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Lidocaine- Anesthetic and

Antiarrhythmic. Vaughn Williams

Class I: Sodium Channel Blocker

Fibrillation, Ventricular
tachycardia, Asthma,
Burns, Raised Intracranial
pressure, RSI, Ventricular
ContraindicationsSensitivity, Bradycardia,
Bleeding Disorders,
Chondrolysis, Impaired
Cardiac Function, Cardiac
Failure, Epilepsy, Severe
Side Effects-Ventricular
Arrhythmias: 50-100 (1.0
-1.5 mg/kg)
Ventricular Fibrillation:
1.0-1.5 mg/kg IV
additional doses of 0.50.75 mg/kg every 5-10
Maximum of 3 mg/kg

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