Lesson 3

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Students were welcomed and

gathered into a circle where the

warm up activity was
introduced: Trees, Toilets and
Traffic Lights.

Students recreated a scenario that the

presented as a freeze frame. Each
group was given two scenes from one
of the following: shopping, beach,
playground, classroom, restaurant, bed,
party and under the sea

Each group presented their

two freeze frames to the rest
of their class and the audience
then had the opportunity to
guess what their scene was

Students are to move around the room

until the teacher calls out either trees,
toilets or traffic lights. Once this
happens, the students must rush to
form whatever is called. Whoever is left
standing is out

Once this was completed

the students sat back
down in a circle for the
Tongue Twister activity

Students were then

organised into groups for
the Real Life Picture activity

Students attempted to mimic

the tongue twisters: Irish Wrist
Watch; Red Leather Yellow
Leather; Toy Boat Toy Boat;
Red Blood Bad Blood

The next challenge was to make a

whole class Real Life Picture. The
scenario was At the Zoo. One at a
time each student entered the
picture and froze in position

The students explained what they

were acting out and the class was
given the challenge to hold their
Real Life Picture for a minute before

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