Dimmer Circuit: This Is A Modification of The Circuit

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Dimmer circuit

This is a modification of the circuit Simple Lamp Dimmer/Fan Regulator previously posted
here. The working of the circuit is same as that of the previous, but in addition a snubber circuit
consisting of resistor R4 and capacitor C3 is included to improve the performance of the triac
T1. A fuse is also included for better safety. I think this is the better circuit to try .
Circuit diagram with Parts list .


No matter how what ever may be the load lamp,fan , heater or anything it should be rated
less than 200 Watts.

No matter how what ever may be the load lamp,fan , heater or anything it should be rated
less than 200 Watts.

Assemble the circuit on a good quality PCB or common board .

Almost all parts of the circuit are live with potential shock hazard.Be careful.

1. Realisasi rangkaian
2. Gambar bentuk gelombang dengan oscilloscope :
a. Titik P N
b. Titik A N

c. Titik B N
d. Titik C N
e. Titik E D
3. Buat kesimpulan dari bentuk gelombang yang Anda gambar.

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