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Nama Maba

Nama Garda

: Andra Danika
: Otolaryngology


Perichondritis is an infection of the skin and layer of tissue around the

cartilage, most frequently of the external ear, following trauma or infection. When
the infection involves the cartilage, the disease is called chondritis. All cartilage
has a thin layer of tissue around it, called perichondrium, which helps to provide
nutrients to the cartilage. Infection of this thin tissue, termed perichondritis, is
usually caused by trauma to the ear, either accidental or as a result of ear surgery,
ear piercing (especially piercing of the cartilage).
Ear piercing through the cartilage is probably the most significant risk
factor today. The most common bacteria causing this infection are called
Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The diagnosis of perichondritis is usually made
physical exam. If there is a history of trauma to the ear and the ear is red and very
tender, then the presumed diagnosis is perichondritis. There may be an abnormal
change in the shape of the ear.
A painful, red ear is the most common symptom. At first the infection will
look like a skin infection, but it rapidly progresses to involve the perichondrium.
The area of redness usually surrounds the area of trauma, which may be an
abrasion. There can also be fever, and in more severe cases, fluid draining from
the wound.
Treatment consists of antibiotics, either by mouth (anti-pseudomonal
antibiotics) or directly into the blood stream through an intra-venous line (IV). If
there is a collection of pus, then surgery may be necessary to drain the fluid and
remove any dead skin and cartilage.


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(, diakses 28 Agustus 2016)
3. Kesser, Bradley W. 2014. Perichondritis of the Ear.,-nose,-and-throatdisorders/external-ear-disorders/perichondritis-of-the-ear. Diakses tanggal
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