2015 Seed Form PC

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9932s 20 1s Office Use Only: Fiscal Year The Commonwealth of Massachusetts ‘OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS/PUBLIC CHARITIES DIVISION ‘ONE ASHBURTON PLACE BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02108 Form PC C Report forthe Fiscal Period: 10/01/14 to 09/30/15. [Attorney Genera'’s Account #: 053253 Federal &: 3064098 ‘wien it the organization fst engage in chartable workin Maseachucetts? 08/22/2012 Has the organization applied for or been granted IRS tax exempt sus? TX] yves [Ono Ht yee, date of appication OR date of otarmination ttt IRS Exemption under 501k) exempt under 501(0), are contributions tothe organization tax deductible as charitable cont Cves [x] no Organization Data Name: SEED GLOBAL HEALTH Maing Adstess: 125 NASHUA STREET, NO. 722 oy: BOSTON, State: MA, Phone Number 617-724-4742 Fax Number: emai: VKERRY@SEEDGLOBALHEALTH. ORG. wooste: WHW. SEEDGLOBALHEALTI Inthe {able below. please enter the appropriate codes rom the corresponding table found in the instruction. Enter upto 2 codes trom Table 3 for your rganization’s main purposes) (617) 727.2200, ext. 2101, www mass govlago/charties Check anne oie (iLapplicable) Iie sehocve At (EX) Scheauie A2 (2 schedute RO [1 Probate Account [Econ Row [5K] audited Financial Siar [x] Fiing Feo (amended Anicies! oyeave zp 92114 ealeaoy ‘Coae category Case [County (Table 1) 13 _|o1anzaton Purpose Code 1 8 Type of Oigarization (Tab 2) 20 _| organization Purpose Gods 2 21 Please check box it final return prior to dissolution: [_] 40480497 JEREER 22027 1 9014.05092 SEED CLOBAL HEALTH. (fico Use Only: Payment Received orm PC Page 1 ot14 28027 21 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 ‘Al questions must be completed in their entirety whether or not simiar questions are answered in an attached federal frm. Seo instructions ‘and defintion section for guidance, 1. Onwhat date was the organization created? 08/22/2011. 2. Where was the organization created? BOSTON, MA. 3, Whats the form of erganization? (check one) ‘Corporation (C1 | Testamentary Trust C CI Inter ios Test oO Unincorporated Association ‘Other (please describe) “4. Was your organization related to any otter organization(s) during the reporting year (see detition of ‘Related Organization"? Ifyes, please ‘complote the Schedule FO on pages 13 and 14 Codves [x] No 5. Enter your summary of nancial data Financial Data “Amounts A| Conibutions, gts, grants, and siiar amounts received 4,354,090,| | Gross support and revenue 4,354,871, .| Program services and eimar amounts paid out 2,070,568 >| Fundraising expenses 456, 439,| £.| management and general expenses 298,474.) £.| Payments to affates 0.) .| Tota expenses 825, 481.) 1H. Not assots or fund balances at the end ofthe year 3,997,171, 66, Lette total compansaton you provided to your fws highest pad employees: ee a8 oie name Wel [Sauer | sane ane | gan, )ENNIFER GOLDSMITH +. AO 40.01 46,569. 9. 0. MADISON LOUIS 2. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS 40.0) 39, 664.| oO. 0. ELIZABETH CONNINGHAM 3 PROGRAM MANAGER 40.0 52,327.| 0. 9. IRAN MITHA 4. DIRECTOR OF PARTNERSHIPS & PROGR | 40.00) 39,941, 0. 0.| ‘CHELLE SURETTE IR. OF FIN. OM 40.00) 22,651, 0. o 7. Was any compensation provided to any of the indviduals Hated in question 6 above which wasnt quantied in your response to 67 yes. please ‘provide explanation (attach separate shoot Loves Gd no FormPc Page 2 0f 14 ev. 02/2010 2 46450427 758665 28027 2014.05092 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 280271 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 8. Uist the namo, amount of compensation paid, and the nature of services randered by each ofthe organization's va highest paid consultants providing professional services (2.9 altorneys architects, accountante, managomont companies, investmont ‘0vs0%, professional solctors, professional fundraising counse)) Name/Title ‘Amount of Compensation Typeia] of Service SONTRACTED REGENT OF UNIVERSITY OF CA 55,000 .\SERVICES NTRACTED 2.\SADATH SAYBED 25,000 |SERVICES 3. BURNESS COMMUNICATION! 26 ,258 COMMUNICATIONS ONTRACTED 4. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL 548 , 804 SERVICE! 6 STRATEGIES RAISING 8, _Bank(s| in which the organization's funds are deposited (clude bank addresses and phone numbers Bank ‘Adeross. Phone Number li61 CAMBRIDGE STREET, BOSTON, MA |ANK_OF AMERICA 2114 (617-723-4260 10, What isthe orenization’s accounting mathod? = [] casn [3] aceruat omer specs: 11. organization's mating address & a P.O. Box, tthe organization's ful street address: ares: ty State ZIP Code: 12. Contact Person Name: DR. VANESSA KERRY sweet Adoross: 125 NASHUA STREET, SUITE 722 city BOSTON Stato: MA 2p cose: 02114 Phone Number: 617-643-6853 Fam PC Page ot 14 Fev. 02/2010 3 15450427 758665 28027 2014.05092 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027. 1 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 19, Ourng the fecal your ported ere, cs your egarizaton sol contibutens have finds ‘solictad on ts behal!? {ives no 1 At anytime dng the fiscal year flowing the yer repored hae il your xgarizaton, or cers acing ons bobal, set contrbutons? (vee [Ino you anewered yes to Question 19 or 14, you must complete Schedule A-t and/or Schedule A-2 unless you are excmpt om the soleitaton certificate requirement. 15. youre caming an exemption fom te sokcaton cerca requement, pleas indicat by checking the box to th ih to dentiy whch exemption apes to your engarzation “areligious organization I an ofanizaion whch) dos ot ase wore than $5,000 Gunga calendar year OR does rat eve contibutons rom ‘mor than tn persone during calendar year, AND 0 cares out alo tacts, neudng hndaeing, Bough unpa ‘okntoors, (7h candton at Bo (a and) must bo ma fr your organization o qua forthe exorpton cu 18, Atach a at of names, adosses (eet and/or main) ad tetphone numbers ctr ofceschapters/branchesaates 17. tach at fares, tle. and adresses eet andor main) foes. dectrs, hates, and the prin salared execaives of eganaton STATEMENT 1 18, Attach it of names, ls, and adressen tet andor mating of any naidual)atrorzed to 8g chocks, ard any incu) responsible for: custody funds, diatbuton of funds: ura: and custody of rancial cords. STATEMENT 2 18. Has this xgariaton any fis offices, decors, employees or urdserscofctd furdsin any ve El Ne ator site? ‘you ttn fst states where soictaton nae conducted, inciting egatred agency, Cats of recitation, eittonrumbes, ny ator nares under wiih te organzaton wast reared, and he cats and iype (ma tetprone, dort dr, spi evens et) of the sototaton conducted. Fam po Page to 14 fev. 0272010 4a 15450427 758665 28027 2014.05092 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027 1 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 FORM PC OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES AND EXECUTIVES STATEMENT 1 © NAME AND ADDRESS DR. VANESSA KERRY 125 NASHUA STREET, NO. BOSTON, MA 02114 CHARLENE ENGELHARD 125 NASHUA STREET, NO. BOSTON, MA 02114 DR. PAUL FARMER 125 NASHUA STREET, NO. BOSTON, MA 02114 THOMAS FRY 125 NASHUA STREET, NO. BOSTON, MA 02114 JOEL LAMSTEIN 125 NASHUA STREET, NO. BOSTON, MA 02114 DR. FITZHUGH MULLAN 125 NASHUA STREET, NO. BOSTON, MA 02114 LISA SCHWARTZ 125 NASHUA STREET, NO. BOSTON, MA 02114 AARON WILLIAMS 125 NASHUA STREET, NO. BOSTON, MA 02114 ELIZABETH WILLIAMS 125 NASHUA STREET, NO. BOSTON, MA 02114 18450497 758665 28027 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 TITLE PRESIDENT ‘TRUSTEE ‘TRUSTEE TRUSTEE TREASURER TRUSTEE CHAIRMAN TRUSTEE TRUSTEE 5 2014.05092 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH STATEMENT(S) 1 28027. 1 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 FORM PC PAGE 4, LINE 18 STATEMENT 2 © NAME AND ADDRESS DR. VANESSA KERRY 125 NASHUA ST. STE BOSTON, MA 02114 DR. VANESSA KERRY 125 NASHUA ST. STE BOSTON, MA 02114 MICHELLE SURETTE 125 NASHUA ST. STE BOSTON, MA 02114 DR. VANESSA KERRY 125 NASHUA ST. STE BOSTON, MA 02114 MICHELLE SURETTE 125 NASHUA ST. STE BOSTON, MA 02114 DR. VANESSA KERRY 125 NASHUA ST. STE BOSTON, MA 02114 722 722 722 722 722 722 aeakn4a2? TEARER 28007 AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE FOR CUSTODY OF FUNDS RESPONSIBLE FOR FUNDRAISING CUSTODY OF FINANCIAL RECORDS AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CHECKS AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CHECKS RESPONSIBLE FOR DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS 6 STATEMENT(S) 2 2014.05092 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027 1 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 20. Has this organization or any of ts officers, rectors, or amplayoes: tes, please attach an explanation (@) Been enjoined or otherwise prohibited by a government agency/eourt from operating ‘or sokciting contributions Cores [x] No (8) Ever beon refused registration or had its regetvation or tax exemption denied, suspended, ‘modified or revoked by a governmental agency? Tives [if] No (Boon the subject ofa proceeding regarding any solicitation or registration? ives dno (6) Entered into a voluntary agreement of compliance ot content dgment with any government ‘agency or in a case before a court or administrative agency? Lovee [XI No 21. Have any restrictions been removed during the year from donor restricted funds? Doves Ex) no 1 yes, please attach n explenation. 22. Have donor restricted funds been loened to unrestricted funds? [ves [x] no ny, please attach an explanation. 28. This question involes ‘Termination of Employment or Changes of Control Compensatory Arrangements" with certain "Related Parties” (see instnictions and defnion sectiond, Feport orl payments madi or promised to ay indvioual are in excess cof four months salary 0” $100,000. whichever dolar amount i es. (a) Od you make actual payments or otherwise transfer value under such an arrangement to any didval described in Ratated Party definition, sections (a) or (b), which payments are nat reported in Question 6 or 7 above? Doves [x] no (©) Do you have an agreement wth any individual described in Related Paty definition, soctions ao (2), containing ‘such an agreement? Doves [XI no ‘1 you answored yes or Question 23(8) or 23() above, please attach an explenatin identiyng the incviavals) Involved, stating the ‘amount of any payments mec or value ansferred, and descrbing the teams of each agreement Fam PC Page 5 of 14 ev. 02/2010 7 15450427 758665 28027 2014.05092 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027. 1 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 24, This quoston apes to elated pat vansactons, which neue transactions with offers, decor, sees, cea employees rate, and ganizations they own o control. Please cons th instructions ard defo sections forthe dfson ofa ‘Related Paty" and “indeblednoss" befor answering, Note ha ansactos ivling rate partes mist beraported even when tere sno accounteg recognition (9. inknd gis, waver of terest not otherwise reported {tte ars to any pa of Question 24s yes etch «scheduling be nar and adres th rato party, rato he ‘ransacton th rave ort amounts involved nthe rensacton, and te procecre flowed n autora the ransecton. During te yeas A. | as yourorganzaton sol or vansfered assets oo purchased asst om or axchanged asses witha slated pat vee {DEN | iasyourorganzaton las assets oor tated stets rom alta pany? ves [Een _| | as your exgantzston Deon hosbias to alate party? ves |B wo | ias yur sxarizaion alowed ated party to baindebted to? ves |x) no E,_| Has your organization made oc held an investment ina related party? [yes [CX] no | as your egarizaton unis goods, sories or faite oa reat party? yes {D0 wo 6. | Has yourcugrization accuied goods, sence, o facies fom a lated pty who eoived compensation cr other vai inser? H_| Has your orgarzation paid or bacareobigstas to pay wages, x, of thr compensation to late par ves |) no 1_| Has your organization transfered come or assets to oor use by arated party? ves [Eh no 4 | was your opaiation a party to any taneactionn which any of offers, oreo, or ustoes haa mater nunc intrest o i ny ctcey, draco, or tustas recive anything of vue notreporedas compensator? |] ves [LK] No x. | nas your organization invested in any corporate stack of company in whch any oficer,drctor or tutes ours soe than 10% of housing shares? [hyes |] no LL |v any property ofthe orgarization held ith name for coming wih the property of ay ther person cvorgmnzaton? vee |W i. | 0a your exganaation make a grant award or conbution to any one orgariationn which any ot tisorganizatin’s | fice, rectors or wstess has arlationtip? ves [EI No form pC Page Gof 14 fer. 0272010 8 415450427 758665 28027 2014.05092 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027_ 1 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 Signature Required Under penatty of periury | declare thatthe information furnished in this report, including all attachments, is true and correct to the best of 7 knowledge. oe = ome Sstolt Printed Name: DR VANESSA KERRY Signature Tile: CEO Name of Preparer: KIRKLAND ALBRECHT & FREDRICKSON, LLC ‘Adcress 10 FORBES ROAD WEST cty BRAINTREE State MAL 2 Code 02184 Phone Number 781-356-2000 Form Po Page 7 ot 4 ov, 02/2010 9 15450427 758665 28027 2014.05092 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027 1 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 ‘Schedule A-t Solicitation Activities During Fiscal Year Covered By This Report List any names which wil be used by the organization n connection withthe solicitation of unds, other than the offical name which appesrs on age 1 ‘Types of sofcitaton activities in which you expect to engage (check a that app Mass Maing Via the internet (Door to doer ate, beano, bingo or gaming event Entertainment event ‘Sale of goods other than by telephone Telemarketing without sao of goods or ads Incivval Matings Telemarketing with sale of goods, Corporat sosctations Telemarketing with sale of ads PepebeL IP Grant Proposals T Tote neciy Identity the method or methods you expect to use forthe fundraising (check a th 2 ap Professonal salctor (Gun empioyens Professional fundraising course Volunteers E Commercial co vanturrt * Provide applcable names and addresses: Professional Solicitor Name: adress ty State 21° Code Professional Fundraising Counsel Name: BLOOM STRATEGIES Adcress 39 SEATON PLACE NW cty WASHINGTON state DC. ze code 20001 Commercial Co Venturer Name: ‘ares cy State 21 Code FomPc- Schedule At Page Bo 14 Fev. 02/2010 Bote if 15450427 7T5R665 28027 2014.05092 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027 1 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH Schedule A-1 ctd. Solicitation Activities During Fiscal Year Covered By This Report dontiy the ineviduals who wi have foal responsibilty forthe cat's custody of contabutions: DR. VANESSA KERRY Name and Tile: CEO Addess 125 NASHUA STREET, SUITE 722 45-306: 4098 cty BOSTON State MA zP Code 02114 Name and The: passes ay 20P Code Name and Tite: adress cay State 20P Code leery the individu who wil have fnal responsibilty forthe chaniy'scistrbuiton of contrbuttons: DR. VANESSA KERRY Name and Tite: CEO. addess 125 NASHUA STREET, SUITE 722 cay BOSTON State MA zP Code 02114 Name and Tite adress oy State ZIP Code Namo and Tite: Address oy State 21P Code Form PC. Schedule At Page of 14 ev. 02/2010 11 eee ee ee 9n74.05N@2 SRED GLORAY, HRALTH 2R027 «1 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 Schedule A-2 Solicitation Activities Planned for Fiscal Year Which Follows the Reporting Y« r List any names which wl be used by the organization ia connection withthe salletation of funds, other than the offkialname which appears on page “Typee of eoictation activo n which you axpoct to angage (check a that app |denty the method or methods you expect 10 use forthe fundraising (check a that apo Mass Maing | Va the Interet| TJ Doortodoor Rao, beano, bingo or gaming event Tol Entertainment event Salo of goods other than by telephone Co “Telemarketing without sale of goods or ads Individual Maiings [Fall “Telemarketing wit sao of good TF Icorporate sotstations | “Tolemarketing with sale of ads, Tlf erant Proposals Cl Othe nec Professional soleior ‘Own employees PI Professional fundtaisng counset Votunteors 2 Commercial co venture * Provide applicable names and adresses: Protessional Soscitor Name: asress oty ‘State 20P Code Professional Fundraising Counsel Name: BLOOM STRATEGIES: adores 39 SEATON PLACE NW city WASHINGTON ‘state DC 2 Code 20001, ‘Commercial Co Venturer Name Adress ony State 21P Code Form PC. Schedule A2 Page 1001 14 Rev. 02/2010 12 46460427 758665 28027 2014.05092 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH ‘Schedule A-2 ctd. 45-3064098 Solicitation Activities Planned for Fiscal Year Which Follows the Reporting Year entity the inaviduals who wil have ral responsi forthe charty's custody of contributions: DR. VANESSA KERRY Nameand Tile: CEO. ‘Address 125 NASHUA ST. STE 722 city BOSTON State MA. Name and Tite: ZP Code O2114 Adress ty State Name and Tite: 21P Code Address ty state dcntiy the indvidvals who wl have ral responsi forthe charty’s dstibution of contributions: DR. VANESSA KERRY Name and Tite: CEO acoress 125 NASHUA ST. STE 722 2IP Code ty BOSTON State MA, 2iP Code 02114 Name ane Tite: Address ony State ZIP Code Name and Tite: caress ty State 21P Code Form PC Schedule AZ Page 11 of t¢ ev. 02/2010 13 46450497 758665 28027 2014.05092 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027. 1 Cottification by Organization Two sitferen signatures required. Signs must be organization president o other authorized officer or trustee, Under penalty f perjury, we declare that the information furnished in this report, including all attachments, is true and correct tothe best of ourknowledge. a aw \ ove Print Name:DR. VANESSA KERRY iD) Tee: CEO Stonature owe: 5/4/2016 Print Nano: WARREN fi. BUCKING ‘The: DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Page 12.0114 Rev, 02/2010 14 15450427 758665 28027 °2014.05092 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027 1 ‘Schedule RO 1. Please read the instructions ang defnition of “Related Orgarszation” carefuly before completing tis section. (you have more than five Related Organizations, please attach as!) Name Primary purpose or activi FYE 7A Donor restricted funds | 8. Sed party restricted funds] ©, Unvestrcied nds], Totelnet assete Gaines Ctabites! (Sabeues (A540) Name: Primary purpose or activity FYE 7 Donerresincted tunds |. rd party rstrcted funds] O, Unveatieted wurds Total not ansata (Gtabattes Cabs abies as8s0) Name Primary purpose or activity FYE 7A Donerroeircted funds |B. 3rd party restricted tunde|.¢. Unvestictediunds 0, Totalnel assets Giabittes abies Giabities BsBeo) Name Primary purpose or activity FYE ‘A Donorresireted funds |B. Sid pary restricted funds |O. Unvestictediunds | Totalnet assets Gtabiites tables ‘Sabates aero Name. mary purpose or activiy: FYE ‘A Donorresvrcted funds | 8. Sid party restricted funds | 6. Unvesticted turds __[D.Tolal nel assets (tabines (tapes ‘jabato uBso) Form PC- Schedule RO Page 13.01 14 ev. 02/2080 15 15460497 TEREES 28007 2014.05092 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027 1 Schedule RO ctd. 2, List the total compensation pai by your organization and/or any other related organizstion to your chet executive (8.9. executive director) {and to the four ether curent or former directors, tustoos, offices, or employees within the systom of related organizations identified at {question 1, above, receiving the highest aggregate compensation (s9e instructions) Uso adctional nes below fo itamize by compensation Nama: Twi: ncome Source Salary and Omer income: | Bonefte Plan: (ther Compensation: Name: “ite Income Soures Salary and Other Income: | Benefits Plan: ‘Other Compensation: Name: cr Income Source Salary and Other Income: | Benefits Plan (ther Compensation Name: ‘Twe income Source: ‘Salary and Otherincome: | Benofits Pan: ‘Other Compensation: Name: Tle: Income Source! Satay and Other Income: | Benefits Plan: Other Compensation: 3. Is asset andor compensation information for religous organizations and/or certain non-chartabe antes related to foundations excluded pursuant to instructions? Form PC Schedule RO 15450427 75R665 28027 Page dof 14 2014.05092 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 16 Clyes Ex] no. Fev. 02/2070 28027 SB jf 0932 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Office Use Only: Fiscal Year. —] ‘OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL rf0 AL NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS/PUBLIC CHARITIES DIVISION ‘ONE ASHBURTON PLACE BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02108 (617) 727.2200, ext. 2101 mass. govlagolchariies Form PC ‘Check all items attached Reportfor the Fiscal Period 10/01/14 to 09/30/15 (itapplicable) ‘Schoduia At Attorney General's Account#: 053253 GX] schedute az (S scheduie 20 Federal ib #: 453064098 Probate Account ‘Copy of IRS Return ‘Won did the organization frst engage in Cx] Aucites Financial charitable work in Massachusetts? 08/22/2011 ‘Statements/Review (] Fitng Fee ‘Has the organization appiieg for or been granted CJamended anictes! IRS tax exempt status? Célves [Ino Bylaws IFyes, date of application OR date of determination laters 18S Exemption under 501(¢): 3 exempt under 501(¢), are contributions tothe ‘organization tax deductibio as charitable contributions? CVves [iI No Organization Data Nawe: SEED GLOBAL HEALTH Maling Address: 125 NASHUA STREET, NO. 722 cty: BOSTON ‘State: MAL zp: 02114 Phone Number: 617-724-4742 Fax Number: Emai: VKERRY@SEEDGLOBALHEALTH ORG Website; WWW. SEEDGLOBALHEALTH . ORG Inthe table beiow, please enter the appropriate codes from the corresponding tables found in the instuctions. Enter up to 2.codes from Table for your organization's main purpose(s) Category, Code Category Code County (Table 1) 13 _| organization Purpose Codo 4 8 [Type of Organization (Table 2) 20 | Organization Purpose Code 2 21 Please check box If final return prior to dissolution: [] ‘Otfce Use Only: Payment Received Form PC Pago t of 14 EE i SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 ‘At questions must be completed in thar entkety whether or not sila questions are answered i an attached federal fom. See instructions ‘and defniton section for guidance, 1. On what date was the organization crated? 08/22/2011. 2. Whore was the organization created? BOSTON ,_ MA. 3. Whats the form of organization? (check one) Testamentary Trust ‘Corporation Co Inter Vivoo Trust O) Ox C1 Unincorporated Assoviation thor please describe) 4, Was your organization related to any other organizations} dung th reporting year (see definition of “Related Organization")? Ifyes, pease. complete the Schedule AO on pages 13 and 14. Clves [x] No 15, Enfor your summary of francis data: “Financial Data ‘Amounts ‘| Contibutons, gts, rants, ard sila amounts received 4,354,090. 8.| Gress support and revenue 4,354,871. C.| Progam senses and simiar emounis paid out 070,568. D.| Fundrising expenses 456,439. £.| Managomert and poneral expenses 298,474] £.| Payments to afates 0. Jo.| Total expenses 2,825,481] | Net assets o fund balances at ho end ofthe year 3,997,171, 6. Lstthe total compancation you provid to your fhe highest paid employees: 9% - 4h lmerTite = Salary ane 0 2 Other femne week | _otnerincame | PereF#Plen® | compensation UENNIFER GOLDSMITH ifcao 40.00 46,569.) 0. 7 ae LOUIS 2. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS 40.00 39,664, 0. 0. ELIZABETH CUNNINGHAM 3. PROGRAM MANAGER 40.01 52,327,| 0. 0. KIRAN MITHA 4. DIRECTOR OF PARTNERSHIPS & PROGR | 40.01 39,941] 0. 0. ICHELLE SURETTS s PIR. OF FIN. AND COMM. 40.00) 22,651.) 0. 0. 7. Was dy compensation provided to any ofthe cvs sted in queston 6 above which was not quantified in yourrespongo to 6? ifs, oase ‘provide explanation (attach separate shoes) Cives [x] no Fompc Page 2of 14 Fey. 02/2010 2 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 LUst the name, amount of compensation paid, and the natures of services rendered by each ofthe organization's fve highest pas consultants praviding professional sevices (e.g. ttomeys, architee's, accountants, managoment companies, investmant ‘advisors, professional solcitors, professional fundraising counse}. Nee/Tile ‘Amount of Compensation Typeis) of Senics ONTRACTED +. REGENT OF UNIVERSITY OF CA. 55 ,000.SERVICES ONTRACTED 2.\SADATH SAYEED 25,000 .|SERVICES 3. BURNESS COMMUNICATION: 26 , 258 COMMUNICATION: he. CONTRACTED 4. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL. 548 804 SERVICES s BLOOM STRATEGIE: 244 , 492 FUNDRAISING 8. Barké) in which the crgarzation’ funds ae doposted ct bank adrasses nc phone numbers Bonk ‘Adsress Phone Nomber [61 CAMBRIDGE STREET, BOSTON, MA SANK OF AMERICA loatia 617-723-4260 10, What s the organzation’s accounting method? © [_]oash CX] Arenal other fspeciy 11. organization's malingadsress ta P0. Box. sth organization's fl stret adress pesress: city State: 2 Code: 12, Contact Person Name: DR» VANESSA KERRY root Aderocs: 125 NASHUA STREET, SUITE 722 cin: BOSTON, State: MAL 2 Code: 02114 Phone Number: 617-643-6853 Fame Pogesott4 fv. 0272010 3 1. 1 16. Voluntoors. (Tha conditions at both (a) and ib) ust be met for your organization to quaify for this exemption) Om 16, Attach ast of nna, addross08 (toot andor mating), and telephone numbers of other offess/chapters/branches/aflates, 17, AMtach alist of names, hee, and addresses (set andlor malig) officers, drectors, trustees, andthe principal salaried executives of organization. STATEMENT 1 418, attach ast of names, ties, and addresses (street andor maiing) of any individuals) authorized to sign checks, and any indviduais) responsible for: custody of funda; stabution of funds; fundraising: and custody of fancia records. STATEMENT 2 19. Has this organization or any of te officers, directors, employees or fundraisers solicited funds in any Loves [x] No other stato? Ut you attach fist of states where sakcitation was conducted, including registered apency, dats of recitation, registration numbers, any ther names under which the organization wesis regatored, ana the dates and type (mal, telephone, door to door, special events, et.) of the sofctaton conducted. Form PO Page 4 of 4 Rev. 02/2010 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 Dung the fiscal year repored here, dd your organization solist contributions or have funds solicited on its bohalf? [xl ves C]No ‘At any time during the fiscal yoarfotowing the year reported here, wil your organization, or others acting on its behaff, solicit contributions? Gxdves C1 no you answered yes to Question 19 oF 14, you must complete Schedule A~1 and/or Schedule A-2 unless you are exempt from the solletation certificate requirement. Ifyou ate claiming an exemton from the sollltation certcaterequlement, please indicate by checking the box tothe right to identity which exemption appli to your organization, areigious organtzation fan organization which: (a) does nt ala more than $6,000 during a calendar year OR doas not receive contibutlone from ‘more than ton peraons during a calendar year AND (2) caries cut allots actives, including fundraising through unpaid eer rs SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 FORM PC OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES AND EXECUTIVES STATEMENT 1 NAME AND ADDRESS DR, VANESSA KERRY 125 NASHUA STREET, NO. BOSTON, MA 02114 CHARLENE ENGELHARD 125 NASHUA STREET, NO. BOSTON, MA 02114 DR. PAUL FARMER 125 NASHUA STREET, NO. BOSTON, MA 02114 THOMAS FRY 125 NASHUA STREET, NO. BOSTON, MA 02114 JOBL LAMSTEIN 125 NASHUA STREET, NO. BOSTON, MA 02114 DR. FITZHUGH MULLAN 125 NASHUA STREZT, NO. BOSTON, MA 02114 LISA SCHWARTZ 125 NASHUA STREET, NO. BOSTON, MA 02114 AARON WILLIAMS 125 NASHUA STREET, NO. BOSTON, MA 02114 ELIZABETH WILLIAMS 125 NASHUA STREET, NO. BOSTON, MA 02114 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 ‘TITLE PRESIDENT TRUSTER ‘TRUSTER TRUSTEE ‘TREASURER TRUSTEE CHATRMAN ‘TRUSTEE TRUSTEE STATEMENT(S} 1 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 FORM PC PAGE 4, LINE 18 STATEMENT 2 NAME AND ADDRESS DR. VANESSA KERRY 125 NASHUA ST. STE BOSTON, MA 02114 DR. VANESSA KERRY 125 NASHUA ST. STE BOSTON, MA 02114 MICHELLE SURETTE 125 NASHUA ST. STE BOSTON, MA 02114 DR. VANESSA KERRY 125 NASHUA ST. STE BOSTON, MA 02114 MICHELLE SURETTE 125 NASHUA ST. STE BOSTON, MA 02114 DR. VANESSA KERRY 125 NASHUA ST. STE BOSTON, MA 02114 722 722 722 722 722 722 AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE FOR CUSTODY OF FUNDS RESPONSIBLE FOR FUNDRAISING CUSTODY OF FINANCIAL RECORDS AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CHECKS AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CHECKS RESPONSIBLE FOR DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS fa STATEMENT(S) 2 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 20. Hes this organization er any ofits officers, dectors, or employees 1s, pleas attach an explanation, (2) Bo0n enjoined o otherwise prohibited by a government agancy/eout from operating ‘oF soletng contributions? (©) Everbeen refused regietration or had ts rgistration or tax exemption denied, suspended, modified or revoked by a govemmental agency? (6. Boon tho aubject ofa proceeding regarding any sofation or registration? {@)_ Entered into a voluntary agreement of compliance or consont judgment with any government ‘agency orn a ease before a cout or administrative agency? 21. Have any restrictions bean romoved dra the yoar trom donorestited funds? ‘yes, please attach en explanation. 22. Have donercestscted funda been loaned to unrestricted funds? ys, plesse attach an explanation. Tyee Dives Cvs Cves (vee Cves 28, ‘This question involves “Termination of Employment or Changes of Control Compensatory Arrangement vith oertain "Related Parties (ee instructions end defintion sections, Report only f payments made or promised to any Inavidual rein excess of four months salary 0 $100,000, whichever dollar amounts less. {@)_ 01d you make actual payments or otherwise transfer value under such an arrangement to any individual described in Related Paty definition, sections (aor), which payments are net reported in Qusstion 6 or 7 above? (@) Do youhave an agreement with any individual deecrbod in Related Party definition, sections (a) or), contaiing such an agreement? Ov Dives Ityou answered yes for Question 23() or 22%) above, ples attach an explanation identifying te individual) involved, stating the ‘amount of any payments made or valve transfered, and describing the tems of each agreoment. Form Po Page of14 7 Gino Gano Cine [x)no CX) no ev. 02/2010 24, SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 “This question apples to related party transactions, bich include transactions wath offear, directors, trustees, cettan employees, reatve, ard organizations they own or contol. Plaage coneut the instructions and defntion sections forthe definition of a “Related Party nd Indebtedness" before answering, Note that traneaetionsivclvng elated parties must be reported even when there is no accounting recogrition (e.g. inking git, waiver of interest not otherwise reported), It the answer to any part of Question 24 yes, attach a schedule stating the name and address ofthe ated pat, the nature ofthe trensaction, the value or the amounts involved in the transaction, and the procedure followed in authorizing the transaction. During the yore 1s. | as your orpanizaton soll or transforedatsets tor purchased assets om er exchanged assets wha sated part? yes |{E]No0 3, | as youroranzaton eased sss to rleased aso oma lated patty? yes [Dx] no ._| tas your exarizstion ween ndabed toa ated pat ves [DX] wo 0. | as your cnarizton alowed artes ary tobe indebted to? (Lye [Eno £._| Has your omanization mado or had an investment in related party? [Ves 10K] no. | sas yourasanaton fished goods, snvcns ofc fo areted pay? ves [Dx] Ne 6. | Has youronanzatonacquited goods, series, or facto tom a elaad pay whorecelved compensation ovothar ab inrtu? [Vvee_|[z] no 11_| Has vourorganzaton pod or became bate o pay wage, slay, cote compensation toarestedsary? __|["]von [CX] no 1. has yourorgantzation transfored income or assets oo foun by acted party? ves |] No 4. | vas your xgrizationa party to ay transaction in utich any fs offer, dectrs, or tusioes has ata feancel eres or i any oficay, Sct of tutes receive anyting of va not eprted as compensaton? _|[ Ives |[X] no i. | as your organzationinvste inary corporat stock ofa company in which any offer, doctor crtstee ov moe than 10% ofthe outstanding shares? Cves | wo L_ | any property fhe organization hed nto name ofr commis wt the property of any athe person oroxgaentin? ves |[E]vo 1M, |b your erpanation make a grant ava or contbtion ary oer xganiationn which any of his oranzaton's ofcor, rectors, or tates has arelatiorship? ves |DEIno fom po Page Got 14 fev. cera010 Bg SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 Signature Required ‘Under penalty of perjury, I declare thatthe Information furnishedin this report, including ail attachments, is true ene) ‘correct tothe best of nly knowiedge. Sina: Mn oat: Printed Name: DR. VANESSA KERRY ee Te: CBO Name of Preparer: KIRKLAND ALBRECHT & FREDRICKSON, LL address 10 FORBES ROAD WEST cty BRAINTREE Stato MA, 2P Code 02184 Phono Numbor 781-356-2000 Form Pc Page 7 of14 ev. 022010 9 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 Schedule A-t Solicitation Activities During Fiscal Year Covered By This Report List any names which vl be used by the organization in connection withthe salictatio of funds, other than the offi name which appeas on ago 1. ‘Types of soletation actives in which you expoct to engage (check a that epi: Mass Maing TT] the internat Tx] Doone door —[hratto, beano, bingo or gaming event CI Entertainment event 2 Solo of goods other than by telephone im “Tolemarketing without sale of goods or ads Individual Malings. Tx] “Telemarketing with sala of ods. TJ [corporate solctations Pet Tosemarating wah ea of sds Tolerant Proponats Other (specify): Identity the method or methods you expect to use forthe fundraising (check a that zp Professional socom T Town empiavess, Tx) Professional fundrasing counsel Vounteers tx] (Commercial co-ventuer™ Co Provide applicable names and addresses Professional Solctor Name: Address ty State 2 Code Professional Fundraising Counsel Nae: BLOOM STRATEGIES Adéeoss 39 SEATON PLACE NW cty WASHINGTON State _DC. 2P Code 20001 (Commercial Co Venturer Name: ‘Adress cy State 21P Cove Form PC - Schedule 4 Page 8 of 14 ey, 02/2010 10 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 Schedule A-1 ctd, Soficitation Activities During Fiscal Year Covered By This Report entity tha individuals win wit have final responsibilty forthe charty’s custody of contrition: DR. VANESSA KERRY Name and Tite: CHO adéoss 125 NASHUA STREET, SUITE 722 iy BOSTON State MA zP code 02114 ‘Name and Tate: adress oly State 20° Code Namo and Tite pases city State 21 Codo Identity the indvduats wo wi nave fal responsibilty forthe chatiy’s distribution of contributions: DR. VANESSA KERRY Nan and Tite: CEO. adéess 125 NASHUA STREET, SUITE 722 city BOSTON State MA, ze cods 02114 Name and Tee: Asdess ity ZI Coda Nam and Tite: Address oaty State ZIP Code Fam PC- Schedule At Page 90f 14 ov. 02/2010 art SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 ‘Schedule A-2 Solicitation Activities Planned for Fiscal Year Which Follows the Reporting Year Listany names which wil be used by the organization in connection wih tho softation of funds, other than the official name which sppears on page. “Types of eoiitation actives in which you expect to engage (check a that apps CI Viathe internet Mass Maing [11 ratte, beano, bingo oF Door tooo Entrtainment event | Sale of oods othor than by telephone “Tolomavketing without sao of oods or ads Ingivdal Mating ‘Tolomarketing with sao f goods Corporate sobctations Telemarketing with sale of ads Grant Proposals Other feciy: ‘entity the method or matheds you expact to use forthe funcaleng (check al that api: Professional salctor [Own employees: Professional fundraising counsel Voluntees TI [Commercial coverturer * Provide applicable names and adresse Professional Solstor Namo: ‘Aaséross iy State ZP Code Professional Fundraieng Counee! Name: BLOOM S''RATEGTES: ‘Address 39 SEATON PLACE NW city WASHINGTON State DC. Ze code 20001 ‘Commercial Go:Venturr Narn: Address cry ‘State 2 Code Foy PC. Schodule A2 Page 10 14 ev. 02/2010 42 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH Solicitation Activities Planned for Fiscal Y« 45-3064098 Schedule A-2 etd. ir Which Follows the Reporting Year dont the inviuae who wil have final responsibilty forthe chary's custody of contrbutions: DR. VANESSA KERRY ‘Namo and Tis: CEO. Address 125 NASHUA ST. STE 722 cry BOSTON Name and Te stato MA, 2 Code 02114 ‘Adress city Name and Tale: ‘State 2 Coe Address cay stato 2IP Code dont the inciviguals who wit have final raeponabitty forthe chatty’s distbution of contributions DR. VANESSA KERRY ‘Namo and Tile: CEO acérase 125 NASHUA ST. STE 722 cy BOSTON state MAL wPCode 02114 ‘Namo and Tle Aasress city State 21P Code Namo and Tite: pasdrass city State 21P Cade Form PO- Schedule A2 Page 1 of 14 er. 02/2010 13 Certification by Organization ‘Two different signatures required, Sionsrs must be organization president or other authorized offeror uses, Under penalty of periury, we declare thatthe Information furnished in this report, Inclucng all attachments, is true and correct to the best ‘of our knowledge. —— pea 44 wile Print Name:DR. VANESSA KERRY » Title: CEO. Sipatue: cae. 5/4/2016 Print Name: WARREN W. BUCKING! II ‘Two: DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Fom PC Pago 12 0 14 Pew. 02/2010 4 Schedule RO 1. Please reed the instructions and detntion of “Related Organization’ carefully before completing this section. f you have more than fie lated CCrganizations, ploasa attach a ist) Nemes FYE [A. Donor reetricted funda |B. Sed paty restricted funds] O-Unresticted funds [D. Total net assets (abies abies taoiiies (R840) Name: Primary supose or actvty: FYE TA Donor esticted ands |. party aetrctod tunds] ©. Unresticted funds | D. Total net zssets Guaemtes jSiabtties Btastives 4510) Name: Primary purpose or activity: FYE [A Donor restricted funds |B. 3r@ pany restictod funds]: Unrestricted funds [D.Totalnet assets (@tabiites (Giabshtes Gabi. Arbo) Nae: Primary purpose or activi: FYE [A Donor reatrcted funds |B. Sri pay resticted tunds |G. Unresticted tunds | D.Totalnet assets {abies (iabites’ 6 tables A840) Name: Prenry purpose oF sett FYE [A Doneeetctea finde 8rd pay eeites nds |¢: Urasticted rds [Total not ants {tabitos tabi (abies (GubsO) Fagm PC. Schedule RO Pago 13 of 14 ae ev. 02/2010 Schedule RO ctd. 2. iat the total componsation paid by your organization andlor any othe elated organization to your chief executive (8.9, executive drsctor) ‘and othe four othor current or former dractor, trustees, officers, or amployees within he syatom of related organizations identified at ‘question 1, above, receiving the highest aggregate compensation (se instructions), Use adstfonal nes below to itemize by compensation Name: Tie Inoome Source: ‘Salary and Other income: | Bonefts Pin: ‘ther Compensation: Nemes Ti: Income Soure ‘alary and Gtherincome: | Benefits Pian: ‘ther Compansation: Name: Te: Income Source: ‘Salary and Other come: | Bonefte Plan: [other Compensation: Name: Te: Income Source: [Salary and Othor income: | Benefits Plan: ‘Other Compensation: |name: re: toome Source Caaryand Otherinceme: | Bonofts Plan: 3. teasset and/or compensation information for reigious organizations and/or certain ronchartable enti related t0 ‘oundations excluded purevant to instructions? Form PC Schedule RO Page 1406 14 6 Clves Cx] no Fev. 02/2010

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