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Pentaho that offers a suite of Business Analytics that consists open source Business

Intelligence (BI) products which provide data integration, online Analytical processing(OLAP) ,




boarding, and ETL(Extract,



Load) capabilities. Pentaho was founded in 2004 and is headquartered in Orlando, FL, USA. In
2015 Pentaho was acquired by Hitachi Data Systems
Pentaho is the complete analytical and business Intelligence suite where it encompasses a wide
range of functions and uses from data integration to reporting. The Pentaho also has a list of open
source projects.
Most importantly, the Pentaho has its fundamental BI features including its versatile Visual
Report Editor and PDF and HTML report software, security and role management and the
capability to email reports to users.
The Pentaho also has a built in Pentaho BI Server. This is a Java 2 platform, standard edition
(J2EE) application which provides a platform to process and examine reports through a webbased user interface.
Pentaho has its own community and forum for software support and additional plugins, a
Jira bug tracker, and a well grounded Wiki that provides documentation.
Other additional benefits of the Pentaho are

Visual analysis
Predictive modeling
Mobile element


Business users are self-sustaining and can immediately access, figure out and visualize any data.

drill through, lasso filtering, zooming, and attribute highlighting of visual analysis for
greater insight

Includes geo-mapping, heat grids and scatter/bubble charts.

Specialized, visualization plug-ins deliver "the art of the possible" for advanced

Extreme scale in-memory data caching for speed-of-thought analysis of large data

True mobile experience with support for native gestures and complete analytics
capabilities, including content creation.


Interactive dashboards are the key performance indicators for business users. Pentaho offers high
graphical visual interface to improve organizational performance.
Web-based drag and drop dashboard design offers rich navigation, drilling and a library of filter
Custom built dashboards uniquely customized for your business.
Portal and mash-up integration seamlessly connects
Getting comprehensive solutions for reports is the ever best key factor .Pentaho reporting
capabilities span the entire range from self-service interactive reporting to high volume, highly
formatted enterprise reporting.

Intuitive web-based interactive reporting for business users.

Rich graphical enterprise report designer for power users.

Output in popular formats: HTML, Excel, CSV, PDF and RTF.

In-memory caching for fast results.

First to market direct reporting for NoSQL.


Management and administration enabled with the ideal set of tools for efficient
development, deployment and management in a streamlined user environment.
Analytics security, content permissions, versioning, locking and expiration
World class reliability, backup and recovery
Enterprise ready data integration with job restart and rollback
Performance monitory and auditing with built in reporting.
The first BI version of Pentaho is Pentaho 5.0
Pentaho 5.0 provides an open, unified platform to access, integrate and blend any data, in any
environment, across a full spectrum of analytics. A new, modern interface simplifies the analytics
experience for all users turning data into a competitive advantage.
Pentaho suite consists of two offerings,

an enterprise edition which contains extra features ,add on plug-ins,extra support services
community edition which is a normal service

Supported OS:

Apple Macintosh OS X Server 10.8 & 10.9

CentOS Linux 5 & 6
Microsoft Windows 2008 Server R2, 2012 Server R2
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 & 6
Solaris 10
Ubuntu Server 10.x & 12.x

Supported Hardware:
Apple Macintosh Pro Quad-Core or Macintosh Mini Quad-Core
Intel EM64T or AMD64 Dual-Core
RAM: 8 GB with 4 GB dedicated to Pentaho servers

Disk Space: 20 GB free after installation

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