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F2 Science

Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses


Prepared on
5 October

Chapter 1 The World through Our Sense

When Siti touched the hot kettle, she drew back her hands immediately. Fill in the
following mind map about the response of Siti.


8.1 Sensory organ

Sensory organ:

There are 5 sensory organs, which are skin, nose, tongue, ears and eyes.
These sensory organs function to detect stimuli (changes of surrounding) through
sensory receptors, which is the nerve endings.


Stimulus is a change produced by specific sources and cause sensory organ to respond
to it.
Sensory organ

Type of sense



Stimulus detected

Ahmad ran away after seeing a dog running towards him. Fill in the following
mind map about the response of Ahmad.
Sensory organ:

Pathway from stimulus to response

When a stimulus is detected, receptor cells in sensory organ will be triggered and
generate impulses.
These impulses will be transmitted through the nerves and then to brain.



Brain will process and interpret the impulses as specific information.

These information is then sent back to sensory organ through nerves to provide




8.2 Sense of Touch

Sense of touch is the sense that is sensitive towards the touch stimulus provided by
specific objects.
Structure of human skin



Example of KBAT Question

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Outermost layer of
It is lined by a layer
of dead and tough

Consist of a layer of thick
connective tissues
Rich with blood capillaries to
transport oxygen and carbon


F2 Science
Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses
The lower layer of
epidermis called

Prepared on
5 October
There are various sensory
receptors, muscle fibres,
sweat glands and adipose

Soles and elbow- thick epidermis with fewer receptors

Example of KBAT Question


Explain why a patient is normally given an injection on the forearm or buttock.

This is because these parts of skin has thicker epidermis. Hence the patient does
not feel pain when injected


The blind use their fingertips to identify alphabets and read Braille. Explain why
they are able to do so.

8.3 Sense of Smell

Sense of smell is the sense that can detect stimuli produced by pungent chemicals.

Sensitivity of skin
Degree of sensitivity of skin depends on 2 factors:(i)

Thickness of epidermis


Number of receptors

Necks, cheeks and fingertips- thin epidermis with many receptors

Palms- has many receptors that are sensitive towards cold and heat stimuli

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F2 Science
Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses

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F2 Science
Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses
Process of detecting smell by nose:Smell inhaled into nasal cavity will dissolve in the mucus and
stimulate the sensory cells.

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8.4 Sense of taste

Sense of taste is a sense that can detect stimulus produced by flavoured chemicals.
The surface oif tongue has taste buds. Each taste bud has many taste receptors and is
only sensitive towards one specific type of taste.

The stimulated sensory cells will send nerve impulses to brain

The brain will interpret the impulses as a type of smell e.g. floral scent,
foul odour, burnt smell and food aroma

Sensitivity of skin
Degree of sensitivity of skin depends on 2 factors:(i)

Strength of smell


Presence of mucus

Example of KBAT Question


A person with influenza losses his appetite for food because his sense of smell
deteriorates. Why?
His sensory cells are covered with a lot of mucus. This prevents the sensory cells
from being stimulated by chemicals.


Saiful and Shatish are standing in front of rubbish bins. Only Saiful can detect the
pungent smell of the rubbish that is released due to decomposition. Predict what
happens to Shatish and explain your answer.
Shatish may have flu. His sensory cells are covered with a lot of mucus. This
prevents the sensory cells from being stimulated by chemicals.

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Process of detecting taste by tongue:When food is eaten, saliva is secreted to dissolve the food and
stimulate the taste buds

The stimulated taste buds will send nerve impulses to brain

The brain will interpret the impulses as taste. delicious taste of food is
produced by the combination of all 4 types of food


F2 Science
Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses

Prepared on
5 October

8.5 Sense of Hearing

Sense of hearing is the sense that can detect the source of sound produced by
vibrating objects.

Eustachian tube: balance the pressure of both sides of eardrum

Semicircular canal: control body equilibrium

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F2 Science
Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses

Prepared on
5 October

Hearing mechanism of ears:






Example of KBAT Question


What happens to the ears of passengers when aircraft changes its altitude from
5000 m to 10 000 m above sea level?
The ears become partially deaf. This is due to the pressure difference between the
inner and outer wall of Eustachian tubes.

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F2 Science
Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses

Prepared on
5 October

8.6 Sense of Sight

Sense of sight is the sense that can detect light stimulus.

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F2 Science
Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses

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Prepared on
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F2 Science
Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses

Prepared on
5 October
Size of pupil depends on:-

Formation of image at the retina:1.


The lens in human eye is a transparent convex lens.

Light from an object passes through the lens and is bent and focused on the retina.
The focusing of image is controlled by ciliary muscle.
Relaxation and contraction of ciliary muscles can control thickness of eye lens.
This ability is called accommodation.


Intensity of light


Relaxation and contraction of ciliary muscle

Mechanism of Sight:-

Blind spot is the place where optical nerves enter the eyes

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Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses

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The image of the object formed at the blind spot cannot be seen because there are no
photoreceptors at blind spot.

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Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses

Prepared on
5 October

8.7 Light and Sight

Properties of lights:(i)

Light travels in a straight line

Light does not need any medium to travel
Light can be reflected
Light can be refracted
Light can be dispersed

Light travels in a straight line:-

Light can only pass through transparent object fully.

Light cannot pass through opaque objects

When light falls onto the objects surface, some light will be absorbed while others
will be reflected.

Only some light can pass through translucent objects.

Rate of light reflection depends on:-

Reflection of light:-


Colour of surface
Bright surface reflects more than dark surface


Nature of surface
Regular reflection will happens on smooth surface while scattered
reflection will happen on rough/ uneven surface.

Example of KBAT Question


The funny mirrors make you look short, fat, long, thin or distorted. What causes
the images of these funny mirrors to be distorted?
The surfaces of funny mirrors are curved and not smooth. When parallel rays of
light fall on such surfaces, the rays are reflected in many direction. This type of
reflection is called diffuse reflection.

Refraction of light:-

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Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses
When light travels from one medium to another medium at a right angle (90o), the
light penetrates the medium in a straight line.

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Red light disperses the least because its wavelength is the longest while violet
light disperses the most because its wavelength is the shortest.
It can be recombined to form a white light again using two glass prism

When light travels at an angle through a medium of different density, the light will
be deflected, which is known as reflection.
Defects of eyes include:(i)


When light travels from a less dense medium to a dense medium, light ray will bend
towards normal.
When light travels from a denser medium to a less dense medium, light ray will
bend away from normal.


Incomplete development of eye since birth
Injury to eye or brain(cerebrum)
Eye diseases such as cataract and glaucoma
Colour blindness
A hereditary disease
Injury to cells that are light-sensitive in eye
Hazy vision caused by uneven surface or cornea
Can be corrected with cylindrical lens

Blurred vision can be divided into two: short-sightedness (myopia) and longsightedness (hypermyopia).

White light can be broken down into 7 colours by dispersion of light.

The dispersion of light can be done by using a prism.
A spectrum is formed when colours of different wavelengths are dispersed at
different angles when passing through prism.

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Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses

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5 October
Limitation of sight can be overcome using the following devices:Instrument

2 convex lenses, one at
eyepiece and one at
objective lens
To see minute objects
such as microorganism
and bacteria


Eyepiece- convex lens

Objective lens- concave
To see far-off objects
such as stars and planets

Optical illusion occurs when brain cannot interpret impulses received properly.


A pair of prisms
To see tiny distant
objects such as birds in
the sky

Magnifying glass

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One convex lens

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F2 Science
Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses

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5 October
To enlarge tiny objects

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Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses

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Stereoscopic and monocular visions:-

Advantages of stereoscopic vision over monocular vision:(a) See 3D picture of objects

(b) Enables more accurate estimation of distance and position

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F2 Science
Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses

Prepared on
5 October

8.8 Sound and Hearng

Sound is produced by vibrations of objects and is a form of energy carried in the form
of waves

Kinetic energy

Sound energy
When the tuning fork is hit, its prongs
vibrate and sound is produced. The
vibration causes air molecules around it
to vibrate as well.

Sounds requires medium to transfer. Hence it cannot travel through vacuum.

Ascending order of speed of travel of sound:-




This is because the molecules in solids are very close to each other as compared to
liquid and gas.

It can be proved by following experiment:When the air is slowly sucked out, the
sound of the bell weakens gradually.
When all the air has been sucked out
completely, the glass jar becomes a
vacuum. The sound cannot be heard
although the hanner still vibrates

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F2 Science
Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses

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5 October
Ticking of stopwatch can be heard.
Both wooden board and asbestos
board are able to reflect sounds.

Sound can be reflected and absorbed by surface of an object.

Echo is the sound reflected from one surface.

The wooden board gives a louder

sound than asbestos board.

The loudness of echo depends on the nature of surface:(i)


Smooth, even and hardgood sound reflectorloud echo

Rough, hollow and softpoor sound reflectorweak echo

This is because asbestos board

absorbs some of the sound.

Echo occur in enclosed hall, caves or tunnels.


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Hence wooden board is good

sound reflector whereas asbestos
board is poor sound reflector.

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Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses

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Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses

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8.9 Stimuli and Response in Plant


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Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses

Prepared on
5 October

Phototropism is the response of

plant towards light.

Geotropism is the response of plant

towards gravity.

Hydrotropism is the response of plant

towards moisture.

Shoots of plant show positive

phototropism while roots of

Shoots of plant show negative

geotropism while roots of plant show
positive phototropism.

Shoots of plant show negative hydrotropism

while roots of plant show positive

Trigmotropism is the response of plant towards


End of experiment

End of experiment:
End of experiment

Nastic movement
Nastic movement is the response of plant towards stimuli
Nastic movement is controlled by changes in water pressure within the specialized cells/
different growth rate


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Thermonasty-opening and closing of flower according to temperature

Photonasty- opening and closing of flower according to light intensity
Haptonasty- leaf movements of Venus fly trap following a tactile stimulus and
rapid collapse of leaflets

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Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses

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Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses

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Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses

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Chpt 1 The World through Our Senses

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