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Your guide to whats going

on in Waringstown

Sept 16 - Jan 17
Edition 4




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an initiative of

W elcome

to the fourth edition of our

Community Newsletter! CONNECT is officially 1 year old! I
am always encouraged to hear the positive feedback
from the community but this message from a stranger
reminded me why we produce CONNECT:
I love the CONNECT newsletter and after reading it I'm
getting involved with the Historical Society and WCDA
In this edition we profile Friday Fun Club as well as introduce our new
Childrens and Family Worker. We shed some light on our Divine Healing
ministry in an interview with Bill Sanderson and highlight the great work of
Waringstown Community Development Association. In this the centenary
of the Somme, we profile the stories of a few of the fallen soldiers listed on
the Waringstown War Memorial and finally we paid a
visit to our Primary School in an interview with the
Principal, Mr. Carl McCambley.
I am delighted to report that the Summer Selfie Snap
Competition was won by Catherine Turkington (see
picture). We hope you enjoy your voucher for Trader
Ds! Please do consider entering the poetry
competition featured on page 16 of this edition.
The top floor of CONNECT 61 (above Eden Coffee
House) has had a refurb and is now ready to be used
for group bookings. Should you
wish to enquire about the use
of the facility, then contact me
using the details found on the back page.
THANKS for reading this edition of CONNECT.
hope you find it both useful and interesting!
Neil Harrison, Community Pastor
Waringstown Presbyterian Church


The Rev-view
I recently got to meet with lots of people from our
community to celebrate 10 years of
Neighbourhood Watch in Waringstown. I have to
admit that I hadn't paid much notice to
Neighbourhood Watch and their sign close to my
home. Then, one evening last year, I received the
news that my parents had been burgled and went
straight to Belfast to be with them. I felt a sickness in
my stomach as I walked round the family home I
grew up in, seeing the havoc that strangers had
caused. Neighbourhood Watch now made sense and I was glad to have it in
my community.
At that recent celebration, it was inspiring to hear of people who decided to
get involved in order to make a difference. Not just through Neighbourhood
Watch but through initiatives like gLo, where young people seek to transform
the appearance of our village. People deciding to get involved can make a
big difference.
In our church we like to talk about the good news, the message of the Bible
that God decided to get involved to make a difference. That's the story that
runs through the whole Bible and this involvement is seen most clearly in Jesus.
Another name that Christ was known by, which we think about coming up to
Christmas, is Immanuel - God with us. We think it is amazing that the God who
made us, stepped into the chaos and sin of
this world to restore and rescue people. It's
what motivates us to do things like 'Connect'
and try and make a bit of a difference in our
community. Most of all, it is why we worship
this Jesus and meet together to celebrate
what he has done. You would be welcome
to meet with us too.
Philip Thompson, Minister,
Waringstown Presbyterian Church



Fun Club is a fortnightly youth club held at

Waringstown Presbyterian Church (WPC). Attracting

over 50 P5-P7s, the club is a place where young
people in the village can meet up with their
friends after a long week of school, as well as
learn more about God (dates listed below).

Lasting from 7pm to 9pm, Friday Fun Club is led

by a group of faithful volunteers. The night usually
consists of lots of games, normally a crazy game
of dodgeball or uni-hoc happens where some
leaders can get very competitive!! The highlight
for many young people is the Tuckshop, which is
always stocked full of the sweets your parents
don't let you buy!! However,
the most important part of the evening is the 15 minutes where
we stop to hear from the Bible and get to know our great God a
bit more. One leaders comments: "We want all our fun clubbers
to know that God loves them and so we make time each week,
amidst the craziness, to tell them the amazing good news of
Jesus, through Bible stories." Throughout the year there are also
exciting outings to the cinema, go-karting and more! Friday Fun
Club has a positive impact on our community as it allows the
children to socialise outside of school in a safe and fun
environment, and it gives parents a few hours of peace!
Fun Club is led by Michael Cregan
and Suzie Taylor. Suzie has just been
appointed as Children's and Family
worker for WPC following her year as a
youth and childrens intern. In her new, part-time role she will be
helping to serve families and children in Waringstown. Suzie
studied Early Childhood at Stranmillis University College for 3
years, during which she gained lots of experience on how best
to engage children in learning, and how their brains and minds
work. She hopes to use all the skills and knowledge she gained
to shape the children's ministry in WPC.
Suzie will be involved in Sunday School, Messy Church, Little
Lambs, Friday Fun Club and GirlsGroup. She also hopes to be a
service to the Primary School to ensure every child hears about the love of Jesus. Suzie's
title is Children's and Family Worker because she believes family is so important to any
child. For most children it is their family who they spend most of their time with, therefore

Church Life

parents have a major influence on the development of

the child, especially their spiritual growth. As a church we
want to help them by equipping them and training them,
so they can grow in faith as a family.
When asked "What are you most excited about as you
begin your role with WPC?" Suzie said "I love working with
children, I love getting to know them and sharing Jesus
with them. Each one of them is so precious and so
important and I want to make sure they know that! So
often in our society our children are overlooked, we refer
to them as the next or future generation but actually they
are present now, so we need to treat them like that. They
are capable of understanding Jesus now and living their
life wholeheartedly for Him now...that's so exciting!!
For more information on any of the youth programmes in
Waringstown Presbyterian Church, check our website:

Divine Healing
an interview with our very own Bill Sanderson
On the third Sunday of each month at WPC we offer a
Divine Healing service at 3.30pm. To bring a bit more
clarity to this sometimes confusing ministry, we decided
to interview Bill, who takes responsibility for it.
Q1. So who is Bill Sanderson? Tell us about yourself.
Im the Pastoral Associate in Waringstown Presbyterian Church.
Prior to that I was the minister of Ballydown and Katesbridge
Presbyterian Churches where I organised and conducted Divine Healing Services for the
Iveagh Presbytery. I retired from active parish ministry in 2009 when my wife and I moved to
live in Waringstown. After joining the church I was asked to establish a healing ministry.
Q2. The term Divine Healing might sound a bit strange to some so can you explain
what it means?
Perhaps a better term would be The Churches Ministry of Healing. One of the thrilling things
you read of in the New Testament are the miracles that Jesus worked in the lives of the sick
and suffering. It is clear that he passed on that ministry of healing to the Church. The Apostle
James asked the question of Church members Are any of you sick? and the answer he
gave was You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over you,
anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord. Such prayer offered in faith will heal the sick
and the Lord will make you well. (James 3:14-15) The Church has taken this mandate for
the healing ministry. The healing ministry is not in any one person but with God alone. He in
his infinite grace and mercy can restore and remake broken lives. The term Divine Healing
acknowledges that all healing comes from the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Q3. Talk me through a Divine Healing service. What actually happens and who is it
Divine Healing Services in our church are low key events and they are for anyone from the
church or community who has a particular need that they would like prayer for. Those
coming to the services have a broad range of human needscancer, anxiety, depression,
pain, psychological problems etc. Some come asking prayer, not for themselves, but for a
family member or friend. At a service there would be a short thought from the Bible and
then, I or the Rev Thompson and an elder would pray for anyone requesting ministry.
Following the pattern mentioned in James, we would anoint with oil ( a small dab of oil on

Church Life

the forehead) place our hands gently on the head or shoulder and then pray that God
would work out his wise and good purposes for healing in that persons life. Sometimes we
pray for people who cant come to the service but have contacted us asking for prayer.
Q4. Do you believe you have ever seen anyone healed? What about those who are
Certainly many of the people we have prayed for seem to be living fairly normal lives and
yes, some of the people we have prayed for have eventually died from their illness. Results
are not what we look for in the healing ministry, rather we seek to be faithful in prayer and to
the commission mentioned in James. God is sovereign in all matters and it is always a
mystery why some are healed and others are not. We pray positively and in faith for those
who come to the services and we trust God for the outcome. We stress that it is a ministry of
healing and some people keep coming back to the services. My observation is that God is
always at work in peoples lives at various levels and all who come to the services seem to
be helped, encouraged and given strength for day to day living.
If anyone has an illness or difficulty in their life then I would invite them to come to a
service. It is a quiet and welcoming service with a sense of Gods presence and we
are happy to pray for people whatever their background and whatever their need.

Glo this year will

take place from

11am-2pm (WPC Hall)
Luncheon Club (Senior Citizens Lunch)
Contact: Melvyn 07854 875170

Church Office Open
Contact: Barbara 02838882654

6.30pm-7.45pm (WPC Hall)

10am-12pm (WPC Hall)

Rainbows (Girl Guiding for Ages 4-7)

Contact Joanne:

Retired Mens Fellowship (Bowls&Coffee)

Contact: Melvyn 07854 875170

6.30pm-7.45pm (C of I Halls)

Anchor Boys (BB for p2-p4, places limited)

Brownies ((Girl Guiding for Ages 7-10)

Contact Lynda:

8pm-9pm (WPC Hall)

Guides (Girl Guiding for Ages 10-14)
Contact: Lynn 07761 902767

8pm-9pm (WPC Hall)

6.45-7.45pm (C of I Halls)
7-8.30pm (C of I Halls)
Junior Section (BB for p5-p7)

7.30-9.30pm (WPC Hall & C of I Halls)

Company & Senior Sections (BB for yr8+)
Contact: Joe 07970 555303
or Waringstown BB Facebook Page

Senior Section (Girl Guiding Ages 14-26)

Contact Laura:

8-10pm (WPC Hall)

Banner Making
Contact: Barbara 07525 265665

7-9pm (WPC Hall)

8.15-11am (Polypipe Factory, Dromore Rd.)

Friday Fun Club (Youth Club for p5-p7s)

Held fortnightly.
Contact: Suzie 07706 797647

WPC Wheelers (Mens Cycling Club)

See page 15 for more details
Contact: Richard 07878 327196

7-9pm (WPC Hall or Caf Eden, Connect 61)

Fusion (Youth Fellowship for Ages 11-14)
Rotates venue depending on Fun Club
Contact: Mark 07903 614370

9-11pm (WPC Hall or Caf Eden, Connect 61)

20:20 (Youth Fellowship for Ages 15-18)
Rotates venue each week
Contact: Mark 07903 614370


Weekly Diary



6.30pm-7.45pm (C of I Halls)


Rainbows (Girl Guiding for Ages 4-7)

Contact Janice:
or Judith: jp.hinds@btinternet,com

Church Office Open

Contact: Barbara 028 38 882654

6.30pm-7.45pm (C of I Halls)

Little Lambs (Baby & Toddler group)

Contact: Ruth 07879 665308

Brownies ((Girl Guiding for Ages 7-10)

Contact Zoe:

10.30am-12pm (WPC Hall)

7pm-10pm (WPC Church)

Music Practice (For Sunday worship)
Contact: Sam 07976 369668

7.45pm-9.15pm (C of I Halls)
Guides (Girl Guiding for Ages 10-14)
Contact Jill:

8-10pm (WPC Hall)

Table Tennis Club
Contact: Clifford 07919 491597

8-9.30pm (WPC Hall)

First Wednesday (Mid-week Bible study)
First Wednesday each month
8-9pm (WPC Hall)
Central Prayer Gathering
Third Wednesday each month

7.30-10pm (The Basement, Connect 61)

The Basement Youth Centre
Youth centre for ages 11-18 offering a range of
programmes and projects during the year.
Come along and see what you think!
Contact: Neil 07745 534886

9.30-10.45am (WPC Church)

Morning Worship

10.45-11.30am (WPC Hall)

Coffee Time between services

11.30am-12.45pm (WPC Church)

Morning Worship

6.30-7.30pm (WPC Church)

Evening Worship

Community Development Association:

Your village needs you!

WCDA was set up by local people in 2009 with the aim of

strengthening Waringstowns reputation as a place where
people know and trust each other as well as looking out for
each other and the village.
Our work is guided by the determination to put people first,
include everyone, celebrate different interests and
backgrounds, develop abilities and strengths within the
village, preserve and enhance our natural and historic
legacy and protect the well-being of the village in the
present and the future.
A survey of Waringstown inhabitants carried out in 2011, sets the priorities for WCDA. Over
the years we have raised concerns about traffic,
planning and amenities, with local politicians. We
provide insurance cover to allow activities to take
place such as planting of flowerbeds in village.
Events organised by WCDA are open to everyone
and include Waringstown Historical Society,
Waringstown Art Club, Waringstown Walking Group,
and Waringstown Photography Club. A Community
Picnic is held in early summer and the popular
Community Carols takes place in early December
in partnership with the Harnett family of Waring
Our work is also supported by local
Art Exhibition Launch May 2016
organisations such as Waringstown Cricket Club and
local businesses such as The Village Inn, The Planters
Tavern and other local traders.
Details of all our events are on WCDAs website This is not only a source of
information about WCDA but also has the aim of
improving communication about the village and
the surrounding area. As such, it contains lots of
information about other organisations and anything
that is happening in and around the village. Follow
us on Facebook to ensure that you keep up to date
with events.
Community Picnic June 2016


Community News

WCDA also works to bring together all the different

organisations active in Waringstown with the aim of
reducing duplication of effort, the pooling of resources
and strengthening the collective voice of Waringstown
on important issues such as the development of
amenities and the allocation of resources.

Historical Walk June 2016

Please take time to look at our autumn activities set out

on these pages. We hope that you will find something
of interest to you and that you will come along and join
in. We are always looking for new people to get
involved with the work of WCDA so keep in touch
through the website and if you have any queries or
comments, email us on:

We look forward to working with you to look after the village and its people.

Article by Stella Cunningham

Chairperson of WCDA


Our village remembers

The Waringstown war memorial is one of over 68,000 war

memorials which occupy central positions in towns and cities
across the United Kingdom. In this autumn edition of Connect
we want to take a closer look at the tower and explore some
stories behind the names listed there.
The memorial was first unveiled in 1921 by Mrs Margaret Waring,
and is a reminder that the First World War touched families of
every class and creed in the village. Margaret was the widow of
Lieutenant Colonel Holt Waring, a career soldier who had
received his commission following service in the Boer War of
Waringstown War Memorial
1899-1902. Quickly rising through the ranks, by 1914 he had
found himself promoted to the rank of Major within the 36th Ulster
Division. He led his men at the battles of Messines and Paschendale during 1916 and 1917,
eventually receiving promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
In spring 1918 the German army, months from defeat, attempted a final all-out assault on
allied lines on the Western Front. At this time Holt Waring was commanding a unit at Ypres in
Belgium, where German forces were focusing their efforts. He was killed in action, aged 41,
on 15th April. Days later Waring's widow, Margaret, received a letter from the Battalion
chaplain, Andrew Gibson. It read:
Throughout the regiment today wherever one goes, whether amongst officers or men,
there is the same voice heard of admiration for his splendid heroism, and deep sorrow that
we have lost him. I feel that I do not put into words the courage of the man or do justice to
his great personality and the charm of his fine character, as soldier and leader of men.
Your husband is one of our most shining examples.
Holt was not the only member of his family to have been lost in the war. Four years earlier
tragedy had struck the family when his younger brother Ruric, a Lieutenant Commander in
the Royal Navy, was killed in a U-Boat attack in the North Sea. This
attack, which took both Ruric and another Waringstown man Charles
Uprichard, was an early warning to the people of Waringstown of the
toll the war would take on the village. Waring was 35, Uprichard just
Waringstown lost another one of its leading men in Sergeant Richard
Irwin. Irwin was a prominent figure in Waringstown in the years prior to
the Great War. A weaver by trade, he was a well-known sportsman,
playing in goal for Glenavon Reserves and appearing regularly as an
all-rounder for Waringstown Cricket Club.
Like Holt Waring he was part of the North Irish Horse (a unit of the
Territorial Army) and was part of the first expeditionary force to arrive in


Community News

Lt Holt Waring

France in 1914. Irwin was killed in action during a trench raid on 3rd
November 1917. Aged just 32, Irwin left behind his widow,
Margaret, and daughter Sadie.

Sgt Richard Irwin

Richard Irwin and Holt Waring give us a valuable insight into the
ways in which the four long years of the First World War robbed
Waringstown of so many of its most active young men. But nothing
exemplifies this more than the number of men listed on the
memorial who lost their lives on one single day: 1st July 1916.
James Watson, William Lutton, Thomas John Gregson, Samuel
Carson, John Brown, Thomas Hanna and James Collins all were
among the 20,000 British soldiers who died on the first day of the
Battle of the Somme.

So, when you next walk past the memorial perhaps youll look at the
34 names recorded there and remember these words, published in the Lurgan Mail from a
letter written by Richard Irwin:
Bravo Waringstown! When all is over and Germany well beaten, it will be said
that Waringstown has done its duty to King and Country.

Article by Steve Bond


Back in the Principals office!

Primary School is situated on

an elevated site in picturesque

surroundings above our beautiful and
historic village. The school building opened
in 1933 replacing the Church School on
the Mill Hill. Today we have a modern
facility educating 430 pupils that we can
be very proud of.
I n t h i s e d i t i o n o f C O N N E C T, C a r l
McCambley provides a personal and
professional insight into his role as principal
of WPS.

Mr Carl McCambley with a few p7 pupils

What drew you to a career in education?

I always knew I would like to teach, even from an early age. I was a
Sunday School teacher and a leader on many BCMS Summer Camps in Downings in
Donegal and that was probably my first real insight into the work of a teacher.
What were your favourite subjects when you were at school?
At school I enjoyed most of the curriculum but my favourites were Music and English, both of
which I studied at A-Level and eventually at Queens University, Belfast.
What is your guiding philosophy regarding education?
My guiding philosophy has to be that each child reaches their full potential academically or
otherwise. As my second love is music, to be able to inspire the children to love it as well, is
a great privilege. The culmination of this saw our Senior Choir win the BBC Songs of Praise
Choir of the Year. This was a once in a lifetime experience of singing in the Royal Albert Hall,
as part of the Songs of Praise Big Sing Event. For childrento leave school with such abiding
memories of success is very special indeed.
What is the most important job as the principal of
There are many spheres in my day to day work but
the thing I hold on to the most is the importance of
each child.

Waringstown Primary School opening day 1933


It is incredibly difficult when balancing a budget,

overseeing a large staff and maintaining
abuilding, to remember what school isactuallyall
about. I count it a very special privilege to get to
know each child and family, and one of the best
parts of my day is opening the gate at 8.45am to

Community News

welcome the children to school. Its an amazing honour (and challenge) to greet each
child.It is incredibly humbling to see the children develop over the early years of Nursery &
Foundation Stage, until they eventually leave us, well equipped for Secondary Education.
If you had one message for the parents, what would it be?
Our parents are very supportive of the school so my one appeal would be to keep on
supporting us. The strong home links are invaluable, and I know each teacher appreciates
them immensely. If I were to give them a report it would say Keep up the good work!
What would you tell the children?
Always give of your best and aim high. I love our newly devised
school motto using the acronym WPS:
Working Together // Playing Together // Succeeding Together
We have a very strong Christian ethos in the school and I pray that
through our example and teaching the children will learn what is
good and right in this difficult world we live in today.
If you were to choose another career what would it be?
This is my dream job!

Article by Simon Fitzpatrick



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Neil Harrison
Community Pastor
Waringstown Presbyterian
T: 07745534886



Facebook Page: Waringstown

Presbyterian Church

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