(Steven Steele) Janus4.0 Natal Interpretation

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Sun 0422'12" Aquarius

Moon 2055'07" Taurus
Mercury 1239'00" Capricorn
Venus 2436'02" Aquarius
Mars 0053'53" Gemini
Jupiter 0908'20" Leo
Saturn 2829'07" Capricorn
Uranus 1107'52" Capricorn
Neptune 1500'38" Capricorn
Pluto 2008'24" Scorpio



The Ascendant describes your personality and image, the face you
show the world, and the nature of your personal and wider


Your primary motivation in life is to feel emotionally secure. You are sensitive and emotional; however you can also be over-sensitive and easily hurt
by people. You are receptive to the needs of others and have a natural desire to care for or protect people. Family and domestic matters are always
important to you and your home is your retreat and sanctuary. At times, you are susceptible to changeable moods, irritability and touchiness.
You have a strong desire to become important or to gain the esteem of others. You have a knack for attracting the attention of important and even
well-known or famous people. You may tend to overwhelm other people with the power of your personality and display pride or egotism. Difficulties
may be experienced in your relations with others caused by arrogance or self-glorification.

Readily adaptable, you will bend over backwards to accommodate others and cater to their needs. You have natural warmth, coupled with an ability to
make others feel at ease in your company. Women play an important role in your life and you will have many contacts with them. Alternatively, you
can be overly sensitive and touchy, and changeable and inconsistent towards others. Difficulties can arise with others through moody and reactive
behavior. You experience periods of feeling susceptible and vulnerable to external influences. Your relationship with your mother may be testing at
You have a keen mind and quite possibly an above average intelligence. You are sharp-witted and alert to what's happening around you; so much so
that you rarely miss a trick. A clear communicator, you express yourself lucidly and frankly. Also, you are a good conversationalist because you are
curious about what interests others. You are animated and expressive in company and probably talk with your hands. Intellectually, you have a
questioning mind, coupled with the capability to form your own opinions and, when sure of your facts, tend to dominate discussions. Negatively, you
can have a tendency to be judgmental or overly critical of people whose views contradict your own. You may engage in gossip or rumor mongering.
Your personal environment is busy most of the time, which is just as well as you tend to be quite restless and find it nearly impossible to sit still for
very long.
You are an original personality and delight in your uniqueness and individuality. You insist on having the freedom to do as you wish, even if it unsettles
others. You are a non-conformist and, in all likelihood, ahead of your time. To some people, you are an exciting person to be around; to others you are
just too unconventional for them to understand. You need to take care not to come across as too eccentric or weird, because you may isolate yourself
socially. You are intrinsically restless and will tend to have many changes of environment throughout the course of your life. You may be a
technological whiz.
You have great will-power, which you can direct into projects of personal interest; however you will need to learn how to work with others if you want
their assistance. Others perceive you as a person who can be coercive and controlling. You are intense and dominating and, as a consequence, often
find yourself embroiled in power struggles. In extreme cases, you can come across as dictatorial and, if you feel your authority is threatened, can
resort to ruthless or oppressive behavior. Alternatively, other people - especially partners - can wield power over you.
Self-confidence and self-motivation. An enthusiastic and adventurous personality. Taking pride in personal achievements. An enterprising and decisive
nature; constructive initiatives. Foresight; the ability to take charge of situations. Recognizing the 'right' moment to take action. Industrious and
productive environments. Successful and lucrative partnerships.
A passionate nature. Fixating upon something or someone; compulsive and obsessive traits. The tendency to take things to extremes. Intense and
dynamic partnerships. Manipulating others or being manipulated. Family power struggles. Domineering women. Contending with environmental
pressures. A risk of bottling things up; emotional repression.
A sociable and interactive personality. Forming significant relationships at a personal and professional level throughout the course of life. Cultivating
an inner rapport with others; achieving aspirations jointly. Familiarity, friendship and companionship. Supportive (family) ties and connections. Being
on the same wavelength with others in the environment.
A reserved and cautious personality. Keeping others at a distance - aloofness. Contending with personal and professional difficulties. A slow progress
and advancement in life. Critical turning points; making serious decisions about career or life direction. Controlling and restrictive environments. Fear
and denial. Testing relationships. Separative influences.
Personal charm and charisma. An intense and attractive personality. Compulsive urges and desires. Sensuality. A passionate mode of expression.
Sexual magnetism. Demanding partnerships - potential jealousy and possessiveness. Power struggles in love and sex. Dramas within relationships
and within the environment.
An attractive and caring personality. Displaying a gentle and soothing manner. Catering to the needs of others; adapting easily to environmental
conditions. Giving and receiving. Parenting and nurturing skills. Affectionate responses; devoted and supportive partnerships. A loving family; shared
experiences - gatherings.


The Sun describes your sense of personal identity, your creative

expression and ability to realise your individual potential and gain

The Sun describes your sense of personal identity, your creative expression and ability to realise your individual potential and gain recognition.
Sun in Aquarius
You have an acute intuition and a keen knowledge of human nature, with an intuitive understanding of other people. Motivated by a sense of justice
and fairness towards others, you tend to treat people as equals. You are a friendly person by nature and in most cases, friendship is so important, that
you are inclined to value it above one-to-one personal relationships. Ahead of your time, you have a progressive outlook, with an interest in reforms
and innovations. You are also occasionally unpredictable and will often oppose convention just to be different.
Sun in 8th House
You have a talent for gaining the support of others. You may inherit, receive benefits through a partner or work with other people's resources or
money. You are also deeply interested in the facts of life and may cultivate an interest in life's mysteries through investigating such things as
metaphysics, occultism or depth psychology. Your anxieties in life will possibly centre on maintaining material security.
Sun Trine Mars (3z28' S)
You have an abundance of energy, which you express positively and confidently. You have strong willpower and the drive to achieve whatever is
important to you in life. Naturally assertive, you like taking charge of situations and making your intentions known. Self-motivated and ambitious, you
enjoy an active life-style. Advancements you make in life are based on your personal efforts and determination. You have quick reflexes and are able
to respond to situations immediately. Your physical body is strong and hardy.
Sun Opposition Jupiter (4z46' A)
You are motivated to improve yourself and to rise in life. You know how to enjoy life and indulge yourself; however you can overdo the good times. You
can also be quite reckless and careless with money. Self-promotion and extravagance come naturally to you; modesty and moderation do not! You are
inclined to exaggerate and blow things up out of all proportion.
Sun Conjunct Saturn (5z53' S)
You are a pragmatist at heart. You view life seriously and realistically, with clear vision and the awareness that nothing is achieved without effort and
industry. Your advancement in life is steady but sure. You have good powers of perseverance and patience, and will achieve your objectives by making
sacrifices and exercising self-discipline. You can, at times, appear shy, reserved or withdrawn. You are very good at focusing on the job at hand, are
well organised and capable of sorting out priorities. You have a mature outlook and the ability to take responsibility for yourself and your actions.
Alternatively, you can experience periods of inhibited self-expression, with despondency or pessimism. You may also be prone to bouts of low vitality
or delicate health. Separations are to be expected, as well as testing experiences with the male sex or authority figures.
Sun Conjunct Moon's North Node (6z21' S)
You are essentially people oriented and motivated by the desire to form and cultivate associations. Your natural warmth and exuberance attract
people to you and you enjoy being involved in group activities and co-operative ventures. You have an aptitude for public related work and generally
prefer the company of intellectually stimulating and creative people.
Sun = Neptune/Pluto (-1z48' S )
A creative intelligence. Imaginative and inspired activity. Psychic awareness and perception. Spiritual illumination. Metaphysical interests. States of
confusion and weakness of will. Physical sensitivity; a proneness to fluctuating energy levels. Undermining of the general vitality. Addictive
tendencies. Stimulants and intoxicants. Health issues.
Sun = Venus/Uranus (-1z30' S d)
Free-spirited and independent in love. Flirtatious, spontaneous and adventurous in love and sex. Passing attractions. Physical and emotional
excitability. The tendency to fall in and out of love suddenly. Infidelity. Kinky sex. Unexpected experiences in love. Artistic originality. Bursts of
Sun = Moon/Neptune (-1z24' A )
Physical sensitivity. Depleted energy or reduced motivation. Weakened powers of resistance. Susceptibility to infection. Undermining of relationships.
Exposure to deception. Refined and idealistic. Receptive to spiritual and psychic influences. Inspired creativity.
Sun = Jupiter/Moon's North Node (-0z48' S )
Ease of self-expression in the company of others. Capability to readily integrate and to be a vital member of a group or association. Alliances which
further personal objectives. Advantageous and pro-active connections. Contact with achievers. Fortunate partnerships. Intellectual associations.
Academic, philosophical and foreign contacts.
Sun = Mars/Ascendant (-0z45' A )
Displaying a direct, assertive and domineering personality. Fearlessness. Confidence in self and abilities. Ambitious and motivated to achieve personal
desires. Physical strength. Aggressive and reactive tendencies. Argumentativeness. Heated disagreements. Enthusiasm for sparring. Relationship
conflicts. Accident proneness.
Sun = Mercury/Venus (-0z45' A d)
Visually and aesthetically aware. An appreciation of beauty, refinement and culture. Artistic understanding. Recognition in the arts or creative fields.
An enjoyment of social activity. Flirtatiousness. Discussions about love or art. Narcissistic or self-indulgent tendencies.
Sun = Jupiter/Saturn (-0z33' S )
Fluctuating levels of self-confidence. Difficulty maintaining positions of power and authority. Attaining leading roles based on experience and a
positive frame of mind. Managerial ability. Potential health problems caused by poor dietary habits and over-indulgence. Knowing when to move on,
exit from a situation or depart.
Sun = Venus/Neptune (+0z26' A d)
A highly romantic nature. The tendency to become infatuated or to idolise. Idealistic notions with regards to love and partnerships. Soft-hearted and
compassionate. Seduction. Secret desires and wishes. Secretive affairs. Deception in love. Unrealistic expectations. Disappointments. Unfulfilled
romantic hopes. Addictive tendencies. Artistic inspiration.
Sun = Mars/Uranus (+1z39' A )
Quick reflexes, actions and reactions. Sudden bursts of energy and motivation. The ability to call upon physical reserves quickly. Energetic and
resourceful. Independent action. Self-determining and wilful. Defiant, impatient and intolerant. A risk taker. A predisposition to injuries, accidents and
surgical procedures. Disruptive males.

The Moon describes your emotional nature, instinctual behaviour and unconscious response patterns, and sense of home and family.
Moon in Taurus
You have a need for financial and material security in order to maintain emotional well-being. While it is in your nature to manage your financial
affairs with care, it is probable that you will have changeable material circumstances in life. In your emotional life, you desire constancy and
faithfulness in others. You know how to enjoy the good things in life. There can be a risk of weight gain through over-indulgence or poor nutrition.
Moon in 11th House
You have an emotional need to establish friendships and to belong to groups or clubs. Socially active, you will form many contacts throughout the
course of your life, especially with women. Some attachments you form will be more lasting than others. You are sensitive to the needs of your
friends, but also sensitive to the treatment you receive from them.
Moon Square Venus (3z41' A)
You know how to live and how to enjoy the good things in life. You have a taste for luxury, a sense of fun and a liking for parties and clubs. Positively,
you have artistic potential, especially in painting, photography, ceramics or music. You have an appreciation of the finer things in life and the
capability to become socially sophisticated.

Moon BiNovile Jupiter (1z47' S)

Interpretation for this topic has not been created yet.
Moon 5xQuartoSquare Saturn (0z04' A)
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Moon Trine Neptune (5z54' S)
You are highly perceptive and sensitive to influences around you and able to pick up on the feelings of others and the mood of the environment. Your
empathic manner attracts others to you and you know how to comfort and heal those in need. You tend to have an idealistic outlook on life and can
be quite dreamy at times and content to just go with the flow. You are easily inspired and have a vivid imagination with the ability to tap into a wide
range of creative talents, including music, poetry, painting and photography. Your dream-life is also likely to be active. You may possess psychic
Moon Opposition Pluto (0z47' S)
You have a complex emotional life. Your feelings are intense and you feel things deeply. The dynamics of your personal relationships are intricate and
often strained, especially with your family or significant females. There are power struggles in the home or with dominant women. Equally, you can be
domineering or emotionally manipulative and intent on getting everything your own way. You can also be prone to particular habitual fixations or
Moon = Mars/Jupiter (-0z54' S )
Emotional exuberance and confidence. Relying on instinct and initiative - and acting with integrity. Bringing personal ventures to fruition. Successful
and constructive activity. Creativity and resourcefulness. Prospering financially or materially; benefitting from supportive and conducive conditions.
Procreative energy - fertility. An enterprising woman or family.
Moon = Moon's North Node/Midheaven (+0z48' S )
Connecting with people who can influence and assist in the realisation of goals and objectives. Supporting others and being supported in personal and
professional interests. Sensitive and receptive to the needs and aspirations of others. Instinctively cultivating an inner connection within relationships.
A close-knit family unit. Professional and emotional ties with women.
Moon = Saturn/Midheaven (+1z03' S )
Serious considerations; taking time to reflect upon personal and professional aspirations - and direction in life. A contemplative nature. Striving for
emotional and vocational security. A periodic need to spend time alone or to retreat from others. Sensitive to restrictive or controlling influences.
Recycling insecurities; a proneness to sombre or negative moods. Feeling weighed down by family responsibilities. Personal sacrifices.
Moon = Venus/Pluto (+1z27' A )
Intense feelings and passions. A compulsive nature. Sexual magnetism; a deeply sensual nature. Profound emotional and sexual experiences.
Undeniable attractions; fated partnerships. Emotional manipulation and power struggles within relationships. Possessiveness and jealousy. Dramas in
love and family life. A strong desire for parenthood.

The Midheaven describes your highest aspirations in life and means to self-fulfilment, your personal vocation, and your status as perceived by others.
Midheaven in Pisces
Your highest aspiration is spiritual realisation. This can be achieved through devotion, meditation, compassion and humility. You are receptive and
responsive to the needs of others. Self-realisation begins with the transcendence of the material sphere. Your aim in life is to be in the world not of it.
Midheaven Sextile Mercury (2z47' S)
You are able to maintain a good balance between your professional life and your home life. Most likely, you will receive good vocational guidance and
a sound education from your parents. You are interested in learning and study; and intellectual work should be quite easy for you. You are a good
conversationalist and other people seek you out to hear your opinions. You keep yourself informed and up to date with developments in the world and
your career.
Midheaven BiQuintile Jupiter (0z18' S)
Interpretation for this topic has not been created yet.
Midheaven SemiSquare Saturn (1z57' S)
You are ambitious for professional success and you will work hard to achieve your goals; however your career path will not be free of difficulties and
obstacles. At times, you feel the odds are stacked against you and that others get preference over you from those in power. A parent may disapprove
of your chosen career, or you may feel that you are unable to live up to their expectations. The key to this aspect is to clarify what your aspirations
are and to live your life according to your own standards. There can be difficulties in the home or with family members.
Midheaven Sextile Uranus (4z18' S)
You march to the beat of your own drum. While you generally get along well with others, you cherish your independence and the freedom to come
and go as you please. Professionally, you will choose a career that is unusual in some way, or you could be attracted to modern occupations involving
the latest technological or scientific advancements.
Midheaven Sextile Neptune (0z25' S)
You have a somewhat idealistic and spiritual view of the world. You are romantic, dreamy and sensitive to the influence of other people, especially
those you work and live with. Naturally caring and receptive to others, you always make yourself available to those in need. You have healing abilities
and a readiness to help; however you need to take care that you are not taken advantage of or exploited.
Midheaven Trine Pluto (4z42' A)
You tend to view your career as your mission in life. You want to make your mark and to become a person of some significance or importance in the
world. If other factors in your horoscope support it, you have the potential to gain a measure of fame or renown. At some point in your life, there is a
possibility you will undergo a radical change in direction that may surprise both yourself and others. You have the capability to be a leader - in a
specialised field - that others trust and feel comfortable enough with to support.
Midheaven SemiSquare Moon's North Node (2z25' S)
Interpretation for this topic has not been created yet.
Midheaven = Moon/Ascendant (-1z48' S )
A supportive, caring and devoted individual. Catering to the needs and welfare of others. Sensitive and adaptable to environmental influences. Inner
guidance; an instinctive awareness of personal and professional aspirations. Being receptive to family input regarding direction in life. Emotional and
spiritual relationships. Connections with public figures.
Midheaven = Venus/Ascendant (+0z02' A )
A loving individual. Appreciating others and being appreciated. Emotional and sexual compatibility between partners. A significant love union.
Harmonious connections; forming close and intimate bonds. Tactful and well-mannered. An active social life; enjoying artistic events. Creative
Midheaven = Uranus/Pluto (+0z12' A )
A 'mover and shaker'; an individual who accomplishes things in life - large-scale projects and ambitions. Seizing the moment. Coming 'alive' when
challenged or under pressure. Involvement in collective reforms; revolutionary inclinations. Instability within domestic and professional life.
Contending with disruptive and manipulative influences. Intense reactions - passionate and volatile behaviour.
Midheaven = Moon/Uranus (+0z35' A d)
A volatile emotional life - highly excitable and reactive tendencies. Asserting the will to go one's own way - personally and professionally. Independent
initiatives and aspirations. Intuitively ascertaining future trends. Sudden change in professional direction. Unpredictability within domestic and work
Midheaven = Sun/Moon's South Node (+0z45' A )
Interpretation for this topic has not been created yet.
Midheaven = Sun/Moon's North Node (+0z45' A )

Joining forces with others to achieve ambitious goals and aspirations. Healthy connections and ties. Establishing mutual respect within relationships and with colleagues. Being proud of joint accomplishments.
Midheaven = Mercury/Pluto (+0z58' A )
A sharp and penetrating intellect. A person with vision and an awareness of long-term goals and aspirations. A dynamic, effective and persuasive
communicator. An expert within a specialised profession. An investigator or researcher. Attaining positions of power and influence in a career.
Reaching a wide audience; mass communication.
Midheaven = Sun/Saturn (+1z00' A )
A solitary and self-contained nature. Leading a simple lifestyle. Modesty and unpretentiousness. Persistent and conscientious behaviour. Working hard
to achieve positions of authority - and vocational recognition. Professional obstacles. Difficulties through a lack of incentive and motivation - or
through defeatist attitudes. Health issues; bouts of tiredness and lethargy.
Midheaven = Moon/Mercury (+1z21' A d)
A reflective and contemplative nature. Inner realisations. A retentive memory. Thinking about personal and professional needs and aspirations. An
intelligent and fertile mind. Observant and curious about people and life. An interest in language or linguistics. Instinctively knowing what path or
direction to take in life.

Mercury describes your manner of expression, your powers of communication and intellectual reasoning, your ability to formulate and articulate
ideas, and to make decisions.
Mercury in Capricorn
The pragmatist, you have a practical outlook, coupled with a strong sense of reality. You are serious-minded and cautious. A realist rather than an
idealist, you have a clear awareness of your objectives and know how to achieve them. You have good powers of concentration. At times, you can be
taciturn or reserved, even shy or melancholic.
Mercury in 7th House
You are attracted to people who are intelligent, witty and communicative and seek these attributes in a partner. Mental rapport with others is
important to you and, in personal relationships, may take precedence over emotional interaction. You need to feel that you can discuss any aspect of
your relationship with your partner. You are suited to public relations work, as you enjoy meeting people and dealing with the public in general. Under
certain conditions, verbal, written or commercial dealings with others can be difficult.
Mercury Conjunct Uranus (1z31' S)
You are independently minded and intellectually flexible. You have original ideas, coupled with the capability to think laterally and progressively. You
have reformatory views and are always prepared to challenge the status quo. Sharp-minded and astute, you comprehend things quickly. Your intuition
is acute and reliable. You tend to be an intellectual leader, especially in the fields of science, mathematics or technology. In some cases, your views
may be too radical, which can isolate you socially or make you appear eccentric or anarchistic.
Mercury Conjunct Neptune (2z22' A)
You are a sensitive and understanding person who has the ability to sympathise with others and show compassion. You have a creative intellect, an
active imagination and strong powers of visualisation which may give you a talent for music, the arts, films or literature. Metaphysical subjects
interest you and you are likely to have spiritual or psychic experiences. Alternatively, your thinking can be confused or uncertain and you may
experience difficulties making important decisions or communicating clearly to others.
Mercury Septile Pluto (1z05' S)
Interpretation for this topic has not been created yet.
Mercury = Moon/Mars (-1z44' A )
Communicating excitedly or when in a state of agitation; emotionally charged verbal exchanges. Speaking openly and candidly. Thoughts and ideas
that have a strong personal bias. Wilful and demanding, with the ability to articulate what is wanted. Instinctive responses and reactions. Impatience.
Irrational behaviour. Verbally aggressive and argumentative.
Mercury = Jupiter/Midheaven (-0z22' A )
Positive in outlook and approach to life. A confident and lucid communicator. Setting sights high; having faith in self and abilities. Affirmative thinking.
Successful planning and outcomes. Achieving goals through sound judgement and constructive reasoning. Good professional prospects. Business
acumen. Advising and being advised. A good teacher and student. Beneficial contacts in career or vocation.
Mercury = Venus/Mars (+0z06' A )
An emotionally expressive communicator. Speaking directly from the heart. Intimate dialogues; thinking and talking about love and sex. Discussing
relationship issues. Counselling others in affairs of the heart. Passionate about learning and subjects of interest. A creative intellect. Artistic
expressions. Romantic and sexual partnerships. Procreative activity.
Mercury = Uranus/Neptune (+0z25' A d)
A creative and imaginative intelligence. Original and idealistic thinking. Receptive to alternative ideas and philosophies. The study of metaphysical
and spiritual subjects. Mental stimulation and inspiration. An enthusiastic story-teller. Sudden psychic cognition. Intuitive and instinctive awareness.
Travel. Unrealistic and bizarre ideas. Mental confusion.

Venus describes your appreciation of beauty and the arts, your powers of attraction, and your capacity for close personal relationships and love
Venus in Aquarius
Friendships are the most important unions you make in life. You hold modern and contemporary views on love-relationships and people are attracted
to you because you know what's in and what's not. Conventional and routine relationships don't interest you. Instead, you thrive on variety and
intellectual stimulation in love.
Venus in 9th House
In love, you may be attracted to someone whose background or culture is vastly different to your own. Romantic experiences can occur during travel.
Also, intimate and social contacts can be made in connection with higher learning, philosophy, spiritual or religious environments. You have an
appreciation for the artworks of different cultures and possibly even enjoy religious art and music.
Venus Square Mars (6z18' A)
You have a sensual and passionate nature, with a strong need for emotional and sexual experiences. You express your feelings ardently, especially in
personal relationships. You have strong desires and can be romantically assertive or even aggressive. In love, the thrill of the chase is often more
exciting than the outcome. You are drawn to sexually magnetic people who are aware of their own sexuality and will occasionally form unions based
solely on physical attraction. There can be a tendency to seek sexual gratification and then move on. A "love 'em and leave 'em" attitude is not
unknown to people with this planetary pairing. Difficulties in love are possible through flirtatious behaviour or infidelity, obviously.
Venus SemiSquare Uranus (1z32' A)
You tend to be choosy in love because you need someone who can accommodate your need for freedom and independence. You are attracted to
exotic and unusual partners who are independent and up-to-date in their outlooks. A lover who is emotionally dependent or clingy would make you
feel very uncomfortable. No matter how much you like or love another you will not allow your independence to be compromised. You rebel against
commitment and emotional pressure from others, or being made to feel obligated to meet their romantic expectations of you. Instead, you thrive on
change and variety in love and the thrill of the new. Conventional and routine relationships will drive you to distraction. Adventurous and receptive to
new experiences, you are fun to be with and open to experimentation. Artistically, you appreciate anything that is modern, original and unique.
Venus Novile Neptune (0z25' A)
Interpretation for this topic has not been created yet.
Venus Square Pluto (4z28' S)
There is no middle ground in your romantic life; you are either committed to another or not. So deep are your feelings that you can experience love
and hate with equal force. In love, you expect to give and receive total loyalty. From time to time you enter into fateful unions. Serious problems can
occur in relationships through power struggles, secretiveness and jealousy.

Venus TriSeptile Moon's South Node (0z52' S)

Interpretation for this topic has not been created yet.
Venus = Uranus/Ascendant (-0z52' A )
An alluring personality; the ability to fascinate. A unique personal style and fashion sense - trendy and modern. Flirtatious and adventurous. Sexually
liberated. Sudden romantic encounters. Enjoying stimulating environments and contacts. Unstable and emotionally reactive partnerships. Sexual
tensions. Quickly bored or distracted. Teasing and provoking others and vice versa.
Venus = Mercury/Ascendant (-0z06' A )
Enjoying stimulating company and environments. A pleasant and witty personality. Flirtatious comments and behaviour. A playful and charming
nature. A natural sense of style and fashion. A busy social calendar. Sharing warm feelings with others. Intimate discussions and love dialogues within
partnerships. Knowledgeable, creative and artistic contacts. An eye for visual harmony and beauty.
Venus = Sun/Midheaven (+0z18' S d)
An attractive and romantic nature. The desire for inner harmony and peace. The recognition of true love. Satisfying sexual and love-relationships.
Knowing how to enjoy life. Happiness and fulfilment. Artistic aspirations and recognition. Positive and satisfying career choices. Status conscious.
Beneficial social connections.
Venus = Mars/Pluto (+0z55' A d)
Sexual magnetism. A passionate and demanding nature. An intense and dynamic emotional life. Heightened sensuality; an all or nothing approach to
love. Obsessions and fixations in love, sex and partnership. Compulsive and destructive relationships. Aggressive, manipulative and potentially
harmful energies. Extreme jealousy and possessiveness. Forcefulness. Misdirected lust.
Venus = Neptune/Ascendant (+1z05' S )
An alluring and elusive personality. Sensitive and susceptible to environmental influences. Being easily swayed or seduced by another. Misdirected
desires and affections. Deception within love and sex relationships. Disenchantment. Creative inspiration. The act of pretending in order to gain
acceptance or favour - acting ability. Cravings and addictions.
Venus = Moon/Mars (+1z18' S )
Pursuing what is needed to feel secure and happy in life. The will to attain personal desires. Impulsive attractions and love affairs. Sexual magnetism.
Sensuality. Mediating relationship conflicts; the pacifier. Procreative energy - fertility. Parenthood. Instinctive creative expression.

Mars describes the way you act and assert yourself, your basic urges and desires, and your ability to achieve personal goals.
Mars in Gemini
Mentally alert, you have a sharp mind and a quick intellect. You have the gift of repartee and the capability to supply a ready answer when put on the
spot. You are forceful and direct in your communications and enjoy lively discussions and debates. You can also be provocative, quarrelsome and
hasty with your criticisms.
Mars in 12th House
You can be a champion for the underdog and may actively attempt to assist those who cannot help themselves. In general, you are not driven by the
desire for recognition; instead you achieve a lot working behind-the-scenes. You can work well, or possibly hold administrative positions, within large
institutions. At times, you may find that your intentions are not realisable, due to a lack of energy or weakened vitality. In certain cases there is the
urge to escape from restrictive or limiting circumstances or mindsets.
Mars Trine Saturn (2z25' S)
You are a hard worker and have the power to realise your objectives through perseverance and determination. You are good at physical and manual
work, or activities requiring self-discipline and stamina such as endurance sports. In stressful or dangerous situations, you can be counted on to keep
a clear and cool head.
Mars Sesquiquadrate Neptune (0z53' S)
The main challenge of this aspect is to discover how to channel your energies most effectively. This is difficult because Neptune tends to undermine
Mars' ability to act by dissipating its power, or causing it to express itself in a chaotic or immoral way. Physically, the body's defences can be
weakened causing a susceptibility to infections and viruses. On a more uplifting note, this aspect is often found in the charts of spiritual aspirants who
direct their energies towards the higher good. For creative people, this pairing can produce talents in music, visual arts, theatre, film, photography or
fashion. Physical exercise such as swimming, water sports, Yoga or Tai Chi may appeal to you.
Mars Trine Moon's North Node (2z53' S)
You have a strong desire to participate in joint ventures together with other people. Much can be achieved in co-operation with others, through joint
enthusiasm and commitment to the job at hand.
Mars Sextile Moon's South Node (2z53' S)
Interpretation for this topic has not been created yet.
Mars = Moon's North Node/Ascendant (+1z17' S )
Working together and achieving results as a team. Sharing similar ambitions with others. Connecting personally with people on a regular basis. The
desire to join organisations and to be an active participant. Keeping in frequent contact with family members. Competitive partnerships. Sporting
Mars = Saturn/Ascendant (+1z31' S )
A guarded personality. Active defiance. Confronting issues as they arise. Fighting against negative and depressive influences. The state of being
directly at odds with others in the environment. The desire to overcome shyness and inhibition. Difficulty taking action and asserting self. Suppressed
frustration and anger. Tension within partnerships. Decisive separations.
Mars = Pluto/Midheaven (+1z53' S )
Strong inner compulsions. Extreme ambition. Pursuing aspirations with passion and conviction. A fascination with power. Manipulation and coercion.
Professional jealousy or sabotage. Vindictive and malicious acts. Intense conflicts and confrontations with others.

Jupiter describes how you relate to the larger world beyond your personal self, how you expand in life, and experience higher learning, travel or
Jupiter in Leo
You like doing things in grand style and with aplomb. Larger than life, you are a colourful personality and a natural entertainer, with a sense for the
theatrical. However, there can be a tendency to go overboard at times. You love drama and display. You have the capability to lead and inspire others
with enthusiasm.
Jupiter in 2nd House
You have an either/or approach to money and possessions; meaning that you either pursue material wealth with determination and success, or you
reject its pursuit in favour of higher objectives and spiritual ideals. Financial gain is to be expected; however once achieved it may not deliver all that
it promises by way of personal satisfaction or happiness. Attracting money is rarely difficult for you, but holding on to it can be a challenge.
Jupiter Quincunx Uranus (2z00' S)
It is difficult to say for certain how this aspect will play out in your life because it is truly unpredictable. For example, you are prone to experiencing
sudden events that can change your life dramatically, for better or worse. You are quite happy doing your own thing and don't concern yourself with
other people's opinions. Your faith in your own abilities is usually strong and, regardless of what may be happening in your life, your trust in the future
rarely flags. You have an eye for good opportunities, coupled with a keen intuition and an exceptional sense of timing. At times, you can be
annoyingly contradictory by fluctuating between liberal and hard-line attitudes.
Jupiter = Mars/Neptune (-1z11' A )
Channelling energies into ventures whose outcomes may be uncertain. Discovering that plans do not always turn out as anticipated. Living in hope
and expectation. The eternal idealist. Chasing rainbows. Changing fortunes and material circumstances. Dissipation of energy. An enthusiasm for
spiritual and religious pursuits. Benefits from yoga and tai chi.

Jupiter = Pluto/Moon's North Node (-0z04' A )

Powerful and wealthy people. Affluent alliances. Beneficial and influential connections in life. Significant advantages through associations. Shared
prosperity. Fated unions that have positive spin-offs. Partnerships that have a profound impact. Successes in the public sector.
Jupiter = Pluto/Moon's South Node (-0z04' A )
Interpretation for this topic has not been created yet.
Jupiter = Saturn/Pluto (+0z10' S )
A tough yet rewarding road to success. Quietly and competently getting on with the task at hand. An understated achiever. The necessity to conserve
financial and material assets. Enforced budgeting. Troubled investments. Losses through over-extending resources. Religious dogmatism. Fanatical
about health and fitness.
Jupiter = Moon/Moon's North Node (+0z20' S )
Sociability. Beneficial associations. Positive connections. Connecting with others at a soul level. A harmonious and supportive manner in personal
relationships. Emotionally fulfilling partnerships. A strong sense of family. Profitable and fortunate business ties.
Jupiter = Moon/Moon's South Node (+0z20' S )
Interpretation for this topic has not been created yet.
Jupiter = Moon/Saturn (+0z34' S )
Self-contained and self-sufficient. High personal standards and principles. Recognising the benefits of taking things slowly and cautiously. Gradual
improvement of personal circumstances. Accepting responsible positions. Enduring hardship in life. The necessity for patience and tolerance. Letting
go without regret and moving on to better things. A periodic need for solitude.
Jupiter = Ascendant/Midheaven (+1z45' S )
Living for the moment and appreciating one's good fortune. An essentially positive attitude and approach to life. A ready sense of humour. Selfassurance and self-confidence - when it counts. Opportunities which are recognised and seized. Personal and professional success; high expectations
of self and others. Managing personal finances; materialism. Gaining respect and recognition. The aspiration for wisdom. Valuing truth and honesty.
Optimism. The philosopher.

Saturn describes your experience of reality, your fears and inhibitions, where you are serious, and how you respond to society's rules.
Saturn in Capricorn
Your will is strong and unyielding. Ambitious for power, status and authority, you tend to measure your self-worth through how satisfied you are with
your personal achievements. You are self-disciplined, practical, frugal and aware of your responsibilities.
Saturn in 8th House
The financial affairs of your personal or professional partners are likely to be an ongoing source of concern or worry for you. It is possible that a
partner may experience problems or struggles with money, or cause you personal financial difficulties. Tax matters or inheritances may be a burden
and if mishandled could possibly result in legal action. Loans from banks or lending institutions may not be easily obtained.
Saturn 3xQuartoSquare Pluto (0z51' S)
Interpretation for this topic has not been created yet.
Saturn Conjunct Moon's North Node (0z28' S)
It is very likely that you'll establish unions with others of a wide-age difference to yourself. Older people play an important role in your early life. You
are attracted to them for their knowledge, wisdom and experience. You have a sense of responsibility towards others, coupled with strong feelings of
loyalty and duty. At times, other people's actions can sadden or depress you. And, in some cases, there are people who can oppress you and make
you feel bitter and frustrated.
Saturn Opposition Moon's South Node (0z28' S)
Interpretation for this topic has not been created yet.
Saturn = Jupiter/Neptune (-1z25' S )
Unrealised and unfulfilled expectations. Paying the consequences of unwise speculations. The necessity to be realistic and discerning in life - assume
nothing. Guarded optimism. Difficulty realising ideals, hopes and wishes. The tendency to harbour doubts. Distrust; the tendency to fear the worst.
Benefits from spiritual or religious disciplines.

Saturn = Pluto/Ascendant (-0z15' A )

A deeply self-conscious nature. Repressive inclinations. Keeping a lid on things. Controlling others or being controlled. Manipulative tendencies within
partnerships. Recycling power struggles within relationships. Being at the mercy of another person - or a stronger force. Expressions of fanaticism and
compulsion. Dealing with - or deflecting environmental pressures. Decisive separations.
Saturn = Moon/Ascendant (+0z09' S )
Shyness; a reticent nature. Finding it hard to initiate contacts; feeling self-conscious or awkward. Being sensitive to a lack of responsiveness or
support from others. Slowly building trust within partnerships and as time goes on. Recognising the need for order and routine in domestic life.
Controlling others or being controlled. Contending with restrictive environmental influences. Separative trends.

Uranus a generational planet - describes areas of personal and peer group uniqueness, your intuitive awareness, and your ability to adapt to the new
and sudden.
Uranus in Capricorn
You are inclined to rebel against, or reorganise, the established order of things. You are part of a generation that reforms business practices,
government structures and national or global economies. You can make innovative use of whatever resources you have at hand.
Uranus in 7th House
In your personal and professional relationships, you tend to be drawn to unusual people and are inclined to form unconventional unions. You
appreciate individuality and originality in others. Partners may also be eccentric and a law unto themselves, which can be both stimulating and
exasperating. Personal attachments are likely to be formed and terminated suddenly.
Uranus Conjunct Neptune (3z53' A)
These two planets come together every 172 years; most recently in 1993 and prior to then in 1821. People that are born during the conjunction are
destined to have a special, almost indefinable aura about them. They combine idealism with innovation; hence they have the capability to imagine
possibilities and to make them a reality, through making use of progressive thinking and technological knowledge. A vivid example of the effects of
the 1993 conjunction is the limitless potential of the Internet; it incorporates the most up to date computer technology and dissolves national
boundaries. On a personal level, you have a deep interest in spiritual development. You may be psychically gifted, if other factors in your horoscope
support this.
Uranus Septile Pluto (0z26' A)
Interpretation for this topic has not been created yet.
Uranus =
An ideas

Mercury/Ascendant (-1z38' A )
person. Expressing original thoughts and opinions. Mentally alert and quick on the uptake. Intuitive thinking. Keeping up to date and
about current affairs and developments. Changeable and hectic environments. Erratic behaviour. The tendency to change one's mind
Easily bored or distracted. High mobility. Acute restlessness.

Uranus = Sun/Midheaven (-1z14' A )

An intuitive awareness of goals. Individualised aims and aspirations. The motivation to accomplish unique objectives in life. Experimentation; trying
new things. Forward-thinking and progressive initiatives. A busy and, at times, stressful professional life. Unexpected incidents. Changeable or
unstable domestic and vocational circumstances.

Uranus = Mars/Pluto (-0z37' A )

Extreme willpower and conviction. The capability to cope with considerable amounts of stress and pressure. A formidable opponent; a force to be
reckoned with. Challenging others and being challenged - 'meeting your match'. Contending with aggression, hostility and conflict. Volatility - a short
fuse. High risk and dangerous situations. Exposure to forces outside of personal control.
Uranus = Neptune/Ascendant (-0z27' A )
An intuitive and empathic personality. Being readily influenced by others; a susceptible and receptive nature. Sensitive to jarring and abrasive
influences within the environment. Contending with undermining and deceptive currents. Instability and confusion within partnerships. Unexpected
disappointments. A risk of being maligned through keeping bad company.
Uranus = Moon/Mars (-0z13' A )
Doing things on the spur of the moment. Sudden bursts of activity; industriousness. Self-determining and individualistic traits. Reactive tendencies. A
low tolerance threshold - a short fuse. Flare-ups, anger and retribution. Responding immediately to provocation or challenge. Exchanges of crossfire.
Sparring within partnerships. Emotional stress and agitation.
Uranus = Jupiter/Midheaven (+1z09' S )
An intuitive and fortuitous sense of timing. Recognising and seizing opportune moments. A stroke of luck; a successful entrepreneur. A maverick.
Ambitious and successful enterprises. A positive change of direction or career. Rapid advancement in personal ventures or profession.

Neptune a generational planet - describes your personal and peer group experiences of spirituality, your powers of inspired fantasy and areas of
Neptune in Capricorn
You are inclined to hold idealistic or unrealistic views about big business, multi-nationalism and government policies. However, you are equally aware
of the danger of placing indiscriminate faith in established structures because you recognise their underlying fragility. You are part of a generation
that witnesses the dissolving of national boundaries, through such phenomena as the Internet and global communication.
Neptune in 7th House
You tend to have an idealistic attitude in relationships and can expect too much of others or partners, which can lead to disappointments or let downs.
Difficulties may be experienced in relationships through misunderstandings or poorly defined individual boundaries. Deception can be a factor in the
breakdown of unions. For you, an ideal partner is someone who understands and respects your need for spiritual connection between one another.

Pluto a generational planet - describes your personal and peer group experience of upheavals, forces beyond individual control, power and
irreversible changes.
Pluto in Scorpio
You are a member of a generation who has the power to wield a powerful influence on others through the use or misuse of sexual energy. By nature,
you are emotionally intense and prone to power struggles.
Pluto in 5th House
You have a strong need to love and to be loved, which can verge on obsession. You are either extremely passionate in love or cool and chaste. You can
be dominating in love, or dominated. Power games may feature in your love life. On the subject of children, you may encounter difficulties with
procreation or pregnancy and as a parent you tend to be over anxious and over-protective towards your children. You have a natural instinct to take
risks or gamble, and can make gains or suffer losses through speculation.
Pluto 3xQuartoSquare Moon's North Node (0z22' A)
Interpretation for this topic has not been created yet.
Pluto 5xQuartoSquare Moon's South Node (0z22' A)
Interpretation for this topic has not been created yet.
Pluto = Mars/Jupiter (-0z07' A )
The power of conviction and positive intent. Surplus amounts of energy and resources. Irrepressible enthusiasm. A specialist in management and
organisation; capable and competent in handling large-scale ventures. Dynamic and high-powered activity. Playing for big stakes; lucrative, long-term
investments. Excelling and performing well under pressure.
Pluto = Moon's North Node/Midheaven (+1z35' S )
High-powered and dynamic connections and activity. Excelling through joint endeavour and participation. Significant accomplishments with
colleagues or partners. Combining forces for specific aims and aspirations. Dedicated commitment. Dramas through manipulation and coercion.
Intense power struggles. Individuals accustomed to dominating proceedings.
Pluto = Moon's South Node/Midheaven (+1z35' S d)
Interpretation for this topic has not been created yet.
Pluto = Saturn/Midheaven (+1z49' S )
Intense introspection. An extremely solitary disposition - and experience. Extreme self-reliance and self-discipline. A difficult career path fraught with
obstacles and challenges. No short cuts and 'free lunches' in life. Conclusive turning points. Enforced sacrifices and compromises. The gradual rise to
a position of power and control.

North & South Nodes

Moon's North Node in Capricorn
There is a need for you to form associations with people who have a clear sense of who they are and where they're heading in life. You are a
responsible person, with a strong sense of responsibility towards others. You probably prefer few but sincere friendships in life. You have an inclination
to seek contact with older or experienced people or those of a wide-age difference to you.
Moon's North Node in 8th House
Your karmic lesson can be to accept the facts of life; as hard as they may sometimes be. You may have to deal with inheritances, legacies or shared
financial arrangements.
Moon's North Node = Jupiter/Neptune (-0z56' S )
Giving unconditionally and compassionately to others. Connecting with spiritually attuned people - healing, psychic or metaphysical groups. Placing
blind faith or trust in others; potential disappointment. Gullibility. Unrealistic expectations within friendships and relationships.
Moon's North Node = Pluto/Ascendant (+0z14' S )
A magnetic personality. Powerful attractions and connections. Intense and dynamic relationships. Connecting with influential and powerful people.
Manipulating others or being manipulated. Karmic and fated relationships. Power struggles within the environment - and within partnerships.
Moon's North Node = Moon/Ascendant (+0z37' S )
An emotionally caring and sensitive nature. Sensing and accommodating to the needs of others. Genuine hospitality. Involvement with women - and
women's issues. Perceiving the mood of the environment; instinctively picking up on what others are feeling. Dependencies within partnerships.
Female friendships.
Moon's South Node in Cancer
A lack of sensitivity in unions will cause undue problems between you and others.
Moon's South Node in 2nd House
With the Moon's South Node placed here, you experience difficulties with money and possessions.

Signs on the Cusps

1st House Cusp in Cancer

Your primary motivation in life is to feel emotionally secure. You are sensitive and emotional; however you can also be over-sensitive and easily hurt
by people. You are receptive to the needs of others and have a natural desire to care for or protect people. Family and domestic matters are always
important to you and your home is your retreat and sanctuary. At times, you are susceptible to changeable moods, irritability and touchiness.
2nd House Cusp in Cancer
You have a natural talent for dealing in real estate or property development. A cautious investor, you tend to make financial decisions and purchases
based on gut instincts. You are naturally security conscious and appreciate the need to keep something in reserve for a rainy day.
3rd House Cusp in Leo
You naturally adopt a leading position in conversations and in your interaction with people that you is familiar with. Taking charge and offering ideas
and suggestions is second nature to you. You tend to dominate or organise your brothers and sisters. You may be the coordinator of your local
neighbourhood watch group or community centre.
4th House Cusp in Virgo
You prefer your domestic circumstances to be modest and easy to manage; the mansion with the extended grounds is not your style. You may work
from home, or at least have a study or workshop on the property.
5th House Cusp in Libra
You love being in love. You desire fairness and justice in love and prefer the attention of intelligent and refined admirers. Beauty, the arts and culture
are all important to you. You are sociable, gregarious and maintain an active social life. Teaching or coaching children may give you a lot of
6th House Cusp in Sagittarius
In general, you have an optimistic and positive attitude towards work. You like jobs that tackle life's issues or make a difference, such as teaching,
coaching, advising, consulting and so on. You are also attracted to work that has a high level of mobility and possible overseas travel.
7th House Cusp in Capricorn
You are quite an emotionally needy and sensitive person who requires someone to lean or depend upon. You tend to attract, or be attracted to, downto-earth and pragmatic partners, who seem to know where they are going in life and how they're going to get there. At times, partners may come
across as wary or cautious.
8th House Cusp in Capricorn
A partner is likely to be a good manager of finances and shared resources, but may be strict about releasing funds. Possibly, a partner could
experience financial difficulties, which can impact on you directly.
9th House Cusp in Aquarius
Your views on religion and spiritual questions alternate between progressive and reformatory to fixed and inflexible. You appreciate the value of
further education, and even if you don't pursue formal qualifications you will strive to keep informed. You have an interest in human nature and will
seek to broaden your understanding of people through study and travel. Important teachers and advisers tend to be individualistic, innovative and
original, but can also be eccentric and anti-social.
10th House Cusp in Pisces
Your vocational considerations are primarily spiritual and altruistic. You need to understand the inner or mystical aspects of life and may seek work in
career fields that assist others to grow spiritually. Equally, you are imaginative and may gravitate towards creative or artistic professions. At times,
you may lack a clear sense of direction and experience periods of vocational uncertainty and drifting.
11th House Cusp in Aries
Your friends tend to be energetic and direct in manner. They are usually busy people, who enjoy active pursuits, sports and outdoor recreation. They
may also be naturally competitive and inclined to compete with you, or among themselves. Some of your friends may be brash, rash, reckless or
12th House Cusp in Gemini
In times of worry or anxiety, you can tend to allow your mind to work overtime. You should choose your confidants carefully, as a wrong word in the
wrong ear could backfire on you. Loose tongued companions could prove to be your undoing.

House Rulers in Houses

1st House Cusp Ruler, Moon, in 11th House
You realise your primary motivation in life by forming significant friendships. Your friends and social life are very important to you. You attract
benefactors and supporters that will offer whatever assistance you need in life.
2nd House Cusp Ruler, Moon, in 11th House
Your friends can help or hinder you financially. Equally, you and your friends may be involved in projects or schemes that bring monetary reward or
loss. You could receive financial assistance or sponsorship from people who are well-connected. Also, you may contribute money to causes.
3rd House Cusp Ruler, Sun, in 8th House
Your mind is rarely involved with light and frivolous matters; instead you are more likely to ponder life's deeper issues. You may occasionally reflect
upon ideas that others consider taboo.
4th House Cusp Ruler, Mercury, in 7th House
Your family may influence your personal or professional relationships by holding others in judgement. Equally, your partners are likely to have their
own opinions about your family. It is possible that there are some aspects of your personal life that you prefer to keep private from your partners or
the general public.
5th House Cusp Ruler, Venus, in 9th House
You enjoy travel and higher learning. You will probably undertake many journeys for fun or sport, or involve yourself in higher education, including the
study of philosophy and spiritual matters. You like broadening your horizons, and will probably appreciate the arts and entertainments of other
cultures. You can be an inspiration to children, as a teacher or coach. You may have romantic encounters with foreigners.
6th House Cusp Ruler, Jupiter, in 2nd House
You are totally pragmatic about the value of your labour and expect "an honest day's pay for an honest day's work". Your income may come from
within the service industries or health sectors, or even through working with animals.
7th House Cusp Ruler, Saturn, in 8th House
Other people and partners tend to influence you in the realisation of your ideas and objectives. You may establish unions for material security.
Equally, partnerships that you form are likely to build up resources, yet problems are possible if one of the partners is reckless or prone to running up
8th House Cusp Ruler, Saturn, in 8th House
You may encounter life-threatening situations that test your survival instincts. Dealing with wills, inheritances and legacies is possible. Also, you may
be an effective manager of other people's funds, or a successful debt collector. Occult matters may interest you.
9th House Cusp Ruler, Uranus, in 7th House
Travelling abroad or pursuing tertiary education could bring you into contact with a future partner. In your personal relationships, you seek partners
who share similar beliefs or philosophies as you.
10th House Cusp Ruler, Neptune, in 7th House
Your career will probably bring you into direct contact with the general public, or you could work in a professional partnership. Your profession may
involve working with people on a one-to-one basis, such as in counselling or consulting. Alternatively, your career may involve sales or representing
the needs of others.

11th House Cusp Ruler, Mars, in 12th House

While your friends are important to you, you need occasional time out from them, to re-centre yourself. Your friends may not get to know everything
about you, as you tend to keep aspects of yourself private or apart from others. Friends often confide in you, as you have a sense of discretion.
12th House Cusp Ruler, Mercury, in 7th House
Your fears and anxieties may create instability in your relationships. Secrets or hidden agendas could undermine your personal and professional

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