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Personal Training


Exercise Instructions


Personal Training

Dear Customer,


Congratulations on your new ENERGETICS fitness

equipment. We hope you will have lots of fun and
success in exercising. Before getting started with
your work-out we would like to give you a few tips
which have been developed in coordination with
leading European sports scientists.

Work-out parameter
Wheight loss, diet and
cross training

P. 003
P. 004
P. 008
P. 010


>> content >> 002


Personal Training

What do I gain from exercising
The work-out on the Power Stepper is very effective. You can increase your overall endurance as well
as strengthen your cardiovascular system, your leg muscles, and your buttocks. Stepping has a double
effect: it improves endurance and power endurance.

M. glutaeus


Mm. ischiocrurales
M. sartorius

M. rectus
M. vastus

M. biceps

M. vastus
M. gastro cnemius

M. semitendinosus
M. soleus

Positive effects from accomplishing an endurance work-out can also include the following:
loss of weight
strengthening of the heart
tightening of the tissues
increase of power in your legs
improved circulation through the muscles
improvement of respiration
lower pulse during rest or effort
improved performance in every day life and sports
reduction of stress
relaxed and positive atmosphere after a work-out

M. semimembranosus

>> introduction >> 003

M. quadriceps

Personal Training

What do I have to look out for

In general, a work-out on the Power Stepper can be done by anyone. However, there are certain illnesses and situations in which you should not exercise on the Power Stepper. Please read the chapter
Safety Instructions in the assembly instructions. For the benefit of your health you should not
exercise on the Power Stepper if you:
have acute illnesses like fever, cough, influenza, or other health problems
do not feel well
Please consult your doctor if you:
have defects on your heart, lung, or other organs
have diabetes, high blood pressure or respiratory difficulties
have orthopedic problems (bones, joints)
are in medical treatment
are older than age 35 or a beginner and have not done exercise sports for quite some time
would like to exercise for rehabilitative purposes
For optimal success of the work-out you should consider a few points:
Warm up before each work-out (see p. 008 Work-Out).
Adjust resistance or speed in order to work out in the ranges of intensity indicated! (see p. 006
How should I exercise).
It is best to control the intensity of your work-out with a heart rate monitor (see p. 007
How do I regulate the intensity of my work-out).
Only with regular exercise will you achieve desired effects.
In case you are not be able to keep up the exercising for the advised times in the beginning try to step
for 2 minutes then have a 2 minute break before stepping again for 2 minutes and so on. Reduce your
break time with every work-out and extend the stepping time. Soon you will be able to step continuously for several minutes.


Stop your work-out immediately if you feel uncomfortable.

Work-out parameter
What goals do I want to achieve

To increase the performance of your cardiovascular system
This program will positively affect your cardiovascular system. The cardio-intensity of your work-out can
lower your blood pressure as well as the level of blood fat and blood sugar. The heart muscle becomes
stronger and your general fitness and performance increases.

To increase power endurance, as body shaping
The power program is particularly effective in tightening muscles and tissue and to withstand longer
power efforts. Specific work-outs build muscles and at the same time have a positive influence on
specially problematic zones.

>> work-out parameter >> 004

To reduce fat, to lose weight, as a healthy work-out

This program is ideally designed for lowering your body fat and to have a positive influence on your
metabolism. A lengthy, continuing endurance work-out with low intensity burns fat and strengthens
your immune system.

Personal Training

What work-out type am I

Our work-out programs are designed for various aims, lengths, and frequencies which all take into
account your individual fitness. In order to determine your optimal program we recommend you to
do the following fitness check. Simply answer the questions and add up the points. The sum of your
points will indicate your work-out type. After some time you should do this check again and change to
another work-out program if necessary.

Fitness check
1. How old are you?
under 30 years
30 - 50 years
over 50 years



2. Calculate your weight!

Subtract 100 from your height (in cm)
Compare the result with the following chart:
What is correct for you?
My body weight is more than 10% over the calculated result

Normal weight
My body weight is equal (10%) to the calculated result
My body weight is more than 10% less than the calculated result




3. On average, how often have you exercised during the last 6 months?
Doing sports
more than twice a week
regularly 1 - 2 times a week
never or less than once a week

2 - 6 Points:

You are the wellness typ, we recommend that you start off with
the wellness programs.

7 - 10 Points:

You are the fitness typ, we recommend that you you start off with
the fitness programs.

11 - 14 Points:

You are the performance typ, we recommend you to use the

performance programs.

>> work-out parameter >> 005

4. How do you estimate your curent fitness?

very fit
of average fitness
slightly below average fitness

Personal Training

How should I exercise

In the following chart you will find your individual work-out program with practical realizationand frequency. It is
best to use a heart rate monitor in order to control the optimal intensity ofyour work-out. Also see p. 007 How do I
regulate the intensity of my work-out.

Work-out program Fatburn/Health


Practical realization

to reduce fat/
to lose weight/
for a healthy work-out

Adjust resistance and speed in such a manner that

your heart rate remains within the range of 55% - 70% intensity.

Explanations see p. 007 How do I regulate the intensity of my work-out

Work-out frequency per week and work-out duration per session




2 - 3 times per week

15 - 20 minutes

2 - 3 times per week

20 - 25 minutes

2 - 3 times per week

25 - 30 minutes

Work-out program Cardio



Practical realization

to increase the
performance of
your cardiovascular system

Adjust resistance and speed in such a manner that

your heart rate remains within the range of 70% - 80% intensity.

Explanations see p. 007 How do I regulate the intensity of my work-out

Work-out frequency per week and work-out duration per session




2 - 3 times per week

15 minutes

3 - 4 times per week

15 minutes

3 - 4 times per week

20 minutes


Practical realization

to increase power
body shaping/
tightening of tissue

Step at a comfortable pace for 3 minutes using the standard or the ball stepping technique (see p. 008 exercise techniques) speed up for the next 2 minutes or change
to the heavy step technique, then switch back to the standard or ball stepping
technique. Repeat this 3-2-3-2 minute rhythm. Step at such a pace that your heart
frequency is never above 90% intensity.
Explanations see p. 007 How do I regulate the intensity of my work-out

Work-out frequency per week and work-out duration per session




Not recommended

2 - 3 times per week

15 minutes

3 - 4 times per week

15 - 20 minutes

>> work-out parameter >> 006

Work-out program Power

Personal Training

How do I regulate the intensity of my work-out

It is best to control the individual intensity of your work-out with a heart rate monitor.

Regulation of intensity with your heart rate

You can calculate the optimal heart rate during a work-out according to your age in the graph below.
In general: to protect you from to great a strain, you should make sure your heart rate does not
exceed the maximum value of 220 minus your age!
Calculate the optimal heart rate of your
work-out as follows:
Maximum heart rate = 220 minus
your age





Program Cardio:
Intensity = 70% - 80% of maximum
heart rate


Program Power:
Intensity = maximal 90% of maximum
heart rate


Warm Up/Cool Down












Age (Years)


You are 30 years old and want to do the
Fatburn program.



Heart rate (Beats per minute)



Program Fatburn/Health:
Intensity = 55% - 70% of maximum
heart rate

Calculation: 220 30 = 190

55% of 190 = 114
70% of 190 = 133
Your optimal heart rate is between
114 and 133 beats per minute.

>> work-out parameter >> 007


Personal Training

Warm up before a work-out. Do some easy stepping (standard step) for about 2 - 3 minutes. Your heart
rate should not exceed 55% of your maximum (see p. 007 How do I regulate the intensity of my workout). After the warm-up you can start with the various work-out programs. The time to warm up is not
included in the time it takes to do the work-out programs.

Exercise techniques
Standard step
Alternately straighten and bend your legs
as if you were walking up stairs. Take small
and quick steps, never press the pedals
right down. This technique will particularly
strengthen your thighs and buttocks and
improve your endurance performance.

Ball step
Stand only with the balls of your feet on the
ends of the pedals. Alternately straighten
and bend your legs as if you were walking
up a staircase. Take small and quick steps,
never press the pedals right down. This
technique will additionally strengthen your
calf muscles.

Heavy step

>> work-out >> 008

Bend your knees and lean slightly forward

while stepping. This technique will intensify
the effect on your thighs and buttocks. Take
bigger steps when doing the heavy step. As
an alternative you can also stand only on the
balls of your feet.

Personal Training

Cool down/Stretching
At the end of your work-out cool down with 2 minutes of easy stepping, you should then stretch and
relax the muscles previously used. Hold the described stretching position for about 10 - 20 seconds. You
should only feel a slight pull, no pain! Repeat each stretching position three times in a row. Concentrate
on keeping your back straight while stretching (no hollow back)!
Back side of thigh
Place the stretched leg on an elevated
surface (step, chair, ...) and bend forward
keeping your back straight until you feel
a slight pull.
Tip: Imagine your naval touching your

Front side of thigh

Stand on one leg knees touching,
straighten your hips and reach for one
leg at the ankle. Pull your leg towards
your buttocks until you feel a slight pull.


Calf muscles

>> work-out >> 009

Straighten your back leg keeping your

heel constantly on the floor and bend
forward until you feel a slight pull.

Personal Training

Loose weight, diet and cross training

To lose weight, shape up, and ensure maximum success of your fitness program a healthy
diet is also very important besides exercising regularly. Here is some information and a few
tips concerning this topic.

Loose weight
Your diet has a significant influence on your health, fitness, performance, and your well being. The most
common sins in a diet within our modern society are to much consumption of:
fat (i.e. chocolate)
sugar (i.e. sweets/candy)
Overweight can lead to health problems (mainly cardiovascular an orthopedic problems), to a reduced
performance in sports, and in every day life to a decrease in well being. A well balanced combination
of sportive activities and a change in diet works against these problems. However, none of these measures can bring about long term improvement on their own.
In science the unit for energy in a diet is referred to as kilo calories (kcal). A body needs to burn energy
in order to ensure a constant temperature as well as bodily functions. In the course of an ordinary day
without any considerable physical activities men use approximately 2200 to 2300 kcal, women about
2000 kcal. The amount of calories (in kcal) is indicated in the nutrition facts on most foods.


A person always loses weight if the consumption of kcal per day is less than the persons
basic need.

Adjust your diet to your need
When doing sports calories and nutrients are being used at a different ratio. Frequent endurance workouts empty your carbohydrate storage which then needs to be replenished.
In this case foods with high carbohydrate content like potatoes, rice, cereals and noodles are ideal.
However, when doing a pure Fatburn work-out to lose weight the use of carbohydrates is lower and
therefore does not need as much replenishing.
The Power work-out (especially when building muscle) slightly increases your demand for protein
which can be satisfied with lean meat, fish, dairy products (low-fat cream, yogurt), and protein containing fruit (i.e. kidney beans).
Reduce animal fat in favor of vegetable oils
The consumption of animal fat, particularly saturated fat (i.e. contained in meat from fattened animals,
various sausages, whipped cream) raises the level of cholesterol in your blood and can therefore lead
to health problems. It can help develop various deficiencies like arterioscle-rosis (vascular constriction),
gallstones, or overweight. In general you should preferably use vegetable oil from soy beans, thistles,
sunflower seeds, or olives rather than animal fat like cooking fat or butter.
Reduce the consumption of sugar and sweets/candy
Eat fruit for a snack rather than sweets.

>> wheight loss, diet and cross training >> 010

To ensure an optimal work-out success you should consider the following guidelines to a healthy diet:

Personal Training

Reduce the amount of salt in your diet

Too much salt is one of the factors which causes high blood pressure. The average daily need is
ca. 3 - 5 g. However, many people consume 15 - 25 g and more per day. Foods like pre-cooked meals,
canned food, or chips contain a particularly high proportion of salt.
The loss of salt through physical activity does not need to be replaced with regular salt.
Consumption of foods with high fiber content
Fibers are the parts of food which are indigestible to the human stomach. They stimulate the functioning of the bowels and provide nutrition to the bacteria in the large intestine. In order to eat a sufficient
amount of fibers your diet should contain a high proportion of products made of whole wheat (bran,
linseeds, cereals), vegetables, salad and fruit.
Reduce respectively avoid stimulants
Alcohol contains many calories and slows down regeneration.
Nicotine helps developing vascular problems and can considerably reduce your endurance
Drink while doing sports
Perspiration is a natural part of doing sports. A loss of fluid of as little as 2% of your body weight (corresponds with a loss of about two liters through perspiration) will already notably reduce your performance ability. Therefore you should drink a sufficient amount of fluids especially during the work-out,
ideally 200 to 250 ml (7 to 9 fluid ounces) every 10 to 15 minutes. In the course of one day you should
drink 3 - 5 liters. The more physical activities you do and the more you perspire the more you should
also drink. Use isotonic drinks or diluted fruit juices to quench your thirst and as an ideal replacement
for used electrolytes (calcium, magnesium, potassium) and carbohydrates.


Cross training
To ensure an optimal performance of your body you have to exercise the cardiovascular system as well
as your muscles. A cross training ideally consists of three parts:

2. Systematic muscle work-out

(i.e. exercising on multi-position stations, abdominal machines, free weights etc.)
Systematic muscle work-out allows you to shape up and helps supporting the human skeleton.
This support prevents you from exerting to great a strain on single body parts like for example
knee or hip joints, spinal column, etc.
3. A balanced diet with the correct amount of calories
(see p. 010 diet and lose weight)
Your diet should be in balance with your work-out: high in carbohydrates, low in fat and high in
protein particularly when doing the Power work-out.

>> wheight loss, diet and cross training >> 011

1. Specific endurance work-out in every category

(see work-out Fatburn/Health, Cardio and Power)
An endurance work-out improves your cardiovascular system and causes an increase in burning
fat and calories. It will melt those extra pounds and therefore accentuate your muscles.

Personal Training

To ensure long term success you should not merely exercise without an aim. Success can be planned if
you follow the correct system. The exercise instructions given provide a systematic overview on how to
methodically and sensibly organize your work-out. It is not necessary to be completely exhausted after
a work-out in order to achieve your aims. You should rather concentrate on your exercise techniques
and control the intensity of your work-out with your heart frequency. Especially beginners should
consider the motto: Quality of work-out is more important than quantity.
We hope to have helped you in planning and carrying out your individual fitness program and wish
you lots of fun with your personal work-out.
Your ENERGETICS - team

The pictures are used as illustrations and explanations of the exercises and may not correspond with the actual purchased equipment.
Visual appearance of the equipment is subject to alterations.
The content of this exercise instructions was checked carefully. There is no liability of the publisher, neither in cases of printing- or general
mistakes, nor in fortune- personal- or property damages. Use and reproduction of text and pictures is possible only with a written authorization of the publisher.

>> wheight loss, diet and cross training >> 012



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CH-3006 Bern
All rights reserved

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