c916 - Tunnel Aip

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MCCONNELL pes CREATIVE CONSTRUCTION™ McConnell Dowell SEA Pte Ltd Land Transport §Q Authority Singapore CONTRACT 916 - DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF STATION AT BEAUTY WORLD AND TUNNELS FOR DOWNTOWN LINE STAGE 2 Project No. 7993 Approval In Principle — AIP Design Brief —- Bored Tunnel And Cross Passages Document No.: 916/DOC/DES/TUN/4401 DAR No.: 916/AIP/0004 HOME WITHOUT HARM en aT Revision History Rov | Date Description Prepared | By | Approved 42. June 09 | Issued For Approval Geo | ccH PTH Land Transport §Q Authority Contract 916 — Design and Construction of Station At Beauty World and Tunnels for Downtown Line 2 Approval-in-Principle Document (AIP) Design Brief - Bored Tunnel and Cross Passages Prepared by: GEOCONSULT ASIA SINGAPORE a) er OSKAR SIGL McCONNELL DOWELL Shenros’ ~ | 05/06/2009 | First Issue Rev, | Date, Descciption Document No: 916/DOC/DES/TUN/4401 Revision - Job: $4915 File: _ Wawo0_jobW9\15.C916-BTITECH-DOC Reports AIP\Tunnels\Rev.1916-DES-4401_R-_AIP Tun.doc DOWNTOWN LINE 2- CONTRACT C916 Revision - Design Brief - Bored Tunnel and Cross Passages Page 1 of 34 Table of Contents 0 REVISION RECORD... 4 INTRODUCTION. 2 SITE DETAILS..... saensenceseeasnvanenne sssvanssaseeonnsenaee 3 PROPOSED STRUCTURE. 4 DESIGN CRITERIA... 4.1 Standards & Codes of Practice... 42 computer programs 4.3. design parameters... 434 Precast Concrete... 43.2 — Shoterete (temporary) 4.3.3 Sprayed Concrete (permanent). 434 — Bar Reinforcement... 4.3.5 Structural Steel WOK... 43.6 — Geotechnical Parameters & Groundwater Levels... 210 Ce amsenaneninenenguennienel 441 General LOadS....cnesnnnnenne aha a 10 4.42 — Second Tunnel 2A)... 4 4.4.3 Additional Distortion (AD)... oA 4.44 — Other Loads Considered for Bored Tunnel Segment Design “ 45 Load combinations... 12 48 Load factors 5 LIMIT STATES AND SAFETY FACTORS 51 flotation and heave of tunnels... 5.4 Uplift due to Water Pressue .cuemonnnn 13 5.1.2 Heave of Relatively Shallow Tunnels in Clay..e.o.nnon 7 14 52 Ulimate Limit State (ULS).....0 AB 53 Serviceabiity Limit State (SLS).... 18 6 ‘SEGMENT DESIGN.. nanan 61 safety factors for segment design os 15 ‘Job No. 54915, Gooconeuit Asia Singapore ‘0810872008 Paget DOWNTOWN LINE 2~ CONTRACT CO16 Revision - Design Brief - Bored Tunnel and Gross Passages Page 2 of 34 6.141 Ultimate Limit State (ULS) sane 6.4.2 Servicebilty Limit State (SLE)... 16 62 Design Approach ~ Permanent Stages... 16 6.21 Static Lining ForceS...0. taal 16 622 Design for Moments and Axial Force. 16 6.2.3 Distortional Loading Coefficient... 16 6.2.4 Additional Distortion BS 7 62.5 Design of Radial Joints, : sone 62.6 — Grouting Loads... nn NB 627 Fire Loading 18 628 Crack Contro! nA 62.9 Grooves. 18 62.10 Minimum Concrete Cover to Reinforcement Steel. AB 62.11 Minimum Percentage of Steel Reinforcement... 7 18 6.3 Design Approach — temporary Stages ...nnsnnen 18 6.3.1 Handling Fores nn seve 632 Design of Circumferential Joints : oe 63.3. Effects of Shield Shoving... 63.4 Secondary Grouting Loads... 635 Bolts 63.6 — Waterproofing... 7 NATM TUNNEL DESIGN.... 7A 72 7.3 loads factors. 7.4 Load combinations... 7.5 Distortional Loading Coefficient... 78 Materials. ae sored 7.7 structural design... 7.8 face stably... 7.9 Permanent Lining 7.40 Water profing.... 8 ‘STRUCTURALIGEOTECHNICAL ANALYSIS .. vi se ‘Job No. 84845 ‘Geoconsult Asia Singapore os712008 Page? DOWNTOWN LINE 2— CONTRACT C816 Revision - Design Brief - Bored Tunnel and Cross Passages Page 3 of 34 84 bored tunnel segmental lining...... sssnneenesee RD 82 NATM tunnels........ 24 B21 Ground Structure Interaction...... eet 9 GROUND MOVEMENT... 91 general ..... 25 92 Methodology. 93 Volume Loss... 93.1 General 94 Assessment of Settiemer 94.1 Settlement Trough....... 9.4.2 Ribbon Sink Assumption a sevnnsanenens rneeeenee RB 9.4.3 Slopes & Horizontal Strains 10 IMPACT OF GROUND MOVEMENT ON ADJACENT STRUCTURES 10.1 Initial Assessment : : sn 8 10.2 Detailed Assessment... 10.2.1 Slopes & Horizontal Strains .............. 10.2.2 Angular Distortion : : 29 10.2.3 Calculation of Strains in Structures... 10.2.4 Classification of Damage ..... i 1 DEPARTURE FROM DESIGN CRITERIA AND SPECIFICATION .. 42 REFERENCE: APPENDIX: Appendix 1: Geotechnical Design Parameters as per GBIR Appendix 2: Typical Excavation Sequence for Cross Passages {ob No. 84616 Geoconsul Asa Singapore o5r2008 Pages DOWNTOWN LINE 2 ~ CONTRACT C916 Revision - Design Brief - Bored Tunnel and Cross Passages Page 4 of 34 0 REVISION RECORD Revision Description of Amendments Date - First Issue og/og/2008 File, W:\wo0_job\49\15-C916-BTYTECH-DOC\Reports\AIP\Tunnels\Rev.-\916-DES-4401_F ‘Job No, 84916 Geoconsult Asia Singapore ‘516/20 08 Page + DOWNTOWN LINE 2- CONTRACT C916 Revision - Design Brief - Bored Tunnel and Cross Passages. Page 5 of 34 1 INTRODUCTION This document represents the basis for the design of the bored tunnels and cross passages within Contract 916 of the Downtown Line 2. This design statement describes: * Design parameters * Loads and load combinations * Limit states to consider in the design + Safety factors * Segment design * Tunnel design for cross passages * Assessment of ground movements and construction impacts on adjacent structures, The design of all permanent structures follows the limit state design philosophy considering ultimate (ULS) and serviceability (SLS) limit states. All structures are to be designed considering durability requirements imposed by the specified design life of 100 years and the exposure conditions. Durability aspects will be covered in the durability assessments for each structure. 2 SITE DETAILS Contract C916 comprises of the construction of twin bored tunnels between the station at Beauty World and Blackmore. The total length of each of the twin bored tunnels will be approximately 1.0 km. The overall site plan of Downtown line phase 2 is presented in Figure 2-1 below. Figure 2-1: Layout Pian of Downtown Line Phase 2 ‘Job No. 84915, Geoconsult Asia Singapore osnsrz008 Page 5 DOWNTOWN LINE 2 - CONTRACT C916 Revision - ” Design Brief - Bored Tunnel and Gross Passages Page 6 of 34 3 PROPOSED STRUCTURE ‘As mentioned above, there are total 2 Nos of bored tunnels in C916 contract. Detail information of the proposed structures is present in Table 3-1 below: Table 3-1: C905 Running Tunnels Tem ‘Track tunnels Cross Passages Nos. of Tunnel 2 tubes: 2 Length (approx) 2x 1000m 2.8m from Centre to Centre of bored tune! Tocation From launch shaft to Blackmore] Chainage Station (C917) ‘Arrangement Horiz. separated with) Between bored tannel ining Northbound and Southbound] CP2 with pump sump track ‘Depth below Ground ‘1em~Zam(Northbound track) | CP-1: 22m (approx,) ‘6m~24m (Southbound track) | CP-2: 23m ‘Construction Method TEM with active face support] NATMISCL (Slurry) intemal RadiusiSize (Typ) | 2.8m Zam Material Precast segmental lining (6*1] Temporary support: shotcrete key segment Permanent ining: Cast insity and/or SCL, Table 3-2: Adjacent Important Structures Zone 1 [Bukit Timah Sevenmie Flyover, PIE Flyover Zone 2 [Malaysian Railway Bridge - KTM The pre-cast concrete segmental lining forms the final support of the bored tunnel and is installed inside the shield of the TBM, as the tunnel excavation progresses. The void between the lining and the ground is continuously filled with grout at the shield tall The segmental ining system consists of five (5) large plus one (1) key segment forming a ring of 5.8m internal diameter and 1.4m width. The segments are bolted together during erection by a total number of 23 boits per ring (11 at circumferential and 12 at radial joints). The segments will be furnished with Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) gaskets as well as hydrophilic seals. The seals will be attached to all four joint faces. The proposed arrangement of segments and further segment details are shown on respective design drawings. The NATM tunnels will be supported during the construction stage by shotcrete (either wet mix or dry mix) and are reinforced by wire mesh or steel fibres. In addition, steel lattice girders, forepoting, spiting or rock bolts or, based on the actual ground conditions by @ combination of all of the above will be used to support the ground during ‘Job No. $4915 Geoconsult Asia Singapore ‘051062008 Pages DOWNTOWN LINE 2~ CONTRACT C916 Revision - Design Brief - Bored Tunnel and Cross Passages Page 7 of 34 excavation. These ground support measures will form the temporary lining for primary & initial ground support during construction. The final and permanent lining will be installed within the primary temporary ground ‘support lining as either, cast insitu structure, or permanent SCL sprayed conorete lining (SCL), un-reinforced or reinforced by rebars, wire mesh or steel fibres. Water proofing will be achieved between the temporary and the permanent lining by using either, a conventional waterproofing membrane, a spray-applied waterproofing membrane or water tight cast in-situ concrete. 4 DESIGN CRITERIA a4 STANDARDS & CODES OF PRACTICE All design work shall comply with the appropriate current Singapore Standards and Codes of Practice (PSB / BSI) as specified in the design Documents / Design Criteria. Where there are different criteria for design stated in the Contract Document, Standart, Codes of Practice or relevant statutory regulations, the most onerous shall In line with the specifications, following standards / codes of practice shall be followed, ‘as applicable. Any other relevant codes of practice shall be referenced, as and when necessary. + C916 LTA Givil Design Criteria Revision AS, (LTA CDC A6) + SSCP 65 (1999) Structural Use of Concrete (Part 1 & 2). © BS8110 (1985) Structural Use of Concrete. + BS6399 (1996) Design Loading for Buildings (Part 1). Dead, Imposed Loads. ‘+ BS5950 (2000) Structural Use of Steelwork in Buildings (Part 1). © SS.CP4: 2003 Foundations. © SSCP73: 1998 Design of Concrete Structures for Retaining Aqueous Liquids, © BS5400 (1978) ‘Specification for Loads (Part 1) Steel, Concrete and Composite Bridges (Part 2). Composite Version: Specifications for Loads (RL Loading). CP for Design of Stee! Bridge (Part 3) CP for Design of Concrete Bridges (Part 4) CP for Design of Composite Bridges (Part 5) Bridge Bearing (Part 9) CP for Fatigue (Part 10) + BS5930 Site Investigation * Bs6031 Earthworks “ob No. $4815 ‘Geoconsuit Asla Singapore ‘0510672008 Page? DOWNTOWN LINE 2- CONTRACT C916 Design Brief - Bored Tunnel and Cross Passages. Revision - Page 8 of 34 = BS8002: 1994 © SSCPt8: 1992 * CPRP 2004 * LTA Earth Retaining Structures. Earthworks Code of Practice for Railway Protection. Standard for Fire Safety in Rapid Transit Systems * Singapore Building Control Regulation 2003 edition In addition, some design theories are based on geotechnical/tunnelling expert's published paper, which is listed in the reference. 4.2 COMPUTER PROGRAMS: ‘The main computer program packages that are used for the design are listed as follows, Staad-Pro/Strap 2/3Dgeneral structural analysis program Beam-D Design and analysis program for reinforced concrete slab and beam systems PLAXISIFLAC 2D or 3D Finite element code for soil and rock analyses Excel Spreadsheet In-house spread sheets to facilitate various design checks 43 DESIGN PARAMETERS 43.1 Precast Concrete Table 4-1: Pre-cast Concrete ‘Characteristic strength, min. grade C60 fu= 60 Nimmé Modulus of elasticity (short-term) Ese = 32 000 Némm* Modulus of elasticity (long-term) Ese= 20.000 Némm= Modulus of Elasticity may be reduced to not less than 0.8 Ess in accordance with BS 8110, Part 2 Ref,[12] to allow for creep Poisson ratio v= 0.20 Lining intemal diameter 5,800mm Lining thickness (preferred value, 275mm ‘subject to final design) ‘Job No. 86915 ‘Geoconsult Asia Singapore 05/06/2008 DOWNTOWN LINE 2~ CONTRACT co16 Revision - Design Brief - Bored Tunnel and Cross Passages Page 8 of 34 4.3.2 Shoterete (temporary) Table 4-2: Shotcrete Characteristic strength, min. grade C30 fea = 30 Nim? Modulus of elasticity (short-term) loading Exe = 20.000 Nimm= ld shotorete Modulus of elasticity (long-term) Exe = 10000 Nimm® Poisson ratio v= 025 43.3 Sprayed Concrete (permanent) Table 4-3: Sprayed Concrete Characteristic strength, min, grade C35 fay = 35 Nim? Modulus of elasticity (short-term) loading = 20 000 Nimm= ‘ld sprayed concrete ‘Modulus of elasticity (long-term) E,.= 10000 Nimm= Poisson ratio v= 0.25 4.3.4 Bar Reinforcement Table 4-4: Rebar reinforcement High yleld deformed steel, Ref.[12], Ref.[18]: Characteristic strength f= 460 Nim ‘Modulus of elasticity E, = 205 000 Nimm* Hot rolted mild round steel, Ref.[12], Ref.{15] : Characteristic strength 4, = 250 Nimm= Modulus of elasticity E, = 205 000 Nimm* 4.3.5 Structural Steel work Table 4-5: Steel Work Steel Grade $275 [16] Characteristic strength y= 275 Nimm? Modulus of elasticity E, = 205 000 Nimm# Stee! Grade $355 [16] Characteristic strength y= 365 Nim? Modulus of elasticity E, = 205 000 Nimm? “Job No, 84945 Geoconsult Asla Singapore ‘57067008 DOWNTOWN LINE 2- CONTRACT C916 Revision - Design Brief - Bored Tunnel and Cross Passages Page 10 of 34 4.3.6 Geotechnical Parameters & Groundwater Levels The design of all structures will be based on the design parameters and groundwater levels presented in the Geotechnical Interpretative Baseline Report - Ref. [1]. ‘Overburden and tunnel separation between the alignment axes was derived from the alignment provided with the LTA working documents. Although several groundwater levels were studied in accordance with Ref [4], generally lower water pressures are more conservative for tunnel lining design. In areas where the tunnel face will be in mixed soil conditions the soil E-modulus was determined as a weighted average. For table with design parameters refer to Appendix 1. 44 Loaps This section summarises general loads to be considered for the design of bored tunnels and NATM tunnels, If for particular structures or conditions loads deviating from those specified herein are used the related assumptions will be given in the respective design reports. The loads specified in this Section are characteristic or nominal loads in accordance with SSCP 65, Ref[10] and reference to the relevant Clauses of BS 8110, Part 1, Ref.[12], which are categorised as follows: * Dead load (G) ‘+ Imposed Load (Q) + Hydrostatic load (H) * Earth load (E) ‘+ Excavation of second bored tunnel (2T) * Additional distortion (AD) 4.4.1 General Loads Dead Loads (6) For the calculation of dead loads the following unit weights y apply: Table 4-6: Dead Loads Material Unit weight Reinforced concrete = 24.0 kNim* ‘Mass concrete = 24.0 kNIm= Shotcrete and Sprayed y= 26.0 KNim® Concrete Stee! = 78.5 kNim* Soil mass Use values as per geotechnical design parameters or the following value if other information is nat available: teat 19.0 KNie?| “Job No. 54815 ‘Geoconsult Asia Singapore 057062000 Page 10 DOWNTOWN LINE 2- CONTRACT C916 Revision - Design Brief - Bored Tunnel and Gross Passages Page 11 of 34 Imposed Loads (Q) General Surcharge Load (21) Nominal ground surface surcharge of 75kN/m* is considered in the structural design for bored tunnel segment. 20 kN/m* is adopted in the temporary works sprayed shotcrete lining design. 25KN/m? is adopted in the permanent works of cross passage design. Hydrostatic Loads (H) The upper or lower bound of the groundwater level is taken into account in deriving hydrostatic loads, whichever is more critical for the structure or condition being ‘considered. The following values are considered: = Upper bound: 0m below ground = Lower bound: Sm below ground - Flood level: 1m above ground — Earth Loads (E) Soil Overburden / Vertical Earth Pressure (E1) In general, full overburden loads will be considered for the design of permanent structures. For temporary structures the earth pressure considered may be less than the full overburden. Situations that justify the assumption of less than the full overburden pressure will be explained in respective design reports. Lateral Earth Pressure (£2) For permanent structures in general, lateral earth pressures are derived assuming at- rest condition in order to derive maximum lateral loading. For the structural design of circular segmental linings, however, this may not be conservative, Due to the nature of a structure high lateral pressures are unconservative. Therefore, Ko values as presented in LTA CDC Table 7.2 are used. 4.4.2 Second Tunnel (27) During the passage of the second tunnel the tunnel lining installed first experiences a eduction on lateral pressure as the face pressures is lower than the overburden pressure. This load case is considered by reducing the design Ke values accordingly. 443 Additional Distortion (AD) In accordance with the requirements of Ref [4] an additional distortion of +/- 15mm on diameter shall be applied in order to allow for future developments along the tunnel alignment. This load case is considered by factoring (factor<0 > reducing) the design Ky values ‘such that a 15mm distorfional deflection, compared to factor = 1.0 is achieved. 44.4 Other Loads Considered for Bored Tunnel Segment Design + Load due fo compression of EPDM gaskets and hydrophilic seals + Demoulding © Stacking © Handling “ob No. 84915, ‘Geoconsult Asia Singapore s/e6r2008 Page 11 DOWNTOWN LINE 2~ CONTRACT C916 Revision - Design Brief - Bored Tunnel and Cross Passages Page 12 of 34 + TBM shoving (Q3) * Tail void grouting (4) © Secondary grouting + Fire Load ‘+ Intemal Loads 45 Loab COMBINATIONS The segments are designed for combinations of loads listed in Section 4.4 likely to occur together such that most unfavourable conditions are covered. Load factors given in Section 4.6 and Section 6.1 apply. ions are basically selected in accordance with table 7.1 of Ref4]. al table 7.1 as per Ref.[4] has been expanded to below 9 cases. ‘Table 4-7: Load cases # Load ~ [Overburden] Groundwater | Surcharge | 2""Tunnel] Distortion Combination 1 Let | Full Lower bound | Yes No None 2 icta | Ful Lowerbound | No No None 3 LCtb | Full Lower bound _| Yes Yes, None 4 uc2 | Ful Upper bound | Yes No None 3 le2a | Full Upper bound | No No None 6 tc2b | Full ‘Upper bound | Yes Yes None T tes | Full Flood level | No Yes None a tca | Ful Lower bound | Yes Yes. Yes Coad combination for sprayed shoterete lining design is presented in section 7.4, 46 Loap FacToRS General load factors as outlined below will be considered for the design of bored tunnels, Ref[12]. Table 4-8:Load cases Loading Ultimate Limit State | Serviceability Limit State | Condition Earth Pressure 14 1.0, Water Pressure 129) 10 Surcharge 16 10 Ram Load 18 NIA Handling Load NA 10 Grout Load 18 NA Note: ) In numerical analyses where water pressures are considered together with earth pressures and where separation of both influences is difficult, the factor for earth pressures may be applied to the combined action. This is conservative. ob No. 84948, ‘Geoconsult Aska Singapore 08/08/2008 Page 12 DOWNTOWN LINE 2 - CONTRACT C916 Revision - Design Brief - Bored Tunnel and Cross Passages: Pago 13 of 34 5 LIMIT STATES AND SAFETY FACTORS 64 FLOTATION AND HEAVE OF TUNNELS BAA Uplift due to Water Pressue Where tunnels are relatively shallow, they should be checked for flotation. due to differential water pressure. The design method is indicated in Figure 7.1 of LTA Design Criteria, Ref [4] and copied here as Figure Figure 5-1. Overall safety factor = ae 12 Where: R......restraining force considering weight and shear resistance of soil U......net uplift force considering weight of tunnel In deriving the restraining and uplift force, the following partial safety factors need to be considered: ‘Table 5-1: Factors using in flotation checking Saif weight of tunnel 7.05 ‘Average shear resistance along planes of 2.00 failure ‘Average weight of ground above tunnel 1.48 {except Estuarine clay) Estuarine clay (above tunnel) 1.35 Uplift U= ye 2D? -W 4 where jy = specie weight of water W = saif weight of tunnel (See Cause 7.54.9 below) 1D = outside diameter of tunnel Restraining ForceR= YD (hy + D - xD) 2 8 + wD (Hf) + feline where yf = submerged weight of sil Ye = bulk wht of so 5 = average shear resistance along 2-3 = 9, for cohesive sols YE Ko v(t + DIZ} tan fer cohesionless soils Figure 6-1: Method for checking fiotation due to differential water pressure ‘Job No. $496 ‘Gooconsut Asia Singapore ‘051062008 Page 13 DOWNTOWN LINE 2~ CONTRACT C916 Revision - Design Brief - Bored Tunnel and Gross Passages Page 14 of 34 5A2 Heave of Relatively Shallow Tunnels in Clay If applicable, relatively shallow tunnels in clay should be checked for heave due to shear failure of the ground at tunnel invert level by the method derived from the base heave analysis after Bjerrum and Eide [26], which is indicated in Figure 7.2 and Figure 7.3 of LTA Design Criteria, Ref [4] and copied here as Figure 5-2 and Figure 5-3 for easy reference. Overall safety factor: > 1.0 when surcharge is applied > 1.2. when surcharge is not considered Partial safety factors for the shear strength and weight of soil, same as section 5.1.1 above. 7 0.254 yor xD) - WD + 9+ 932 be overall factor of safsty bearing capacity factor _erage shear sbengl of sal inthe zone of he funn invert average buk density of soln zone of tamed. _svarage bulk density of aod over depth he | fer t= he where S, is the settlement, Sry is the transverse horizontal displacement, Sne is the longitudinal horizontal displacement, Vs is the volume loss and "ert" is the Gaussian error function given by: 2 te erf(z)=—e fe“ at rE! To derive maximum displacements for a transverse section (final settlement due to tunnelling), the general equation can be simplified by making Xs > -, Xf > +00 and D 0, 80 that: where smax is the maximum settlement where S, is the settlement at the given co-ordinate, The volume per linear meter of the settlement trough is equal to the area of the settlement trough and given by: Ve yal ga2sivs The maximum settlement can thus be calculated for a given volume loss and distance to the inflexion point of the settlement trough as: max, so ee max 25-4 ‘Job No, 84915 ‘Gooconsult Asla Singapore ‘08/06/2008 Page 27 DOWNTOWN LINE 2 ~ CONTRACT cst6 Revision « Design Brief 94.3 10 10.4 = Bored Tunnol and Gross Passages Page 28 of 34 Slopes & Horizontal Strains ‘Slopes and horizontal strains can be obtained by differentiating the vertical and horizontal displacements respectively for the direction being considered as follows: GG horizontal strain for transverse settlement trough ) horizontal strain for longitudinal settiement trough Likewise, slopes are obtained from vertical settlements (S,) as the gradient of transverse or longitudinal settlement trough. slope for transverse settlement trough dS, Ai, Fat slope for longitudinal settlement trough IMPACT OF GROUND MOVEMENT ON ADJACENT STRUCTURES ‘The assessment of the effects of ground movement due to construction of tunnels on ‘adjacent structures is carried out in accordance with LTA CDC as described below. INITIAL ASSESSMENT A initial assessment will be carried out for all structures and services adjacent to the tunnelling works. The initial assessment will be based on empirical methods (see section 9) and the structures and services will be assigned to risk categories as defined in below Table 10-1. Table 10-1: Risk categories for structures, initial assessment Risk Slope Settlement | Description of probable damage Category | induced induced 1 < 1/500 <40mm | Negligible, superficial damage unlikely w 17500 to 1/200 | 1010 50mm | Possible superficial damage which is unlikely to have structural significance Mm 1/200 to 1/50 | 50to75mm | Expected superficial damage to structures, possible structural damage to structures, possible damage to rigid utilities Vv > 1150 >75mm — | Expected structural damage to structures, possible structural damage to structures, expected damage to all utilities Job No. $4915, ‘Gooconsult Asia Singapore 060812008 Page 28 DOWNTOWN LINE 2~ CONTRACT C216 Revision - Design Briet 10.2 - Bored Tunnel and Cross Passages Page 29 of 34 DETAILED ASSESSMENT A detailed assessment will be carried out for the structures and services within risk category Il or higher as determined in the initial assessment of construction impacts. The detailed assessment of potential damage to structures includes the following: * Consider the location of the structure relative to the settlement trough to check relevance of the sagging and hogging zone of the settlement trough. * Calculation of the horizontal strains, bending strains and diagonal strains as well as superposition of the total tensile strains, thereby considering sagging and hogging zone. ‘+ Assessment of the degree of potential damage to structures by checking against limiting tensile strains (see below section 10.2.4). 10.2.1 Slopes & Horizontal Strains Buildings on piles obviously will not experience the same settlements as the adjacent sgreen field ground surface. It appears to be common practice to assume the settlement at the pile heads to be equal to the settlement at a depth corresponding to the lower third point of the pile length. The validity of this approach should however be checked ona case to case basis and adjusted if necessary. 10.2.2 Angular Distortion The angular distortion relevant for assessing its effect on a structure should take into account the local distortion at a particular point of the structure as well as the overall distortion (tit) of the whole structure. Maximum angular distortion is given by: aSv _ ‘span oral Pyar Prorat where: SY an ——2@ ‘is the local distortion (slope) at the considered span (e.g. between columns) ‘span 5° otal ——tatal is the overall distortion (tilt) of the whole structure ‘total 10.2.3 Calculation of Strains in Structures General Assumptions Buildings, when affected by a settlement trough, are assumed to follow the ground displacement at foundation level (see Figure 10-1). The settiement trough consists of a sagging and a hogging zone, which join each other at the point of inflection of the trough curve. The effects of tensile strains upon a structure may be carried out separately for the portions of structure within the sagging and the hogging zone. {ob no, $4918 ‘Geoconsult Asia Singap 08187008 Page 29 DOWNTOWN LINE 2 CONTRACT C816 Revision - Design Brief - Bored Tunnel and Cross Passages Page 30 of 34 HoceINs SAGGING zone : ZONE L i a | Figure 10-1: General Case of a Building affected by a Settlement Trough For buildings the height H is taken as the distance from the foundation level to the eaves. The roof of the building is usually ignored. ‘When assessing potential damage in the sagging and hogging zones, La (length of the building within the sagging zone) and Ly, (length of the building within the hogging zone) should be used respectively. The length of the building need not be considered beyond the limit of the settlement trough, assumed as 2.5 * i (Sw/Smax = 0.044). Strains due to Ground Displacement According to [22], @ building can be idealised as a beam with span L and depth H deforming under a central point load to give a maximum deflection A. For the portion of the building in the hogging zone, it may be assumed that the restraining effect of the foundations lower the level of the neutral axis and may thus be taken to coincide with the bottom of the beam. Then, all strains due to bending are tensile, For the portion of the building in the sagging zone, however, itis reasonable to assume the neutral axis to be located at mid depth of the beam. In this case, bending will induce both tensile and compressive strains. Bending and diagonal strains (due to deflection): Bending strain ¢» is given by: L ‘TE 3st 12-t 2-t-L-H G The diagonal strain eg is given by ‘Job No. $4918 Geoconsult Asia Singapore ‘05/08/2009 Page 30

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