Astrocytic Tumours: Related Articles

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Astrocytic tumours

A.Prof Frank Gaillard et al.

Astrocytic tumours are primary central nervous system (CNS) tumours. They arise from astrocytes and are
the most common glial tumour.
They can be divided into those that are diffuse in growth (the vast majority with poorer prognosis and given a
higher grade (see diffuse astrocytoma grading) and those that are localised which tend to have lower grade.

low grade astrocytoma: WHO grade II (10-15% of astrocytomas)

fibrillary astrocytoma

protoplasmic astrocytoma

gemistocytic astrocytoma

anaplastic astrocytoma: WHO grade III (25% of astrocytomas)

glioblastoma: WHO grade IV (50-60% of astrocytomas)

giant cell glioblastoma: WHO grade IV (rare)

gliosarcoma: WHO grade IV (rare)

gliomatosis cerebri


pilocytic astrocytoma: WHO grade I

pilomyxoid astrocytoma: WHO grade II

subependymal giant cell astrocytoma: WHO grade I

pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma: WHO grade II

Additionally some tumours also contains astrocytic components, and it is often this component that dictated
biological behaviour. Examples include:



All these tumours have strikingly differing imaging appearances, treatment and prognosis and thus they are,
along with spinal astrocytomas discussed separately.

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radiation-induced gliomas

gliomatosis cerebri (growth pattern)

localised astrocytic tumours

pilocytic astrocytoma

pilomyxoid astrocytoma

subependymal giant cell astrocytoma

pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
specific locations

posterior fossa astrocytoma


hypothalamic-optochiasmatic glioma

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Article Information

Cases and Figures

Case 1 : grade II recurrence

Case 2 : protoplasmic astrocytoma : T2

Case 3 : diffuse fibrillary astrocytoma

Case 4 : gemistocytic astrocytomas

Case 5 : glioblastoma

Case 6 : diffuse astrocytoma : T1 C+

Case 7

Case 9 : grade II

Case 10 : grade II - temporal lobe

Case 11 : low grade astrocytoma

Case 12

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