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The Robotics Club is made up of fourth and fifth graders who want to participate in
extracurricular activities. Students attending the weekly Robotics Club meetings are
expected to follow the NEISD Code of Conduct.
Here are a few reminders for the clubs:
Please be punctual. Tardiness will be noted as an unexcused absence. Ten minutes
after the start time of 2:45 will be considered a tardy.
If you need to be absent, please contact Ms. Stone or Mrs. Gauna BEFORE meeting
time. Three unexcused absences will be means for dismissal.
Should you be absent, please bring a note from your parent to the next club meeting
so that the absence may be excused.
Enter the room where the club is to be held in a quiet and orderly manner.

Three late pick-ups will be cause for dismissal.

Always give your best effort and attention.

Maintain passing grades in all classes (required).
Maintain at least an S in conduct (required).
Maintain appropriate behavior at any after school function.

Regarding Late Pickups:

Dismissal time is 3:45 pm. Parents, please do your best to be here on time, if not a few
minutes before. Three (3) late pickups are means for dismissal. This is both for the
sake of your child (They get very upset if they are the last ones there!) and due to our own
personal family and time constraints. Should you encounter an emergency situation,
please call the school and let us know as soon as possible.
Academic / Conduct Probation:
Academics is a priority. All students are required to maintain passing grades in all classes.
Club activities will not conflict with Tutoring Needs. If a child is in need of tutoring, his
membership in the club will be put on hold until tutoring is no longer needed. Club
Sponsors will work closely with your childs homeroom teacher to insure that they are
academically sound. Students are expected to have excellent behavior during the school
days and at meetings. If behavior becomes a problem, it could be grounds for dismissal.
Internet Use / Photographs / Videos:
Due to the nature of the Robotics Club, students need to be able to have access to the
Internet, be photographed, and / or videotaped. We have tremendous opportunities for
your child and during our activities and the Robotics Showcase, students are photographed
and videotaped. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Ms. Stone
via e-mail (
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read and understand the rules & guidelines of the Robotics Club. Signing
below also indicates that my child has permission to be photographed and
videotapes for club purposes.

Student signature:____________________
Parent signature:_____________________

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