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Have You Ever Considered Hosting An Intern?

Nichols College is a great resource right in your back yard! Within a supportive community,
Nichols College transforms todays students into tomorrows leaders through a dynamic, careerfocused business and professional education. An internship is a partnership between a student
and an organization which provides on-the-job training. It exposes a student to experience with
the real world of work, better equipping the student during a job search. Interns provide many
benefits for your organization. Our students recognize the value of an internship and are
seeking opportunities to gain some real world experience while providing a value to your
Benefits of hosting an intern
Businesses are seeking the highest quality candidates which can be especially challenging for
smaller businesses. Hosting an intern is a great way to attract quality candidates that will not
only bring fresh ideas and skills, but also the power and desire to increase productivity while
adding value to your organization. Some of the benefits of hosting an intern include:

Increase productivity additional assistance with projects/tasks, especially during peak

Give fresh perspectives interns will approach projects with energy, enthusiasm and a
fresh pair of eyes
Enhance staff supervisory skills mentoring will help your staff develop stronger
leadership and management skills
Create talent pool for future openings
Retain talent students who are hired full-time after completing an internship are more
likely to stay with that organization for longer periods of time
Enhance technology college students are technological savvy
Give back Chances are someone helped you get started with your career. Being able to
pay it forward is a rewarding experience.

Sample projects and responsibilities

Not sure of what types of projects your organization could utilize an intern for? Listed below are
samples of projects that our students have been responsible for during their internships:

Social Media: Manage social media platforms, such as: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
Event Planning: Contribute to the planning (logistics, space reservations, catering,
speakers, etc.), promotion (idea generation and execution), execution (set-up, greeting
guests, photograph, etc.) of events
Human Resources: Assist with recruiting, benefits open enrollment, benefits audits,
compensation and project support, updating employee benefit manuals
Sport Management: Support ticket sales for sporting events, facilitate interactive
activities with fans
Administrative: Serve as administrative support to assist with preparing materials for

meetings and participate in meetings, manage and update databases, perform outreach
Marketing/Business Communications: Assist with marketing and communication efforts
and provide project support for public relations, marketing, advertising and social media
Management: Order materials, supplies, and/or equipment. Maintain relationships
between vendor and corporation. Manage projects i.e. net terms negotiation, complexity
consolidation and procedure implementation
Hospitality Management: Check guests in/out, handle reservations, manage front desk,
welcome and guide guests, assist with events
Accounting: Assist with financial reporting and analysis, banking and cash management,
investment accounting, internal audit, and tax and compliance monitoring

Steps to take to host an intern

Gain management approval (if needed) for developing an internship position

Identify workspace
Assess internal organizational needs
Assign a supervisor/mentor for the intern
Develop task/project list
Create a job description
Create an account on Road to Success (Nichols online recruitment database) *Please
email for details and/or assistance.
Post position, including compensation and application information
Review Resumes, conduct interviews and select an intern
Provide consistent supervision and feedback
Evaluate intern performance and submit a copy to Nichols College (an evaluation form
will be provided)

Sample job description

The following is a sample job description that was posted on Road to Success. You can use this
as a guide tailoring it to your needs and including your application instructions. There will be
asterisks which will indicate required information.
Job Title: Empowering Women in Business Conference (EWIB) Intern
Job Description:
Assist in the planning and hosting of the Empowering Women In Business Conference (March
24, 2016) in conjunction with EWIB committee members
Attend and participate in EWIB committee meetings
Select and lead a committee of 5 6 students to create ideas and implement strategies for
promoting attendance and sessions that would interest the young professional
Serve as the liaison between EWIB Committee and student sub-committee
*Qualifications: The ideal intern will possess:

Ability to work independently and as part of a team

Attention to detail and organizational skills
An energetic, positive attitude
Strong interpersonal and organizational skills
Strong written and verbal communication skills
Proficiency in social media (especially Twitter and Facebook)
Knowledge of campus; ability to motivate and energize others
*Application instructions: Please email your resume and cover letter to XXXXX. Deadline to
apply is XXXXX
Note: Road to Success can be accessed at
Please feel free to contact Career Services at (508) 213-2489 or
should you have any questions or need assistance in creating your account.
Tips to creating a successful internship
Internships need to consist of valuable tasks and/or projects. For example, filing and
receptionist duties does not constitute an internship. The tasks should not simply be the tasks
no one else wants to do. These responsibilities are usually menial, tedious and time consuming.
Follow these tips to ensure your intern is happy, as a happy intern will be a productive intern!

Make him/her feel as though they are part of the team

Stress the importance of their work to the organization
Assign a variety of tasks from time to time
Provide them with a project they can see from beginning to end
Give them constant feedback

Check out Nichols Career Services blog:

Why Internships are Actually Important, Required or Not

Need more information?

Contact Career Services at (508) 213-2489 or

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