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Gym Jones Public Content and Workouts

(300 Rise Of An Empire) 2x5 Wall Squat 2x10 Squat 2x5 Goblet Squat @ 25# Then Wo
rk up to Heavy Back Squat Then 5x2 Back Squat @ 80% 1RM Rest 3 minutes between s
ets Then Row 500m + 50x Ring Dip + 50x DB Push Press + 50x Step-up @ 18-20 box +
50x Push-up + 50x Sit-up + Row 500m Then Cool Down with 300sec FLR
2x10 Shoulder Dislocate 2x5 Wall Squat 2x10 Squat 2x5 Jump Squat 2x (5x Tuck Jum
p + 5x Box Jump + 5x Knee Jump) Then 5x Snatch Grip DL + 5x Whip Snatch + 5x OHS
+ 5x Whip Snatch Five Sets @ 75-95# Then 10x Ball Slam @ 25# + 250m SkiErg + 10
x Goblet Squat @ 70# + 25c AirDyne Sprint + 10x Hex Bar DL @ 145-155# + 250m Row
Five Sets, Rest 2 minutes between each
Work up to Heavy Deadlift Then 5x Back Squat @ 40% 1RM + 15 yard Sled Push (Pist
on StepHigh Step) Five Sets, Full Rest between Then Cool Down
Two Man Relay 5000m Row Partners may switch as needed Then 4x (30sec Work30sec R
est) Frog Hop Then 4x (30sec Work30sec Rest) Burpee Then Two Man Relay 5000m Ski
Erg Partners may switch as needed
Head To Head 2000m Row For Time Then Team Competition 4000m SkiErg + 900 yard Sl
ed Push + 4000m Row + 100x BurpeePull-up Two, six man teams Only one player per
team can work at once Then Cool Down
3x5 Wall Squat 3x10 Squat 3x5 Goblet Squat @ 35# 3x20m Lunge 5x5 SL Squat @ 20 Bo
x Then Work up To Heavy Back Squat Then 5x25 Back Squat @ ~50% 1RM Full Rest bet
ween sets Then 30x Lunge (15 each side) + 30sec Wall Sit Seven Rounds Then Cool
10 minute Row @ Easy Pace Then 30sec Row + 90sec Active Rest Start at 140m for t
he 1st interval (males) Go up by 1m each round Workout stops when player fails t
o increase twice in a row
50x Strict Pull-up Then Work up to Heavy MilitaryStrict Press 1RM Then 5x4 Milit
aryStrict Press @ 75-80% 1RM Rest 2-3 minutes between sets Then 4x15 Single Arm
Dumbbell Row @ 50-75# DB Rest 2 minutes between sets Then 4x15 Strict Bent Row @
95-135# Rest 2 minutes between sets Then 3x5 Bat Wings (5 second squeeze at top
) 3x5 SOTS & OHS Combo @ 2 x 10# Then 50x Strict Pull-up
2x5 Wall Squat 2x10 Squat 2x5 Goblet Squat 2x20m Lunge 2x20m OH Lunge Then TailP
ipe P1 250m Row P2 KB Rack Hold @ 2 x 53# Three Rounds Then, Later 4x (30sec Wor
k30sec Rest) Frog Hop Rest 2 minutes 4x (30sec Work30sec Rest) Split Jump Rest 2
minutes 4x (30sec Work30sec Rest) Burpee Rest 2 minutes 4x (30sec Work30sec Res
t) Push-up Rest 2 minutes 4x (30sec Work30sec Rest) Squat Then Cool Down
10 minute Row @ Easy Pace Then BB Complex 6x Deadlift + 6x Bent Row + 6x Clean +
6x Front Squat 6x Push Press + 6x Back Squat Start @ 75# Go up by 10# Each Set
Every 20# increase drop a rep Then 100x Ring Plank Pull (Penalty for dropping of
f rings is 10x BurpeePull-up) Then 100x Wall Ball @ 20# Evert time you stop must
do 60m Sled Push Then 100x KB Swing @ 53# Every time you stop must do 60m Heavy
Hex Bar Carry Then Cool Down with 2000m Rowing race

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