evening. Towards the end of the evening, he asks for another drink but is slurring his
words and seems drowsy. You know he has had a lot of drinks but he is quiet and not causing any trouble. In your own words, what
would you say to him?
Hint: use the straties on page 73 of learning materials. Remember, your response must be in your own words.

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Following on from the previous question, what one (1) action could you take?
Hint: if you refuse to serve a person becuase you think they are intoxicated, is that person allowed to remain on the premises? If
not, what would you say to them?

33. If you decide to serve the customer in the previous questions, are you liable to be fined?

What two (2) strategies could you use to deal with the situation and avoid conflict? List two (2) answers

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