Example: Given: A 0.5 KG Ball of Negligible Size

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Given: A 0.5 kg ball of negligible size

is fired up a vertical track of
radius 1.5 m using a spring
plunger with k = 500 N/m. The
plunger keeps the spring
compressed 0.08 m when s = 0.

Find: The distance s the plunger must be pulled back and released so
the ball will begin to leave the track when
= 135.
Plan: 1) Draw the FBD of the ball at = 135.
2) Apply the equation of motion in the n-direction to
determine the speed of the ball when it leaves the track.
3) Apply the principle of work and energy to determine s.


1) Draw the FBD of the ball at = 135.
The weight (W) acts downward through the
center of the ball. The normal force exerted
by the track is perpendicular to the surface.
The friction force between the ball and the
track has no component in the n-direction.
2) Apply the equation of motion in the n-direction. Since the
ball leaves the track at = 135, set N = 0.

+ Fn = man = m (v2/) => W cos45 = m (v2/)

=> (0.5)(9.81) cos 45 = (0.5/1.5)v2 => v = 3.2257 m/s

3) Apply the principle of work and energy between position 1
( = 0) and position 2 ( = 135). Note that the normal force
(N) does no work since it is always perpendicular to the
displacement direction. (Students: Draw a FBD to confirm the
work forces).
T1 + U1-2 = T2
0.5m (v1)2 W y (0.5k(s2)2 0.5k (s1)2) = 0.5m (v2)2
v1 = 0, v2 = 3.2257 m/s
s1 = s + 0.08 m, s2 = 0.08 m
y = 1.5 + 1.5 sin 45 = 2.5607 m
=> 0 (0.5)(9.81)(2.5607) [0.5(500)(0.08)2 0.5(500)(5 + 0.08)2]
= 0.5(0.5)(3.2257)2
=> s = 0.179 m = 179 mm


Given: Block A has a weight of 60 lb and
block B has a weight of 10 lb. The
coefficient of kinetic friction between
block A and the incline is k = 0.2.
Neglect the mass of the cord and pulleys.
Find: The speed of block A after it moves 3 ft down the plane,
starting from rest.
Plan: 1) Define the kinematic relationships between the blocks.
2) Draw the FBD of each block.
3) Apply the principle of work and energy to the system
of blocks.


1) The kinematic relationships can be determined by defining
position coordinates sA and sB, and then differentiating.

Since the cable length is constant:

2sA + sB = l
2sA + sB = 0
sA = 3ft => sB = -6 ft

2vA + vB = 0
=> vB = -2vA

Note that, by this definition of sA and sB, positive motion

for each block is defined as downwards.


2) Draw the FBD of each block.



Sum forces in the y-direction for block A (note that there is no
motion in this direction):
Fy = 0: NA (4/5)WA = 0 => NA = (4/5)WA


3) Apply the principle of work and energy to the system (the
blocks start from rest).
T1 + U1-2 = T2

(0.5mA(vA1)2 + .5mB(vB1)2) + ((3/5)WA 2T NA)sA

+ (WB T)sB = (0.5mA(vA2)2 + 0.5mB(vB2)2)
vA1 = vB1 = 0, sA = 3ft, sB = -6 ft, vB = -2vA, NA = (4/5)WA
=> 0 + 0 + (3/5)(60)(3) 2T(3) (0.2)(0.8)(60)(3) + (10)(-6)
T(-6) = 0.5(60/32.2)(vA2)2 + 0.5(10/32.2)(-2vA2)2
=> vA2 = 3.52 ft/s
Note that the work due to the cable tension force on each block
cancels out.


Find the resultant external force acting on the body causing
its motion. It may be necessary to draw a free-body diagram.
Determine the velocity of the point on the body at which the
force is applied. Energy methods or the equation of motion
and appropriate kinematic relations, may be necessary.
Multiply the force magnitude by the component of velocity
acting in the direction of F to determine the power supplied
to the body (P = F v cos ).
In some cases, power may be found by calculating the work
done per unit of time (P = dU/dt).
If the mechanical efficiency of a machine is known, either
the power input or output can be determined.


Given:A sports car has a mass of 2 Mg and an engine efficiency

of = 0.65. Moving forward, the wind creates a drag
resistance on the car of FD = 1.2v2 N, where v is the
velocity in m/s. The car accelerates at 5 m/s2, starting
from rest.
Find: The engines input power when t = 4 s.
Plan: 1) Draw a free body diagram of the car.
2) Apply the equation of motion and kinematic equations
to find the cars velocity at t = 4 s.
3) Determine the power required for this motion.
4) Use the engines efficiency to determine input power.


1) Draw the FBD of the car.

The drag force and weight are

known forces. The normal force Nc
and frictional force Fc represent the
resultant forces of all four wheels.
The frictional force between the
wheels and road pushes the car
2) The equation of motion can be applied in the x-direction,
with ax = 5 m/s2:
+ Fx = max => Fc 1.2v2 = (2000)(5)
=> Fc = (10,000 + 1.2v2) N

3) The constant acceleration equations can be used to
determine the cars velocity.
vx = vxo + axt = 0 + (5)(4) = 20 m/s
4) The power output of the car is calculated by multiplying the
driving (frictional) force and the cars velocity:
Po = (Fc)(vx ) = [10,000 + (1.2)(20)2](20) = 209.6 kW
5) The power developed by the engine (prior to its frictional
losses) is obtained using the efficiency equation.
Pi = Po/ = 209.6/0.65 = 322 kW

(Section 14.6)
When a particle is acted upon by a system of conservative
forces, the work done by these forces is conserved and the
sum of kinetic energy and potential energy remains
constant. In other words, as the particle moves, kinetic
energy is converted to potential energy and vice versa.
This principle is called the principle of conservation of
energy and is expressed as

T1 + V1 = T2 + V2 = Constant
T1 stands for the kinetic energy at state 1 and V1 is the
potential energy function for state 1. T2 and V2
represent these energy states at state 2. Recall, the
kinetic energy is defined as T = mv2.

Given: The girl and bicycle
weigh 125 lbs. She moves
from point A to B.
Find: The velocity and the
normal force at B if the
velocity at A is 10 ft/s and
she stops pedaling at A.

Plan: Note that only kinetic energy and potential energy due to
gravity (Vg) are involved. Determine the velocity at B using the
conservation of energy equation and then apply equilibrium
equations to find the normal force.


Placing the datum at B:

TA + VA = TB + VB
1 125
1 125 2
)(10) 2 + 125(30) = (
2 32.2
2 32.2 B
VB = 45.1 ft

Equation of motion applied at B:

Fn = man = m v
N B 125 =

125 (45.1) 2
32.2 50

N B = 283 lb


Given: The mass of the collar is 2 kg and
the spring constant is 60 N/m. The
collar has no velocity at A and the
spring is un-deformed at A.

The maximum distance y the collar

drops before it stops at Point C.

Plan: Apply the conservation of energy

equation between A and C. Set
the gravitational potential energy
datum at point A or point C (in
this example, choose point A).



Notice that the potential energy at C has two parts (Tc = 0).
Vc = (Vc)e + (Vc)g
Placing the datum for gravitational potential at A yields a
conservation of energy equation with the left side all zeros.
Since Tc equals zero at points A and C, the equation becomes
0 + 0 = 0 + [ ( (.75) 2 + y 2 .75) 2 2(9.81) y ]

Note that (Vc)g is negative since point C is below the datum.

Since the equation is nonlinear, a numerical solver can be
used to find the solution or root of the equation. This solving
routine can be done with a calculator or a program like Excel.
The solution yields y = 1.61 m.


Also notice that since the velocities at A and C are zero, the
velocity must reach a maximum somewhere between A and C.
Since energy is conserved, the point of maximum kinetic energy
(maximum velocity) corresponds to the point of minimum
potential energy.
By expressing the potential energy at any given position as a
function of y and then differentiating, we can determine the
position at which the velocity is maximum (since dV/dy = 0 at
this position). The derivative yields another nonlinear equation
which could be solved using a numerical solver.

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