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I. Use the following verbs (believe, fill, get, look, put, switch, take, throw, turn, try) and
the prepositions (away, down, for, in, off, on, out) and form meaningful sentences.
Example: My parents are out. So I have to _________ my baby-brother.
Answer: My parents are out. So I have to look after my baby-brother.
1) Quick! ........................the bus. It's ready to leave.
2) I don't know where my book is. I have to ........................... it.
3) It's dark inside. Can you .................... the light, please?
4)................ the form, please.
5) I need some new clothes. Why don't you............. these jeans?
6) It's warm inside. ..................your coat.
7) This pencil is really old. You can
8) It's so loud here. Can you ..................the radio a little.
9) The firemen were able to ..............the fire in Church Street.
10) Does your little brother ................ghosts?
II. Use the correct phrasal verb to complete the sentence.
get on with hold on
find out
get away
take after turn up
get over
add up
put off
put through
look for
come up with cut down look after
1. Have you ...............if you won the competition yet?
2. I need to ..............from work and take a holiday.
3. She still hasn't ...............the death of her cat.
4. My daughter is a great cook, she really ............her mother.
5. Could you ...............a moment while I see if Marek is in his office?
6. Extension 28? I'll .............
7. She promised to ............her cigarette smoking to six a day.
8. He spent the entire night thinking and in the end ..........a brilliant idea.
9. I'm afraid your story is not believable. It just doesn't ..............
10. Donata cats while I was away on holiday.
11. We're not ready yet, we are going to have to .............the meeting until next week.
12. I'm ..............Simon's address. Do you know it?
13. Mary .............twenty minutes late for the party.
14. I'm tired of waiting for Jack. Can we .................our work?
III. A. Complete the sentences using a word from "List A" and a word from "List B". You
need to use some words more than once.
List A:
List B:
Example: You're walking too fast. I can't keep up with you.
1. My vacation is almost over. Next week I'll be
2. We've nearly run ............ money. We hardly have any left.

3. Martin isn't very happy in his job because he doesn't get .............. his boss.
4. I love to look ............. the stars in the sky at night.
5. Are you looking..............the party next week?
6. There was a bank robbery last week. The robbers got ................$30,000.
B. Complete the sentences using one of these verbs in the correct form + it / them / her /
cross out
give away
make up
see off
fill out
give back
show around
turn down
Example: They gave me an application form and told me to fill it out.
1. If you make a mistake on the test, just................
2. The story she told you wasn't true. She ..............
3. I don't like people who borrow things and don't ...............
4. Kate is going to Italy tomorrow night. I'm going to the airport to ............
5. I had a lot of toys that I didn't want to keep, so I my neighbor.
6. Would you like to see the new office? Would you like me to .............. ?
7. Theresa was offered a job as a secretary, but she .....................
IV. Complete the first part of the phrasal verbs. Use each verb only once.
Phrasal Verbs with 'up'
1. Jane and I want to .............up smoking.
2. Could you up at 6 o'clock?
3. We must ..........up or we will miss the bus.
4. Can you up at the station?
5. In many countries, the pupils have to ................up when the teacher enters the class-room.
6. I usually have to ..............up at half past six.
7. I must ...............up my room today.
Phrasal Verbs with 'on'
1. Please ...............on your coat, it's cold outside.
2. Do you mind if I ...................on the telly? I want to watch the news.
3. Excuse me. Where can I ..............on the shirt?
4. Can I ...............on reading now?
5. If you don't .............on the train now, it will leave without you.
Phrasal Verbs with 'out'
1. When it is hot and dry, forest fires ................out easily.
2. ...............out! There's a car coming.
3. It took the firemen 5 hours to .............out the fire.
4. You are the woman of my dreams. Will you ............out with me?
5. Could you .............out the candle?
6. We knocked at Mary's door but she wouldn't ..............out.
7. Would you like to ............out tonight? There is a new restaurant in town.
Phrasal Verbs with 'down'
1. It's so hot in here! Could you ..............the heater down, please?
2. .............down, we don't have to run that fast!

3. Be careful! I don't want you to ..............down the stairs.

4. Why don't you ............down and have a nice cup of tea with me?
5. Could you ............down your e-mail address
Phrasal Verbs with 'off'
1. It's so hot today. Why don't you.................. off your coat?
2. Due to a lack of interest, we had to ........... the meeting off.
3. Oh no! Look, the wallpaper is!
4. I stayed up to watch a film, but then I
5. Stop your knowledge of history.
6. Damn, I couldn't .............that stain off my favourite sweater.
7. All the hard work finally
8. Would you please let me finish my thought? Don't off in the middle of a sentence.
Phrasal Verbs with 'turn'
1. I love this song! Do you mind if I turn .............. the volume?
2. Turn ............. the telly and go to bed.
3. Turn ...............the oven, I want to bake a pizza.
4. Turn the page............... The information you are looking for is on the other side.
5. Turn................. Is that Bob over there?
6. Please turn ..............the music, I am speaking on the phone.
Phrasal Verbs with 'look'
1. I am looking .............. my mobile. Have you seen it?
2. Look ................these kittens, aren't they cute?
3. There are so many words in this text that I had to look the dictionary.
4. I cannot go out tonight. I must look little brother.
5. Are you looking ..............your holidays?
Phrasal Verbs with 'come'
1. When I was reading the paper, I (found) ............. this article.
2. How did this mess (happen) .............?
3. We were at a complete loss, and then Jane (produced) ............. a brilliant idea.
4. His new novel will (be published) ........... soon.
5. What it all (signifies) .............. is that you'll have to pay more for less.
6. For the production of his new film, the actor (came here) ............ from the United States.
7. Where did you (buy) ............ this old painting in the living room?
8. Do you think oil prices will (be lower) ............... again?

V. Choose the best answer among a, b, c, d or e to complete each sentence.

1. Jonathan doesnt like to ............such a strict schedule, but he has no choice in the military.
a. get in
b. chip in
c. adhere to
d. drop off
2. Simon's mother kept his first pair of baby shoes. She simply couldnt ................. .
a. send for them b. part with them c. drop them off
d. put them aside
3. We had a lot of company over the weekend and actually ............... coffee.
a. be out of
b. put up with
c. ran out of
d. ran into
4. Just before retiring, the director ................the management of the school to his assistant.
a. is turning over b. pointed out
c. turned over
d. parted with
5. It took a long time before Sonya was able to ................all the money she borrowed for college.
a. pay back
b. chip in
c. keep up with
d. put off
6. If you go camping near a river, ..................snakes. There are lots of poisonous varieties that may
bite you.
a. take back
b. look out for
c. turn down
d. pick up
7. How much money is each person ................for the present?
a. cheering up
b. checking out
c. chipping in
d. charging up
8. How did Bill react when you ...................the mistakes in his report?
a. picked up
b. pointed out
c. saw about
d. turned over
9. It is known that moving parts in engines .................. much more quickly than stationary parts.
a. blow out
b. give off
c. wear out
d. get out
10. I believe fire-fighters should have been called to ............. the fire in the city centre just after
it started.
a. put out
b. hang up
c. catch on
d. go over
11. When I heard some strange sounds from outside, I looked through the window to........... what
was going on outside.
a. drop in
b. keep on c. find out
d. look in
12. I couldn't understand the question in the test because I didn't know that "GMT"
............Greenwich Mean Time.
a. puts forward
b. stands for
c. lives on
d. comes along
13. They ............... the possibility of merging the two departments but did not find it feasible.
a. looked into
b. got over
c. came by
d. drew back
14. As it was getting late, we decided to................ the discussion at some other time.
a. put down
b. lookup
c. make out
d. carry on
15. I was happy to see that I was............ by my friends throughout the court case.
pulled down
a. let off
b. hung up
c. carried out
d. backed up
16. I knew I could never guess the answer so I ............and stopped thinking about it.
a. came off
b. put across
c. got at
d. gave in
17. You have ............. too much work and I am afraid you will make yourself ill.
a. taken on
b. called off
c. turned back
d. cleared up
18. With both my hands full of shopping bags, I tripped and fell down just as I was ...........the bus.
a. drawing back
b. going for
c. bringing up
d. getting off

19. I won't go to school to history essay as I have got an extension from the professor.
a. pull out
b. run down
c. hand in
d. pass out
20. We have to ............. for the station at nine o'clock tomorrow not to be late.
a. wear off
b. set off
c. come before
d. call on
21. She was able to buy that house after she ................ some money when her grandfather died.
a. handed over
b. got over
c. made for
d. came into
22. I believe we have to ............... making a decision until next week, when we will have more
a. put forward
b. pick up
c. hold off
d. look on
23. I old photographs in the attic, which made me very happy.
a. put aside
b. broke in
c. gave up
d. came upon
24. A gentleman ............. me to hand me some papers I had dropped.
a. came out
b. ran after
c. dropped off
d. went off
25. Just after the accident, the crew of the sinking tanker were ............. by helicopter.
a. given away
b. wound up
c. picked up
d. figured out
26. I don't think it is a good idea to ............. now because you can easily finish the course.
a. try out
b. get off
c. drop out
d. make out
27. After the refugee crisis, the two governments ........... diplomatic relations.
a. came away
b. kept up
c. passed away
d. broke off
28. We were ............... at the entrance to the cinema because we hadn't got tickets.
a. turned away
b. cheered up
c. dropped off
b. put out
29. As I have taken a pill, the pain in my shoulder is ................. .
a. backing up
b. wearing off
c. going for
d. checking out
30. When it was 12 o'clock, She said : We better make ........... home.
a. Up
b. Off
c. For
d. Away
31. I am not sure if she was here, even though I could make ........... a low girl voice.
a. Up
b. Out
c. By
d. Off
32. I didn't know what to write about, but then I made ......... a marvellous story.
a. Off
b. Off with
c. Up
d. By
33. The police discovered that he had made ............ ...... his wife, and buried the body on the
a. Up with
b. For with
c. Away with
d. Off with
34. I thought he had changed, but then he made ........ ........ my computer.
a. Over of
b. Away with
c. Along of
d. Off with
35. He made .......... the door and closed it with an ear-splitting sound.
a. Over
b. Towards
c. Through
d. Off
36. She didn't have good computer skills, However she makes ........ ........ it with a course.
a. Up to
b. Up as
c. Up for
d. Up Over
37. As far as I make ........., He has never won a price.
a. Out
b. Up
c. Over
d. For
VI. Choose the correct variant
1. When I look (at/ after/ for/ forward/back) on my time at university, it puts a smile on my face.

2. I think I lost my car keys. Will you help me look (at/ for/ down/ into) them?
3. You must look (through/in/by/ up) new vocabulary words in your dictionary.
4. When I have to travel on business, my parents usually look (at/ after/ for/ forward) my
5. We're looking (after/ back/ on/ down/ forward) to our holidays. It will be wonderful to get
6. We have set up a working group to look (after/ for/ back on/ into) the problem.
7. Look (after/ out/ through)! The boss is coming.
8. At the end of the exam, I only had a few minutes to look (at/ after/ for/ forward/ over) what I
had written.
9. My father's wonderful. He's the person I most look (at/ back on/ down/ up to).
10. Look (at/ after/ forward) this woman. She is so beautiful!
11. She always looks (after/ into/ for/ forward/ down on) people who don't agree with her. I think
she is very arrogant.
12. These boys look (at/ after/ like/ for/ forward) their father - they've got dark hair and brown
13. My father is sitting on the sofa now and looking (through/ forward/ like/ after) a magazine
about cars.
14. When his girlfriend discovered he had kissed her best friend, Ben lost (head/ truth/ face). It
was embarrassing!
15. In order not to be discovered, the politician had to cover (in/ up/ on/ down/ through) the
scandal by making a false statement.
16. The boiler was so hot that it gave (off/ away/ in/ out) a jet of steam.
17. He was tired after the long battle, and as he would never win, he decided to give (on/ down/
into/ up) the enemy.
18. After receiving the money from the lottery, they decided to set (on/ up/ in/ to/ at) a bar next
to their house.
19. When I was a kid, other older boys used to pick (to/ with/ in/ to/ on) me and make me cry.
20. When they decided to sell their house, they had to do it (on/ in/ up/ round), as it was quite
old, and they left it in mint condition.
VII. Complete these sentences using the following phrasal verbs

1. If you dont know the meaning of the word, you should it a dictionary.
2. He . for a walk at 7 p.m. last night and he only at 10 p.m.!
3. You can borrow my pen until the end of the class but remember to it.
4. My brother smokes 20 cigarettes a day. He should .. smoking.
5. Stop talking immediately!...............
6. .., just wait minute, please.
7. She cant go out at the moment because shes the baby.
8. Im very hungry. Im. going home and eating my dinner.


9. My best friend .. last night because I was sick.

10. John cant remember a thing after falling. He just..
11. That girl is always excuses for everything she does!
12. Well meet next Saturday at 7 p.m., unless something...
13. The manager told the applicant to think carefully about the offer; but he decided to .
14. You can trust me! I wont .you..
15. Stop boasting and.. Be more modest, will you?
16. Mary is jealous of Susie. She is always .. her..
17. The car engine has stopped. I dont know why it has.
18. Wheres my rubber? I dont know! But I saw it somewhere.
VIII. Fill in each blank with an appropriate particle to complete the following phrasal verbs.
A - Phrasal verbs with bring
1. "Mom, Jane brought ____ her new CD. Can we play it on your stereo?."
2. John brought ____ a new book on dating. It's supposed to be good.
3. He brought _____ the subject, not me. I don't want to discuss it.
4. Jill was brought ____ using amonia sticks known as 'smelling salts.'
5. What did you bring ____ from that class? I got a lot out of it.
6. They brought ____ prices last week but it didn't improve the market any.
7. I have a school book which, when I look at it, brings ____ many memories.
8. He brought her ____ to his way of thinking politically.
9. They brought ____ 2 weeks because of a scheduling conflict.
10. The dark winter clouds brought ___ torrents of rain and sleet.
B - Phrasal verbs with look
1. While you are hiking in the forest, you need to look ..for rattlesnakes. They are often lying
on the trails.
2. If you don't know his phone number, you can look it .. in the phone book.
3. The police are going to look ..the recent robberies in the neighborhood. Hopefully, they will
find the thief.
4. While he was looking . the papers, he noticed a couple of spelling mistakes.
5. If you look .. the telescope, you can see the rings around Saturn.
6. Sandy is going to look the children while we are at the business dinner.
7. When there is an eclipse, you should look . from the sun. Looking at the sun can sometimes
damage your eyes.
8. I lost my keys. Can you help me look them?
9. The lost child stood there in the middle of the store looking .. trying to find his parents.
10. She always looks . on people who don't agree with her. I think she is very arrogant.
IX. Fill in each blank with a correct particle from the box given.
A Phrasal verbs with go

1. They were party animals in college. They went . almost every night and rarely came home
before four o'clock in the morning.
2. I am sorry I interrupted you. Please, go . I really want to hear the end of your story.
3. Our neighbor's car alarm went . several times last night, so I didn't sleep well at all.
4. The project is classified by the military, so I am not allowed to go the details. Let's just say
it's going to cost the government a lot of money.
5. The test is fairly complicated. I would suggest going your notes from class a couple of times
before you try to take it.
6. I'll mail that letter for you. I go . the post office on my way to work.
7. Did you see that news report about the hikers who were lost in the mountains for more than a
week? I couldn't believe everything they went ... Their story was absolutely incredible.
8. Jerry really struggled to keep his business going. But after months without any customers, it
finally went ..
9. I had the hiccups for over half an hour. Luckily, my friend Jane showed me a trick to make them
go ..
10. The doctor made Joe lie in a cold bath to help his fever go ..
B Phrasal verbs with keep
1. There was a sign on the door that said, "Keep . !"
2. I ran the entire marathon, but I wasn't able to keep . with the rest of the runners. In fact,
I was the last to finish.
3. I don't have much shelf space, so I keep my books the television.
4. If you take the medicine on an empty stomach, you will have problems keeping it .. .
5. Watch out, there's a rattlesnake! Everybody keep !
6. You need to keep the ice cream . the refrigerator until we have dessert. Otherwise, it will
7. I told you to keep the dog . the bed. I don't want dog hair all over the bedspread.
8. The roast chicken is on the table. Can you keep the cat from it until everyone sits down for
9. The house is so dusty that I have to keep a cover .. the computer to make sure it stays
10. Fire is a real danger that everyone should be aware of. I always keep a fire extinguisher
.., just in case of an emergency.
C Phrasal verbs with pass
1. The exhaust fumes from the cars were so strong that Sherry passed ..
2. When they offered me that job in Miami, I immediately accepted. There was no way I was going
to pass .. the opportunity to move to Florida.
3. After I took a quick look at the ancient vase, I passed it . to the art dealer. I could see she
was afraid I was going to break it.
4. He tried to pass the painting .. as an original Picasso, but I recognized at once that it was a

5. The Buddhist monk told me that the old woman had not really died. He said she had simply
passed . her next life.
6. The police helicopter passed our house several times while they were looking for the
prisoner who had escaped.
7. Every day, when the yellow bus passes .. my house on its way to school, I think of my
childhood in Iowa and simpler times.
8. I momentarily lost my cell phone connection when the train passed the tunnel.
9. My grandfather lived a very long and active life. He didn't pass . until he was 107 years
10. One by one, we passed the pictures . so that everyone could see what a talented
photographer Jerry had become.
X. Mixed phrasal verbs
A - across
1. I wake . at 6:00 AM, but I usually stay in bed until around 6:30. I am not a morning person.
2. Our car broke . in the desert between Los Angeles and Las Vegas. We were stuck on the
side of the road for two hours before the tow truck arrived.
3. Whoa, the speed limit here is 55 miles per hour! I think you need to slow .
4. To apply for a driver's license, please fill .. this form and proceed to line B for the eye
5. The environmental activists were standing by the side of the road handing leaflets to
protest the construction of the new beach hotel. They urged the people to help protect the sea
turtle nesting grounds of Florida.
6. When American students go to their high school proms, they dress in tuxedos and formal
gowns. Some students even rent limousines to take them to the dance. It's crazy!
7. If you don't pay your rent, your landlord is going to kick you .!
8. Sandy majored in French in college, but she has forgotten a lot of her vocabulary. She is going
to Paris next summer to visit some old friends and brush .. on her French.
9. A thief broke their house while they were on vacation and stole their television, their VCR,
their microwave, their personal computer and all of their jewelry.
10. The old country house Susan and Bill bought in Connecticut needs some major work before they
can stay in it. However, once they fix the place.., it will make a great vacation home.
11. The other day I ran . Sam Green at the grocery store. I hadn't seen him in years.
12. This essay is very poorly written. It's not well organized, you don't prove your point and the
conclusion is ineffective. I think you need to do it .
13. Before you buy the pants, you had better try them .. to make sure they fit. I think they
look too small.
14. The police are cracking.. on people who park illegally downtown. Yesterday, they put notices
on all the cars saying that they are going to start enforcing the three-hour parking limit.
15. Is there an electrical outlet anywhere around here where I can plug .. my computer? My
battery is almost dead and I need to recharge it.
16. I hate cooking! That's why I always eat ...
17. Jane was really depressed because she didn't do well on her final exams, so we decided to take

her out for a night on the town to cheer her ..

18. I am not sure you two are ready to get married, you haven't known each other very long.
Maybe, you should think it before you accept his proposal.
19. When I saw the coupons for free movie tickets in the newspaper, I immediately cut them .
Who says nothing is for free?
20. While the archeologists were exploring the region north of Tikal, they came . a spectacular
new temple complex hidden in the dense jungle
B - about
1. We had some problems when we checked . the hotel. They had reserved the room under
the wrong name.
2. My book club meets regularly to discuss selected novels. In fact, we are getting .. next week
to talk about a really unique mystery novel called Illusion.
3. Mrs. Jones's husband passed last Friday. We are going to attend his funeral next wee
4. In the dream, my wallet turned a butterfly and flew away. Isn't that symbolic. I think I'd
better stop spending so much money.
5. Before the plane took , the flight attendant told everyone to fasten their seat belts and
put their chairs in an upright position.
6. Don't forget to put your gloves . It is cold outside!
7. The police chased the robber down the street and through the park but they couldn't catch
him. He got . by jumping on the back of a passing truck.
8. Fred told us to keep . He said the dog was very aggressive and that it might even be rabid.
9. I am looking an apartment near the beach. I would like a studio or a one bedroom with a
view of the ocean.
10. I can't believe how much John takes . his father. They look and act exactly the same.
11. I can mail the letter for you. I go .. the post office on my way to work.
12. If you watch your money, stay in hostels, make your own food, and plan carefully, you can
get .. there on less than $30.00 a day.
13. If you don't understand the word "superstitious," look it in the dictionary.
14. For legal reasons, our lawyer wants to go .. the papers thoroughly before we sign them.
15. Popular protest and extensive media coverage finally helped bring . change in the country's
environmental policies.
16. Mr. Octavio checked our names . the list one by one as we entered the room.
17. I can't hear what they are saying on TV. Can you please turn it ..?
18. This radio station is based in Chicago, which is 60 miles from here. That is why the broadcast
doesn't come .. clearly.
19. This is the most intensive language course I have ever taken. I have to study four hours per
night just to keep with the pace of the class.
20. I think the experiment supports my theory, but I need to go .. the results a couple of
times to make sure that no mistakes were made while collecting the data.


--------------------THE END---------------------



1. get on

2. look for

3. switch on

4. fill in

5. try on

6. take off

7. throw away

8. turn down

9. put out

10. believe in

1. found out

2. get away

8. came up 9. add up
1. back to
5. forward to
1. cross it out
5. gave them away
1. give
2. wake
1. put
1. break
5. blow
1. turn
1. take
5. showing
1. up
4. over
1. for
1. came across
5. comes down to
1. look up

gotten 4.
takes 5. hold on
looked 11. put off


put 7. cut down

looking 13.

turned 14. get on


2. out of
6. away with

3. along with

4. up to

2. made it up
6. show you around

3. give them back

7. turned it down

4. see her off

3. hurry
4. pick

5. stand
6. get

7. tidy

2. turn

3. try

2. watch
6. come

4. carry
3. put
7. eat

2. slow

3. fall

2. call
6. clean

4. go

4. sit

5. write

3. coming
7. paid

4. dozed
8. cut

2. off
5. around
2. at

5. get

3. on
6. down

3. up

4. after

5. forward to

2. come about
6. came over

3. came up with
7. come by

4. come out
8. come down

3. give back

5. shut up

7. looking after


2. went out
4. give up
9. dropped in
11. making up
10. blacked out
12. cross up
1. over
3. up
2. out
4. to
1. out
3. into
2. up
4. over
1. out
3. off
2. on
4. into
1. out
3. on
2. up
4. down
1. out
3. back
2. up
4. off
X. A.
1. up
3. down 5. out
7. out
2. down 4. out
6. up
8. up
1. into
3. away 5. off 7. away
2. together 4. into
6. on
8. back

6. hang on

8. looking forward to

13. turn down

14. let down

15. showing off

16. putting down

17. broken down

18. lying down

5. away
6. down

7. back
8. around

9. forward
10. fourth

5. through
6. after

7. away
8. for

9. around
10. down

5. over
6. by

7. through
8. under

9. away
10. down

5. back
6. in

7. off
8. away

9. over
10. around

5. into
6. over

7. by
8. through

9. away
10. around

9. into
10. up

11. into
12. over

13. on
14. down

15. in
16. out

17. up
18. over

11. by
12. by

13. up
14. over

15. about
16. off

17. up
18. in

9. for
10. after


19. out
20. across
19. up
20. over

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