Karmayogi Engineering College Heat & Mass Transfer Lab

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Karmayogi Engineering College

Heat & Mass Transfer Lab

List of Experiments ...................................................................................................... i
Acceceries of Experiments .......................................................................................... ii
General Instructions to Students ................................................................................. iii
Experiments on Conduction
Thermal conductivity of Composite Wall
Thermal conductivity of insulating powder
Thermal Conductivity of Metal Rod
Experiments on Convection
Natural Convection
Forced Convection
Experiments on Radiation
Emissivity of test plate
Stefan Boltzman Constant
Experiments on two-phase flow
Critical Heat flux
Experiments on applications of heat transfer
Concentric tube Heat Exchanger
Heat Pipe (Unsteady state heat transfer)

Experiments on Conduction
1. Determination of Thermal conductivity of insulation powder
2. Determination of Thermal conductivity of Composite Wall
3. Determination of Thermal Conductivity of given Metal Rod
Experiments on Convection

Karmayogi Engineering College

Heat & Mass Transfer Lab

4. Determination of heat transfer coefficient of Natural Convection

5. Determination of heat transfer coefficient of Forced Convection.
Experiments on Radiation
6. Determination of Stefan Boltzman Constant
7. Determination of Emissivity of test plate
Experiments on Applications of heat transfer and heat transfer with phase change
8. Determination of effectiveness and overall heat transfer coefficient using Parallel and Counter
flow Heat Exchanger
9. Determination of Critical Heat flux
10. Study of heat pipe and its demonstration

1) Thermal conductivity of Composite Wall
a) 12 channel temperature indicator - 1
b) Voltage indicator - 1
c) Current indicator - 1
d) Dimmer stat (0 to 270V) - 1
e) Thermocouples (0-100 0C) - 8
f) Heater (0 to 500W) - 1
g) MS Plate-2
h) Bakelite Plate -2
i) MDF Board -2

Karmayogi Engineering College

2) Thermal conductivity of insulation powder

a) 12 channel temperature indicator - 1
b) Voltage indicator - 1
c) Current indicator - 1
d) Dimmer stat (0 to 270V) - 1
e) Thermocouples (0-100 0C) - 10
f) Heater (0 to 500W) - 1
g) Copper hollow sphere- 2
3) Thermal Conductivity of Metal Rod
a) 12 channel temperature indicator - 1
b) Voltage indicator - 1
c) Current indicator - 1
d) Dimmer stat (0 to 270V) - 1
e) Thermocouples (0-100 0C) - 11
f) Heater (0 to 500W) - 1
g) Copper metal rod- 1
h) Measuring Jar (1000ml)- 1
i) Stop Watch 1

4) Natural Convection
a) 12 channel temperature indicator - 1
b) Voltage indicator - 1
c) Current indicator - 1
d) Dimmer stat (0 to 270V) - 1
e) Thermocouples (0-100 0C) - 6
f) Heater (0 to 500W) - 1
g) Long pipe -1
5) Forced Convection
a) 12 channel temperature indicator - 1
b) Voltage indicator - 1
c) Current indicator - 1
d) Dimmer stat (0 to 270V) - 1
e) Thermocouples (0-100 0C) - 7
f) Heater (0 to 500W) - 2
g) Blower -1
h) U- Tube Manometer -1
i) Orifice meter -1
j) Valve -1
6) Emissivity of test plate
a) 12 channel temperature indicator - 1
b) Voltage indicator - 1
c) Current indicator - 1
d) Dimmer stat (0 to 270V) - 2
e) Thermocouples (0-100 0C) - 3
f) Heater (0 to 500W) - 2
g) Test Plate -1

Heat & Mass Transfer Lab

Karmayogi Engineering College

Heat & Mass Transfer Lab

h) Black Plate -1

7) Stefan Boltzman Constant

a) 12 channel temperature indicator - 1
b) Thermocouples (0-100 0C) - 5
c) Heater (0 to 1000W) - 1
d) Copper hemisphere 1
e) Timer / Beeper - 1
8) Critical Heat flux
a) Thermometer - 1
b) Voltage indicator - 1
c) Current indicator - 1
d) Heater (0 to 1000W) - 1
e) Beaker (Glass) -1
9) Concentric tube Heat Exchanger
a) 12 channel temperature indicator - 1
b) Thermocouples (0-100 0C) - 4
c) Heater (0 to 2000W) - 1
d) Copper pipe 1
e) MS Pipe -1
f) Plastic Pipes-4
g) Measuring Jar 1
h) Stop Watch (Glass) -1
10) Heat Pipe
a) 12 channel temperature indicator - 1
b) Voltage indicator - 1
c) Current indicator - 1
d) Dimmer stat (0 to 270V) - 1
e) Thermocouples (0-100 0C) - 9
f) Heater (0 to 500W) - 3
g) Water container - 3
h) MS pipe- 1
i) Copper pipe-1
j) Heat pipe -1


1. Dont start any apparatus without any guidelines.
2. Keep the varies to zero voltage position before starting the experiments.
3. Increase voltage slowly.

Karmayogi Engineering College

Heat & Mass Transfer Lab

4. Do not increase voltage above 150 V.

5. Keep all the assembly undisturbed.
6. Operate selector switch of temperature indicator slowly.
7. Operate all the switches and controls gently.
8. Always ensure that the equipment is earthed properly before switching on the supply.
9. Ensure steady state heat transfer before noting down the readings.

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