Chaerul Krisnansyah Jenie: Sex: Male Birthday / Place: February 10 Age: 35 Education

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Chaerul Krisnansyah Jenie

Jl. Raflesia No.8, Perumahan Jasmine Garden

Bogor West Java
(+62251) 8400512, - +6287882249193 -
Birthday / Place
1997 2002

2005 Oct 2006

: Male
: February 10th 1979 / Bogor
: 35
University of Trisakti, Jakarta
Bachelor of Economics, Majoring in Accounting
GPA : 3.007
Prasetiya Mulya Business School
Magister Manajemen, Majoring in Finance
GPA: 3.02

Working Experiences
May 2002 September 2002

PT. Tropicana Slim Indonesia

Supervisor Promotion Division
Collaborated with a team of five on promoting
products, and performing exhibition in malls such as
Taman Anggrek Mall, Puri Indah Mall, Citraland Mall.
Planning for any upcoming promotion activities as
well as adjusting it to the budget plan.
Analyzing problems and success factor for the
finished promotion activities.

February 2003 October 2004 Deloitte. Hans Tuanakotta Mustofa Halim ( Certified
Public Accountant Service Firm )
Semi Senior Auditor
Perform audit procedures in all balance sheet and
Income statement accounts
Perform tax calculation audit
Perform reporting Audited financial statement
Managing the task of other junior auditor. Companies
which I audited during my service in the company are:
1. PT GE Service Indonesia for the year ended
2002 and 2003
2. PT GE Lokomotif Indonesia, for the year ended
2003 and 2004 ( the liquidation of PT GE
Locomotif Indonesia )
3. PT GE Technology Indonesia, for the year
ended 2002
4. PT Loka Mampang Indah Realty and affiliates,
Consolidated Financial report for the year
ended 2002 and 2004 ( auditing financial report
including the calculation of service charges )

5. PT Superior Coach and affiliates, Consolidated

Financial Report for the year ended 2003 and
interim 2004
6. PT Seksun Engineering, for the year ended 2003
7. PT Semen Andalas Indonesia, Interim 2004
8. PT Dyno Noble Indonesia, for the year ended
2002, 2003, and interim 2004
May 2007 March 2008

PT. Matahari Kahuripan Indonesia

Financial Analyst
Responsible for :
1. Consolidation of cash flow report
2. Variance and achievement analysis between
monthly cash flow plan and cash flow
realization analysis
3. Analyze Account Receivable and Account
payable in relation for the projected funding
that should be drop to the business units.
4. Provide half year and annual financial
highlights include presentation for the Board
of Director.
5. Provide feasibility studies for financial
decision purposes, such as mergers and
6. Provide templates for financial analyzing
activities and distribute it to business units.

April 2008 November 2009

PT. Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk.

Commercial Analyst
Responsible for :
1. Provide variance analysis and control over the
commercial budget on a timely basis.
2. Provide monthly and quarterly gross profit
analysis and review the needs, propose, agree
and implement standard profitability report
by SKU, sales area, and channel. Review
actual cost performance with budget as well
as conducting cost analysis to support
strategic and managerial decisions.
3. Provide advice and assistance regarding
plans, budgets, variances, forecasts, and
relevant commercial matters.
4. Team up with commercial division in
providing feasibility studies for a new
proposed project.

December 2009 August 2010 PT. Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk.

Financial Analyst
Responsible for :
1. Provide
recommendation over the HRD, Finance
Director, & PD budget in a timely basis.
2. Provide monthly inventory movement analysis
and review the needs, propose, agree and
implement standard reporting.
3. Control over the actual expenses of HR
Division, Finance Director, & President
Director as well as making sure that all actual
expenses are recorded in the correct account
and cost centre.
4. Provide Quarterly Management Report. This
report contain the quarterly companys in
every department regarding sales &
expenses. Also some basic quarterly analysis.
5. Team leader for Activity Based Costing
Project for 2009. Basically this project aim is
to distribute the company fixed cost to their
products. The result of this report also can be
use as a basic calculation for price setting for
the next year.
6. Economic Impact Assessment Project. This
project aim is to calculate the impact of our
business towards Indonesias economy. This
will be use as a bargaining material should
the government try to create a regulation
that could have a bad impact to our industry.
7. The Sales Pull Project, this project aim is to
create a pull position towards our
distributors, so the company could lower
their A&P, Discount, & other incentives to
push our distributors to sell our products.

August 2010 May 2012

PT. Mead Johnson Nutritional Indonesia (MJNI)

Commercial Analyst
Responsible for :
1. Control over claims which are processed
through deductions of AR, payment of
Account Payable, or allowance/advances.
2. Provide Quarterly Report for deductions of
claims. This report provide deductions of AR
in a quarterly basis & to see whether it is
align with our monthly accruals.
3. Provide monthly Accruals calculation for gross
to net activities. The calculation are based on
the monthly trading terms activities, 3
months average and outstanding claims which
havent been processed yet.
4. Provide Quarterly P&L for national key
accounts and local key accounts. This report

provide the information regarding how

profitable are our key accounts compared to
their last year sales performance, VS other
accounts and other indicators.
5. Monthly Discount by Account Report, this
report provides control over our accounts in
several area to see whether the discounts are
align with the company discount strategies.
6. Provide monthly analysis regarding sales
volume, sales value, discounts, return over
sales, variance analysis and other commercial
activities through monthly managerial report.
7. Provide the calculation and analysis of days of
inventory to make sure it is below the
companys threshold.
8. Perform monthly data input for actual sales,
gross margin, A&P, foreign exchange rate, and
department expenses. Provide analysis over
the Sales, A&P, and Department Expenses and
report it to the global head office through the
monthly flash report.
Control over the recording of actual
department expense. This procedure is
required to make sure that the actual
expenses are recorded in the correct account
and cost centre.
10. Lead Finance for Indonesia market for order
to cash. Making sure that the Global SAP
system aligns with the Indonesias market
scenario. Went deep dive for order to cash
cycle through intensive trainings and system
testings. Provide training for all related
employee for future use of SAP. Provide
recommendation for accounting recording.
11. Lead for Vistex (System to maintain promo
activity budget and claims) Indonesia,
implementation, and training of the new
commercial budget structure and start to end
process. Also prepare for all of the objectives
and tactics mapping from the legacy system
to the new SAP system. (Vistex)
12. AR Aging management. Providing supporting
data and analysis for incoming payments,
deductions, & return.
May 2012 Present

PT. Mead Johnson Nutritional Indonesia (MJNI)

Commercial Manager
Responsible for :
1. Maintain the job description of commercial
2. Control over Distributor Promo Allowance vs
the claims as well as quarterly review over
the rate of allowance vs the actual

3. Monthly distributor alignment

regarding commercial activities issues and
product return time table.
4. Control & Analysis over Trade Sales budget in
a monthly basis to make sure the cost ratio is
align with the budget. Provide analysis for
any favourability or favourability.
5. Analysis over monthly price settings in
relation with the planned commercial
6. Regional Commercial SAP system meeting to
provide tips and market system enhancement
and to discuss unsolved system issue for order
to cash process and Vistex system design.
7. Analysis over the price increase impact to the
promo budget and the utilization of the
incremental margin obtained from the
8. Develop any necessary SOP regarding
commercial activities.
9. Direct sales, budget, & sales target alignment
10. Sales promo evaluation, this report shows the
sales off take before promo, during promo
and after promo from an investment point of
11. Direct DC project, this project compares the
cost or benefit between supplying direct to
the DC and distributor.
12. Sales promo alignment, this is a monthly
meeting where the main goal is to have
alignment between sales, marketing, and
13. Budget dynamic forecast. Budget Forecast
based on the latest commercial policy, sales
target, & latest cost.
14. Analysis over budget, accruals, claim
received,& Sales achievement
15. Responsible for budget proposal analysis
(Yearly & Monthly) and provide key points of
recommendation and way out.
Achievements ;
- Certificate for completing the Order to Cash SAP train the trainer.
- Certificate of achievement as a leader for Order to Cash Finance and Vistex (SAP
Module to control & maintain the Commercial Activities)
- Certificate of process owner with clean audit result
- 2015 winner of Mead Johnson audit program
Course :
- Certified Management Accountant

Languages: Conversational and written English
Computers :
Microsoft office tools
Audit System 2

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