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What is absolute zero ?

Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature. It is the point at
which the atoms of a substance transmit no thermal energy - they
are completely at rest. It is zero degrees on the Kelvin scale, which
translates to -273.15 degrees Celsius or -459.67 degrees
The concept of an "absolute cold" was first presented by Robert
Boyle in his 1665 New Experiments and Observations touching
Cold. Various physicists explored this phenomenon, until Lord
Kelvin derived his thermodynamic temperature scale, extrapolating
backward to absolute zero based purely on the laws of
Some substances, when cooled to near-absolute zero temperatures,
reach a state of matter known as a superfluid and exhibit strange
While scientists can not fully achieve a state of zero heat energy
in a substance, they have made great advancements in achieving
temperatures ever closer to absolute zero (where matter exhibits
odd quantum effects).

Zero Kelvin (-273 Celcius)

can be defined as absolute

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