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Allani, Janiah Y.

Malabanan, Ara Jean V.

Saldivar, Andrea Marie T.
Sebastian, Louise Bianca C.

Sleep Deprivation
Move 1
This is a condition of not having even enough sleep. This can be either chronic or
acute. The problem is a not solely confined to a certain profession, age, or lifestyle. For
adults, work is a major determent from sleep/ factors in most common types at people
who experience sleep deprivation are students. A persons quality of life can be disrupted
due to many different reasons. One important yet underestimated cause for that is sleep
loss (National Sleep Deprivation, 2007). When a busy student has three essays due, four
midterms for and easy to see how sleep deprived, 11 signs that sleep deprivation occurs
into a person; time for bed, youre always hungry, youve gain weight, youre more
impulsive, your memory is short, you, youre having trouble making decisions, your
motor skills are off, your emotions are all over the place, you get sick often, youre
having trouble seeing, your skin isnt looking good, you think youve fallen asleep at
work, these are the signs that a person is having sleep deprivation.
Move 2
However, it is alarming to know that many people like college students are experiencing
sleep insufficiency that can have serious health consequences and that many signs may
occur to a person as indicated in the previous studies. In response to this concern,
promotion of university and college policies and class schedule that encourafe healthy

and adequate sleep could have a significant impact on the sleep, learning, and health of
college students.

Move 3
The aim of our study is to determine the effects of sleep deprivation on
cognitivecapabilities, psychological conditions, and behavioral effects. The first area of
our research, a students cognitive capability, is a high priority for collge students. It can
be affected by a variety of issues, but it plan to study its relation to sleep deprivation.
Sleep deprivation appears to have a direct correlation to an increase in stress and a
decrease of focus. The research investigates to what extent, if any, stress and focus are
impinged upon by sleep deprivation. Then, it can prove or disprove if a lack of sleep can
lead to lower academic success. Hence, a student can plan their sleep in accordance to
what is needed to achieve the academic level they desire. The study investigates the
relationship of sleep deprivation and a students psychological conditions.Whether sleep
deprivation makes student pessimistic because of lack of concentration in intellectual and
critical thinking or lack of self-control to itself .One of the functions of sleep is to repair
our physical condition aftersolving a lot of emotional problems and intellectual activities.
Hence,not enough sleep can give us excessive worry, depression, and a longperiod of
stress. The reasoning behind researching sleep deprivation is to inform students who want
to achieve success of how their amount of sleep can influence their psychological
conditions. Therefore, they can modify their original amount of sleep to have more focus
on various things in psychological perspective. The final area of investigation is the
behavioral affects from sleep deprivation. Behavior can contribute greatly to a students
decision making and overall success in school. The study will provide insight into a
lightly researched topic and help students gain knowledge on an important aspect in their
life. A students behavior will change if they suffer a lack of motivation and an increase in

anxiety (Pendidikan Profesional Liabekasi, 2008). It plans to explicate how sleep

deprivation plays a role in motivation and anxiety alterations or disprove the theory.
Sleep deprivation may be very influential on a students life, and determine its possible

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