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Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE

International Conference on Robotics and Automation

Minneapolis, Minnesota - April 1996

-Spline Joint Trajectory Generat ion for Collision- Free

Movements of a Manipulator under Dynamic Constraints
Hiroaki Ozaki aiid C'hang-jun Lin
Dept. of' Mechanical Engineering. Fukuoka TTniversitjr Jonan-ku,Fukuoka814-80, J a p a n

A m e t h o d as proposed ,which describes t h e j o m t trujecto~ i e sof a m a n i p u l a t o r with B - s p l i n e czirves, a n d u h z c h
optarnzses t h e ,uulues of t h e s e c o n t r o l p o i n t s using t h e
C o m p l e x M e t h o d rinder collision-free, f u l l d y n a m i c u n d
k i n e m a t i c c o n s t r a i n t s . This , m e t h o d utilizes t h t B-spline
c u rv e 's 11 T-L i q U en ess, co n t a n,u zt y, a n d 1oca 1 co nt ro 11a b z lz t y t o
t h e c o n t r o l p o i n t s , a n d zncorporates t h e Compler M e t h o d
w h i c h d o e s n o t requare enaluatron o f t h e gradient i n the
optirnzzatzon. % i s m e t h o d h a s t h e f o l l o wing aduantnges:
(1)It is applicable t o rrianipu1ator.s uith urbitrury degrees
o f f r e e d o m ; (2)It achielies t h e g e n e r a t i o n of t h e traj e c t o r y w h i c h t a k e s t h e p r i o r i t y o f specified c o n s t r a i n t s
i n t o c o n s i d e r a t i o n ; (3) W e i g h t i n g f a c t o r s o f t h e perform a n c e i n d i c e s correspondang t o t h e c o n s t r a i n t s are autom a t i c a l l y c o m p u t e d . T h e m e t h o d has b e e n upplied t o the
collision-free t r a j e c t o r y g e n e r c h o n problems o f a inaiiip,illator w i t h three degrees of f r e e d o m a n d t h e results shoic
i t s c8ect.i tie n e ss .

1 Introduction
A manipulator should take less energy for operat,ion and
less working time to cornplet,e his job from the view point
of improving productivity. If a manipulator is used in
a limited working environment,: tjhe reference t,rajectory
must, be given to the manipiilat,or t,o avoid collisions with
obstacles in t,he work space or with other manipulators.
T h e reference trajectory must be generat,ed while considering various ineclualit,y constraints arid working conditions, such as t,he limitations of driving force and velocity
of t h e actuator, which drives each joint of the manipulator, a.nd t,he movable range of t h e joints. In this paper.
a n algorithm is proposed which generates t,he optimal
joint, trajectory under t h e constraint, conditions of full
dynamics, kinematics and obstacles.
There are two types of methods for generating collisionfree tra,ject#oriesof a ma,nipula.t$or.T h e first one is on-line
t,rajectory generat,ion and it aims to minimize the time
necessary for genera.ting traject,ories. T h e second one is
oE-line trajectory generation and it focuses on t h e optimalit,y of reference trajectories generat,ed, rat,her t,han
t h e real time required.
As for on-line traject,ory generation, t h e artificial pot,ential Functioii method i s used [1],[2]. In t,he recent
studies, tjhe focus has been placed on creat,ing a.rt,ificial
functions t h a t a,re capable of providing tjhe t,rajectory
which does not fall into deadlocks [2],[3],[4]. The art,ificial potent>ial function method increases t h e efficiency
of traject>ory searc.hes by rest>rict#ing
the t,rajectory aiid
by replacing an inequality constraint, wit,h a potential
function. Accordingly, the process of creat,iiig artificial
p o k n t i a l functions determines the trajectory generated.

0-7803-2988-4/96 $4.00 0 1996 IEEE

-1s for off-line t,rajectory generation, the configuration

applications of Maximum Prinspace method [SI.[6],[7];
ciple [8],[9];and t8he preplanned p a t h m e t h o d ( P P M ) ,
the method which utilizes t h e previously defined spa,cia1 pat,h, [lO],[ll],[l2],are suggest,ed. In t h e configuration space method, obstacles are mapped in this space
and t h e movements of the manipulator are described as
moving points in blie space and this expression generates the p a t h and trajectory. However, t h e required calculation time to make the configuration space increases
exponentialll- as the degrees of freedom of t h e manipulator rise. There have been no case studies done which
generate t h e optimal trajectory witjh this method while
taking dynamics into consideration. T h e application of
the Maximum Principle to trajectory generation would
be an interesting study, however, it, seems difficult, wit,li
t,his method to seek a. solut,ion which gi~arant~ees
optiniality while taking realistic const#raintsinto consideration. PPM: on t h e ot,her h a n d , has an advantage t h a t ,
when t h e spatial p a t h of t h e manipulalor is specified, it
generates t h e trajectory while t,a.king full dynamics into
consideration. This method genera.tes time optimal trajectories with extremely short calculation time and with
Dubowsky et al. [13] and Bobvow[l4] suggest,ed
d i e methods in which the time optimal trajectory is obtained through PPM by providing an end-effector p a t h
using the Bezier and the B-spline, respectively. These
methods combine the modification of a n end-effector p a t h
and the time optimizat,ion of t h e t,raject,ory along the
path. These methods are considered t o b e useful for
realistic problems, however, they have following disadyant,ages: (1) They use a n end-effector p a t h ; (2) T h e y
require computation of t h e gradient t o e v d u a t e the trajectory performance for optimization; ( 3 ) They are not
applicable t,o the generalized performance index. For
reason ( l ) ,t h e methods can not be applied tlo a. manipulator with redundant, degrees of freedom because joint
pat'hs of such a manipulator can not be uniquely determined corresponding to t,he specified end-effector p a t h .
For reason ( 2 ) , when obstacles a n d full dynamics are
considered, the computation of t h e gradient, required for
t,hese methods makes t h e algorithm complicated. For
reason (3). when using t h e generalized performance index, t,here is no direct, method such as time optimal trajectory generation, a n d thus, a method such as Dynamic
Progra,mming (DP) needs to be built in. This makes t h e
a.lgorithm more coinplica.ted.
This paper suggests a inet,hod in which joint traject,ories of a. manipulatsor described by t h e B-spline
[17]. T h e values of t h e B-spline c,ontrol point>s which
describe t h e reference tmjectories are optimized by t h e
Complex Method [18] which is one of tjhe nonlinear optimization t eclinicjiies. This met,hod utilizes the B-spline


A .

con t inui tmy,and lo cal c ont8rollahilit y

tjo t h e control point,s. and also ut#ilizest,lie f a c t tmliatB
Complex Met8hocl docs not require c o m p ~ t ~ a t ~ iof
o nt8ho
gradient, for optirriiza.tion. The following chapters will
a t e tthat this mct8hod is concise a,nd
the above rriciitioned problems (1) to ( 3 ) . The
ef'iectiveness of t.he rncthod is also slioivii through examples.

Collision-Free Trajectory Generation Method

Wit,h a manipulator which ha.s IC degrees of freedom,

shown as Fig.1, we will consider a n aigorithni which
generates a. collision-free tra,jec.tory. In Fig.1~t h e manipiila.t,or a i d obstacles are shown in a two dimensional
spa.ce tlo simplify t h e explanation. A circle represents an
o b s h c l e , a.nd a line segment represents each link of t h e
manipdataor. T h e algorit#hmproposed in t h e following
is applicable to the trajectory genera.tion for the manipulator, which has links of arbitrary ge'ometric shapes,
working in a three dimensional area where obstacles with
a,rbitrary geometric shapes are present. However, geomet,ric descriptions of t h e working space a n d a n efficient
algorithm for interference check are nec,essa,ry in t h e application of this algorithm.


Description of Joint Trajectory

In this sect,ion,we will consider the joint trajectory which

is described by the B-spline. T h e B-spline has various
advant#agesfor t,rajectory generation in that. it gua.rantees t,he coiitjiiiuit2yof t,he t,rajectory a n d the order of t h e
tra,ject>oryca.n b e changed easily.
We will divide tlhe t,ra.veling time interval [O,t,f]int,o N
sections each of which 1ia.s equal time interval AI, a.nd let
t,he time knots be denoted by 0, t l , * + * , t,y(=tf). We
define each joint trajectory described by t h e B-spline as
P ( t ) ,where j represents tjhe j t h joint of t h e manipulator
a.nd j = 1,2,
, K . T h e t>rajectoryOi(t) means t h e
72th order, 71 being odd number, uniform B-spline in t h e
it,h period [ t i ,t i + l ] a n d described by

For the opLimizing method, we

t, a method which incorporat,es t,he Complex
1. 'I'hc Complex Method is one of i,he rionljnear optimization tjcchniqiies anti ha.s certain a.dvantages:
only cornputation < I f t,he perfornia,nce index is required
for t h e 01: tiniization and compirtat,ion of t8hegradient, is
not, required. 12s rrieiitioiietl a.bo5-e: t,hc iiurnber of cont,rol point:; of the B-spline describing one joint t,rajector
is ixpreseiited as N 7 1 . IIoweb-er, when 720 of houndar
such a-3 Lhe positmion,velocity and acxeleration, are given in both ends, independent control points
become h' n - 7 ~ ~ 1T.h u s , independent control pointjs of
all joint, tmjectories wit$h K degrees of freedom become
K ( A 7 11 - 720). It, is recommended tha.t>t h e number of
the initial points in the Compll-x Method should b e set,
twice greater tjhan that of t h e viuiables to be detei.minet1
[It;;]for in creasing t>heconvergence reliability. The suggec;t,ed algorithm i1icorporat)ing the Complex Met,hod is
as follows:
!Step (a)Other t h a n t h e control point vect,or 0 1 which
describes the initial t,rajectory of each joint, we rnust ob))
of 0 2 , 0 3 . ..*,
tain M - I ( M = X i ( N + 7 ~ - 7 1 ~ ~vectors
O1wr in which each control point is given as follows,


(0 5




Qfn,q =



12 - 7 2 0 ; j

= 1,'L*..I<)

where D is a scaling fact,or which is set corresponding to

the sca.rch range of the control point, a,nd T is a uniform
ra.ndoin number of period [-0.5,0..5].
!Step (13) Compwt,e the performance index to the traject,ory defined by each control point v e c t o r O , ( m = =)l2 ,
, M ) . Obt, the control vector O f i , called maximum point,, which provides t8he maximum value J H of
t8heperformance index, and the control vector O L ,called
minimum point, ,which provides t h e minimum value J L
of t,he performance index.
:Step (I:) Defining E as the criterion constant, if J H Jr, 5 E , then quit,. If ,711 - J L > E and if t h e minimum
point O L has been renewed in :Step ( b ) , define t h e numbers of the renewal as K L , a n d if K L is a multiple of
M.L ( M L is a. positive int,eger previously given), replace
the init,ial pointr 631 with the minimum point O L , a n d
then go t,o Step (a), else go t80Step (d).
Step (13) the center of O w of M - 1
control vectors excluding maximum point O f f . Obtain
the improvement, point OC on t5hestraight line connect)ing t h e maximum point, 0 1 1 a.nd t,he center of mass Ow
a,nd then ca.lculat,e it,s performa,.nce value J c .

where 6'-(n-1),2+1 a n d Ari(s) are t h e control point, a n d

tjhe basis funct#ionsof t8heB-spline curve. T h e effect,iveness of t,he description of joint trajectory by the B-spline
is confirmed in [19].

Tr aject ory 0pt imizat ion Algorithm

T h e t,ra,jectoriesdescribed by the eyuatiosn(1) can be opt,imized by optimizing t h e B-spline cont8rcslpoint, vect>or@


(E(@ , 8

..., G K T ) T

; where T represents tra.ns-

+ a(Ow

Oc = O w


(m. = 2 , 3 . -..,M ; q = 1, * * * , N

+ Dr



t(.) = t ; + s n t

. . . , Ui7.+(r7-ll,2)j.


O H )

:Step (e)If ,Jc < J H , t,hen replace O H by O c a n d go

t o St8ep( b ) .
Step (11) If ,IC 2 .IH a.nd if a 2 E ' , E' being sutiicieritly
small positive value. t8hen replace a by a.,O and go t80
St,ep ( d ) . If cv < E', tjhen resct a to t,he initial value a n d
replace o'rv by O L and go t,o St,ep ((1).


T h e Complrx Met.l-iodreconimends that the initial value

of a should h e equal to 1.3, and that, of 3 t o 0.5.I n this
algorithm, a n additional process is added to t,he original
Complex Method, tha.t is. 0 1 is replace by OL at Step
( c ) . This procedure is effect,ive in preventing the solution
t,o fall into 1oca.l minimum value, since it regularl>- seeks
0~ at, random


Augmented Performance Index and

Weight in g Fact o r

A new algorithm is proposed above and now t h e performance index evaluating the trajectory must be considered in order t,o obt,ain a collision-free t,raject,oryfor t h e
ma.nipulat#orwit,li mult,i degrees of freedom. The augmented performance index J is given in t,he following
e clu at ion

J =bpJp


+ k c 2 J c 2 + + F,QJ,Q


where J p is t h e pure performance index of a manipulator

trajectory. T h e performance index J,;i(i = 1, Q) is the
performance index incorporated corresponding to the ith
const,raint condition in t,he following expression.

Moreover, the itsh const.raint ~ o n d i t ~ i ohas

n priority over
t3he i+lt,li c,onstraintmconclit,ion, anti J(z7is provided as

t h e greatest significance in the optimization. Accordingly. when t h e weight,ing factlor is determined as above,
the first t e r m X-,;lJ,;1 becomes larger t h a n any other t e r m ,
a n d the performance JC1is restrained until it satisfies the
first const,raint condition by tjhe optirnization. A t,ra,jector; will be generated likewise, satisfying t h e second
coiistraint condition, third constraint condition etc. As
Eq.(8) clearly shows, it, is significant t h a t t h e method
does not require predetermining the weighting fa,ctor of

Example of Collision-Free Trajectory Generation

N'e will apply the algorithm discussed in chapter 2 to

t,he collision-free trajectory generation for t h e manipulator with three links and three degrees of freedom and
show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. In this
chapter, all t,he subscripts of t h e symbols are expressed
as inferior lett,ers to achieve simplicity. For example,
83 ( t ) is expressed as B j ( t ) .

Definition of Performance Index


Although the general performance index is given in Ey.(4),

we will concret,ely define the performance index according to the example.
Because the smoot>hnessof t,he movement, is import ant the performance index of manipulator trajectory
.Jp will use the value which is the square time integral of
the change rate d u j / d t of each joint t,orque u j , which is
known to provide a trajectory very similar to t h e movem e n t , ~of human arm. That is,

h , ( t ) is a contiiiuous function in t h e period [O, t j ] . and

is given by

T h e i t h condit,ion, Eq.(5), is considered to b e

sa.t,isfed if J,; is less than E ; , E ; being a sufficiently small
positfive number. b p a n d b,, are t h e weighting factors
for each evaluation. Weighting factors are riot given beforehand, b u t it is coniput,ed automatically according t.o
t h e priority of constraint conditions. In other words, in
Step (c) of t h e algorithm, when K L becomes a n integer
which is a multiple of M L , a n d if t h e i - l t h constraint
is satisfied, t h e weighting factor in an expression (4) is
determined by
kc, Jcz
k p = cp-

Regarding the constraint conditions, t h e collision-free

movement and the limits of each joint,'s maximum torque
and maximum angular velocity are considered.
Fig.2 shows t,he situation where one link is int,erfered
with one obstacle. In the figure, x j represents the position of t h e j t h joint, P represents t8henumber of obstacles: r p represents t h e radius of t h e p t h obsta.cle, Cp
represents t h e center of t h e obstacle, and z represents t,he
foot of t h e perpendicular line drawn from C;, t o t h e segment -.
= y to describe t h e
int,erference between t h e link a n d obstacle, t h e performance index J,i corresponding t o t h e collision-free condition is given as





i = 1, 2 ,



k,i J,;


j=1 J O

Q ; j = i + 1,* * * : Q


where c p and cc* are scaling factor. As shown in t h e

if c p a.nd cct are less t h a n one, the it,h term of
, kc.Jci, will become maximum, and will thus have



S J P tt)

and the limit, of each joint's angular velocity is given



O < y 5 1 a n d rj,>zC,,

iii t h e other cuse.

T h e performance index J,a corresponding to the limit
of each joint's maximum torque is given as


where 'uj a n d U; represent t h e t80rqueof t h e j t h joint

a n d its limiting value.
T h e performance index Jcs corresponding to t h e limit
of each joint's maximum angular velocity is given as


where 8, a n d j; represent t8heangular velocity of t h e jt>h

joint, a n d its limiting value.
For each link j ( j = 1 , 2 , 3 ) , it,s length is denot,ed by L i ,
its by M j , t,he distance from its joint to t h e center
of gravity by Sj,a n d the moment of inertia a.bout t h e
center of gravity by I j . T h e values of these parameters
are given in Table 1. In t h e computation, we use t h e
fifth order uniform B-splines(n=5) and obtain t h e integral value by t h e Simpson Rule.


Trajectory Generation

We set t h e number of t h e partit,ioned sections N = 10,

weighting factor k,l = 1.0, a,nd scaling fa,ctors cp =
cc2 =c,:i = 0.1. In t,he followin r exa.mple, the ot,her vallies set, as &'=lo-', E=l0-1',
E1=10--b, E2=&3=10- 4 ,

D=2.O(rud) and M ~ = 1 0 0 .T h e, of each joint,'s

torque is given as

I 5 35


< 25

5 15

( N . nz)
( N . nz)
( N . nz):


Based on t h e above conditions: t h e optimal collision-free

t,raject,ory is generated.
Fig.3 :shows t,he initia.1joint t,rajectories of t h e manipulator with three degrees of freedom, t h e movements of
t h e links corresponding to t h e initial t#rajectories,each
joint torque, a n d angular velocity. Fig.4 and F i g 5 are
examples of trajectory generation considering J p a n d
J,1 , namely the evaluation of t h e pure trajectory performance a.nd t h e collision free movement respectively.
Tlhese figures show t h e in-progress result a n d t h e final result respect,ively. Fig.6 a n d Fig.7 show the in-progress
result a n d t h e final result of t h e trajectory generation
wlhich considers t h e trajectory performance a n d all the
constraints conditions by evaluating J,1 , J c a r a n d J c 3 .
Fig 4 shows t h e result after renewing t h e performance
,I]; for 400 times ( K ~ = 4 0 0 ) .A s shown in t h e result, t h e
manipulator avoids obst,acles, however, each joint trajectory does not have sufficiently lower J p . After t h e
repetition of optimization, we can obtain the collisionfree traject,ory optimizing J p as shown in Fig.5.
Using the same initial trajectory as t h a t in Fig.3, we
apply t,he proposed algorit,hm to t,he trajectory generation with the constraints of each joint torque and angular velsocity. T h e n , we obtain in-progress results a n d
the final results as shown in Fig.6 a n d 7, which are t h e
collision-free traject,ory, its link movements, each joint
torque, and angular velocity. After renewing the performance J,L for 400 times a.s conducted in a previous example, t,he result shows that t h e manipulator can avoid
obstacles, however, it does not satisfy t h e constraint for
thle joint, torque. After repeating t h e optimization, we
can obt,ann the collision-free trajectory as shown in Fig.7
which sa.t,isfies t h e convergent conditions. Comparing
Fig.5 a,ntl Fig.7, t,he difference of trajectory generation
with or without, constraints becomes clear, thus we are
able t o confirm thLe effectiveness of t h e proposed method.


We have proposed the algorithm which generates a collision-free trajectory for a. manipulator. In this algorithm,
each joint tra;jectory is described by t h e B-spline, a n d its
control points optimized by t,he Complex Method.
T h e proposed d g o r i t h m has t h e following advantages:
(1) It, is extremely concise and applicable to a manipulat8ctregardless of its degrees of freedom a n d the complexit,,y of t h e const,raints caused b:y obst,acles a,nd dynamics.
( 2 ) It, is applicable to an a.rbit,rary performa.nce index
which eva.luates t h e traject,ory.
(3,) It generates a. t,rajectory while tsaking the priority of
t8heconstraints into considera.t,ion.
(4 ) Weighting factors of t h e performance indices corresponding t,o t,he constraint,s are computed automatically.
(51) It, needs less memory for storing t h e generated trajectory because tahet,raject,oryis irepresented by t h e cont(ro1


points of t h e B-spline.
(6) T h e generated trajectory has continuous time derivative curves, a n d i t is allowed t,o be utilized as the refere ~ i c etrajectory for the trajectory iracking control.
111 order to confirm the effectiveness of the prcposeti
algoritlim, we have shown the examples of the trajectory
generation for a manipulator with three degrees of freed o m . Remaining points to b e considered are as foilo\i.s:
(1) i n order to generate a collision-free traject.ory I v i t h
complex obstacles, use of effective interference checking
algorithms [20],[21]are indispensable.
(2) In this paper, we discussed the case of a performance
index in fixed terminal time. However, it is desirable for
t h e algorithm t o be applied also t,o the case of t h e time
optimal problem. M7e consider t h a t the time scale factor
[12],[16] will be effective for this objective.
(3) We must examine t h e use of parallel computation in
order to speed up the algorithm.

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Fig.1 Multi-joint manipulator in obstacle field

Table.1 Parameters of manipulator h k s


L i [ml
1 ; [kg-m'l

0. 25
0. 1

0. 25
0. 12

0. 25
0. 15

Si [ m l

Finally obtained joint trajectories and end-effector path


(h.m l

0 i
0 2- 0.4









(b) Final1,y obtained joint velocity a n d torque trajectories

Fig.5 Finally obtained trajectories without velocity
a n d torque constraints

Fig.2 Interference between a link and an obstacle

(.L) Obtained



joini, trajectories a n d end-effector path
























(b) Obtained joint velocity and torque trajectories

Fig.6 Obtained trajectories with velocity a n d
torq,ue constraints when KL = 400


(b) Initial joint velocity and torque trajectories

Fig.3 Initial trajectories when K L = 0



r (rad1



-15 I----------0


(b) Obtained joint velocity and torque trajectories

Fig.4 Obtained trajectories without velocity and
torque constraints when Kr.= 400











( b ) Finally obtained joint velocity a n d torque trajectories

Fig.7 Finally obtained trajectol-ies with velocity and

'Lorque constraints


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