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Divine Good afternoon. Welcome to NEOs Christmas Party!!!

It is my honor to introduce to you our 2 lovely and handsome hosts for this event.
From Chang-won, Korea, gorgeous and always smiling -- REGINA!!!
And from Gwang-ju, NEOs photographer in the making - ANDY!!!
Guys, please take the floor
(Thank you to Divine)
Thank you Teacher Divine.
REGINA & ANDY: Good afternoon!
Regina: CHRISTMAS/ is the most celebrated event/ of the year.// During this holiday season,/ most
people and families/ gather together,/ buy, give and receive gifts,/ attend and hold parties,/ and
prepare food and decorations.// But do you know/ why we celebrate CHRISTMAS/ every year?//
Andy: Of Course!// Behind those luxurious gifts,/ flickering and colorful lights,/ and sumptuous food,/
generally,/ CHRISTMAS is a time to commemorate/ the season of LOVE,/ GIVING/ and
THANKSGIVING.// For some people who have religion like most Filipinos, this event is to remember
the birth of Jesus Christ.
Regina: Correct!// Here in Neo,/ even though most of us/ came from different countries/ and
cultures,/ those differences/ cannot stop us/ from celebrating/ this most beautiful event/ of the
R : Hi, Andy!
A : Hi, Regina!
R : How are you today?
A : I'm a little nervous, But I feel Great! Wow, you look good today!
R : Really? Thank you! You, too! Ah.. What are you talking about!? I think we are not the only people
here who prepared for this event tonight.
A : I agree, everyone looks gorgeous and stunning. Our teachers and fellow students donned
best look today. So, let's not keep them waiting.
A: Students,
R: Teachers,
A: Staffs,
R: Guests,
R and A: Ladies and Gentlemen, we WELCOME you to WINTER MASQUERADE 2014!
R:I. To start with,/ shall we call on Miss Kathy,/ our Academic Manager/ to give us/ an Opening
A:II. Thank you,/ Miss Kathy.// Guys,/ do you know that December/ is also one of the busiest
months/ in NEO?// During this month,/ we welcome/ a lot of new students/ and teachers. So,/ as
part of their joyful participation/ let's give a warm welcome/ to our new teachers/ who will present to
us a dance number.
************* INTERMISSION NUMBER FROM NEW TEACHERS*****************
R. III. Wow!// That's really a cool dance,/ I also feel like dancing.// Let's give another round of
applause/ for our New Teachers.//(clap clap clap)
Thank you!/ Don't worry/ we'll have more/ of those amazing talents/ later.// Every Christmas Party//
would not be completed// without having fun/ through variety of games.// So,/ at this time,/ IT'S
GAME TIME!// And to read to us/ the Rules of the Games/ may we call on/ Teacher Francine.//
A:IV. Thank you,/ Teacher Francine.// After taking a glimpse/ on the Rules of the Games,/ let's move
on/ to the Introduction of Judges/ who will show and share their expertise and know-how/ on these

areas of competition./ For that, we'll turn over the floor to Teacher Aileen and Teacher Orly/ who will
do the honor/ to welcome and introduce/ our respectable board of judges.//
(Maam Susan //Ms. Kathy //Teacher Ronie)
GAMES--------- be taken over by Teacher Divine
Game1 Mask Making - group
Game2 Paper Dance pair
**************************** Intermission: Jonathan
Game3 Boat is Sinking pair
R: That was fun out there. (To the audience) Did you enjoy our games?!
A: Thank you guys. I can only say one word, SPLENDID! At this juncture as a part of the tradition, food
and gifts have also played a big role in this kind of event. In short its DINNER TIME! Enjoy your food.
Bon A petit!
R: While taking a good rest, lets be entertained by a song number to be presented to us by Daniel)
(wait for signal from Teacher Divine)
--------------------------------------------------------R: (wait for signal from Teacher Divine)
(To the audience) Do you want more! Youll have more! Neo has always been a house of talents. So to
give us more entertainment, lets give it up to K!
A: While everybody is enjoying the food, we will proceed with the Exchanging of Gifts.
Exchanging of Gifts and Gift Giving--------------Teacher Divine
Procedure: 1 person will start the gift giving, and the one who receives the gift will be the next one to
give also, until, we finish giving gifts to everybody.
*************** Gift Giving for Staff***************** (Facilitated by Teacher Divine)
Awarding of Prices to the winners
Games 1
*Best Student
*Best Teacher
Closing Remarks: Maam Susan

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