Elisava PC Dataintelligence

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Smart Data

Big Data
Data Insights


Plataformas mviles

Start date: February.
ECTS Credits:15
Language: Spanish
Degree: Postgraduate Course in Data Intelligence and Design,
degree by ELISAVA Barcelona School of Design and Engineering
Schedule: Monday from 4pm to a 9.15 pm and one Friday a
month from 4pm to 9.15 pm

One of the main raw materials for the work in our century is the
data. The exponential growth of the Internet as a space not only
for the knowledge, but also for trade, services and relations, gives a
wonderful opportunity to understand a lot better our society and its
trends through the real data.
In this context, the Postgraduate Course in Data Intelligence and
Design considers a walk through the opportunities offered by the
data, the design as a starting point to design better from an analytical
perspective, just like providing the students with knowledge for the
correct workflow in the extraction of meaning.

Course leader

Course aims

Philosopher and expert in digital culture. Lecturer at
theAutonomous University of Barcelona and evaluator of EUfunded E-Content programmes.

To offer a practical, applied and multidisciplinary approach to the

student so that he is able to give meaning to the data and use it to
detect and plan a design strategy from an analytical perspective.

Interaction designer and responsible of the Interaction and
graphic design in ELISAVA. Has been a partner in Claro Studio
and Multiplica.

The methodology of the course is built from a learning by doing

approach and is based on the use and adaptation of the available
tools, so that the maths or statistics knowledge needed to apply the
obtained knowledge in the programmes are minimal.

Designer and techaer at ELISAVA (University Pompeu Fabra).
Researcher in visual language, media software, design culture
and ICT.

During the course, the students will obtain a detailed vision of the
methodology necessary in the process of big databases and will
obtain a wide vision of the different opportunities of the data for the
communication design, and the service design, of products, urban
planning and knowledge management.

Aimed at

Competencies to be acquired

Professionals of communication and design, whether of interaction,

graphic, product or interior. Architects, town planners and
other professions related to the urban planning. Engineers and
programmers interested in the practical possibilities of the analyses
of databases. Researchers in social sciences and humanities who
want quantitative tools for their research.

Once the programme is completed, the student will be able to:

Entry Requirements

1) Take a first exam of the data in order to be able to establish any

kind of hypothesis about the relation between two or
more variables.
2) Be able to contrast this hypothesis with an exhaustive analysis of
the data and then be able to establish the reliability
of this hypothesis.

It is advisable to have basic knowledge of programming language.

3) Be able to present these results to a client clearly and accessibly

through a system of visualization of the information.


4) Be able to apply the results in order to improve the communication,

planning and design strategies.


2 - ELISAVA - Postgraduate Course in Data Intelligence and Design

Module 1
Big Data Methodology.
How is the data obtained and processed.
The first part of this module explores the Scrapping and the different
resources to obtain existent data (BBDD open, APls and/or sensors),
just like its peculiarities. The second part of the module describes the
Data Munging process that makes it possible to clean and prepare
the databases to be analyzed.
Module 2
Data Mining.
How is the data analysed in order to discover knowledge.
The first part of this module explores principles and basic concepts
of statistic analysis. In the second part some tools for the data
management are provided and easy programming language is
explored (D3:js, python) to process them. The subject of tools does
not require advanced levels of programming, although being familiar
with the language is needed. The objective of this module is to learn
the methodology to extract knowledge from a database.
Module 3
How to use the obtained knowledge.
Case studies.
This module is based on the testimony of different professionals
of the field that use processes based on the data for design. This
module will deal with improvement and innovation cases in products
and services, adapted communication strategies, analyses of
emergent tendencies, urban planning, Bussines Inteligence, Art,
politics and data journalism.
Module 4
Transversally to the course, the student will implement the acquired
knowledge through a personal design project based on the
processing and analysis of open data.

Graphic and
Masters Degree
Design and Communication
Graphic Design
Packaging Design
Advertising Design and Communication
Design and Art Direction
Design and Internet Web Project Direction
Photography and Design
Media Interactive Design
Postgraduate Diploma
Comic and Illustration
Brands, Core of Communications
Innovating through Brands
Graphic Design Applied to Communication
Graphic Design and Publishing Projects
Packaging Design and Strategy
Graphic and Structural Packaging Design
Design and Communication Strategies
Advertising Design and Creativity
Art Direction
Web Project Management and Design
Design of Network Applications and Services
Course in Apps Design

Bold category members of Elisava Alumni Association enjoy a 15% reduction.

The teaching staff is likely to change according to reasons beyond the course
programme. ELISAVA reserves the right to make changes in programming as
well as the right to suspend the course two weeks before it starts if not reached
the minimum number of participants, without further obligation of the amounts
paid by each participant.
Masters and Postgraduate Degree programmes schedules can be expanded
according to the selected course activities (weekends included).

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