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Kris Tacio


1. Think for a moment about your favorite teacher. Make a list of what made that teacher so
special that even years after leaving elementary, high school or college.
The teacher I never forget is maam Mariana Aquino she is our teacher when we are in
elementary. She is known as strict and she gives us much homework. Every day she is giving us
recitation thats why after going to school we are reading our notes. She always implement zerocheating management if she caught one of us is cheating automatically her/his grade is zero.
Even she is strict she inspire us to study more for our better future.
2. Reflect on the personal attributes of a professional teacher. Which of these do you have? Dont
have? What is your personal plan for your growth?
A good teacher has a very good personality; there is no second thought about it. Students always
get attracted to teachers with good personality and characteristics which leads to better
communication, understanding and ultimately good results. Everyone can have a good, decent,
likable and presentable personality. Just dress sensibly good, smell good, and be a little gentle
and kind. That's all. Teachers are models of values. Whether conscious of them or not, values are
exhibited implicitly and explicitly. Values connote standards, code of ethics and strong belief.
Open-mindedness is basic in promoting respect and trust between teachers and students. Students
are encouraged to consider one anothers findings and explanations. Free exchanges of
suggestions develop a respectful attitude among them.
Fairness and impartiality in treating students eliminate discrimination. Teachers must be
unbiased and objective in judging their work and performance. Fairness inculcates selfconfidence and trust among students.
Sincerity and honesty are values exhibited in words and actions. Teachers interact with students
every minute. Their mannerisms, habits and speech are watched and at times imitated. Teachers
must show their real self. Sincerity dictates that they stick to the truth, to the extent of accepting
what they do not know about the lesson.
In my future, if I will teach someday Ill do my obligation and I will do my responsibilities as
teacher to my students. I will love, accept them for what they are and I will teach them well.
3. Search the internet for at least 5 inspirational quotes on teachers. Reflect on them.
I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.
Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.

A good teacher, like a good entertainer first must hold his audience's attention, and then
he can teach his lesson.
The true teacher defends his pupils against his own personal influence. He inspires selftrust. He guides their eyes from himself to the spirit that quickens him. He will have no
The best environments we can provide for our students are the ones that lead them to take
responsibility for their learning. What a difference it makes in a students mind knowing that
theyve discovered the answer for themselves, or been able to create it if it wasnt there.
Studying is an important part of gaining an education, but reviewing and internalizing facts and
data will only get a student so far. What they really crave are those moments where they truly
connect with their teacher and learn a lesson that no textbook or website could ever provide.
These are the priceless lessons of real life, from someone who has had those experiences and
made the mistakes, and grown as a human being because of them. Thats you, and those
experiences are like gold to any student. Make them happen as much as you possibly can.
As a teacher, youre the most important part of a young students life. Your love of learning can
be infectious and inspiring to any student you teach. Remember how you nurture the courage in a
pupils heart. You are a tutor, an enabler, and a caregiver combined, and you can and will make a
4. Research on the characteristics of a child-friendly school. Write your findings.
A child-friendly school is a school that recognizes, nurture, respect the right of the
learners. The school accepts the children for what they are and who they are. The teachers, Coteachers, and non-staff should be approachable. The Child-friendly school works with all
commitment holders especially to the parents or guardians of the learners, and Values it. The
Good manner and Right conduct and the rules and regulations should appropriate to the students
it should be implemented. And the school environment must away from danger, the Facilities
must complete, it is not destroyed and it is safe to use. The Learning environment of Childfriendly schools must balance, freedom, Solidarity, conductive, attractive, equity, non-violence
and concern for physical, mental, emotional as well for the spiritual health of the learners.

5. Researh on socio-emotional learning. How does this relate to conducive learning


Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults
acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and
manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and
maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.
SEL programming is based on the understanding that the best learning emerges in the context of
supportive relationships that make learning challenging, engaging, and meaningful.
Social and emotional skills are critical to being a good student, citizen, and worker. Many risky
behaviors (e.g., drug use, violence, bullying, and dropping out) can be prevented or reduced
when multiyear, integrated efforts are used to develop students' social and emotional skills. This
is best done through effective classroom instruction, student engagement in positive activities in
and out of the classroom, and broad parent and community involvement in program planning,
implementation, and evaluation.
Effective SEL programming begins in preschool and continues through high school.
An environment conducive to learning needs to be one that recognizes the points at which
interpersonal, intrapersonal, and academic domains converge. The development of strong social
and emotional skills programs allows these necessary linkages to be made. That, in turn, makes it
possible to reach students, to engage them, and to help them feel that they can contribute to the
school and the community, to their families, and to their future workplace. More important, such
programs also give them the skills to do so.
If the school learning environment the learners is conductive they can be able to observe and see
the needs of their companions they are concern for what others feel. It helps also the learners to
understand what their teacher is teaching.

6. Does learning environment totally condition the learner? If i am surrounded by bullies in

class, does it mean that automatically i will be a bully too? Explain you answer.
No, the environment doesnt totally condition the learner because students have their own
characteristics and behavior. When it comes to their surroundings and they have their own
instinct for a good school environment for them. In the school, if i am surrounded by bullies it
doesnt mean that i am bully too because it depends to the learners if he/she want to bully too. I

will not bully my schoolmates/classmates because i know the feeling. I dont want that i am that
to be the reason that they will hate me and if they will not go to school. It depends also to the
parents how they discipline their child. The teacher should also contribute in teaching their
students to be good and respect others.

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