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Ae 953as3 099299 Lad 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax form Unser section 5016 527,o 4547941 of the internal Revenue Cade ences bck amg | OED Crorierotne ase ‘benefit trust or private foundation) |-opan to Punis— Rignateanatcerce” | D> Tho organization may have to uso copy o his return to satist state reporting requirements. | Masyeaton ‘A For the 2012 ealondar year or tot year beginning OCT 1, 2012 endending SEP 30, 2013 oma, Je Name of organization 8 09 (lisse | SEED GLOBAL HEALTH. 1D Employer identification number Doing Business As 45-3064098 BRE, [number and stret (or PO. box al snot devered to seat 206s) Roomvsuite|E Telephone number Isr" | 100 CAMBRIDGE STREET, 15TH FLOOR 541A 617-643-6853 (kee) city. tow, or post office, state, and ZIP code [G_Goronoie 1,966,001 Cog |_BosTon, MA 02114 Hi | 9roUp return | F Name and address of principal offcecDR. VANESSA KERRY {or affitates? Tves Exdno SAME AS C ABOVE Hib) Ave alatiates incdes? Ives C_]No 1 Taxoxonpt status: DX S010) CT son yt servo) TT eserien LT 527] —1No-* attach alist. (see istnsctions) ‘J Website: p WWW. SEEDGLOBALHEALTH. ORG. Ale) Group exemption number Be Fomet saints Tx) Caoaion [ [tsi [ fasseaion [ [ore 1 Yeo formation 201 1] State of gal domi MAL Part |] Summary 1 Brity describe the organization's mission or most signiicart activtis; THE ORGANIZATIONS MISSION IS TO 5 CREATE ISTAINI KE SOLUTIONS TO STRENGTHEN HEALTH SYSTEMS ABROAD AND E] 2 Grooimsbor pL Timocrgarizin asconnvedtsepoaons or dpordct mare tan 2m os et as 8) 3. nimooootngmambws of goeming bey Pat ite a 3 10 S| a mer otindepencent voting members ofthe governing body (Pan Vik ib) ri 19 8] 5 Total number of individuals employed in calendar year 2012 (Par V, tine 2a) 5 1 S| 6 Total number of volunteors (estimate if necessary) 6 4 | 72 Total urrettes buses revenue fom Par Vl, cara (xe 12 7 0. _b Net unrelated business taxable income trom Form $90: line 34 7 0. fr Yer Cunent Yeu g| 8 Contributions and grants (Part Vili, tine 1h) 372,384. 1,965,048. ; 9 Program service revenue (Part Vil, ine 2g) 0.) oO. & | 10. Investment income (Part Vill column (A), lines 3, 4, and 7d} 0. 953. | 41 other revenue (Part Vl, column (A. tines 5, 64. Bc, 9e, 10c, and 118) : 0. Oo. 42_ Total revenue - add lings 8 through 11 (must equal Part Vill, column (A). line 12). 372,384. 1,966,001. 13. Grants and simitar amounts paid (Part (X, column (A), lines 1-3) 0. 0. 14 Benefits paid 10 or for members (Part IX, column (A), fine 4) 0. 0. | 18 Sars ctercompeeaton, amie ores Pat clin (tos 8.10), 37, 652.[ 338,083. ‘1a Professional tundraising foes (Part IX, column (A), lino 110), 0. 0. 3] “'b Tota unaatsing expones (Pat coun ©) ina 25) De 400,047 W) 47. Other expenses (Part IX, colurnn (A), ines 112-114, 11f24e) 124,840./ 521,459. 8 Toa exoanas. Ad ines 1217 (rat ecu Part colar (A ine 25) 162,692 859,502. 49 Revenue less expenses. Subtract line 18 from ling 12 209,692. 1,106,499. Begiang of Curent vent | Endo Ve 20 Total assets (Part X fine 18) 233,882.| 1,344,201 21° Total liabilities (Part X, line 26), 0,065. 23,890. 213.8171 1,320,316. | 22_Not assets or und balances, Subict tne 21 Wom ine 20 [Part [Signature Block ‘Under penates of perury, eta at Rave examined In etn eading Aocompanyng Schedles and sateen, and othe best ol my knowledge and bell is we, correct, and compete. Detain of orepare (oe han oie is base6 onl nformaton of which prepare has any knowedge. ne ar ‘Here: DR. VANESSA KERRY, CEO. Reopienecadne Prinvype prepares ame Preparers signature Date oe Par Paid [ICHAEL HINCHEY [ICHAEL HINCHEY 5/13/14) seenpom [P00451160 rower (Feniseane pp KIRKLAND ALBRECHT & PREDRICKSON, ILC |fimsiny 04-3121085 se only [Firms acsressp 10 FORBES ROAD WEST BRAINTREE, MA 02184 ronsco, 781-356-2000 ‘May the IRS discuss this retum with the preparer shown above? (see instructions) 7 zat 210-12 LA Ror Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the soparate instuctions. Form 990 2012) SEE SCHEDULE O FOR ORGANIZATION MISSIN STATEMENT CONTINUATION 15070513 758665 28027 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027__1 im Service Accomplishments Check SchaceO onlin a responge to any cussion nt Pa ral 7 Biy destin the organizations mission ‘THE MISSION OF SEED GLOBAL HEALTH IS TO INVEST IN SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS TO_STRENGTHEN HEALTH SYSTEMS AND TO EMPOWER_A_NEW GENERATION OF UNITED STATE: IN-COUNTRY HEALTH PROFESSIONALS TO SERVE AS GLOBAL HEALTH EDUCATORS IN COUNTRIES FACING CRITICAL HUMAN HEALTHCARE 2 One rganzatonunorake ary signfca: propa sacs rng tho yea which wort Ised on rr Fem $80 cr 99027 ves GElne 1-Yee- dese thas now earices on Schedule 0. 2 iste igantzaton ete conccting, of make sian changes nhowt cond ny program seve? Cives [Ene \-¥es* desea nae changes on Scheu 4 esrb the organi’ progam sence aocomplstmants or each ots cee largest program ste, as matured by expanses. ‘Section S00) ana S06) xganaaon are requad torpor th acu rar end aoa to cnr, he tal expenes and evan, fy, tr each program servic rated 40 (Coon, ) lespenses $. 652,386. ccnarggamaals ) (Ravan §. 1,491,001.) ‘THE MISSION OF SEED GLOBAL HEALTH IS TO INVEST IN SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS TO STRENGTHEN HEALTH SYSTEMS AND TO EMPOWER _A NEW GENERATION OF UNITED STATES AND IN-COUNTRY HEALTH PROFESSIONALS TO SERVE AS GLOBAL HEALTH EDUCATORS IN COUNTRIES FACING CRITICAL, HEALTHCARE Ri CE SHORTAGES. 4 (cose: Veoeue rovere genset fen y (coon Vseae ‘novanggiaals 1 owns ? “4q_Oiner program services (Describe in Schedule 0) (oromanas evong nets ) Gomes ) -4o_Total prosram service expenses Pe 652,386. For 990 (2012) 19 15070513 758665 28027 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027_1 orm 990 2012), SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45- Part IV | Checklist of Required Schedules 1 Is the organization describad in section 501(¢K3) oF 4947(a(}) other than a private foundation)? 11*¥0s," complete Schedule A 2 Is tho organization requiced to complete Schedule B, Schedule of Contnbutord? 3. Did the organisation engage in direct or indirect poltcal campaign activites on bara of or in opposition to candidates for public ofice? If "Yes," compete Schedule C, Part! : 4 Section 601(¢)@) organizations. Di the organization engage in lobbying activites, orhave a section S0%(h election in effect uring tho tax year? if "Ys," complate Schedule C, Pert i 5 sho erganization a ction 601(¢¥.4), 501(e}5), or 501(¢6) organization that receives membership dues, assessments, oF similar amounts as defined in Revenue Procedure 98-197 I "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part i! 6 Did te organization maintain any donor advises funds or any sila funds or accounts for which donors have the ght to provide advice on the distrution or investment of amounts in such funds or accounts? If Yes," complete Schedule D, Part 7. Did the organization receive or hold a conservation easement, including easements to preserve open space, ‘the enveonment, store land areas, or historic sictures? If *Yas,* completa Schedule O. Part : {8 Did the ganization maintain cofoctions of works of at historical treasures o other similar assets? I "Yes," compete ‘Schedule 0, Part it 9 Did the organization report an amount in Part, kne 21. for escrow or eustogal account Faby. serve asa custodian for ‘amounts not listed in Pat X: or provide cret counseling, debt management, crit repair, or debt negotiation sorvices? Yes," complete Schedute D, Part Vv 10 Did tho organization, sracty oF tough related organization, hold assets n temporenyrestncted endowments. permanent ‘endowments, or quasiendowments? I "Yes," complete Schedule 0, Part V 11 ttthe organization's answar to any ofthe folowing questions is "Yes." then complate Schedule D, Pars Vi, il, I, or ves | No. oe be fe fe be be fe ma as appleable _2 Di the rganzation report an amaunt for and, buildings. and equipment in Part X ine 107 I "Yes," complete Schedule, Part vi soon [ta] Lx 'b ic the organization repont an amount for ivestmants other secures in Pat Kine 12 thats SH oF more ofits total assats roported in Par X. ine 167 if "Yes," complete Schedule , Par Vil sl 1x {© Did the organization report an amount for invesiments - program related in Part X, ne 13 that ie 5% oF more of total assets reported in Par X, tne 167 if *Yes," complete Schedule O, Part Vit ate x {Dis the organzaton capo an amount for other assets in Part X (ne 1S tha is 556 Of more of Ns total assets reported in Pat X, ine 167 if Yes," complete Schedule O, Pat IX wa|_| x ‘© Did the organization report an amount for ather Fables in Part X line 25? I "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part X Ate x 1 Od the organizations separate or consolidated financial statements forthe tax year include &footrote that addeesses tho organization’ ably tor uncertain ax postions under FIN 48 (ASC 740)? i "Yes." complete Schedule D, Part X aw | x ‘12a id te oxganization obtain separate, independent autited financial statements forthe tax year? Mf Yes," complete ‘Schedule D, Parts X1 and Xi sza| X 'b Was the organization includes in consouatod, independant aucitod fnancia statement fr tho tax year? 11 "Yes," andi the orgonization answered "No" fo fine 122, then completing Schedule D, Parts x1 and XI fs optional 1 x 13. Isthe organization a school described in section 170(0X1NANI? if "Yes," complete Schedule E 3 x ‘a Did the organization meintain an office, employees, oF agents ouside ofthe United States? 4a x 'b_Dit the organization hava aggregate revenues or expenses of more than $10,000 fom grantmaking fundraising, business \nvestment, and program sarvice activities ouside the United States, or aggregate foreign investments valued at $100,000 ‘or more? i "Yes," complete Schedule F, Parts (and ap x 16 De the organization report on Part x, cokumn (A, ine 3, mora than $5,000 of grants of assistance to any organization ‘or entity located outsige tha United States? if *Yes," complete SchoduleF, Pars tt and Y 6 x 16 Did the organization report on Part IX, cokuma (in 3, mora than $5,000 of aggregate granis or assistance to indieials located outside the United States? “Yes," complete Schadule F, Puts land IV 1 x 170d the organization report a total of more than $15,000 of expenses for professional tuncrasing services on Par IX ‘column (A). tnos 6 and 1162 If Yes," complete Schedule G, Part? a x 18 Oi¢ the organization report mora than $18,000 total of fundraising event gross income and contributions on Part Vl ines ‘e and Ba? 11 *Y0s," complote Schedule G, Part i! 6 x 19 Dic the organization roport moro than $16,000 0 aross income fom gaming activtis on Part VI, ine 937 I Yes,” complete Schedule G, Part it 0 x ‘20a Oid the organization operate one of more hospital facies? if °Yes," complete Schedule H 209 x lb tf Yes" toling 20a, did the ergarizaton attach a copy of is aucited fhancial statements to his return? 20 Form 990 2012) 20 15070513 758665 28027 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027__: Foun 990 2012, SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 pened [Part iv ] Checklist of Required Schedules fontinsec) a 2 Ey 2a a ‘id the cxganization report more than $5,000 of grants and ether assistance to any government or organization in the Unites States on Past IX, com (A), 12 If Yas," complete Schedule |, Parts Jan the orgarization report more than $5,000 of grants and other assistance to individuals in the United States on Part I, column (A), ne 27 "Yes." complete Schedule |, Parts Vand : Dd the organization answer "Yas" to Part Vl, Section Aline 3,4, or 5 about compensation ofthe organzation’s current ‘and former offcers, directors, trustees, key employees. and highest compensated employees? ifYes,* complete Schecvlo s (10 the organization have a tax-exempt bond issue wah an outstanding principal amount of mere than $100,000 as ofthe last day ofthe year. that was issued ater December 31, 20027 if "Ya," answer ings 240 through 244 and complete Schedule Ki "No*, go 0 ine 25, (ic the organization invest any proceods of taxexempt bonds beyond a temporary period exception? ie the organization maintain an escrow account other tana refunding escrow at any time during the year to detease. any taxexempt bonds? ‘ is the organization act as an “on boha of issuer for bonds outstancing at any tne dung the year? Section 5011¢XS) and 50 (cK) organizations. Did the orgarization engage in an excass benifit transaction with a cisquatied person during the year? If "Ye, completa Schedule L, Part 15 the erganization aware that t engaged in an excess bona transaction wih a disqualified person ina pir year. and {hat the transaction as not been reported on any ofthe organization’ prior Forms G90 or 990 EZ? if "Yes," complete ‘Schedie t, Par) Was a loan to or by a current or form officer, decor, trustee, Key employee, highest compensated employee, of ciquaiio| person outstanding as of the end of the organization's tax year? "Yes," complete Schedule L, Parti id the organization provide a grantor other assistance 1 an officer, rector, trustee, ey employee, substatial Contributor or employee thereot. a grant selection comumttes member, oto @ 35% contol entity 0: family member ‘of any of those persons? i "Ves." complete Schedule L, Pat! [as the organization a pany to a business transaction with one of the folowing pags (2ee Schedule. Part V Instructions ter applicable ing thresholds, conditions, and exceptions Acurtent of former offer, director, trustee, or kay employee? f “Yes.” completo Schedule Part IV ‘A family member ofa current o former eter, ductor, trustee, or key employee? I “Yos," complete Schedule L, Part IV [An nity of which a current or formar officer, director, trustee, oF hey amplayae (ra family member thereof was an office, doctor. trustee, o director indirect owner? If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part IV, (ic the organization receive mare than $25,000 in non-cash contributions? "Yes," complote Schedule M 1 the organization receive contributions of a, historical treasures, or other similar assets, of cual conservation contrbutions? If "Yes," compete Schedule M : (ic the organization quidate terminate or diasolve ana cease operations? Yes." complete Schedule N, Part! Yes] No. 2 x be 2 Be Be ie the organization set, exchange, spose of or Wanstor more than 25% offs ret ascote? “Yes,” compote Schedule N, Part id the organization own 100% of an entity clsregarded as saparate fom the organization under Flaguatons seetions 301.77012 and 301.7701-37 fas.” complate Schedule FE, Part | Was the organization elated to any taxexempt or taxable entity? "Yes," complete Schedule R Part Ill, or, and Part fine 1 (is the organization have a controled entity within the mearing of section S1210K13)? H-Ye8" tone 35a, cia he organization racolve any payment rom or engage in any transaction wath a controled entity within the meaning of section §12(0N3)? 1 "Yes." complete Schedule R, Part V ine 2 ‘Section 801(¢(3) organizations. Dis the organization make any ransters to an exempt nomchantabie elated organization? 11 *¥es,* complete Schedule R, Part Vine 2 id the organization conduct mote than 59 of ts activities through an eniy that is nota elated organization ‘and thats weated as a partnersip for federal income tax purposes? i "Yes," complete Schedule P, Part VI id the organization complete Schedule O and provide explanations in Schedule O for Part Vines 11b and 197 Note. Al Form 990 fers ao required to complote Schedule O is is fpelne foe foe foe oe foci pee be Boe Be Be 21 15070513 758665 28027 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH Form 990 2012) 28027__: 1m 990 2012) RED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 _paeS Part V] Statements Regarding Othor IRS Filings and Tax Compliance [Check # Schedule O contains a response to any question in this Part V oa Yes | No. ‘1a Enter the number reported in Box 3 of Frm 1096, Enter aot appleable 12 bb Entor the numberof Forms W.2G included inne Ya. Enter 0-i not anpicabla tb o «© Dic the organization comply with backup withholding rule for reportable payments to vendors and reportable gaming (ambiing} winnings to prize winners? te 2a Enter tho rumbor of employees report on Form WS, Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statement, fod for the calancar year ending with or within the yoar covered by tis retumn 2a 1 'b vat leas one is reported on ne 2a, cd te organization tle all requited tedorl employment tax columns? 2 x Note. ithe sum of nes 1a and 2a greater than 260, you may be requ to ese (608 instructions) '32Did te organization avo unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or moe during the year? 3a x 'b I1"Yes.* has it fed a Form 990° for this year? "No," prove an explanation in Schedule O 3. ‘4a. At any tie during the calendar year id the organization have an interest in, ofa signature or cthor autor over, a financial account in a foreign country (such as a bank account, securities account, o other financial account)? 40 x 'b Ife." enter the name ofthe foreign country: ‘S00 instructions fr ting requiornents for Form TD F 9022.1, Report Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts ‘5a. Was the organization a party toa prohibited tax shelter transaction at ny time during the tax year? 5a x 'b Did any taxable party notify the organization that it was ori a party to a prohibited tax shar transaction? ‘Sb x €I7Y95, to ine 5a or Sb, ai the ocganiation fle Form 8886.7? Se. {6a Doss the organization have annual ross receipts that are normaly greater tran $100,000, and did the organization sotcit ‘any contrbutions that were not tax deductbie as chartable contributions? ea x bb If°Yes." did the organization include wih avery soleitation an express statement that such contributions a its wore net tax deductible? cs 7. Organizations that moy receive deductible contributions under section 470) ‘2 Oi the organization receive a payment in exces o $75 mae party a5 aconuibuton and pay oe goods and serees provided tote payor? | Za x bb IfYes," id the organization nt the donor ofthe value of the goods or sonics providod? 2 ‘© Cid the organization set, exchange, or otherwise aispase of tangible personal propery for which & was requires to fie Form 8282? te x 4.1 °Ve5" indicate the numberof Forms 8262 fd wing tho year 73. {Did the organization receive any func directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal bene contract? 0 x {1 Did the organization, during the year. pay premiums, directly or indirectly. on a personel beneft contact? a x {the organization received a contribution of qualified intoectal property is the erganzation fie Form 8899 as reqused? | 7a ‘nthe organization recuived a contribution of cars, boats, sirpianes. or other vehicles, ci tha organization file 2 Form 1058-07 [Zh {8 Sponsoring organizations meietaiiag door aevised funds and eection 5093) supporting oreanizatione, Did be supporting cxgariation, a donor advised fund maintained by a sponsaing orgaiation, have excess business noldings 2 any ime dung te year? |_@ 9 Sponsoring organizations maintaining donoc advised funds. ‘2 Did the organization make any taxable cistibutions under section 49667, oy Dic the organization make a dstibution to a donor, donor advisor, related person? : es 40 Section 601(cK7) organizations. Enter: 12. Initiation foes and capital contrbutions included on Part Vil, ne 12 10a 1b Gros receipts, incuded on Form 990, Part Vil ne 12, for pudic use of club facies 105 11 Seotion 80'4¢)(12) organizations, Entor: 12 Grots income from mambers or shareholders ua 1b Gross income from other sources (Do not net amounts due or paid to other sources against “amounts due or ceived trom them) Lu | 122, Section 4947{a)() non-exempt cheritebie trusts ls ho organization fling Farm 950m ou of Ferm 1041? | 120 'b "Vos," onto the amount of taxexomp interest received or accrued during the year 12 13 Section 5071/6429) qualified nonprofit hesith insurance issuers. {2 Is the organization Scensed to issue qualified heath plan in more than ane stata? 190 Note. See the instructions for additional information the organization must report on Seed O. bb Enter the amount of reserves the organization is raquired to maintain bythe states in which the ‘organization is Kconsed to issue quakfed heath plans 130 ce Enter the amount of eserves on hand Lise “Maa Did tho organzation receive any paymonts for indoor tanning services during the ax year? vaa[ 1x b_Hf"Yes" has ited a Form 720 to report these payments? if "No," prove an explanation in Schedule O 140 For 890 (2012), 22 15070513 758665 28027 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027_1 oom 9902012) “SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 _page6 Part Vi | Governance, Management, and Disclosure Far cach "Yer" response (ones 2 trough 7b below. and for toline Ba, 8, or 10D below, describe the crcumstances, processes, or changes in Schedule O, See insuctions Gheck if Schedule O contains a response to any question inthis Part V Section A. Governing Body and Management Yes | No 18 Enter the nurnber of voting member a he governing body at the end ofthe tax year 12 1 Were ae material ferences in voting rights among members o! te governing boo, ori he governing ody dlgatd broad authority tan extcave commit or similar commit, expin in Schedule 0 bEntor the number of vating members included in ine 12, above, who ae independent tb 1 2 Did any officer, cirector, trustee, or key employee havea family relationship or a business relationship with any ather ofcor, tector, trustee, o key employee? 2 x 3 Did te organization delegate contol over management duties custoraily performed by or under the direct supervision of offers, rectors, or trustees or key employees toa management company or other person? 3 x 4 Did tho organization make any sgnficant changes tots governing documents since te prior Form 990 was fled? 4 x 5 Did the organization become aware during the year o @ significant civerion of tho organization's assets? 5 x 6 Dd the organization have members or stockhekiers? 6 x 7a De the organization have members, stockholders, of oer pecsons who had the power to elector appoint one or ‘mere members ofthe governing body? . : ta x 'b Are any governance decisions of the ergenizaion reserved to (or subject te approval by) members, stockholes, oF peraons other than the governing body? x {8 Dic the cxgarizaton contemporaneous document he muelngs ned o: writen actions undertaken Guring te year bythe okowing ‘2 The governing body? ea | X 'b Each commitae wih authority to at on behat ofthe governing boay? |X 9 Is thore any aticer, civetor, tastes, of key amployse sted in Pant Vl, Section A, who cannot be reached atthe ‘organization's maling address? I Yes," provide the names and adorusses in Schedule O 8 x ‘Section B. Policies (This Section B requests information about policies not required by the Intemal Revenue Code} Yes | Ne 10a_Di¢ the organization have local chapters, branches, or atfiates? . joa] | x. 'b I1¥es." did ine cxgantzation nave witten policies and procedures goveming the activi of such chapters, afiaes, and branches to ensure ther operations are consistent withthe organization's exempt purposes? $0 1112 Has tho organization provided a complete copy of this Form 99010 all members ofits goveming body before ming the orm? [43a |X 'b Describe in Schedule © the process, i any, used by the rgarizaton to review this Form 880, 12a, Did the organization have a witten confit of interest policy? If "Ne," go to ine 13 sza| X 'b War officers. dirctors, er wustees, and key employees required to clscose annual ineress iat could ge vise to cons? re X «© Did the organization reguarty and consisontly monitor and erforce compliance with the policy? if "Yes," desenbe in Schedule Ohow this was done vo s20| X 139 Dis the organization nave a wren whistleblower poscy? 8 x 114 id the organization have a vrttn document retention and destruction policy? ni x 15 Did the process for determining compensation ofthe folowing persons include a aviow and approval by indopendent persons, comparability data, and contemporanaous substantiation of the dafbaration and decision? 2 The organization's CEO, Executive Director, oF top management official : ssa| X b Other tices or kay employees of the organization 150 X It "Yes" to line 153 or 15b, descrive the process in Schedule 0 (300 instructions). (ig the organization invest in, contibute assets 10, o: participate in a joint venture or similar avrangement with a taxable entity during the yaar? 169 x bb "Yes," oid the organization follow a witten poscy oF procedure requiing the organization to evaluate ts participation in joint venture arrangements under applicable federal tax law, and take stops to safeguard the organization's exempt status with respect to such arrangements? 16 ‘Section C. Disclosure 17 Ust the states with which a copy ofthis Form 990i required (0 be fled PPMA 18 Section 6104 requires an organization to make ts Forms 1023 or 1024 it appicabe), 980, and 990" (Section SO1(e}@)s onty) avaiable ‘or pubic inspection. indicate how you made those avaiaba. Check all that apply. Clown wonsite Cx] Anciner’s website EX] Upon request [] ornerfaxpian in Sched 0) 19 Describe in Schedule O wheter (and it so, how), the organization made ks governing documents, confict of interest poy, and financial statements available to the public during the tax year. 20 State the name, physical address, and telephone number ofthe person who possesses the books and records of the organization: Be DR. VANESSA KERRY - 617-643-6853 100 CAMBRIDGE STREET, 15TH FLOOR, SUITE 1541A, BOSTON, MA 02114 Poe Form 990 (2012) 23 15070513 758665 28027 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027__1 Form $90 201 SEED. 530640! eT art Vil] Compensation of Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, Highest Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors ‘Chek Schedul O contain a response to ny question inthis Pat Vi fae Section A_Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees ‘a Compl tis able or parsons requéed ob sted. Report componsaton fhe calendar yer encing with win the expanato's x yea. ' List ll of te organization current officers, directors trustees (whether ndviduals or organization}, regardless of amount of compensation, ner 0 a cous (8), ana (fo compensation was pak st al othe organization's current key employees, any. Soe insrvctions for dotiton of “kay employes.” © List the organizations fie curtent highest compensaed employees (oar an an ocr, ctr, ste, o key employee) who recived ceptable ‘campensation (Box Sof Form W-2 anda: Box 7 of Fm Y0SS-MISC) of more han $100.00 ram ne ergancaion and any veated oganabens, * List al ofthe organization's former offers, key employees, nd highest compansated employees who racavad more than $100,000 ot reportable compansation from the o«ganizatin and any related organizations. “© List al ofthe organization’ former directors or trustees that recoived inthe capaciy a a former dkector or trustee of the organization, ‘more than $10,000 of raportabie compensation from the organization and any related organizations, st persons nthe flowing order: inva wstees rector: ntiutons tates offers ay emplyses highest companied employees: and former such persons. [3] creck tnis box it neither the organization nor any related organization compensated any current officer, directo, or twstae, w ® © o © ® Nana a Tt 050 | anal cnn | Revorabla | Reporaba | estimate rounper |Sesucrteretc | conpansaten | compensation | anountct ‘week ‘com tom‘aaied | ater eateny the grcatine | compensation ows oe cxgenzaton | qwarosomiso) | “tom the vastes wanoverasc) ercensaton setts ra ated alow erpareatone ne QL) JOR R, DREXEL 1.00 RGSLOBET_cHATRNA! x| [x 9. o. 9. (2) CHARLENE ENGELHARD 3.00 ‘TRUSTER x 0.| 0. * (GQ) DR, PAUL FARMER 1.00 ‘TRUSTEE. Xx 0. 0. oO. (4) DR, VANESSA KERRY 30,00 ceo x x 9. 0. Q. (5) THOMAS PRY 5.00 ‘TRUSTEE. x 0. 0. oO. (6) JOBL LAMSTEIN 5.00 ‘TRUSTEE. x 0. 0. oO. (7) 8, PaTaHRGH WiLL 500 ‘TRUSTEE. x 0 0.| o. (Ss) Lten sonnara Loo ‘TRUSTEE x 0. 0. oO. (3) AAR WTTETARE T05 TRUSTEE x 0. 0.) oO. (20) ELIZABETH WILLIAMS 1.00 ‘TRUSTEE x 0. 0. Q. ‘732007 12-10-12 Form 990 (2012) 24 15070513 758665 28027 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027__° Fom 290 2012) SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 Pag Part Vill section A. Officers, Deectors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated E (continue “ ®) © ©) © “ Name aac tle verge | 2M ng | Reportable Reportable | Estimated brouser | i'Siresenonsteran| compensation | compensation | amount of wwook | shores ceca ‘com ‘rom relates ther getany Te te crganizatons | compensation hours for ly crgarzaion | w2sto9eMisc) | ~ trom ine voated e/a) | IE] | ovenoainnccy expunzzson Potmow ata] aE vosnsaton woo EU IRIEUTLE a 1b Sub-totol z > 0. O. o. € Total om continuation sheets 4 Part Vil, Section A > 0. 0. 0. Total dines and te) > 0. 0. 0. 2 Total numba of ndivicuals (netusng but not brited 0 thoae kate above) who received mare tan $100,000 of reportable compensallon tom the erganizaton D> 1 Yes] No. 3 Dis he organization it any former oficor, director, or rust, kay employee, orhighest compensated empoye0 on nw 122 1 "Yas," comolte Schedule Jor suc incso x 4 For anyincivival sted on ne Yai the sum of pone compansation and other compensation rom the organization and lated oxgarizatons greater than $180,000? I "Yes, complete Schedue Jor Sch inci 4 x '5 Did any person fisted on ina ta receive o acc compensation rom any uvaated organization or ind for services ——ttnidered to the organization? if “ves," complete Schedule J for such person a ‘Seetion B. Independent Contactors 11 Complete this table fr your five highest compensated indopendent contractors that recsived more than $100,000 of compensalion from the organization, Report. tion lor the calondor year ening with or within the orgaizaton’s tx year “) @) © ‘Namo and business asdress NONE Oeserition of services Compensation 2 _Tetal numberof indopendont contactors (ncliding but aot leited to those sted above) who received more than | {$100,000 of compensation om the organization D> 9 ae Form 990 2072) 25 15070513 758665 28027 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027_1 RED GLOBAL HEALTH gor anv ‘Statemont of Revenue Check i Schedule O contains a response to any question inthis Part Vi 45-3064098 paged O Cy Total revenue ©, evant dcuged om tax unger See [and Other Siar Amounts Federated campaigns ia Membership dues 1b Fundraising events 1 Related organizations ri Goverment grants (contioutions) [1 50,626. ‘Al ther contributions its, pans, and -siniar amounts not incuded above... Lat 414,422.) “Total. Ads ings 1311 > 965,048. usiness Codel fam Service |Conibutions, Gitte, Grant Pee ‘Alather program service revenue Total Add ines 2424 ‘nvestment income (neluing Gividends, interest, and other similar amounts) income from investment of tax-exempt Bond proceeds Royatios 953. 953. Rea 62 Gross ents Other Revenue Less: rental expenses: Rentalincome or fs) Net rental income or oss) Gross amount ftom sates of [/@ Securities | _ Gy Other ‘sta other than inventory Lose: cost or other basis and sales expencos Gain or fos) Net gain or goss) {Gross income from funcrasing evens (aot including § ot contributions reported on ine Ye). Soo Part ne 18 2 Less: dict expenses > Not income o oss) rom fundraising events Gross income trom gaming actvtis. See Part NV, no 19 a Less: diact expensos ol Nat income or oss) rom gaming activities Gross sales of ivontory, lees returns ‘and abowances | Less: cost of goods sola ol Nat income o oss) trom sales of invntory > Miscolaneous Revenue Jeusinoss Coca] Aiother revenue Total. Add ines 110-136 seog{t2 Tot sovonue, See instructions > > 966,001 on 953. 15070513 758665 28027 26 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH Fer 990 (2012) 28027__- EED_GLOB: Fou 1 Part IX | Statement of Functional Expenses. ‘Seaton 501) and 50%(eX4) rpanizations must compere al columns. Al ther organizations must compkie calm (A) (Check if Schedule O contains a respons toa question in this Pat x ‘Do nat include amounts reported on lines &b, 7b, 8, 9, and 10b of Part Vi al Total depenoes| Program snico ‘poses Management ane ener perso 1 Gants an cine asitance to governmens and ‘rgaizaons inthe United Sates. See Part, ine 21 2. Grants and other assistance to indiviguals in tho United States. See Part ne 22 8. Grants and other assistance to governments, ‘organizations, and individuals ovtsie the United States, Sve Part Vines 15 and 16 4 Benafits paid to or for members 5. Compensation of curant officers, rectors, trustons, and key employees : {8 Compensation nt includes above, to aiseuated e'sons (as dained under secon &558()(1) and esos deserved in Seton 4958(¢K18) 7. Otrer salaies ana wages, 8 Pension plan accruals and cont butions (luce ston 401(e and 409() employe contibutions) 9 Other employee benefits 40. Payot aces , 11 Fees for services (non-employees} ‘2 Management b Legal © Accounting 9. Lobbying «© Professional fundraising services See Part, ne 17 { trvestment management feos Other. tine 1fgamcunt exceeds 10% o ne 25, oko (A) aroun, line 11g expenses on Sch 0.) 12 Advertsing and promotion 13 Office expenses 14 Information technology 15. Royaties 16 Occupancy 7 Travel 18 Payments of aval or entertainment exponcos for any fedora, iat, oF leal pubic officials Conferences, conventions, and meetings Interest Payments to atfliates Depreciation, depletion, anc amortization Ineurance Onset expenses. emize exenses nol covered ator. (List mscetanenes expenses atine 242 Hine 2re amount exces 10 of ke 25, column (A) amount tin 240 expenses on Schedule 0) STIPENDS. SRRNBS 127 897, 95,154, 23,627, 9,116. 138 028. 118, 412.| 14,132. 5,484. 265. 1,948. 226. on. 853. 60,074. 6,985. 12 ER 12,473, 136 327. 57,878. 712. 17,737. 13 566. 1,157. 12,409, 942, 2,340, 7,560, a2. 737.| 67,424. 620. 4,753. 229 97. 229,397 | OTHER OVERHEAD COSTS 28 355. 28,355. 18. 602. 18, 602, > ¢ PROGRAM SUPPLIES a ‘Avother expanses Total onctional expenses, Ad nes 1 rough 248 859 502. 652, 386,| 107,099. 100,017. ean. Como tis ne ony ire crganiaon ‘eared exe (8) ot costs ton combined ‘exons campign and nding sotaion creams [ liginen sor 0 0s6302 15070513 758665 28027 27 2012-05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH Form 990 (2072) 28027_ 1 xm 990 (2012), BED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 Pago 11 Part X [Balance Sheet ‘Check if Schedule O contains a response to any question in this Pant X ite «) @ Beginning of year End otyear 7 Gash: nonintorestbearng 223,598.[ 7 1,030,071. 2 Savings and temporary cash imvestnents 2 9 Pledges and grants receivable, net 3 44 Accounts receivable net 10,284.16 314,135. 5 Loans and other recowables irom curent and former etcers, director, ‘nustees, key employees, and highest compensated emaloyees. Compete Pan tof Schedule {6 Loans and othr receivabes tom other disqualified persons (as defined undor ‘section 495et\), persons described in section 4858(3)6), and contibuing ‘employers and sponsoring organization of secon 501(cH9) voluntary «employees beneficiary organizations (se Inst). Compote Far ot Seh 8 3 7 Notes and ioans receivable, net 7 B | © inventories fr sae or use 2 8 Prepaid expenses and daferad charges 2 108 Land, bukings, and equipment: cost or other basis. Complete Par VI of Schedule D 108 bb Less: accumulated deprecation 10 100 11° Investments - pubtcy traded secuties [as | 12 Investments other securtos. See Part. kw 11 2 12 Investments -propramaiated. Soe Part V, be 13 a 14 Imangtow assets 16 16 Othorassas. Soe Part IV, ine 11 15 16 Total assets, Add ines 1 through 15 (must equal ne 34 233,862.[ | 1,344,206. 17 Accounts payable and accrued expanses 20,065,117 23,890. 18 Grants payabo rm 19 Detored revenue 0 20 Taxexempt bond abies 20 21 Escrow or custodial account lability, Complete Part IV of Schedule O 21 22 Loans and other payabestocurent anc Tormerofcors, deactrs, sows, ey employees. highest compensated employees, and disqualified person. ‘Complete Par I of Schedule L 2 ‘22 Secured mortgages ana notes payable to unrelated thd parties 2 24 Unsecured notes and leans payable to unrelated third pares 24 25 Other fabitties Gackaing federal income tax, payables to related Hird pares. and other labities not included on ines 17:28). Complate Pad X of Schedule 0 ‘ 2s 28 _Totallsbilties, Adc ines 17 woah 25, 20, 065.1 26 23,890. ‘Organizations that follow SFAS 117 (ASC 958), check here [XJ and | complete tines 27 through 29, and tines 33 and. 3. B | 27 Unwsricid nat assets 213,817.| 27 986,925. 4B | 20 Temporary resticted net assets [28 333,391. § | 29 Peemanenty restricted not assets 20 | Oraonizatons thot do not flow SFAS 117 (ASC 958), check here ®L—) % | __andcomplete tines 30 trough 34 2 | 20 Capita stock or ts principal, or current funds 0 B [51 Peidinorcaptal suratus, or and builging. or equipment kind 3 4 | 52 Fetensa cersngs, endowment accumuatac income, o oer fonds a 33. Totalnet assets o und balances 213,817.| 3 | 1,320,316. 24 Total abies and net assotsiund balancs 233,882.) | 1,344,206. Form 990 (2012) 28 15070513 758665 28027 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 280271 Fon 990) ‘Reconciliation of Net Assets Choc fSchedute © contains a response to any question in this Pan XL o 11 Tota revonue must equal Par Vil, clumn (ne 12) 4 1,966,001. 2 Tota expenses (rust equal Part X column ine 25) z 859,502. 3 Revenue less expenses. Subtract ne 2 from tne 1 3 1,106,499. 44 Net assets or ind balances at bagining of year mst equal Par X, tne 83, cotuma (9) 4 213,817. 15 Neturveaized gains fosss) on ivestmants i 5 6 Donated senices and use of facies 6 7 Investment expenses z 8 Por period adiustmants 6 Other changos ia nat asets or nd balances (enplas in Schecul 0) 8 o 10 Net assets or fund balances at end of year. Combine ings 3 through 9 (must equal Pat X. ne 3, column (6) so|__1,320,316. Part Xil| Financial Statements and Reporting _Chack if Schedule O contains a response to any question in this Pant Xit Gd Yes] No 1 Accounting method used to prepare the Form 980: [cash [X] Accrual [TJ other tthe organization changed ts method of accounting om a prior year or checked “Oth,” explain in Schedule O, ‘2a Were the organiation’s financial statements compiled or reviewed by anindopendent accountant? 2a x Ves." check a box below to ineScate whether the firancial statements forthe yar wero compli oF reviewed on a pparate basis, consolidated bass, or both: Separate basis [_] Consoldatea basis [] Botn consoiidated and separate basis 1b Ware the organization’ tnanciastatomants aucied by an independent accountant? 2o| x. 1=¥es," check a box below to ingicate whether the iranctal statements forthe year were audited on a separate basis, consolidated bass, or bot: CX] Separate basis — (“] Consolidated basis — [_] Both consolidated end separate basis Hes" tone 2a or 2b, does the orgarizaton have a Comite that assumes responsibilty for oversight ofthe au, review. or compilation of i's Francia statements and selection ofan independant accountant? ze| x the organization changed either ts oversight process or selection process during the tax yea, explain in Schedule O, 3a. Asa resut of federal award. was the organization required to undergo an audit or audits asset frth in the Singh Audit ‘Act and OMB Circular A135? sol x bb i1°Yes id tho organaation undergo the raquied aucit or audi? I the organzation did not undergo the required aude ot audits, explain why in Schedule O and describe any stops taken to undergo such audits sol x. Form 990 2012) 29 15070513 758665 28027 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 280271 SCHEDULE A 5 : : oo ne ses 0007 eaaae ener Public Charity Status and Public Support [ 2012 — Complete it the organization is 2 section 50%(¢K3) organization or a section net ary 4947(9X1) nonexempt charitable Wust. pen to Public sien San [> Attach to Form 890 or Form 880-£2. > See separate instructions inspection Name of the ergsnization Employer identincation number [Part EI TH 45-3064098 SON Tor Palle ChaPhy States tap Gn Ta GTS a Ses “The organization is not private foundation because iis: (Fo ines 1 rough 11, check onty one Box) 20 7c «OJ feSttHE «OO 7O sf] oi) ‘Aciurch, convention of churches, or association of churches described In ection 17O(0K AKI. ‘A school deserved in section 170(0K KAKI. Attach Schedule) ‘Ahospital or cooperative hospital service organization described in exction 17O(EX KAM. ‘A mecical research organization operated in conjunction with a hospital described in section *7O{bX INARI Enter the hospita's namo, city, and state: ‘An organization operated forthe banat of a colege or uriveraity owned or oparaieg by a governmental ut eserbed in ‘ection 170(0H AKI. (Complete Part) ‘A toderal, state, or ocal government or governmental unit described in ection 1701BK AX). ‘An organization that normally receives a substantial pat ofits suppor from a governmental unto from the ganeral pubic described in section 170(0K KAKA). (Compote Part I} ‘A comunity st described in eection T70(ON KAN. (Complete Patt) ‘An organization that normaly receives (3) more than 23 1/9% of ts suppor from contutions, mombership fees, and gross races trom _actnviies related to ts exempt functions. subject to certain exceptions, and (2) ne mere tnan 33 1/9% of ts Euppent fom gross wvestment income and unreiatad business taxable income (ss section $11 tax) frm businesses acquied by the organization aftr tune 20,1975. See section 509{a).2). (Complete Pat I) 10 [J Anoiganization organized and operated exclusively to test fo public selety, See section SOO{ay4). 11 71 Anorganization oanized and opersted exctusively forthe benefit of, to perform the functions of, o to carryout the purposes of one or Sees ee ean eee monesae Tete ctopes eopsayeoms cette ea tea aL typer LJ typo cL] typo m- Funetionaty integrator dL] type m- Non-tunctionally integrated ¢() 85 checking this box, I certify thatthe organization isnot controlled directly or indirectly by one or more disqualified persons other than ee cor ncn comeceg neem nec nian ae ae tetera termes ae nets ‘supporting organization, check this box: oO So fee tener ne a geen ee Sees eee f oeecsmtemenie| Saco ce eterno (i) Name of su ii) EN oF iv} ts the organization] (v) Did you notify the | (vi) the (vi ane ongiawom | Teams Puram teow pelt aa” Leases ollie] aera FO va Senemartena aaa ona eras otter Palbersae 30 15070513 758665 28027 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027__1 port Schedule for Organizations Described in Sections TON TNANIW) and T7O(b/CTNANW) (Complte only it you checked the box on tne 5,7, of 8 of Part |r the organization fled to qualty undor Pa Il. the organization fais to quatly undor the tess iste below, please complate Patil) ‘A Public Support (Cotendar year (or iscal year io} > [tay 2008 (32008 16) 2030 (2017 (e201 inTota 1 Gis, grants, contibutons, and membership fes received, (00 rot include any “unusual grants") 2 Tax rovenugs loved forthe organ iaation's banat and ether paid to orexpended on ts behatt 2 The vals of services or facilis fumeshed by a govemmental unt to the oganization without charge 4 Total Ads lines 1 through 3 '& The portion of total contributions bby each person (thor than a ‘govemmenta unt or publy ‘supported oxganization includes ‘nine 7 that exceeds 236 of the ‘amount shown on tine 11, colin 8 te Section B. Total Support Calendar year (or fica! year beginning ia) [_—_{o) 2008 (oy2009 (2010 (2017 e202 oat 7 Amounts trom ine 4 18 Gross income from intr hicend's, payments recsived on securities loans, rents. royatios and income trom similar sources 9 Net income trom unrelated business activities, whether or not the businessis regulary caries on 10 Otner incomes. Oo net neue gain ‘ross fom tho sae of capital _assots (Explain in Part V) 11. Toto! support. Add ines 7 thaugh 10 12 Gross receipts from related activites, et (660 Instructions) 2 49. Firat five years. Ihe Focm 960 forthe organization's ist, second, third, fourth, or fith tax year a8 a eaction SOME) ‘o1garization, check this box jon C. Computation ic Support Percentage "4 Pube support percentage for 2072 (ine 6, column (divided by ne 11, colran() 4 % 15 Puble support percentage trom 2011 Schedule A, Part Iino 14 16 % 16a 53 119% support test - 2012. I the organization dd not chock the box on ine 13, and ino 141s 33 175% or more, check this box and ‘stop here, The organization qualifies as a pubscly supported organization oO 1b 33 173% support test - 2011 the organization did not check a box on Ene 13 or 16a, and lina 151633 1/3% oF move, check hs Box {and stop here. The organization quails as a pubfcly supported organization . > {17a 40% -tacts-and-circumatances test - 2012. If the organization did nat check a box on kine 19,162. or16b, anc line 14s 10% or move, and the organization meets the “tacts anc excumstances" test, check this Box and stop here. Explain in Pat 'V how the organization ‘meets the “facts-and-cicumstances” test. The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization -O bb 10% -facte-and-cioumstances test - 2011. Ifthe organization dd not check a box on no 13, 163, 16b, or 17a, ane tne 158 10% or ‘more, and the organization meats the “acts and czcumstances" test, check thls box and top here. Explain in Part V how the ‘ganization meets the “facts and.crcumstances" test, The organization quales as a publicly supported organization > 1B_ Private foundation the ocgarization id not check a box on ine 13, 163, 16b, 17a, oF 17b, check this box and soe Instuctions: ‘Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-E2) 2012 31 15070513 758665 28027 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027__1 edule A (Form £90 o 800-67) 2012 SEED. EALTH 45-3064 feet jupport for Organizations Described in Section {Complete only it you checked the box on tine 9 of Part lor ifthe organization fae to quality under Pat. the organization fats to _qualty under the tests listed below, lease compiete Parti Section A. Public Support Calendar yea (or cal yer begina > [__ a) 2008 6). 2008 (12010 (azo 1ey2012 (Toa 1 Git, grants, contrbutons, and membership foes received. (Do not Include any “unusual grants") 372,384.| 1490048.| 1862432. 2. Gross receipts from admissions, ‘marchandsge Sok er earvices pe: formed, o facies tumshed any activity thats related tothe cxganizaton’s tax-exempt purpose 38 Gross recoipts trom activtios thet 279 not an unteates trade or Bus inass under section $13 4 Texrovenues loving forthe organ laaton’s banat and akher pak to ‘or expended on its behalf 5 The valve of services or facie fumished by a governmental uit to the organization watnout charge 8 Total. Add nes 1 through 5 372,384.| 1490048 .| 1862432. 778 Amounts included on ines 1,2, and 3 roceived trom dequatied persons oO. La anc cd ne 2 3 ‘tenet gene $8.00 0 ce 5,000. 5,000. ‘Add logs Ta and 7 5,000 5,000. 8. Public suppor enact 1857432. Section B. Total Support ‘Calendar year (or sal year beginning in) | __(a} 2008. 1p) 2008) e200 (62011 (e)2012 (a Total 9 Amounts from tne § 372,384.[ 1490048.| 1862432. +108 Gross income rom interes, ‘duidends. peymonts received on ‘Secures loans, rons, royaiies land income trom similar touress 953. 953. b United busines able income (less secon 511 es) rom businesses acquired ates June 0, 1975 © Add lines 108 and 100 953, 953. 118 Net income tom uncobied business actnvties not included i ine 100, ‘whether or notte business i regulary cariea on 32 Other income, De nat nciede gin ‘toss from the sala of canal assats (Explain in Part 1) ¥8 Total suppon, sina 9%, 1.0082) 372,384.) 1491001.| 1863385. 14. Fiet five years If the Form 960 forthe Oganizalon’s fst, soca, td, fourth, or fih tax yaar asa section 601(¢)9) organization, check this box 2nd stop here ‘Section C. Computation of Public Support Percentage pe 15. Public support percentage for 2072 (ine 8, column (vided by tine 13, column (9) 6 % 16. Public suppor percentage trom 2011 Schedule A, Part Se 35. 16 % ‘Section D. Computation of Investment Income Percentage 17 avestmant income porcontage fr 2012 fine 70e, cata (divided by Fae 13, eokin (0), a % 16 lavestment income parcentage from 2011 Schedule A, Part I, ine 17, we % 1182.83 179% support tests - 2012 Ifthe organization didnot check the box on tne 14, ane ine 15 6 move than 33 1/96, and line 17 8 not ‘more than 93 1/956. check this box and stop here. The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization -O 39 1/0% support tests - 2011. Ihe oxganization did not check @ box on fine 14 fine 198, and fine 16 is more than 39 7/3%, ans nat more than $3 1/396, check this box and stop here. The crganization qualifies as 2 publicly supported organization -O Ifthe organization ois not check a Box online 34, 15070513 758665 28027 32 2k this box and ‘Schedule A (Form 990 or 890-EZ) 2012 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027__1 ‘Schedule A Form 990 or 99067 2012 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 Page [Part IV] Supplemé Informat ‘Compito this par to provide the explanations required by Part I. ne 10; Pat lino 17a or 17: ‘and Par Il. ing 12, Also complate this part for any adciiona information, (See instructions) DURING 2012 SEPTEMBER 30. THE ORGANIZATION CHANGED ITS PISCAL YEAR FROM DECEMBER 31 TO 15070513 758665 ‘Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-E2) 2012 33 28027 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027_1 SCHEDULE D Supplemental Financial Statements | —-Sg se eel — (Form 260) > Complete the organization enswered Yes," o Form 800, 2012 Part, ine 6, 7,8, 9, 10,11, Hb, 116, 14 Ho, 1, 129, o 125 Open to Public ‘Selene Ib Attach to Form 000, B See seperate instructions. Inapection Name ofthe organization “Employer identification number [Fast] rgantantions Biptalnice pon a tated Funds or Other Similar Funds or Accounis ors Part] Organizations Maintaining Donor Advised Funds or Other Similar Funds or Accounts.Compiete ifthe organization answored "Yes" to Form $90, Part. ne 6. eyDonor aavsed nde {) Funds and other accounts Total number at end of year ‘Aggregate contributions to (¢uring yean ‘Aggregate grants trom (during year) ‘Aggregate value at end of year id the organization inform a donors and conor advisors in wing thatthe assets held in donor advised funds _ar0 th organization's property, subject tothe organization's exciusive legal control? Clves (Jno 18 Did the organization inform al grantees, donors, and donor advisors in writing that grant funds can be used only {or charitable purposes and not fo the benef ofthe donor or donor advisor, o for any other purpose contering Part ll_ | Consorvation Easements. Complete it the oyganizaton answered "Yes" to Form 990, Par IV. ine 7. 1 Purpose(s) of conservation easements held by the organization (check al that apply). CJ Preservation of and tor pubic use ration or ecucation) — [_] Preservation of an historcaty important land area {F Protection ot natural nabitat Preservation of a certtied historic structure Preservation of open space 2 Complete tings 2a through 2¢ if the oxganization held a qualified conservation contribution in the form of a conservation easement on the last day ofthe tax year, eld at the End ofthe Tax Year ‘9 Total numberof conservation easements... 2 bb Tota acreage restcted by consorvation easements [a ce Number of conservation easements ona certified historic structure inckided i (2) 4 Number of consorvation easements included inc) acquired after 8/17/06, and not on ahistonc structure Stein the National Ragister 24 3. Number of conservation easements modified transfered, elgasad, extinguished, or terminated by sn erganation during ho tax year 4 Number of states where property subject to conservation easement is located Be ‘5 oes the organization have a wstten policy regarding the periodic monitoring. inspection, handling of violations, and enforcement ofthe conservation easements it holds? : Doves Cine {6 Staff and volunteer hours devoted to monitoring, nspecting, and enforcing conservation easements during the year > 17 Amount of expenses incured in monitoring, inspecting, and enforcing conservation easaments duting the yoar '8 00s each conservation easement reported on ine 2) above satity tne requirements of saction 17OMN4KE} and section *7OMNAVENA? Cres Co ‘9 In Par XI, daserbe how the organization repos conservation easements in ts revenue and expense statement, and balance sheet, and include, it applicable, the taxt ofthe footnote tothe organization's nancial statements that dascribes he organization's accountng for Part Ill] Organizations Maintaining Collections of Art, Historical Treasures, or Other Similar Assets. ‘Complete ithe orgarizaton answered “Yas” to Form 990, Par, ino 18 Ifthe organization elected, as permitted under SFAS 116 (ASC 958), not to repor ints revanve statement and balance shest works ofa histodcal treasures, or other similar assets held for puble exhibition, education, or research in furtherance of public service, provide, in Pant XI, ‘the text ofthe footnote to its fancia statements that dascrbes these toms. bb tthe organization elected, as permitted under SFAS 116 (ASC 958), to repor ints revenue statement and balance sheet works of ar historical ‘weasures oF other similar asses helé for publc exhibition, education, or rasearch In furtherance of public serace, prove the following arounts ‘lating to these tems: (i) Revenues inced in Form 990, Part Vl ine 1 ms (i) Assos includ in Form 990, Part X ps 2 Mthe organizaton ‘ecsivad or held works ofan historical regsures, of ether smiar assets foc hnancial gan, provide {the folowing amounts requirad tobe roportd undor SFAS 116 (ASC 958) lating te those tems ‘2 Reveruos inchuded in Form 900, Pat Vil tn 1 ms 'b Assets inckiced in Foun 990, Part X ps LAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 890. ‘Schedule D (Form 960) 2012 34 15070513 758665 28027 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 280271 ue fom 99012012 __SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 Page2 Part | Organizations Maintaining Collections of Art, Historical Treasures, or Other Similar Assetscontived) ‘3 Using the organization's acquision, accession, and other records check any ofthe folowing that area significant use o te collection Roms (check at hat apo a [1 Patic estitition 6 bean or exchange programs b LJ schoiaty research e Conner, ¢ [Preservation or ature generations 4 Provide a descrotion ofthe organization's collections and expan Row thay futher the organization's exempt purpose in Patil 5 Dutng tne year, dt organization slit or ecelve donation of isto treasures, or other srl aasats tobe told io aig funds rather than to be maintained 25 part of ho orgorization’s colection? [ves Ino Part IV] Escrow and Custodial Arrangements. Compitei the erganzation answored “Yes” to Form 990, Part Vine 9 reported an amount on Form 960, Pant Xe 21 7a Ts the organization an agent, tstes, custodian or ater intermadiary fo contovions orator aasele not lids ‘on Form 890, Part X? : Cves (Ino 'b 11-¥08." expan te arangomen! in Part Xl and compote the folowing tabe ‘Amount ‘© Baginning balance «d_Adchions during the year €Distrowtions curing the year 1 Ending balance 2 b id the organization include an amount on Fm 960, Par Xe 21? Yes No "Ves," explain th arangement in Pat XIl_Gheck here i the exolanaion hss been povided is Part Xi fe) [Part V [Endowment Funds. competi te organization answored "Yes" to Form 900, Par Iv ino 10. a) Curent year | (b) Prior year | te) Iwo ears back [ey Tsee years bak] (o) Four years back 13 Boginning of year balance Contabtions Nt investment earings, gains, ana losses Grants oF scholarships ‘Othar expenditures for facies ‘and programs Administrative expanses @ End of yoar balance 2 Provide the estimated percentage of the curent year end balance fine 1g. column (a held as ‘9 Board cosignated or quasiendowment Pe % Permanent endowment Pe * ‘© Temporalyresticted endowment De * ‘Tne percentages in lines 22,2, and 26 should equal 100% 3a_ Ao there endowrrent funds not inthe possession ofthe organization that are held and administred fr the ergarization oy (@ unvaated organdations (i) roated organizations 'b If *¥0s" to Sai, re the related ergarizationa lated as required on Schedule 7 4 Describe in Par Xt he intended uses of the organizations endowment funds. Part Vi_[Land, Buildings, and Equipment. See Fo $90, Pat X, ino 10 Description of propery {a Cost orotner | (@) Cost oroimer | (e)Accumciated | (6) Book vane basis investment) | basis (other ‘depreciation te Lana b Buldings (© Leasehols improvements 14 Equipment 2 Oh ‘did Fags 1a vou 1 Pan ne 1 Oe ‘Schedule D (Form 980) 2012 35 15070513 758665 28027 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027. 1 Schecule 0. BAL HEALTH 3 Part Vil Investments = Other Securities. seo Fon 90, anima, (2) Desernvon of security 0 CBEGOTY wewenerarecteenren | (b) Book vaio (Financial decvatives (2), Closelyheld ouity interests 18) Other 4 7 [ej Method of vation’ Coat or end ofyear market vale i rm “Total. (Got (st equal Frm 990, Pat X, col (8) ne 1 Part Vill| investments - Program Related. (2) Deserpiion of vastment type Form 990, Par X, ne 15, (8) Book value [e) Method of vaation: Cost or endoiyear marke value B i f a ott (Go (0) ust equal Form 990, Part, co 6) te 13) Part IX| Other Assets. Soo Form 990, Pan x ne 15, (a) Descrpiion Part X | Othor Lit 4 al Form 990, Part X, ol (8) in 15 ilies. Soo Form 390, Part, ine 25. (a) Description of tabaty Fedoralicome taxes Beak ave a a m Tova ust equal Form 890, Part, col. (6) ine 25 2. FIN (ASC 740} Footnote. In Part Xl, provide the texto the footnote to the oigarizaton’s franca saloments that reports the orgarizaton’s Jatt for uncertain tax postions under FIN 48 ASC 740) Check hers ithe text of the footnote has been provided in Part XML ‘Schedule D (Form 990) 2012 2h . 15070513 758665 28027 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027__: ue. 0 Form 990)2012_SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 Page 4 Part XI_| Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements With Revenue per Retum + Total everue, gine, and other support per audited financial statements 1 | 2,159,795. 2. Amounts inetsced on too 1 but not on Form 990, Part Vl ing 12: ‘2 Not urveaized gains on investments 1b Donated senices and us of facies © Recoveries of prior year grants ‘ 193,734, BREF Other (Describein Paxil) Aid His 2a th0UGh 2d 20 193,794. 2 Subtract Ine 2¢ frm ine 4 woe [S31 1,966,001. 4 Amounts included on Form 990, Part Vil, ine 12, but not one ‘2 lnvestmant expenses not included on Form 980, Part Vil no 7 1 Oiher (Describe in Par Xi) (© Add ines aa and ab ae 9 Toual ‘must equal Form $90, Part ine 12) s | 1,966,001 Part Xil| Reconciiation of Expenses per Aucited Financial Statements With Expenses par Return 1 Total expenses and tosses per aucited francil statements 1 | 7,053,296. 2 Arrounisincuded on ine # but rot on Form 990, Pat Xe 25) ‘9 Donated services and use of facitios bb Pior year achustmonts € Otherlosses ‘ ee 193,794.) bebr ‘Other (Describe in Part Xt} ‘Ad tines 2a through 2d 9 Sytaet ine 2e trom ine 4 4 Amounts nctudod on Form 990, Part x, tne 25, but not on ine 2 Investment expenses not incuded on Form 990, Part Vl, ine 7o 1 Other Describe in Part XI) © Add nes 4a and 4 o. “Total expenses. Ad¢ lines 3 and 4, (This must equal Form 990, Part | fine 18,) 859,502. [Part Xf Supplemental Information ‘Compote this par to provide the descriptions required for Pat I, inoe 3,5, and 9; Part Wl ines Ta Bnd 4; Par IV, nee 16 and 2b; Pan Vine 4: Part X, ine 2: Par Xi, nes 26 and ¢b; and Part XI, nas 2d and 4b. Aso compte this part to provide any adctiona infomation, PART X, LINE 2: THE ORGANIZATION IS A TAX-EXEMPT ORGANIZATION AS 193,794. 859,502. aS ie |e lo le DESCRIBED IN SECTION 501(C)(3) OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE (‘THE CODE) AND IS_GENERALLY EXEMPT FROM INCOME TAXES PURSUANT TO SECTION 501(A) OF THE CODE. THE ORGANIZATION IS SUBJECT TO FEDERAL AND STATE INCOME TAXES ON UNRELATED BUSINESS INCOME, IF ANY. THE ORGANIZATION ACCOUNTS FOR UNCERTAIN TAX POSITIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH FASB ASC TOPIC INCOME TAXES. THE TOPIC PRESCRIBES A RECOGNITION THRESHOLD AND MEASUREMENT PROCESS FOR PINANCIAL STATEMENT RECOGNITION OF UNCERTAIN TAX POSITIONS TAKEN OR ‘Schedule D (Form 980) 2012 37 15070513 758665 28027 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027__1 Schedule D (Form 990) 201 EED GI S 5. [Part Xill] Supplemental Information continved) EXPECTED TO BE TAKEN IN A TAX RETURN. THE TOPIC ALSO PROVIDES GUIDANCE ON _ DERECOGNITION, CLASSIFICATION, INTEREST AND PENALTIES, ACCOUNTING IN INTERIM PERIODS, DISCLOSURE AND TRANSITION. AT SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 MANAGEM! ELIEVES THAT THE ORGANIZATION HAS NO MATERIAL UNCERTAIN TAX POSITIONS. ‘Schedule D (Form 980) 2012 38 15070513 758665 28027 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH (28027_| ‘SCHEDULE O Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ 3012 — (Form 990 oF 990-EZ) Compete to provide information for responses to specific questions on innit rm b0 or S80 ES oo on fy aot intercon ca — P atoch too 900 OOOEE. Seen eat eee Employer Gntfeaton number |EED GLOBAL HEALTH 45-3064098 FORM 990, PART I, LINE 1, DESCRIPTION OF ORGANIZATION MISSION: TQ EMPOWER A NEW GENERATION OF UNITED STATES HEALTH PROFESSIONALS TO SERVE AS GLOBAL HEALTH EDUCATORS IN Ci IES FACING CRITIC? HEALTHCARE RESOURCE SHORTAGES. THE ORGANIZATION STRIVES TO ACHIEVE ITS MISSION BY INCREASING TEACHING CAPACITY AND CLINICAL PERSONNEL TO LTT ¥_STREN HE MEDICAL, NURSING AND HEALTH EDUCATION SYSTEMS IN_PARTNER COUNTRIES. FORM 990, PART III, LINE 1, DESCRIPTION OF ORGANIZATION MISSION: RESOURCE SHORTAGES. THE ORGANIZATION STRIVES TO ACHIEVE ITS MISSION BY INCREASING TEACHING CAPACITY AND CLINICAL PERSONNEL TO ULTIMATELY STRENGTHEN THE MEDICAL SIN HEALTH EDI SYSTEMS IN PARTNER. COUNTRIES. FORM 990, PART VI, SECTION B, LINE 11; THE FORM 990 IS REVIEWED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. ANY COMMENTS ARE ADDRESSED AND THE FINAL FORM 990 I REDISTRIBUTED TO THE PULL BOARD AND PILED WITH THE IRS. FORM 990, PART VI, SECTION B, LINE 12C: ON AN ANNUAL BASIS, BOARD MEMBERS AND. FP ARE RI 0 PILE WI HE BOARD EMENT DISCLOSING HIS OR HER PERSONAL, BUSI ORGANI: INTER} AFFIL: . WHEN ANY SUCH AFFILIATION BECOMES RELEVANT IN THE MAKING OF ANY BOARD DECISION THE DIRECTOR HAVING THE CONFLICT SHALL CALL IT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE BOARD AND THAT DIRECTOR SHALL NOT VOTE ON THE MATTER AND SHALL NOT USE PERSONAL INFLUENCE. UA For Paperwork leduction Act Notice, see the instructions for Form 090 or 900-EZ. ‘Schedule 0 Form 960 or 990-EZ) (2012) 39 15070513 758665 28027 2012.05080 SEI GLOBAL HEALTH 28027__1 ‘Schedule 0 (Fo1m 990 o1 9907) (2012) Page 2 Namo oft osenaton Employer entifcation umber _____SEEp chopan weapra 45306098 FORM PART VI, SECTION B, LINE 15: GH; RES! 3D COMPARABLE SALARIES FOR Ti CEO AND CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE -ER_BY REVIEWING 990S FOR NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS OF COMPARABLE SIZE AND BUDGETS WITH SIMILAR IONS IN TERMS OF GLOBAL HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND POP! ON IMPACT. GHSC REVIEWED COMPENSATION OF PEERS WITH COMPARABLE PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE TO MAKE SURE THIS WAS A QUALITATIVE AS WELL AS A QUANTITATIVE COMPARISON. FINALLY, WORKING WITH THE HUMAN RESOURCES CONSULTANTS AVAILABLE THROUGH PRO BONO LAWYERS, GHSC CONFIRMED THE VALIDITY OF THE THESE SALARY LEVELS. FORM 990, PART VI, SECTION C, LINE 18: THE ORGANIZATION'S FORM 990 I: AVAILABLE ON THE MASSACHUSETTS ATTORNEY GENERAL'S WEBSITE. FORM 990, PART VI, SECTION C, LINE 19: THE ORGANIZATION MAKES ITS GOVERNING DOCUMENTS, CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY, FORM 990 AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC UPON REQUEST. IN ADDITION, THE ORGANIZATION'S FORM 990 IS AVAILABLE ON THE MASSACHUSETTS ATTORNEY GENERAL'S WEBSITE. FORM 990, PART IX, LINE 11G, OTHER FEES: MARKETING: PROGRAM SERVICE EXPENSES. 57,878. MANAGEMENT AND G! EXPENSES 712. FUNDRAISING EXPENSES 17,737. TOTAL EXPENSES 136,327. TOTAL OTHER FEES ON FORM 990, PART IX, LINE 11G, COL A 136,327. THERE HAVE BEEN N ES_IN THE APPROVAL OR REVIEW PROCESS SINCE THE PREVIOUS YEAR. Hah . ‘Schedule O (Fore 00 or 990-€2) (2012) 15070513 758665 28027 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027. 1 Scnedlo © (Form 980 or 960-62) 2012) Page: "Name of he organization Employer identification number SEED GLOBAL HEALTH A5-3064098_ BaEs ‘Schedule O (Form 990 or 880-EZ) (2012) 15070513 758665 28027 41 2012.05080 SEED GLOBAL HEALTH 28027_ 1

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