Presentation: 2015papalvisit

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2 0 1 5 PA PA L V I S I T


In the spirit of mercy and compassion, Pope Francis embarks

on a Pastoral Visit to the Philippines with the mission of bringing the
compassion of Christ to those who struggle to rise from the devastation
brought about by natural calamities and man-made upheavals.
The Pope, who comes to us as a pastor, represents Christ, the Good
Shepherd, who came to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10). At the very
heart of the message that the Pope brings is Christ who manifests his
love and affection for the Filipino people. The apostolic visit reechoes
the mission of the first apostles who strengthened the disciples and
encouraged them to remain true to their faith (Acts 14:22).
The visit of the Vicar of Christ directs our attention to Christ who
desires mercy, not sacrifice (Mt. 9:13) and one who calls not only the
sinners but those who are least, last and lost in our society.
As the Holy Father comes, we turn our gaze to the cross, to the Lord
who is gracious and compassionate. We ask that the Holy Fathers
visit, may bring about in us a spiritual renewal, conversion of heart, and
transformation as a nation, challenging us, the Filipino people, to live a life
of missionary witnessing, proclaiming to all the world Gods mercy and

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