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Republic of the Philippines


College of Business Administration and hospitality Management
Tacurong Campus, Tacurong City


In the film Up in the Air relationships are the topic.The main character in the work place.
His name is Ryan Bingham and his job is corporate downsizing. Ryan travels all over
the country 320 days a year and fires people. Natalie Keener is a young, over
achieving, and very nave woman. She has a plan for the company to save money and
get more work done. Her idea is to start firing people over the internet in a video chat.
Ryan challenges Natalie to get in the trenches with him and see exactly what it is that
he does. Ryan meets a woman his age named Alex and she seems to be the perfect
woman for him.The two get caught up in a love affair and they share some pretty
intimate moments with one another. Natalie decides that the job is too much for her after
someone they fired actually makes good on a suicide threat
As we can see in this movie, a change in the way how the business operations and
activities will be conduct is not easy to implement. It will be a trial and error basis. The
business will conduct an experiment if it is suited for the business and also overcoming
resistance to change can be the hardest part of bringing new technology and strategies,
just like bringing the information system into the business. Many plans may have failed
because managers and employees were not prepared for these changes. We can also
see in this movie that the company Ryan Bingham belongs to, involved with downsizing
the employees of other companies. Downsizing helps to drives down wages but if the
one who will fire the employees will only use an information system through the use of
internet and with the aid computer web cameras, it will lead to low morale of that certain
employee and it will affect them psychologically. Thats why we should use information
system correctly depending upon the purpose and time because technology sometimes
can cause destruction to others if it will not be used with caution. Every path of travel
there is problem facing your business but in final destination the success of your hard
work can win at the end.

Charlyn M. Tabilas

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