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Reviewed by Governors:
Adopted by Governors:
Next Full Governors Review due:

In writing this policy, the following DfE publication was followed Health and safety: advice on
legal duties and powers For local authorities, academy leaders, academy staff and governing
bodies February 2014
The aim of this policy is to sustain and promote a broad range of off-site educational visits, whilst
ensuring safe practice and competent supervision.
Stoneleigh Academy recognises the direct and indirect educational and social benefits of children
participating in educational visits. Visits should enhance and deepen a childs learning alongside
the curriculum offered in the classroom, stimulate an interest in new areas and present
opportunities for children to demonstrate a wide range of qualities and skills that are not available
in the traditional classroom setting. Visits should broaden horizons in exposing children to places
beyond their usual immediate locality.
They help to develop a childs investigative skills and residential visits in particular encourage
greater independence.
Visits can also be a valuable form of professional development for staff as well as offering them
insights into the skills, strengths and interests of children that can often not be gained within the
As an academy, we are committed to incorporating educational visits into schemes of work in
order to enhance children understanding and experiences.
To extend the curriculum opportunities and experiences available during the children normal
academy day
To provide opportunities for children to broaden their educational experiences, to appreciate
cultural heritage and to become responsible and well-informed citizens.
To encourage and develop qualities of an outstanding learner
. To foster self-esteem, self-confidence and self-discipline.
To provide opportunities for the development of planning and evaluation skills.
To increase the motivation of children and to increase their enjoyment of learning. Principles
There will be a range of activities to cater for children individual needs and particular interests.
All children are entitled to participate irrespective of social background, culture, race, gender,
differences in ability and disabilities. Careful and sensitive consideration will be given to the cost
of any proposed activity. Academy financed curriculum activities must be directly related to the
curricular aims of the Local Governing Body and the aims of the academy. All staff are
encouraged to contribute to curriculum enrichment activities. Approval from the SLT is required for
each curriculum enrichment activity. Activities must not involve promoting to children activities or
opinions inappropriate to the work and ethos of the academy.
All off-site activities must have clearly stated aims and objectives reflecting the academys aims.
The inclusion of off-site activities needs to be practicable, considering the constraints of staffing,
cost and time. Educational visits should be available to all of the children and particular
consideration should be given when selecting venues , activities and organising transport for any
children with special educational needs or a disability.

All off-site activities must have prior approval from the Principal and the Chair of Governors where
appropriate. They must be carefully and thoroughly planned, costed and insured. Planning should
include a thorough written risk assessment based on the following considerations:
What are the hazards?
Who might be affected by them?
How can risks be reduced to an acceptable level?
Can these measures be implemented?
What steps will be taken in an emergency?
The level and nature of supervision during any activity must be appropriate to the activity and to
the age and number of children involved, bearing in mind the health, safety and well-being of the
children. The minimum adult-to-child ratio is dependent on the nature of the visit.
The visit organiser should be satisfied that the venue is a suitable one, relevant to the stated aims
and that any officials from the venue who will be involved in the visit are qualified and reliable.
In the case of any outdoor activity, a member of staff should have made a preliminary visit to the
venue, for safety reasons and for sound educational planning.

EV2 - Consent from Parent/Carer for all Off Site Visits 2016-2017

1. Details of Visits

I agree to class .......................... taking part in off site

visits/activities planned by the Academy from September 2016-August 2017.
I understand I will receive a letter/text message outlining details of each visit/activity closer to the time.
I understand if I wish to withdraw .............................................s participation in a particular visit/activity I
must write to the group leader.
I acknowledge the need for ..... to behave responsibly on all visits.

2. Medical information about your child

Does your child have any conditions requiring medical treatment including medication they
YES/NO (delete as applicable)

If yes, please give details: ........



Please outline any special dietary requirements for your child (including allergies)



Is your son/daughter allergic to any medication? Yes/No (delete as applicable)

If yes, please give details: .........


When did your son/daughter last have a tetanus injection?


To the best of your knowledge, has your son/daughter been in contact with any contagious
or infectious diseases or suffered from anything in the last three months that may be
contagious or infectious?
YES/NO (delete as applicable)

If yes, please give details: ..



3. Academy Healthcare Plan

Does your child have a Healthcare Plan? YES/NO (delete as applicable)

If you are unsure about this please contact the Academy on telephone number 01484
222230 Ext 240

4. Contact details

name: ................................................................................................................................

Contact telephone number(s):

Work: .. Mobile: ...... Home: ...

Home address: ....

Alternative emergency contact

Name of person: ... Relationship to child: ..



.Contact telephone number: ..

Childs GP/Doctor details

Name of GP/Doctor: ...... Telephone number: ..


Address: .


5. Declaration

I agree to my son/daughter receiving medication as instructed and any emergency dental,

medical or surgical treatment, including anaesthetic or blood transfusion, as considered
necessary by the medical authorities present (this will also include any emergency first aid
treatment considered necessary by the group leader).

In case of an emergency I agree to my contact details being passed to the relevant

insurance company & medical authorities.

I understand the extent and limitations of the insurance cover provided.

I understand that I must give any medication (including paracetamol) to the visit leader and
complete the medical paperwork.

I understand it is my responsibility to keep the Academy & Visit Leader informed

of any changes in my childs medical condition/circumstances.

Signed by Parent/Carer: .................... Date

Parent/Carer print name: ..........................................................


Once completed please return this form to Child Reception

Planning a visit

Staff Guidance/Checklist

Please follow the steps below to ensure that you have completed all that is required from
you when planning a visit
If the visit you are proposing is a dangerous activity, water related or a residential
(category B & C visits) you will need to see DK

AALS licence to check + Oldham Council Approval required

You will be required to carry out a preliminary visit
Additional Risk Assessments may need to be obtained from the venue

Complete and submit the following to DK at least 4 weeks prior to the proposed visit


ME-EV1 Approval in principle form

Risk Assessment form
Order form if cost involved
Record of Digital Images of Children/Staff
List of child names children who are in receipt of Child Premium Grant
(PPG) must be identified
Please ensure your staffing reflects the children, staff calendar has been checked for
events, cover costs etc.
Contingency plan/extra control measures need to be in place in case proposed visit
cannot go ahead as planned
Copy of ME-EV1 returned to you with signed approval from DK




Please note if you want to make ANY changes to the approved EV1 you must see DK

Information sent to parents in a letter


Read through & check all EV2s


If any EV2s indicate that a child has a Healthcare Plan, you MUST follow up and
ensure you know what meds need to be taken.

Information meeting held with staff, children & parents if applicable (normally a week




Staff MUST be made aware of any children with medical conditions

Staff assigned duties/responsibilities (first aid box, water/cups, EV2s,
pen/notepad, camera etc)
Sign Parent/Child/Staff briefing sheet & forward to DK(keep a copy for point 10)
Follow up any outstanding payments (tel calls/letters/text messages to parents)
Lunch Request Forms to be completed for all children wanting lunch/free school
meal and handed in to the Academy kitchen staff. Agree who will collect lunches
Residential only - register of attendance to compulsory parent briefing session
taken & submitted to DK

If the visit is out of hours (before 7am/after 6pm/weekend/school holiday) see DK

regarding access to your car & to the Academy

You MUST check photo permissions for children on SIMS before photos are taken and
you will need to await approval from RB before you take/use the images
Only Academy cameras/recorders must be used to record digital images of
24 hours before the visit departs:



Child/Staff list, copy of ME-EV1 Approval in principle form, Risk Assessment form,
child medical information and Academy mobile number circulated to all staff
going on the visit
Child/Staff list to be displayed on the staff room notice board
Child/Staff list to DK- children who are in receipt of Child Premium Grant (PPG)
must be identified
EV2 medical forms need to be copied to be taken on the visit, one set to be left
with the Main Office
If the visit is out of normal school hours agree emergency contact with DK
Weather forecast checked and adjustments made to the risk assessment as
required and children/parents informed if required (suitable clothing, footwear,
change in activities etc)
Risk assessment with children

On the day of the visit:

All staff attending the visit must have the child/staff list, copy of ME-EV1
Approval in principle form, Risk Assessment form, child medical information and
Academy mobile number
Lunch collected from the dining room if required
Do not leave for the visit before the departure time on the letter to parents,
chase up children who are late/abs
On your return if parent/carer has requested you wait with their child, please
ensure the child is supervised until they arrive
Academy mobile phone obtained from office & taken on the visit. Please ensure
the phone is switched on, charged and the sound is turned on before you leave.

Children reminded of conduct/behaviour expectations before departing (refer to

briefing sheet point 6)
Academy mobile phone number given to all children on the visit in case they
are lost/emergencies etc
Please remember to sign in/out using the signing in system in Reception
Any problems/issues/queries please contact DK on 01484

If the visit is outside of normal school hours:

Please call for any problems/issues/queries, all SLT numbers are stored in the mobile
If you are returning to BPA earlier or later than planned please contact BPA/DK so the
office can notify parent/carer(s).


Please ensure SIMS Enrichment is updated and provide website article.

Evaluation of the visit completed within 48 hours after the visit has taken place forward Evaluation form to ?? (any accidents, incidents & near misses MUST be
reported to DK)


Follow the Residential tick list

First Aider on Visits

The Academy has a responsibility to ensure that first aid provision is available when visits are

BPA -EV1 Amended 18/4/2016

Academy Visit - Approval in Principle Form

Proposed Visit date: Departure time: Return time:


Venue address: ..

Named contact at venue: ... Venue telephone no: ..

Method of travel (please circle): Staff car - Public Bus - Taxi - Public Train - Coach - Walk - Other ..
Transport company address: . Transport company telephone no: ..

Purpose of
visit/aim: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

How are children

selected: ..................................................................................................................................................................................
Please attach a list of children you are proposing on taking please ensure children in receipt of PPG are identified on the list

BPA -EV1 Amended 18/4/2016

Year Group:

Female children: ..............

Total children:

Staff & Child ratio:

Group Leader:

Male children: ..................

Other named staff: . ...................................................................................................................

BPA First aid: ........................................................

Is First Aid available at the venue: YES / NO

Expenditure (total costs, not per child)

Admission costs

Total cost of transport

Cover: 205.00 per teacher per day & 15.00 per hour O/T for Assoc Staff

BPA -EV1 Amended 18/4/2016

Other costs


Income (this section MUST be completed)

No of children

Total Income
LESS total costs (a) =

If a minus figure where will the

income be funded from?

Total costs
Budget holders signature

Once approved I understand any changes to this form must be discussed with the Business
Support Manager, any changes will need to be re-submitted for approval
An approved copy of this EV1 MUST be circulated to all staff on the visit

Signed by Group Leader: ................................................



Budget Heading: ........................................ signature approval of amount: ....................... Date sort: .............................

BPA -EV1 Amended 18/4/2016

EVC approval signature: .......................

Date sort: .

In case of a MAJOR/FATAL accident/incident

Call 999 for emergency services

You MUST contact the Academy on 01484 and ask to speak to DK out of hours SLT contact person
The Academy contact person will then advise you of next steps
A member of staff must accompany casualties to hospital, the rest of the group must be adequately supervised at all times & kept
Control information - Ask children not to use mobile phones to contact their family/friends to avoid causing alarm/distress
Revision of roles of staff if required safeguard uninjured group members, prevent the situation getting worse
All essential information recorded with times
If a fatality the police will inform the family
Paperwork must be completed on return to the Academy

In case of a MINOR accident/incident

Call 999 for emergency services OR administer first aid as required

You MUST contact the Academy on and ask to speak to DK
The Academy contact person will then advise you of next steps
Control information - Ask staff not to use mobile phones to contact their family/friends to avoid causing alarm/distress
Revision of roles of staff if required safeguard uninjured group members, prevent the situation getting worse
Calm member of staff to contact the parent, contact details can be found on the EV2
All essential information recorded with times
Paperwork must be completed on return to the Academy

In case of a NEAR miss

Revision of roles of staff if required

BPA -EV1 Amended 18/4/2016

You MUST contact the Academy on 01484 222230 / 01484 485478 and ask to speak to DK
Control information - Ask staff not to use mobile phones to contact their family/friends to avoid causing alarm/distress
Revision of roles of staff if required safeguard uninjured group members, prevent the situation getting worse
All essential information recorded with times
Paperwork must be completed on return to the Academy see MKA

For all incidents you MUST:

not speak to the media (do not reply as no comment, you must speak to the Academy contact person who will advise you)
not discuss legal liability with other parties, make any statements to anyone or allow anyone to be interviewed
write down accurately and asap all relevant facts and witness details and preserve any vital evidence, photo images if possible
forward the following details of the incident to the Academy contact person, this should include: date & time of incident, location of
incident, names of casualties & details of their injuries, names of others involved, action taken so far & by whom
At all times you may contact the Academy for advice on 0161 770 5590

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