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EDIT Choice of Engine (1st paragraph, last sentence)

The four engines considered were the Rotax 912, Rotax 912S, Rotax 914 and
Rotax 912iS.

EDIT Choice of Engine (2nd paragraph, first sentence)

Since the weight of the engine is a major contributing factor, the Rotax 912 was
found to be the lightest with a total weight of 64.1 kg. The Rotax 912S weighed
approximately 65.4 kg while the Rotax 912iS was the heaviest, weighing 74.9 kg
and the Rotax 914 close at 74.7 kg.

EDIT Choice of Engine (5th paragraph, first sentence)

Having considered all the trade-offs in the engines, it was initially decided that
the microlight would use the Rotax 912iS engine.

ADD Choice of Engine (new 6th paragraph)

Later, we decided to change the engine from the Rotax 912iS to the Rotax 912.
The significant weight reduction of approximately 11 kg was needed in order to
keep the microlight within the set CAA regulations. This however meant that we
had to change from an electric fuel pump to a mechanical one, which added a
small amount of weight relative to that being saved. Also, it was found from the
results obtained from testing the 100hp Rotax 912iS engine initially that the
engine was overpowered, which although is not a problem, meant that it allowed
us to change to a slightly less powerful engine, i.e. the 80hp Rotax 912, and use
its power more efficiently. Another benefit for using the Rotax 912 is that it has
been dominant in the market for a long time and most engine manufacturers and
repairers are familiarised with it, while the 912iS is relatively new and the pilot
might encounter some difficulties in terms of general maintenance support.

ADD To Appendix A2

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