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Measles, a childhood disease, has caused sufferings to mankind for thousands of years.

However, the search

for an effective measles vaccine, lasted two hundred years and has finally ended in success. Now, for the first
time, measels is a preventable disease. You may ask, 'How is this important to children?
Every year measles kill twice as many Americans as polio now does. More children die from measles than
from any other common childhood disease. Also complications of some degree occur in about one child out of
six. Most complications include pneumonia and ear disorders.
Another after effect of measles - brain damage is less common, but it can have such serious consequences
that it deserves special attention. Brain damage due to easels sounds like something far away from our
experience. In reality, it is no. Like any other injury, damage to the brain can be very slight or very severe. It is
quite possible that we have never seen or heard a child who has severe brain damage - the child would either
have died or would be in an institution. However, in medical research a relation has been found between
measles and such things as behavior problems, personality changes and dulling of mental ability. For example,
a child may be bad-tempered or a little slow to learn after he has recovered from measles.

16. The main information of the text is that....

A. measles has been a disease for thousands of years
B. after 200 years of research an effective measles vaccine was found
C. measles is a serious disease greatly neglected in the past
D. a lot of research was done on the complications of measles
E. measles may have bad effects on children who get the disease
17. Which of the following statements is TRUE about measles?
A. The number of children in the USA killed by measles is smaller than that killed by polio
B. Medical research revealed that measles may cause brain damage
C. In the USA children with brain damage have all been measles patients,
D. Research findings show that pneumonia and ear disorders may cause measles
E. Children who get measles will have pneumonia and ear disorders at the sometime
18. One of the important findings of the research on measles is that....
A. children who have got measles may become difficult to handle because of their behaviour
B. in reality, there are no measles patients who get brain damage
C. personality changes already occur at the time a child has measles
D. measles can cause children to become physically handicapped
E. measles is the first killer of childhood diseases in the world
19. "Which of the following in NOT an after-effect of measles?
A. Polio
B. Ear disorders
C. Personality changes
D. Slow learning
E. Pneumonia
20. 'or would be in an institution' (paragraph 3).
The underlined word means
A. an orphanage
B. a rehabilitation centre
C. a hospital
D. a company
E. a public school
Heart disease is Western societys number-one killer. It accounts for one -third of all deaths in America and
for well over half the deaths among middle-aged men. Heart disease was relatively rare in America at the turn of
the century, but it has risen dramatically since then, with a slight downturn in 1960.
Heart disease is often viewed as a disease of modern living, spurred on by the habits and the stress of
industrialized society. Evidence for this idea comes from the fact that non-Western societies have relatively low
rates of heart disease. And there is a higher rate of heart disease among immigrants to America, such as Japanese
Americans and Chinese-Americans, than among those who remain in their native country, suggesting that
something about the Western environment promotes the development of the disease.
Heart disease usually involves the formation of a fatty substance called plague in the walls of the coronary
arteries that supply blood to the heart. If the arteries become narrowed enough or blocked, the person may suffer
a heart attack that is death of a region of heart muscle tissue.
Among the many factors that have been found to be related to the risk of developing heart disease are
high blood pressure, a history of heart disease among one's close relatives, cigarette smoking, being relatively

overweight, and a high level of a fatty substance called cholesterol in the blood. In addition to all of these wellestablished risk factors, it is now clear that stress can have a major impact on the development of heart
disease. People who continually undergo a great deal of stress - and who lack the ability to control it - are at a
significantly greater risk for disease than people who undergo less stress or who can manage stress successfully.
Jobs that impose high psychological demons but that provide the worker with the little control - such as a cook,
waiter, and hospital orderly - seem to breed heart disease.
21. There is a higher number of heart patients among Japanese and Chinese immigrants in the U.S. because
A. the U,S. has the highest rate of heart disease in the world
B. B . they might not have been able to cope with the stress of living in an industrialised society
C. the food in the U.S. contains too much cholesterol
D. they are often unjustly treated in their adopted home country
E. they work hard to create a better life for their children
22. How serious' is the prevalence of heart disease among people living in the U.S?
A. fifty percent of the deaths is caused by heart disease deceased sharply
B. in 1960 the rate of death caused by heart disease decreased sharply
C. thirty percent of the victims of heart disease were men
D. heart disease has always been rare among American citizens
E. more than fifty percent of people in their 40s died of heart disease
23. A person gets a heart attack when...
A. plague is formed in the walls of the arteries
B. coronary arteries are blocked by a fatty substance
C. smoking cigarettes causes hypertension
D. a region of heart muscle tissue is dead
E. heart disease is genetic among close relatives
24. The third paragraph tells us about a person can get a heart attack ____.
A. the process
B. how much
C. the reason
D. what time
E. how long
25. "Well-established risk factors' in fourth paragraph are risk factors which ____."
A. have been proved real
B. are related to the environment
C. show a contagious disease
D. are formed by the disease
E. create a belief among people

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