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List #3

1 Adulation: (ad-yew-LAY-shun) n. flattery: admiration

2 Austere: (os-TEER) adj. forbiddingly stern; severely simple
3 Conviction: (kun-VIK-shun) n. judgment that someone is
guilty of a crime; strongly held belief
4 Disdain: (dis-DAYN) v. view with scorn or contempt
5 Emulate: (EHM-eu-layt) v. imitate; rival
6 Fanaticism: (fuh-NAT-uh-si-zuhm) n. excessive zeal;
extreme devotion
7 Implication: (im-pleh-KAY-shun) n. something hinted at or
8 Innocuous: (in-NAHK-EU-us) adj. harmless
9 Mitigate: (MI-ti-gayt) v. appease; moderate
10Ponderous: (PAHN-der-us) adj. weighty; unwieldy;
cumbersome; heavy
11Renounce: (re-NOWNS) v. abandon; disown; repudiate
12Superfluous: (suh-PER-floo-us) adj. unnecessary; excessive;
13 Efficacy: (ef-i-kuh-see)n. capacity for producing a desired
result or effect; effectiveness
14Expostulation (ik-spos-chuh-ley-shuh n) n. earnest and kindly

15 Infamy (in-fuh-mee)n. extremely bad reputation, public reproach,

or strong condemnation as the result of a shameful, criminal, or
outrageous act

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