Advanced System Design 2

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Appendix B

Web Application Development Support


This appendix describes the Java classes HtmlPage, HtmlForm, etc, which can
be used (particularly in Servlet-based systems) to generate web pages as part
of an internet application.
Figure B.1 shows the classes involved and their relationships.











Figure B.I: Classes for HTML generation


This describes the body of an HTML page, as a sequence of HTML

A component is added to the end of the body by the add(
component: HtmlComponent) method.


HtmlComponent This is the superclass of all the classes describing HTML

elements. It defines a collection of attribute-value pairs which can be altered
by the setAttribute(att : String, val : String) method. Such pairs appear as
HTML attribute settings att = val in the tag of the HTML component.
The method getHtml() : String returns the ASCII text of the HTML comportent, which can then be sent to a web browser for display.
HtmlForm This class describes HTML forms, as a list of HTML components
within < form > and < / f o r m > tags. The method and action of the form can

Appendix B. Web Application Development Support Package


be set as attributes using setAttribute.

HtmlHead This class describes the head tag of an H T M L page. The title of
the document is supplied as a string p a r a m e t e r in the constructor, eg:


= new HtmlHead("hdd


Htmllnput Describes an input element such as a text entry field or b u t t o n for

use within a form. The type (such as text, password or submit) is defined using
setAttribute, as are the other attributes of the element.
Htmlltem This describes single-line H T M L elements such as the p a r a g r a p h
marker < p > or horizontal rule < hr >. The tag is specified in the constructor,


= new HtmlItem("p")

for a paragraph.

HtmlPage This class describes complete web pages, with a header in HtmlHead
and a body in HtmlBody. The methods setHead(head : HtmIHead) and
setBody(body : HtmlBody) set these elements of the page.
HtmlTable This represents H T M L tables. It consists of a list of HtmITableRow
instances, a new row is added at the end of the table by the method addRow(
row : HtmlTableRow).
HtmlTableData This represents a cell in an H T M L table, most commonly, a
single piece of text. In the latter case the text is supplied as a p a r a m e t e r of
the constructor: HtmlTableData(text:String).
HtmlTableRow This represents a row of an H T M L table. It consists of a list
of cells which are HtmlTableData instances. A new cell is added to the end of
the row by the method addCell(cell : HtmlTableData).
HtmlText This describes text components. The text string and the tag are
supplied in the constructor HtmlText(text: String, tag : String). For example:


= new HtmlText("Name:","strong")

generates the text "Name:" in boldface font. Other qualifiers, such as font size
and colour, can be defined using setAttribute.

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