ADP Monitoring Dashboard

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1. Context
1.1.The Finance Department (FD), Government of Sindh, has rolled out Sindh Public Sector
Management Reform Project (SPSMRP) in collaboration with World Bank with the aim to
strengthen Public Sector Performance through improved revenue generation and expenditure
management. The project supports government in improving upstream government systems,
hence resulting in better policies and service delivery through three objectives a) improved
Sales Tax on Services (STS) collection; (b) improved credibility of budget execution; (c)
reduced time taken to process contracts and other intermediate result indicators.
1.2. Under the Technical Assistance component, consulting firm(s) may be engaged to support
Government of Sindh in a) implementation of reform activities included in the Sindh Tax
Reform Plan; b) implementation of the Sindh Public Financial Management Strategy; c)
implementation of procurement reforms; d) the management of the development portfolio and
e) the project change management efforts.
1.3.Economic Reform Unit; FD under TA Component of World Bank loan is seeking an
experienced consulting firm or consortium of firms in Pakistan to support Government of
Sindh in development of an ADP Dashboard for monitoring of development portfolio of the
1.4. The Planning and Development Department (P&DD) prepares the one billion dollar-plus
Annual Development Program (ADP)1 and coordinates all external assistance. The Monitoring
and Evaluation Cell (MEC) within the P&D department has the mandate to monitor the
development portfolio of the province and provides feedback on physical progress of
development schemes on a regular basis (approximately 300 out of over 2000 schemes).
Information on physical progress of selected development projects is also periodically obtained
from executing agencies. Information about financial releases and utilization against all
development projects/ schemes is available on the Project to Improve Financial Reporting and
Auditing (PIFRA) system, which is available to P&DD only on a monthly basis. Tracking
progress against specific defined milestones for the entire development portfolio, enhancing
verifiability and accuracy of the MEC monitoring reports, assessing quality of construction on
a more regular and cost effective basis and acquiring beneficiary feedback are some areas
where information provision could be strengthened.
1.5.The MEC cell collects information on financial and physical progress of the projects/ schemes
through field visits and submits report containing its observations, findings and
recommendations to the ACS (P&D), head of concerned department, Finance Department and
CM Secretariat. A format of monitoring report generated by M&E Cell is attached in Annex 1.
The quality of information of monitoring reports could be enhanced through use of ICT such as

Annual Development Program is the compilation of ongoing and new projects and the amount of funding they are
likely to receive during the year. It is approved by the provincial assembly. The 2013-14 provincial ADP allocations,
for example, are estimated at around 1.6 billion dollars spread around 2463 schemes. These large schemes are in
turn spread over one or more geographical locations. From the funds made available by the Finance Department, the
planning and Development Department provides funds against the approved schemes, or any other scheme that may
be inserted in ADP, with the approval of the relevant authority, monitors progress and reallocates funds based on
their relative progress.

geo tagging; use of smartphone for capturing pictures of civil works and plant, machinery and
equipment; and tracking of monitoring staff. More precisely, the quality of monitoring reports
produced by MEC can be improved by introducing following missing characteristics/elements:

Online accessibility and usability of monitoring reports by line departments;

Monitoring quality of construction of the development portfolio;
Capturing the location (GPS coordinates) of the monitored scheme;
Tracking of monitors as an evidence of their physical visits to enhance validity of
monitoring reports;
Obtaining Feedback from beneficiaries or citizens of randomly selected schemes.

1.6 Information on financial releases and expenditures on the development projects is available on

Government Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS), also called

PIFRA System. The GIFMIS/PIFRA system is controlled by Controller General of Accounts
through PIFRA Directorate at Federal level and by Accountant General Sindh in the province.
Line Departments and Planning Development Department were provided connectivity to the
GIFMIS, but the departments lack the capacity to access and generate the reports for their
review. However, Finance Department has access to the system and it has acquired certain
level of proficiency in generating different kinds of financial reports from GIFMIS/PIFRA
System. The functionality of GIFMIS for tracking of performance of development projects
against project milestones and common performance indicators remains untapped. The project
related financial information obtained from the field offices/executive agencies do not always
tally with financial information extracted from PIFRA system due to time lag, even months in
certain cases. Moreover, the executing agencies do not provide timely physical and financial
progress of the projects to the concerned Department, Planning and Development Department
and Finance Department.
1.7 For certain important projects (especially donor-funded projects), Government or donors

appoint specific teams to monitor progress. In donor-funded projects, donor requirements often
dictate more rigorous monitoring in which case external consultants are hired to do the job.
These monitoring activities generate lessons on monitoring methods but are more often than
not too specialized and costly for them to be applied across the portfolio. For big projects, it is
mandatory to allocate one percent of the cost of scheme for third party monitoring.
1.8 In order to improve monitoring of the overall development portfolio, it is envisaged to develop

a web-based system that integrates different data sources (of physical and financial progress)
on a SINGLE platform. Three different angles will be targeted by this platform.


Enhanced Planning:
a) This will be done by defining milestones, risks and financial targets
against each scheme.


Enhanced Internal Monitoring:

a) Improved Direct Internal Monitoring of entire portfolio by executive
agencies through review of progress against defined milestones, risks
and financial targets
b) Enhanced Internal Third Party Monitoring by MEC cell of selected
schemes through use of smartphones capturing geo-location and picture
based progress information
c) Enhanced Internal Third Party Monitoring of construction quality for
selected schemes2

Developing the system for construction Quality Monitoring is not in the scope of this TOR.


External Monitoring:
a) This will be carried out by acquiring beneficiary feedback for certain
selected schemes3

A key purpose of the dashboard will be to integrate the above process onto a SINGLE platform,
which will also involve integration with the PIFRA system for financial information. The
dashboard will provide easy access and use of real time integrated financial and physical
information to the decision makers on the implementation progress of projects. More specifically,
the dashboard will integrate financial information available in the PIFRA system; physical and
financial progress entered by executive agencies on the dashboard through an online login on a
certain defined frequency (preferably on a bi-weekly basis); monitoring field reports of the P&D
MEC and beneficiary feedback. The common performance indicators and milestones will be
developed by the consultant firm which will also impart necessary training to the officials of
executive agencies for entering information against the common performance indicators and
specific milestones of the projects.
2. Objective(s)
2.1 Development/ Procurement of turnkey technology services to deploy and maintain an
integrated solution that enables enhanced reporting, analysis and visualization for
managing the development portfolio proactively. The solution will have three key
components (i) Mobile Application for P&DD M&E cell reports and geo-tagging,
(ii) Development of ADP Dashboard and (iii) Beneficiary Information Data Collection
2.2 Objective of Mobile Application: Currently, key information that is required on a more
frequent basis from the P&DD MEC field monitors is reported through a paper-based form
called FVR which includes information on financial outlays, key issues faced and general
status of project (good, satisfactory or poor). The mobile application will mimic this form and
allow MEC field monitors to digitally record and submit key information on a real time basis.
The application will allow the field monitors to geo-tag schemes, record pictures to report
physical progress, report on any issues/obstacles, report on financial outlays and overall
progress (good, satisfactory or poor). The application would be mapped to the departments
monitoring schedules.
2.3 Objective of the Dashboard: The dashboard will provide a real-time holistic view of the ADP
portfolio by reporting on: a) Project profile of each scheme with defined milestones (to be
developed by consultant), risks and targets b) Portfolio, sector, district or project level progress
against milestones and risks which will be updated by executing agencies at a defined
frequency and against financial targets as reported under PIFRA; c) MEC monitoring reports;
d) construction quality reports; e) beneficiary feedback.
The Dashboard will have the following key features:
Integration of data sources The dashboard will integrate data from different sources
which include (i) project profile of each scheme with unique ID, (ii) financial
information from PIFRA System, (iii) progress on project implementation (financial
and physical) updated by executive agencies, (iv)
in-field monitoring by

Developing the back end system for acquiring and processing feedback is not part of this TOR. Only collection of
beneficiary information (name, phone numbers, locality) will be piloted in this TOR

M&E Cell, (v) construction quality reports and (vi) beneficiary feedback on a single

Spatial analysis and data visualization of the development portfolio. Data

visualization should be available in Grids, Charts, and Gauges with data filters on all
data fields with selectable and dynamic report column generation based on selection
of headers.
One click + real time access to information on the web through a simple log in.
Accessibility on smartphones and/or tablets.
Attractive, informative and user friendly based on HCI design heuristics.

2.4 Objective of Beneficiary Information4 Data Collection Approach: The firm will carry out an
assessment of the departments resources and requirements and suggest the best approach/
methodology for collection of beneficiary phone numbers in an unbiased and random manner5.
The best suggested approach will be demonstrated through a pilot with 20-30 schemes for
which this information will be collected as a proof of concept. Please note that the task will be
limited to merely collection of beneficiary information. All other processes such as processing
of beneficiary information, collection of feedback and collation of feedback data is outside of
the scope of the TORs.
3. Scope of Work
3.1 The firm is expected to perform the following core activities during the course of this:
a) Requirements Analysis:
(i) The firm will conduct a thorough needs assessment by conducting detailed
stakeholder consultations, system reviews and analysis of existing reporting
practices to develop scope and requirements, documents to map process flows,
define data requirements and reporting formats, develop common performance
indicators and specific milestones for monitoring of physical progress of
development projects/ schemes.

(ii) The firm should produce a scope document that translates these into system
requirements for development of the Mobile application, the ADP dashboard and a
framework for collection of beneficiary numbers. The scope document will contain
application wireframes, system flows, forms, report templates and dashboard
mock-ups. Please refer to Annex 2 and 3 for sample dashboard flow, structure
and mock-ups for clarity on what the application and dashboard should look
b) Development/Customization of Mobile Application:
(i) The firm will develop an application for the P&DD MEC field monitoring form
(the FVR) either by developing a customized application or through an open

The beneficiary feedback information model refers to a system of acquiring citizen/beneficiary feedback on
performance of projects via contacting beneficiaries on their cell numbers either through SMS or call. The collected
feedback may then be presented in the form of charts, diagram, graphs, and pictorial visualization as per the
departments requirements. The first step of this process is acquiring beneficiary cell phone numbers.
The data collection requirements will be defined by the Government

source platform. The application should be dynamic enough to cater to all the
requirements of the department.
(ii) The basic functionality required by the application is as follows:
Take pictures(atleast 40 pictures for each scheme)
Record geo-location
Record date and time stamps
Be able to enter data with various types of fields like text, numeric, drop
downs, radio buttons etc.
Capture data and work in both online and offline modes if connectivity is not
Should be able to map the existing monitoring plan for department staff.
c) Development of ADP Management Dashboard:
(i) The firm is expected to draw on the requirement analysis to develop a web-based
(ii) The firm is expected to draw from and integrate multiple data sources to fulfill the
reporting requirements project profile of each development scheme with unique
ID, milestones, risks and financial targets; data received from the mobile application
used by the P&DD MEC; data recorded on financial progress for each scheme
under PIFRA; reports on physical progress against milestones updated by executing
agencies; construction quality reports for selected schemes through a separate
government initiative and beneficiary feedback received against certain selected
N.B: For details on a sample reporting flow and dashboard structure, please see
Annex 2 and 3. Note that each stakeholder will have a specific role in the
development, operation and maintenance of the dashboard. Finance Department
and AG Sindh will collaborate with P&DD for integration of PIFRA with the
dashboard; Planning and Development department will work with the consultant
to provide scheme profiles which the consultant will develop further by defining
generic milestones; Executing agencies will update scheme profiles with risks and
financial targets and provide periodic progress against related milestones and
timelines; MEC cell will submit monitoring information through the smartphone;
Call Center will regularly provide beneficiary feedback information.
(iii) The firm must carefully define unique identifiers for each of the ADP scheme
and clearly specify how analysis will be carried forward across years given
N.B: Currently ADP schemes are not uniquely identified (by numbers) across
years. Each ADP scheme is however assigned a unique name. This exercise is to
be done in collaboration with MEC Cell.
(iv) The firm is expected to produce a fully completed online dashboard for the
departments of works and services, irrigation, education and health over the course
of 18 months (during the requirements analysis stage, the firm will define generic
milestones for each scheme type against which physical progress can be measured
for these departments only)
(v) The dashboard will have the following features:
Data input/upload modules that cater to the respective roles assigned to
various departments. Inputs should be enabled through web based forms.


Uploads should allow users to enter data by uploading pre-specified

formats and columns through text, excel or csv files.
Should be able to allow creation of more dashboards through assigning user
roles by logins and passwords.
Online interface aggregating different reports with multiple indicators
accessible through user logins
Access controls to allow data entry, uploading files, submitting inputs,
administrative and viewing rights to various management tiers
Tabs to allow access to different reports with granularity linked to reported
data Province, District, Sector, Project, Staff Member etc.
Storage of all raw data in tables as per the required reporting formats
Visualizations to show data in aggregated tables, charts/graphs (pie, bar,
line, stacked etc) and integration with Google maps to show location based
data details
Rule based visualization indices creating color coding based on data range
definitions (e.g. Red below X%, yellow below Y%, green above Z% etc.)
integrated with graphs and maps
Heat maps based on rules applied to data values/ranges
Target benchmarking through visualizations to enable quick views of
achievement and deficits through regular tracking
Be able to develop basic project plans based on milestones entered in the
Aggregation options to report data/indicators over customizable time
Integrate results of beneficiary feedback received from various channels
like SMS, Web and/or Phones and display integrated results for different
views as required e.g. project, sector, district etc.
Options to export raw data in standardized formats like MS Excel / CSV
Conversion of dashboard reports to PDF documents maintaining visual and
data formats
Email functionality to auto generate reports and mail PDF documents to
defined circulation lists

Strategy and pilot for collection of beneficiary numbers:

(i) On the basis of its understanding of all stakeholders involved, the firm must
suggest the most sustainable and cost effective method for collection of beneficiary
numbers through which beneficiary feedback can be collected.
(ii) The firm must pilot this approach for a selected 30-40 schemes as a proof of


Deployment of Servers, Databases and Back-end Services:

(i) The firm is expected to setup and deploy cloud based servers hosting the back-end
architecture (web services and database etc.) to receive, store, sort, use and archive
data ensuring 99% uptime and complete data backup ensuring security features of
(ii) The firm is also expected to deploy servers/back-end infrastructure and technology
platforms to host and manage the data coming in from various systems, uploaded
by users and analytics created for the dashboard.


Procurement of small hardware:

(i) Procurement of 40 Android Phones/tablets for the Field Monitors of P&DD along
with SIMs for phone connectivity (for specifications, refer to Annex 4);
(ii) Procurement of 150 Android phones for executing agencies to pilot collection of
information on various process and quality indicators along with SIMS-, and
monthly running cost with adequate data transfer cost, for phone connectivity (for
specifications, refer to Annex 4);
(iii) Advise the departments, with three departments chosen for the pilots, to define the
data collection requirements (format, personnel, frequency etc), finalize and help
with the execution, and finalize the dashboard requirements;
(iv) Provide remote trouble solving help to government officials using the new system
of smart phones;
(v) Procurement of 20 laptop machines for P&DD MEC for deployment in the field
(for specifications, refer to Annex 5).


Capacity Building of Monitoring & Evaluation Cell and Executive Agencies

(i) The firm will conduct trainings comprising of workshops and hands-on trainings
on usage of mobile application for field officers and dashboard management for all
implementing stakeholders.
(ii) The training will involve Monitoring and Evaluation cell, P&D for using mobile
application and geo tagging of schemes and executive agencies for
entering/updating project related information on the dashboard though online login
and any other staff that requires training. There will be at least 30 officials of M&E
cell and about 300 officials of four executive agencies/departments at provincial
and district level which the firm will train, over a minimum of 20 trainings, at the
district locations (26 districts). The departments include (i) Works and Services
Department (Roads & Buildings), (ii) Education Department (Education Works),
(iii) Irrigation, and (iv) Local Government, Rural Development and Public Health
Engineering Department.
Training/Workshop Content
Field Monitors (MOs) + Usage of mobile application on the phone to fill
departmental staff - 30
out and send monitoring forms and general smart
phone usage like managing data connections over
GPRS/EDGE, wifi, settings etc.
P&DD Department/ IT Staff Transfer of knowledge on use and customization
of mobile application, server and database
management of the deployed system, dashboard
code and development and trouble shooting
P&DD Department/ IT Use of the ADP management dashboard for
Staff 5
accessing and understanding reported data,
managing internal and external
organizing review meetings
Staff Use of management dashboard for updating
(PDs/XEN) 300
project profile, understanding project milestones
development and project management methods,
recording reviews at relevant intervals.

(iii) The firm is also expected to develop a training manual with step-by-step description
and system/application screenshots for future reference of new staff coming on

Support and Maintenance:

(i) The firm is expected to provide complete support and trouble-shooting for the
deployed application, servers and dashboards to remove all bugs and ensure
(ii) The firm will also liaise with the telecom operator(s) and the government
counterpart regarding billing issues and provide telephonic support to field users for
day-to-day troubleshooting of mobile application and billing issues.

4. Methodology
4.1 The firm is expected to work in close liaison with MEC, P&DD, all concerned executive
agencies, ERU, Finance representatives to understand requirements, discuss proposed solutions
and carry out extensive quality assurance for deliverables. The firm is also required to make
frequent visits to the respective offices to conduct meetings and discussions for inputs and
review as and when required.
5. Deliverables
5.1 Deliverables from this assignment are as follows:

Scope Document: Should include a complete report on requirements/needs

analysis including but not limited to reporting requirements of all stakeholders
involved including detailed requirements for integration of dashboard with PIFRA
and other data sources, wireframes of mobile application for P&DD MEC,
reporting formats and flows for the ADP dashboard, defined generic milestones for
each scheme type and suggested approach for collection of beneficiary feedback.


To develop a complete mechanism and procedure for defining unique ADP

identifiers along with a demonstration of how it is to be merged and executed in
Planning & development Department.


Development of Mobile Application as per requirements of P&DD.


Development of ADP Dashboard as per specification defined in 3 (c) in three

phases: Phase I will cover the basic structure of the dashboard with reporting
structure for different landing pages. Phase II will involve developing detailed
reports, visualizations and other functionalities as detailed in Scope of Work
(above) with all code and documentation for at least 1 department. Phase III will
involve developing detailed reports, visualizations and other functionalities as
detailed in Scope of Work (above) with all code and documentation for at least 4


Pilot for collection of beneficiary numbers for 30-40 schemes.


Deployment of Cloud Based Server Application hoisting back end architecture and
also deploy servers/back end infrastructure as desired in the scope of work.


Procurement of laptops, mobile phones, SIMs and data connectivity for use by
government field staff

(viii) Training Workshops: Training of all stakeholders for smartphone monitoring and
dashboard usage for 4 different departments Support and Maintenance for the term
of the project. On-going training and refresher trainings to be provided as and
when needed.

Handing over of all source code documentation and transfer of knowledge to the
IT team of P&DD.


Providing complete support and maintenance of the systems as specified in the

scope of work.

6. Timing and Inputs

The contract will be for duration of 18th months starting August 2015.
Expected Start of Project: August 2015
Term of Project: 18 months from start of project
Milestone/ Month (after
Requirements Analysis /
Scope Document
Development of complete
mechanism and procedure
for unique identification
of ADP Schemes
Development of mobile
application and testing
Deployment of
Monitoring Forms on
phones and Setting up
Deployment of Cloud
Based Server Application
Procurement of Android
Phones and laptops
Training of Field Staff for
mobile application use.
Training Manuals for each
training developed as per
audience type
Roll-out of mobile-based
Dashboard Phase
I(Development of
dashboard with integration
of all data sources and
basic maps, charts and
Dashboard Phase II (Fully
functional 1 department
with all reports,
performance milestones
and other indicators)
Dashboard Phase III
(Fully functional for 4
Pilot for collection of
beneficiary numbers
Support and Maintenance
Training for Other
Staff/refresher trainings

9 10









7. Deliverables, activities, dates and payments



1. Scope Document for


Stakeholder Consultations
Development of report templates and mock-ups
Document review and finalization
Development of a system that defines unique identifiers
to each ADP scheme

2. Development of
complete mechanism and
procedure for ADP unique
identification tool
2. Development of
Dashboard Phase I
4. Deployment of Mobile
Data Collection System

5. Development of
Training Manual and
workshops for field staff
6. Dashboard Phase II

Deployment of servers and Development of dashboard

with integration of all data sources and basic maps,
charts and tables
Deployment of Cloud Based Server Application and back
end server.
Monitoring form development
Installation of mobile application on phones and setting
up of forms
Testing of forms and data collection through aggregate
Roll-out of mobile application
Development, review and finalization of training manual
with screen shots
Training workshops for all stakeholders for 4 departments
Fully functional 1 department with all reports,
visualizations, performance milestones and other
indicators along with access systems






7. Dashboard Phase III

Fully functional 4 departments with all reports,

visualizations, performance milestones and other
indicators along with access systems


8. Pilot for collection of

beneficiary numbers

A data collection system for beneficiary numbers based

on requirement analysis followed by a pilot of 30-40
selected schemes in a department


9. IT Staff Training

Continuous training and transfer of knowledge/code to

Department IT Staff
Support and maintenance of servers, dashboards, hosting
etc. and telephonic support to field users throughout the
term of the project


10. Support and




Requirements for Expression of Interest

The applicant firm will be required to provide the following information as part of the proposal:


The firms experience in conducting similar kinds of requirement analyses and

development of online dashboards. Only best 5 relevant experiences with detailed scope
of work carried out should be submitted.
Any relevant and recent development of a government online dashboard that integrated
multiple data sources along with its analysis.
A brief description of a proposed work plan strategy.
Resumes for key personnel expected to be involved in the project along with team
composition. Each resume should contain only best 5 relevant experiences.
Three reference certificates from clients focusing on the quality of work and completion
of deliverables.
Audited Financial Statements for last 3 years.


Annex 1: P&DD Sample Monitoring Reports



Annex 2: Proposed flow and Structure


Annex 3: Dashboard Mock-ups

Home screen


Project Profile Creation Inputs


Project page:


Monitoring by MEC cell:

Summary View:


Annex 4: Specification of Android Phones

Full-HD Quad Core


151.2 x 79.2 x 8.3 mm


168 g


Talk time up to 21 hrs

Stand-by up to 420 hrs 30 min
3200 mAh
Android OS, v4.3 (Jelly Bean)


32/64GB built-in, 3GB RAM, microSD card (supports up to 64GB)


Quad-core 2.3 GHz Krait 400 (LTE model)/ Quad-core 1.9 GHz Cortex A15 &
Quad-core 1.3 GHz Cortex-A7 (3G model), Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 Chipset
Bluetooth v4.0 with A2DP, LE, EDR, USB, WLAN (Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, dualband, DLNA, Wi-Fi Direct, Wi-Fi hotspot), GPRS Class 12 (48 kbps), EDGE,
3G (HSDPA 42 Mbps, HSUPA), LTE, Cat4, 50 Mbps UL, 150 Mbps DL
1080 x 1920 pixels, 5.7 inches, Sensors: Accelerometer, gyro, proximity,
compass, barometer, temperature, humidity, gesture

Display Size
Display Colour
Frequency / Band
3G Band

Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors, Multitouch

GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
HSDPA 850 / 1900 / 2100

4G Band

LTE 700 / 1900 / 2100




Black, White, Pink


Stereo FM radio with RDS, 3.5mm audio jack,

MP4/DivX/XviD/WMV/H.264/H.263 player, MP3/WAV/eAAC+/AC3/FLAC
player, Dropbox (50 GB storage), TV-out (via MHL A/V link), SNS integration,
YouTube, Google Talk, Picasa integration, Games (built-in + downloadable)


16 MP, 3456 X 4608 pixels, optical image stabilization, autofocus, LED flash,
Dual Shot, Simultaneous HD video and image recording, geo-tagging, touch
focus/smile detection, panorama, HDR, Video 2160p@30fps, 1080p@60fps,
optical stabilization, dual-video rec, 2ndary (3.7MP), 1440p

Other Features

GPS + A-GPS support & GLONASS, GPU, S Pen stylus, Active noise
cancellation with dedicated mic, Air gestures, Document editor (Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, PDF), Google Search, Maps, Gmail, Voice memo/dial/commands,
Predictive text input (Swype), YouTube, Calendar, Speakerphone

Ring Tones

Downlaodable, Polyphonic, MP3, WAV


SMS(threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Mail, IM, RSS


Annex 5: Specification for Laptops

S.NO. Article Description
Lap Top Core i7


1.8GHz or higher processor,

4th Gen
2.4 GHz or above0
SSD 256 GB or higher
8GB RAM or more
1TB or more Hard Disk
15.6 LED/LCD color display
LAN, WiFi, Blue Tooth
Licensed Windows OS
Window 8.1, 64-bit
1 Year Local Warranty


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