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2 josune.,| La IM ©, um tt ie lan uO um iy nh IIM 1U ttosamin 11M 11M Hn INDIAN INSTITUTES OF MANAGEMENT (IIMs) Ahmedabad, Amritsar, Bangalore, Bodh Gaya, Calcutta, Indore, Jammu, Kashipur, Kozhikode, Lucknow, Nagpur, Raipur, Ranchi, Rohtak, Sambalpur, Shillong, Sirmaur, Tituchirappall, Udaipur, Visakhapatnam COMMON ADMISSION TEST (CAT) 2016 ‘The Indian institutes of Management will conduct Common Admission Test 2016 (CAT 2016) on Sunday 4" December, 2016 in two sessions. CAT 2016 will be conducted by IIMs as a pre-requisite for admission to various management programmes of IMs, These programmes are: ‘A. Post Graduate Programmes in Management: Website Addresses: lIMAnmedabad PGR PGP-FABM vwwwwiima UM Amritsar PGP \ IIMBangalore PGR PGPEM, PGPPMA vwwwwiimb emetin liMBodhGaya PGP worm. 2ein UM Caleutta PGP-PGOM \ lM indore PGP (Indore, Mumbai), PGP tM Jammu PoP ‘worm ac.injamma liMKashipur ——PGREPGPM \wwwwiimiashipurain NIM Kozhikode PGP worniimiacin lIMLuckiow —-PGRPGP-ABM,PGPSM— in HIM Nagpur Pep \wwwimnagpuracin UM Raipur PGR PGPWE WIM Ranchi GDM, PGDHAM \wwewimanchi. ain IM Rohtak PGREPGP ‘wwiimrohtak ain \IMSambalpur PGP wwrwimsambalpur. ain RGIIMShillong _ PGRPGPEX ‘wwwiimshilong in IM Sirmaur PoP ‘wwii ac.infimsimaur \iMTiruchirappali PGRPGPAM lM Udaipur PoP UiMVisakrapatnam PGP B. Fellow Programmes in Management (FPM) {equivalent to Ph.0.] of IM ‘Ahmedabad, lIM Bangalore, IM Calcutta IM Indore, IIM Kashiput, 11M Kozhikode, iIM Lucknow, liM Raipur, IM Ranchi, 1IM Rohtak, RGIIM Shillong, 1M Tiruchirappal, 1M Udaipur and EFPM Programmes of IMt Kashipur &IIM Raipur. Separate advertisements will anpear forthe Fellow Programme ofeach institute ‘2 well as for PGP-FABM of IM Amedabad, PGPEM & PGPPM Programmes of lIM Bangalore, EPGP of IM Indore, FPM & EPGPM of IM Kashipu, PGP-ABM & PGPSM of IM Lucknow, PGPWE of IM Raipur, PEDHRM of IIM Ranchi, EPGP of lM Rohtak, PGPEX of RGIIM Shillong and PGPBM of IM Tiruchirappali, Before a prospective candidate makes a decision to appear for CAT 2076, he’she must vist the websites and/or read programme advertisements ofthe concerned It and specie programmes to ensure accurate and undated information on which programmes they want to apply fr, elicblty requirements and admission processes. List of non - iM member institutions that have registered to avail the CAT 2016 scores is provided at The CAT 2016 Scores are alowed to be used by the sted non-IM member institutions, Please note that IMs have norole inthe selection process of non-IM institutions INFORMATION SOURCES: CAT website: CAT 2016 ELIGIBILITY ‘The candidate must hold a Bachelor's Deoree, with at least 50% marks or ‘equivalent CGPA [45% in case ofthe candidates belonging o Scheduled Caste (G0), Scheduied Tribe (ST) and Persons With Disabilty (PIND) categories), ‘awarded by any University or educational institution as incorporated by an Act of the Parliament or State legislature in india or declared to be deemed as a University under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1958, or possess an equivalent ‘qualification recognized by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India. The percentage of marks obtained by the candidate Would be calculated based onthe practice as folowed by the respective Univesity / Institution In case of grades / CCGPA, the conversion to percentage of marks would be based on te procedure 2 certified bythe respective Univesity /nstution any University /nsttution ‘confirms that there is no scheme for converting CGPA into equivalent marks, the ‘equivalence would be established by dividing the cancidate's CGPA by the maximum possible CGPA, and multiplying the result with 100. Cancidates appearing for the final year of Bachelor's degree / equivalent qualification ‘examination and those who have completed degree requicements and are ‘awaiting results can also apply. However, itmay be noted that such candidates, i selected, ville allowed join the programme provisionally, onyifthey submita certificate rom the Principal Regstrar oftheir Univesity institution (issued on ‘or before the date as stipulated by the respective IM) stating that they have completed all the requirements for obtaining the Bachelors degree / equivalent ‘qualification on the dat ofthe issue o the ceticate. IMs may vty eligi at various stages ofthe selection process, the details of which are also provided at the website Candidates should note that the mere fulfillment of minimum eligibility criteria will not ensure consideration for shortisting by Ms. + Help Desk Number: 18002663549 Candidates must declare and maintain valid and unique email account and a phone number throughout the selection process. RESERVATIONS As perthe legal requirements, 15% ofthe seats are reserved for Scheduled Caste (SC), 75% for Scheduled Tibe (ST) candidates, 27% of seats for Other Backward Ciasses candidates belonging tothe “Non-Creamy" layer (NC-08C), and 3% for Persons wth Disables (PWD). The categories of isabiity are 2) low vision /bindness, b) hearing impairment, and ) locomotor asabilty/ cerebral palsy The extent of isabity should benotlessthan 40%, as certified by a medical authorty 25 per the PWD Act, 1995. For the purpose of being considered forreservations, the applicable Central Government ist a onthe ast date of CAT registration shal be binding. No subsequent changes will be effective for AT 2016 and any subsequent selection process ofthe IIMs. ‘The candidates belonging tothe reserved categories need to also note the elgibity requirements carefully before applying. should be noted that while tis the endeavor of IMs thatthe candidates belonging to SG/ST/PWDINC-08C categories join the programme in proportions mandated by tela, they have to imeelthe minimum eligibility rtria and a certain minimum level of performance to be considered for the admission process. The candidates should read the updated description of selection process followed each IM onthe respective websites. Nochange inthe category willbe entertained after CAT registration; hence, the applicants are advised to giv attention while registering. PAYMENT OF CAT REGISTRATION FEE The fee is 1700 (for General and NC-OBC candidates) and ® 850 or SC/ST/ PW) candidates, Please note thal a candidate needs to pay registration ee only once, respective ofthe numberof Institutes ha/she is applying for. SC, ST and PWD candidates must upload a copy of ther SC/ST PWD certificates atthe time of epson Fee once paid cannotberefunded under any circumstances. REGISTRATION FOR CAT 2016 The egstration window opens on8* August, 2016 and wilclose at §:00 pm. on 22" September, 2016. The deals about the registration process wilbe avaiable onthe CAT website wwwjimeatac in, Atthe time ofregistation, the candidates haveto select any four Test ites as per their preference from the drop down menu, After the last date of registration, candidates wil be alloted one among the 4 prefered cites and eter of the two sessions. Inthe rare case that a candidate is nt alloted any of the prefered Gites, he/she wil be aloted a nearby city. The candidates can download the adit cards om 18° October, 2016 4 December, 2016 TEST CENTRES hare willbe around 135 test ces. Detas about tho test sits inthe est ciies willbe avaible on wwiimeataein ftom 18" October, 2016 andthe name of the Test Site willbindicatedinthe Admit Card ls reserve the ghtto change or cancel any test venue / centre and/or change thetesttime and date at theirownciscretion car 2016 SCORE Candidates‘ GAT 2016 score card willbe made accessible at Candidates may aso be intimated indvdualy by SMS. The CAT results ae tkely be declared by 2 woek of January, 2017. CAT 2016 score is valid only til December 31°, 2017 and will accordingly be accessile on the webs. Thereafter, no queries related to issuance of CAT 2016 score cards wil be enieraind. ‘ADMISSION PROCESS. Please note that each IM is independent to mandate their own elgibity criteria {including academic cut-offs and relative weighs) and fallow diferent selection processes, Performance in GAT 2016 examination is an important component {or consideration inthe selection process. IMs may aso use previous academic performance ofthe candidates, relevant work perience and other siiar inputs in shortisting and ranking of candidates at various stages of th selection process. Formoreinformation candidates mustreferto the respacive websites ofthe is. DISCLAIMER Instances of any incorectinformation or process violation detected at any stage ofthe selection process wil ea to immediate disqualification of the candidate ‘nom the selection process and he/she wil not be allowed to appear fr CAT in future. If such instances go undetected during the curent selection process but are deteced in subsequent years, such oisqualficaion wil take place with retrospective etect. Candidates must retain this advertisement for future reterence. Any dispute ‘concerning CAT 2016 would be subject to jurisdiction of the competent courts E wihinthe tetra uriscction of ty of Bangalore ony

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