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Wil and Structurat Design 366 Page 2 of 12 Concrete (308884) PARTA QUESTON A1 [60 MARKS] The plan view of part of a typical floor in an office tower is shown in Figure 1A. The floor is to be a reinforced concrete flat plate with suitable drop panels (not shown) and edge spandre! beam (as shown). The floor carries an imposed load of 4 kPa and a superimposed permanent load of 1 kPa in addition to the self-weight. As shown the column grid spacing is 6 m by 7m ()__ Select a suitable thickness for the floor slab and drop panels which satisfy deflection criteria [15 marks] (b) Design flexural reinforcement for a typical interior design strip in the long span direction. Show the reinforcing arrangement on Figure 1B provided in your examination paper. [30 marks] () Check the adequacy of the slab to prevent punching shear at an at an edge column and specify the spandrel beam reinforcing required: show this on Figure 1B provided in your examination paper. [15 marks] Use f', = 32 MPa, fay = 500 MPa and cover to outer layer of reinforcement = 25 mm. Use N16 bars for the flexural reinforcement and N12 bars for the closed ties. 600 mm L-+| Spandrel (edge) beam 600 wide by 400 deep of panal 3m Figure 1A Centre line Part Ca), nu aAppronimete Sperl(a > Bo-40 - sa large span Fn 7 high loan Comnsevahve Spanla = B80 Cu), a: F000 /380 = Eee 235 Set (Wercase 10 To 25% mm cover + bars 300 may os. 14 dey Ds= 800 + Drop 370 efatt. dep 1G- 2-46, ae, 28m « Cle- Dion, : average OD. torke 2-Sx% 2010? + FROK'3 Fx G * 8/10 mm G@=(2Sx0-3/+/) = S78 kha i @ 4: kta PED oleoppanels yoerenee Pee v bef s 105% 7-75 [ “S00 ¥ tocox B01cm 7% = a deed (2 «B7S+ (0 $4 2x04) Soar. xe a S257 asf A > hef lef esser 24D %00- 6061300 ae Ath Fooo. iat ott eo 266 D> 2eeraee Ely __? “aaa Farman 62 lemm “se 3e0 Os CA. 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Le Zs im wl - tock r > £68 Ge ao Le db > S60 Slencier cok prelim sian e2= 4-003(Fe)= 0:79 10-6 2-S O° O/ a8Sumedt, o> _N* ©-6 Co -FI¥¥0 + Soo * 0:02) bo % 236mm, increase 20% % 3S, go 72 2 @asva © 2 80> 3% OEY OF SOK O'0O/ Aecrecce (0% 8, 0 > 360mm . _ COS CAD Ie Po-B Ag = 0-60 -3x(G00)* x Po St ne OL Galery, Nis Sa 2o Co Aw Mek Specreat Confinement OMS eS) ae) pressure > O pad Le. ve a Spacinr Toma oc ef COD ta)! < R¢omm gb > mm gor the iE 2 ea. Cw bac) | Sie Ws 5737S Soe ae H FO V 348x345’ IZ =o See wns Sa fa Specie Pe aanE TaD os! Confinement areas refer to Sprean Sheet Soclen tk Keo . PMus AB Nusb PM uw nvr 0 P Nu hu rte Ne. é feasts a5 Lene segrren &. F _lutersecten’ of 2 lines & Show Bie = As oc! otecsu:f Gx (Ff SH, Was Conserve Ave Civil and Structural Design 366 Page 11 of 12 End of Semester Examination Concrete (308884) October, 2011 MO DESIGN HANDBOOK FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS Allow fir Slencemess sau tlo% = a a SS H4oo. iss sabe ——__2% As? 42 ar, f each comer eee ia Ast Ase = (GOEm-™ tf Cover = Aamm Tete Ae _ G = 4¥oo-o+ 32/2)2 4O0 Bee = = OF2Q. im a GM« = 2Qasvio® ae 5 Steet 5Q2 4003 ce iz _DBNe _ BO RE2FBD-3 Ast < /%. ss! but 8 ne GO Mncreaoe. BV x IM i tients 2% Kk -eesaeptsen . a ase cann A | Bg | eae 4 — Se ae geo; 3 eee ee © | GaSe = i - geo! vil and Structural Design 366 Page 4 of 12 End of Semester Examination Concrete (308884) October, 2011 QUESTON A2 [60 MARKS] A reinforced concrete square column in the foyer of a hotel building has a clear height of 6000 mm. The column must carry the design ultimate loads of N’ = 300¢ kN and M,'= 225 kNm. The column is bent in single curvature. The building is braced and the fioor systems are all flat slabs 200 mm thick with spandrel beams. The ratio of dead load to total load, g/ (g+a), is 0.6. Design the column. Take f’, = 70 MPa and fy = 500 MPa and cover to the longitudinal steel = 40 mm. Column design charts are provided in the examination paper to assist with sizing and reinforcing ratio however you must construct your own column interaction chart (or relevant part of) for the section and reinforcing arrangement chosen to assess if the column designed is suitable. Construct the chart (or relevant part of) on the graph paper provided. ‘Summarise your design, including longitudinal and lateral reinforcing, and dimensions, in Figure 2 provided in the examination paper: Figure 2 TO BE COMPLETED ~ COLUMN REINFORCING

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