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Ali Alshehri
Charlene T. Evans
English 501-01
Tuesday 07/05/2016

Joseph Kony (Invisible Children)

Humanity is not just a word that people pass to each other in their
conversation, but instead it is a profound notion that all people should embrace in
order to live in a peaceful world. Yet, living in a peaceful world seems to be
impossible. In this world, there are good and bad things. So as humans, there are good
and bad people. However, the world has witnessed many bad people in history, but
above all of them there is one man who is the worst. He has been listed the worst
international murderer in the world by the International Criminal Court (ICC), and
that man is Joseph Kony. He is an international criminal and the leader of the Lords
Resistance army in Uganda. In this instance, United Nations must take action to stop
Kony has been accused by government entities in Africa and abroad of being
the mastermind behind the abduction of children to become sex slaves and soldiers in
his illegitimate force (ICC warrant of arrest). It is estimated that almost 66,000
children were forced to become soldiers (Drakard, March 29, 2010). His acts have
also caused internal displacement and suffering. From 1986 up until about 2009, there
were at least 2 million people internally displaced. Children persist to be the key
victims of conflicts. Their suffering takes different forms. They are killed, orphaned,

maimed, abducted, deprived of education and health care, and left with intense
emotional scars and trauma. In other situations, they are forced to flee from their
homes. Indeed refugees and internally displaced children are especially vulnerable to
violence, recruitment, sexual exploitation, disease, malnutrition and death (IBCR, pg.
12). They are being recruited and used as child soldiers on a huge scale. Female face
additional risks, particularly and most common is sexual violence. These egregious
violations of childrens rights take place in a persistent climate of impunity. In recent
history, no person has carried the foregoing heinous activities like Joseph Kony.
Despite numerous international commitments through treaties and protocol (Ilona, pg.
4), persistent suffering of children has not stopped hitting the world hard (Machel,
pg.7) especially in the Northern Uganda by Joseph Kony. States have either shown
lack of commitment or total disregard to the legal structure in place. The execution of
his plans is indiscriminate; he targets boys as recruits in his illegitimate force and steal
the innocence of young girls through rape and molestation. The right to education and
all other rights coming with childhood is a myth in Northern Uganda because of the
man who does not care about children.
The right to life is sacred in any community; so sacred that when one causes
the death of another he is condemned to face the death. In fact, the enjoyment of many
fundamental rights and freedom depends greatly on the right to life. This sanctity is so
strong that not even one is allowed to take own life. More grave is when one plans
and perfectly executes a mission to end the lives of innocent people. This is exactly
what Kony has been doing. The precious nature of life is not under the care of Kony.
To him it does not matter because he doesnt understand the value of life in humanity.
People may think that the killing going on in Northern Uganda perpetrated by Kony is
the only killing; this is not only the case. This is because young children and

community dreams are killed. When a whole community of people cannot access
basic health care services; that is a condemnation to death. Indeed, when children are
not having balanced diet and the social and economic rights are submerged in a
dictatorial regime the right to life is jeopardised indirectly. No true religion robs
people the right to life. To the contrary, most religions talk about respect for life and
planning to have a long life in future. The statements by Kony states that his war is
inspired by the Holy Spirit. This is a misconception of the teachings of this sacred
book, and in fact an insult to this religion that he claims to preach. His war that has
led to the death of many people is inspired by Holy Spirit is misconceived and an
insult to the many religions which hold dear to their hearts the right to life. In addition
to the foregoing, the very fact that Kony has been charged with crimes against
humanity is a clear exhibition that the right to life has been trampled upon by the
powers of Kony.
Any country in the world is knitted together in the spirit of humanity. The
greater good for the majority of the people is, indeed, what motivates leaders to fight
for their people. Thus a leader who seeks to protect the fundamental rights and
freedoms of the people is the ultimate motivator of the people in such a regime. In
light of the foregoing, the critical position is that a true leader is one who works for
the better good of the people and for the national cause. Sadly, the foregoing is not the
position in northern Uganda where the basic human rights are trample upon every
single day. When young ladies are raped and made slaves; when children cannot
access education; when people have no access to proper health care facilities; and
most importantly when the right to life is at the mercies of a leader who pretends to
protect the people, no one can assume this to be a national good. The world is yet to
see a situation where the civilians have endorsed the acts of Kony because such acts

are not only detested by local citizen people but by the entire international
community. No credible institution like the International Criminal Court can indict a
leader whose conduct has been accepted on the platform of human rights. Indeed, no
leader who claims to work in the best interest of the people can confine himself in the
hiding. The protection and respect of the fundamental rights and freedom of the
citizens is the ultimate concern of the national political figures, not the breach of the
rights by a tyrannical regime and power that is selfishly canvassed. It is therefore
certain that the activities carried on by Kony and his forces are not legitimate and
contrary to the benefit of the larger community.
In conclusion it is not doubtful the kind of suffering this man has caused the
face of humanity. However, there is a great need to dig deep into the controversies
facing Kony. The international community should ask itself whether he is working
alone or getting support from other powers. The alarm being raised about the plight of
people in Konys territory is not carried on by the Ugandan government. Few or no
policy framework is in place by the government of Uganda to ensure that he is
arrested. The above mentioned notwithstanding, the underlining concern is that
children are being robbed of their rights, womens dignity is not of concern to Kony,
and sadly still is that is the right to life for those who stay in the Northern Uganda is
under the mercies of human right abuser, Joseph Kony. It is also critical to put across
that when the fundamental principles of humanity are breached by an individual, that
entire international community has the right and obligation to ensure such acts are not
achieved. In the case of Kony, it is important to note that every state which is a
member of the Rome Statute has the noble of obligation of effecting the indictment
and warrant of arrest so as to bring normalcy.


Work cited
Children and Armed Conflict, A guide to international Humanitarian and
international human right law, Ilona Topa Prohibition of child soldiering
international legislation and prosecution of perpetrators 2007 Hanse Law Review
(Hanse LR) [Vol. 3 No. 1], 4
International Criminal Court (14 October 2005).Warrant of Arrest unsealed against
five LRA Commanders. Retrieved 2 June 2009.
International Bureau for Childrens Rights (IBCR) 2010, 2
Machel Graa, The Impact of War on Children: a review of progress since the 1996.
United Nations Report on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Children (Hurst &
Company, London, 2001), 7
Drakard, M. Congo: Atrocities in the name of the Lord. (March 29, 2010). Retrieved

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